... fix error handling for metadata upload ... fix metadata wrapping ... make sure not to leave any orphaned data when overwriting existing files with Put, Copy or Move ... switch from id01/go-lz4 to pierrec/lz4 ... use klauspost/compress/gzip for gzip ... use ulikunitz/xz for xz ... remove snappy
526 lines
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526 lines
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// Package press provides wrappers for Fs and Object which implement compression.
// This file is the backend implementation for seekable compression.
package press
import (
// Compression modes
const (
Uncompressed = -1
LZ4 = 2
Gzip = 4
XZ = 8
// Errors
var (
ErrMetadataCorrupted = errors.New("metadata may have been corrupted")
// DEBUG - flag for debug mode
const DEBUG = false
// Compression is a struct containing configurable variables (what used to be constants)
type Compression struct {
CompressionMode int // Compression mode
Algorithm Algorithm
BlockSize uint32 // Size of blocks. Higher block size means better compression but more download bandwidth needed for small downloads
// ~1MB is recommended for xz, while ~128KB is recommended for gzip and lz4
HeuristicBytes int64 // Bytes to perform gzip heuristic on to determine whether a file should be compressed
NumThreads int // Number of threads to use for compression
MaxCompressionRatio float64 // Maximum compression ratio for a file to be considered compressible
BinPath string // Path to compression binary. This is used for all non-gzip compression.
// Algorithm is the main compression Algorithm Interface
type Algorithm interface {
GetHeader() []byte
GetFileExtension() string
CompressBlock(in []byte, out io.Writer) (compressedSize uint32, uncompressedSize uint64, err error)
DecompressBlock(in io.Reader, out io.Writer, BlockSize uint32) (n int, err error)
GetFooter() []byte
// NewCompressionPreset creates a Compression object with a preset mode/bs
func NewCompressionPreset(preset string) (*Compression, error) {
switch preset {
case "lz4":
alg := InitializeLz4(262144, true)
return NewCompression(LZ4, alg, 262144) // LZ4 compression (very fast)
case "gzip":
alg := InitializeGzip(131072, 6)
return NewCompression(Gzip, alg, 131070) // GZIP-default compression (medium)*/
case "xz":
alg := InitializeXZ(1048576)
return NewCompression(XZ, alg, 1048576) // XZ compression (strong compression)*/
return nil, errors.New("Compression mode doesn't exist")
// NewCompressionPresetNumber creates a Compression object with a preset mode/bs
func NewCompressionPresetNumber(preset int) (*Compression, error) {
switch preset {
case LZ4:
alg := InitializeLz4(262144, true)
return NewCompression(LZ4, alg, 262144) // LZ4 compression (very fast)
case Gzip:
alg := InitializeGzip(131072, 6)
return NewCompression(Gzip, alg, 131070) // GZIP-default compression (medium)*/
case XZ:
alg := InitializeXZ(1048576)
return NewCompression(XZ, alg, 1048576) // XZ compression (strong compression)*/
return nil, errors.New("Compression mode doesn't exist")
// NewCompression creates a Compression object with some default configuration values
func NewCompression(mode int, alg Algorithm, bs uint32) (*Compression, error) {
return NewCompressionAdvanced(mode, alg, bs, 1048576, 12, 0.9)
// NewCompressionAdvanced creates a Compression object
func NewCompressionAdvanced(mode int, alg Algorithm, bs uint32, hb int64, threads int, mcr float64) (c *Compression, err error) {
// Set vars
c = new(Compression)
c.Algorithm = alg
c.CompressionMode = mode
c.BlockSize = bs
c.HeuristicBytes = hb
c.NumThreads = threads
c.MaxCompressionRatio = mcr
return c, err
// GetFileExtension gets a file extension for current compression mode
func (c *Compression) GetFileExtension() string {
return c.Algorithm.GetFileExtension()
// GetFileCompressionInfo gets a file extension along with compressibility of file
func (c *Compression) GetFileCompressionInfo(reader io.Reader) (compressable bool, extension string, err error) {
// Use our compression algorithm to do a heuristic on the first few bytes
var emulatedBlock, emulatedBlockCompressed bytes.Buffer
_, err = io.CopyN(&emulatedBlock, reader, c.HeuristicBytes)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return false, "", err
compressedSize, uncompressedSize, err := c.Algorithm.CompressBlock(emulatedBlock.Bytes(), &emulatedBlockCompressed)
if err != nil {
return false, "", err
compressionRatio := float64(compressedSize) / float64(uncompressedSize)
// If the data is not compressible, return so
if compressionRatio > c.MaxCompressionRatio {
return false, ".bin", nil
// If the file is compressible, select file extension based on compression mode
return true, c.Algorithm.GetFileExtension(), nil
// compressionResult represents the result of compression for a single block (gotten by a single thread)
type compressionResult struct {
buffer *bytes.Buffer
n uint64
err error
// CompressFileReturningBlockData compresses a file returning the block data for that file.
func (c *Compression) CompressFileReturningBlockData(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) (blockData []uint32, err error) {
// Initialize buffered writer
bufw := bufio.NewWriterSize(out, int((c.BlockSize+(c.BlockSize)>>4)*uint32(c.NumThreads)))
// Get blockData, copy over header, add length of header to blockData
blockData = make([]uint32, 0)
header := c.Algorithm.GetHeader()
_, err = bufw.Write(header)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockData = append(blockData, uint32(len(header)))
// Compress blocks
for {
// Loop through threads, spawning a go procedure for each thread. If we get eof on one thread, set eofAt to that thread and break
compressionResults := make([]chan compressionResult, c.NumThreads)
eofAt := -1
for i := 0; i < c.NumThreads; i++ {
// Create thread channel and allocate buffer to pass to thread
compressionResults[i] = make(chan compressionResult)
var inputBuffer bytes.Buffer
_, err = io.CopyN(&inputBuffer, in, int64(c.BlockSize))
if err == io.EOF {
eofAt = i
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Run thread
go func(i int, in []byte) {
// Initialize thread writer and result struct
var res compressionResult
var buffer bytes.Buffer
// Compress block
_, n, err := c.Algorithm.CompressBlock(in, &buffer)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { // This errored out.
res.buffer = nil
res.n = 0
res.err = err
compressionResults[i] <- res
// Pass our data back to the main thread as a compression result
res.buffer = &buffer
res.n = n
res.err = err
compressionResults[i] <- res
}(i, inputBuffer.Bytes())
// If we have reached eof, we don't need more threads
if eofAt != -1 {
// Process writers in order
for i := 0; i < c.NumThreads; i++ {
if compressionResults[i] != nil {
// Get current compression result, get buffer, and copy buffer over to output
res := <-compressionResults[i]
if res.buffer == nil {
return nil, res.err
blockSize := uint32(res.buffer.Len())
_, err = io.Copy(bufw, res.buffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if DEBUG {
fmt.Printf("%d %d\n", res.n, blockSize)
// Append block size to block data
blockData = append(blockData, blockSize)
// If this is the last block, add the raw size of the last block to the end of blockData and break
if eofAt == i {
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("%d %d %d\n", res.n, byte(res.n%256), byte(res.n/256))
blockData = append(blockData, uint32(res.n))
// Get number of bytes written in this block (they should all be in the bufio buffer), then close gzip and flush buffer
err = bufw.Flush()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If eof happened, break
if eofAt != -1 {
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("%d", eofAt)
log.Printf("%v", blockData)
// Write footer and flush
footer := c.Algorithm.GetFooter()
_, err = bufw.Write(footer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = bufw.Flush()
// Return
return blockData, err
// Wrapper function for decompressBlock that implements multithreading
// decompressionResult represents the result of decompressing a block
type decompressionResult struct {
err error
buffer *bytes.Buffer
func (d *Decompressor) decompressBlockRangeMultithreaded(in io.Reader, out io.Writer, startingBlock uint32) (n int, err error) {
// First, use bufio.Reader to reduce the number of reads and bufio.Writer to reduce the number of writes
bufin := bufio.NewReader(in)
bufout := bufio.NewWriter(out)
// Decompress each block individually.
currBatch := startingBlock // Block # of start of current batch of blocks
totalBytesCopied := 0
for {
// Loop through threads
eofAt := -1
decompressionResults := make([]chan decompressionResult, d.c.NumThreads)
for i := 0; i < d.c.NumThreads; i++ {
// Get currBlock
currBlock := currBatch + uint32(i)
// Create channel
decompressionResults[i] = make(chan decompressionResult)
// Check if we've reached EOF
if currBlock >= d.numBlocks {
eofAt = i
// Get block to decompress
var compressedBlock bytes.Buffer
var err error
n, err := io.CopyN(&compressedBlock, bufin, d.blockStarts[currBlock+1]-d.blockStarts[currBlock])
if err != nil || n == 0 { // End of stream
eofAt = i
// Spawn thread to decompress block
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("Spawning %d", i)
go func(i int, currBlock uint32, in io.Reader) {
var block bytes.Buffer
var res decompressionResult
// Decompress block
_, res.err = d.c.Algorithm.DecompressBlock(in, &block, d.c.BlockSize)
res.buffer = &block
decompressionResults[i] <- res
}(i, currBlock, &compressedBlock)
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("Eof at %d", eofAt)
// Process results
for i := 0; i < d.c.NumThreads; i++ {
// If we got EOF, return
if eofAt == i {
return totalBytesCopied, bufout.Flush() // Flushing bufout is needed to prevent us from getting all nulls
// Get result and close
res := <-decompressionResults[i]
if res.err != nil {
return totalBytesCopied, res.err
// Copy to output and add to total bytes copied
n, err := io.Copy(bufout, res.buffer)
totalBytesCopied += int(n)
if err != nil {
return totalBytesCopied, err
// Add NumThreads to currBatch
currBatch += uint32(d.c.NumThreads)
// Decompressor is the ReadSeeker implementation for decompression
type Decompressor struct {
cursorPos *int64 // The current location we have seeked to
blockStarts []int64 // The start of each block. These will be recovered from the block sizes
numBlocks uint32 // Number of blocks
decompressedSize int64 // Decompressed size of the file.
in io.ReadSeeker // Input
c *Compression // Compression options
// Parses block data. Returns the number of blocks, the block start locations for each block, and the decompressed size of the entire file.
func parseBlockData(blockData []uint32, BlockSize uint32) (numBlocks uint32, blockStarts []int64, decompressedSize int64) {
// Parse the block data
blockDataLen := len(blockData)
numBlocks = uint32(blockDataLen - 1)
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("%v\n", blockData)
log.Printf("metadata len, numblocks = %d, %d", blockDataLen, numBlocks)
blockStarts = make([]int64, numBlocks+1) // Starts with start of first block (and end of header), ends with end of last block
currentBlockPosition := int64(0)
for i := uint32(0); i < numBlocks; i++ { // Loop through block data, getting starts of blocks.
currentBlockSize := blockData[i]
currentBlockPosition += int64(currentBlockSize)
blockStarts[i] = currentBlockPosition
blockStarts[numBlocks] = currentBlockPosition // End of last block
//log.Printf("Block Starts: %v\n", d.blockStarts)
numBlocks-- // Subtract 1 from number of blocks because our header technically isn't a block
// Get uncompressed size of last block and derive uncompressed size of file
lastBlockRawSize := blockData[blockDataLen-1]
decompressedSize = int64(numBlocks-1)*int64(BlockSize) + int64(lastBlockRawSize)
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("Decompressed size = %d", decompressedSize)
return numBlocks, blockStarts, decompressedSize
// Initializes decompressor with the block data specified.
func (d *Decompressor) initWithBlockData(c *Compression, in io.ReadSeeker, size int64, blockData []uint32) (err error) {
// Copy over compression object
d.c = c
// Initialize cursor position
d.cursorPos = new(int64)
// Parse the block data
d.numBlocks, d.blockStarts, d.decompressedSize = parseBlockData(blockData, d.c.BlockSize)
// Initialize cursor position value and copy over reader
*d.cursorPos = 0
_, err = in.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
d.in = in
return err
// Read reads data using a decompressor
func (d Decompressor) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("Cursor pos before: %d\n", *d.cursorPos)
// Check if we're at the end of the file or before the beginning of the file
if *d.cursorPos >= d.decompressedSize || *d.cursorPos < 0 {
if DEBUG {
log.Println("Out of bounds EOF")
return 0, io.EOF
// Get block range to read
blockNumber := *d.cursorPos / int64(d.c.BlockSize)
blockStart := d.blockStarts[blockNumber] // Start position of blocks to read
dataOffset := *d.cursorPos % int64(d.c.BlockSize) // Offset of data to read in blocks to read
bytesToRead := len(p) // Number of bytes to read
blocksToRead := (int64(bytesToRead)+dataOffset)/int64(d.c.BlockSize) + 1 // Number of blocks to read
returnEOF := false
if blockNumber+blocksToRead > int64(d.numBlocks) { // Overflowed the last block
blocksToRead = int64(d.numBlocks) - blockNumber
returnEOF = true
blockEnd := d.blockStarts[blockNumber+blocksToRead] // Start of the block after the last block we want to get is the end of the last block we want to get
blockLen := blockEnd - blockStart
// Read compressed block range into buffer
var compressedBlocks bytes.Buffer
_, err := d.in.Seek(blockStart, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n1, err := io.CopyN(&compressedBlocks, d.in, blockLen)
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("block # = %d @ %d <- %d, len %d, copied %d bytes", blockNumber, blockStart, *d.cursorPos, blockLen, n1)
if err != nil {
if DEBUG {
log.Println("Copy Error")
return 0, err
// Decompress block range
var b bytes.Buffer
n, err := d.decompressBlockRangeMultithreaded(&compressedBlocks, &b, uint32(blockNumber))
if err != nil {
log.Println("Decompression error")
return n, err
// Calculate bytes read
readOverflow := *d.cursorPos + int64(bytesToRead) - d.decompressedSize
if readOverflow < 0 {
readOverflow = 0
bytesRead := int64(bytesToRead) - readOverflow
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("Read offset = %d, overflow = %d", dataOffset, readOverflow)
log.Printf("Decompressed %d bytes; read %d out of %d bytes\n", n, bytesRead, bytesToRead)
// log.Printf("%v", b.Bytes())
// If we read 0 bytes, we reached the end of the file
if bytesRead == 0 {
return 0, io.EOF
// Copy from buffer+offset to p
_, err = io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, &b, dataOffset)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n, err = b.Read(p) // Note: everything after bytesToRead bytes will be discarded; we are returning bytesToRead instead of n
if err != nil {
return n, err
// Increment cursor position and return
*d.cursorPos += bytesRead
if returnEOF {
if DEBUG {
return int(bytesRead), io.EOF
return int(bytesRead), nil
// Seek seeks to a location in compressed stream
func (d Decompressor) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
// Seek to offset in cursorPos
if whence == io.SeekStart {
*d.cursorPos = offset
} else if whence == io.SeekCurrent {
*d.cursorPos += offset
} else if whence == io.SeekEnd {
*d.cursorPos = d.decompressedSize + offset
// Return
return offset, nil
// DecompressFileExtData decompresses a file using external block data. Argument "size" is very useful here.
func (c *Compression) DecompressFileExtData(in io.ReadSeeker, size int64, blockData []uint32) (FileHandle io.ReadSeeker, decompressedSize int64, err error) {
var decompressor Decompressor
err = decompressor.initWithBlockData(c, in, size, blockData)
return decompressor, decompressor.decompressedSize, err