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2017-07-23 14:24:45 +02:00
* Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package set
import (
// NewStringSet() is called and the result is validated.
func TestNewStringSet(t *testing.T) {
if ss := NewStringSet(); !ss.IsEmpty() {
t.Fatalf("expected: true, got: false")
// CreateStringSet() is called and the result is validated.
func TestCreateStringSet(t *testing.T) {
ss := CreateStringSet("foo")
if str := ss.String(); str != `[foo]` {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", `["foo"]`, str)
// CopyStringSet() is called and the result is validated.
func TestCopyStringSet(t *testing.T) {
ss := CreateStringSet("foo")
sscopy := CopyStringSet(ss)
if !ss.Equals(sscopy) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", ss, sscopy)
// StringSet.Add() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetAdd(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
value string
expectedResult string
// Test first addition.
{"foo", `[foo]`},
// Test duplicate addition.
{"foo", `[foo]`},
// Test new addition.
{"bar", `[bar foo]`},
ss := NewStringSet()
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if str := ss.String(); str != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, str)
// StringSet.Remove() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetRemove(t *testing.T) {
ss := CreateStringSet("foo", "bar")
testCases := []struct {
value string
expectedResult string
// Test removing non-existen item.
{"baz", `[bar foo]`},
// Test remove existing item.
{"foo", `[bar]`},
// Test remove existing item again.
{"foo", `[bar]`},
// Test remove to make set to empty.
{"bar", `[]`},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if str := ss.String(); str != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, str)
// StringSet.Contains() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetContains(t *testing.T) {
ss := CreateStringSet("foo")
testCases := []struct {
value string
expectedResult bool
// Test to check non-existent item.
{"bar", false},
// Test to check existent item.
{"foo", true},
// Test to verify case sensitivity.
{"Foo", false},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if result := ss.Contains(testCase.value); result != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %t, got: %t", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.FuncMatch() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetFuncMatch(t *testing.T) {
ss := CreateStringSet("foo", "bar")
testCases := []struct {
matchFn func(string, string) bool
value string
expectedResult string
// Test to check match function doing case insensive compare.
{func(setValue string, compareValue string) bool {
return strings.ToUpper(setValue) == strings.ToUpper(compareValue)
}, "Bar", `[bar]`},
// Test to check match function doing prefix check.
{func(setValue string, compareValue string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(compareValue, setValue)
}, "foobar", `[foo]`},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
s := ss.FuncMatch(testCase.matchFn, testCase.value)
if result := s.String(); result != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.ApplyFunc() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetApplyFunc(t *testing.T) {
ss := CreateStringSet("foo", "bar")
testCases := []struct {
applyFn func(string) string
expectedResult string
// Test to apply function prepending a known string.
{func(setValue string) string { return "mybucket/" + setValue }, `[mybucket/bar mybucket/foo]`},
// Test to apply function modifying values.
{func(setValue string) string { return setValue[1:] }, `[ar oo]`},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
s := ss.ApplyFunc(testCase.applyFn)
if result := s.String(); result != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.Equals() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetEquals(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set1 StringSet
set2 StringSet
expectedResult bool
// Test equal set
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), true},
// Test second set with more items
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar", "baz"), false},
// Test second set with less items
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("bar"), false},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if result := testCase.set1.Equals(testCase.set2); result != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %t, got: %t", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.Intersection() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetIntersection(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set1 StringSet
set2 StringSet
expectedResult StringSet
// Test intersecting all values.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar")},
// Test intersecting all values in second set.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar", "baz"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar")},
// Test intersecting different values in second set.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "baz"), CreateStringSet("baz", "bar"), CreateStringSet("baz")},
// Test intersecting none.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "baz"), CreateStringSet("poo", "bar"), NewStringSet()},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if result := testCase.set1.Intersection(testCase.set2); !result.Equals(testCase.expectedResult) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.Difference() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetDifference(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set1 StringSet
set2 StringSet
expectedResult StringSet
// Test differing none.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), NewStringSet()},
// Test differing in first set.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar", "baz"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("baz")},
// Test differing values in both set.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "baz"), CreateStringSet("baz", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo")},
// Test differing all values.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "baz"), CreateStringSet("poo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "baz")},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if result := testCase.set1.Difference(testCase.set2); !result.Equals(testCase.expectedResult) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.Union() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetUnion(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set1 StringSet
set2 StringSet
expectedResult StringSet
// Test union same values.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar")},
// Test union same values in second set.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar", "baz"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "bar", "baz")},
// Test union different values in both set.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "baz"), CreateStringSet("baz", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "baz", "bar")},
// Test union all different values.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "baz"), CreateStringSet("poo", "bar"), CreateStringSet("foo", "baz", "poo", "bar")},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if result := testCase.set1.Union(testCase.set2); !result.Equals(testCase.expectedResult) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.MarshalJSON() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set StringSet
expectedResult string
// Test set with values.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), `["bar","foo"]`},
// Test empty set.
{NewStringSet(), "[]"},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if result, _ := testCase.set.MarshalJSON(); string(result) != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, string(result))
// StringSet.UnmarshalJSON() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetUnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
data []byte
expectedResult string
// Test to convert JSON array to set.
{[]byte(`["bar","foo"]`), `[bar foo]`},
// Test to convert JSON string to set.
{[]byte(`"bar"`), `[bar]`},
// Test to convert JSON empty array to set.
{[]byte(`[]`), `[]`},
// Test to convert JSON empty string to set.
{[]byte(`""`), `[]`},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
var set StringSet
if result := set.String(); result != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, result)
// StringSet.String() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetString(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set StringSet
expectedResult string
// Test empty set.
{NewStringSet(), `[]`},
// Test set with empty value.
{CreateStringSet(""), `[]`},
// Test set with value.
{CreateStringSet("foo"), `[foo]`},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
if str := testCase.set.String(); str != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, str)
// StringSet.ToSlice() is called with series of cases for valid and erroneous inputs and the result is validated.
func TestStringSetToSlice(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
set StringSet
expectedResult string
// Test empty set.
{NewStringSet(), `[]`},
// Test set with empty value.
{CreateStringSet(""), `[]`},
// Test set with value.
{CreateStringSet("foo"), `[foo]`},
// Test set with value.
{CreateStringSet("foo", "bar"), `[bar foo]`},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
sslice := testCase.set.ToSlice()
if str := fmt.Sprintf("%s", sslice); str != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("expected: %s, got: %s", testCase.expectedResult, str)