// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.

package storj

// RedundancyScheme specifies the parameters and the algorithm for redundancy.
type RedundancyScheme struct {
	// Algorithm determines the algorithm to be used for redundancy.
	Algorithm RedundancyAlgorithm

	// ShareSize is the size in bytes for each erasure shares.
	ShareSize int32

	// RequiredShares is the minimum number of shares required to recover a
	// stripe, reed-solomon k.
	RequiredShares int16
	// RepairShares is the minimum number of safe shares that can remain
	// before a repair is triggered.
	RepairShares int16
	// OptimalShares is the desired total number of shares for a segment.
	OptimalShares int16
	// TotalShares is the number of shares to encode. If it is larger than
	// OptimalShares, slower uploads of the excess shares will be aborted in
	// order to improve performance.
	TotalShares int16

// IsZero returns true if no field in the struct is set to non-zero value.
func (scheme RedundancyScheme) IsZero() bool {
	return scheme == (RedundancyScheme{})

// StripeSize is the number of bytes for a stripe.
// Stripes are erasure encoded and split into n shares, where we need k to
// reconstruct the stripe. Therefore a stripe size is the erasure share size
// times the required shares, k.
func (scheme RedundancyScheme) StripeSize() int32 {
	return scheme.ShareSize * int32(scheme.RequiredShares)

// DownloadNodes calculates the number of nodes needed to download in the
// presence of node failure based on t = k + (n-o)k/o.
func (scheme RedundancyScheme) DownloadNodes() int32 {
	extra := int32(1)

	if scheme.OptimalShares > 0 {
		extra = int32(((scheme.TotalShares - scheme.OptimalShares) * scheme.RequiredShares) / scheme.OptimalShares)
		if extra == 0 {
			// ensure there is at least one extra node, so we can have error detection/correction
			extra = 1

	needed := int32(scheme.RequiredShares) + extra

	if needed > int32(scheme.TotalShares) {
		needed = int32(scheme.TotalShares)
	return needed

// RedundancyAlgorithm is the algorithm used for redundancy.
type RedundancyAlgorithm byte

// List of supported redundancy algorithms.
const (
	InvalidRedundancyAlgorithm = RedundancyAlgorithm(iota)