2017-09-13 14:09:48 +02:00
// +build go1.7
2017-08-05 20:30:20 +02:00
package affinitygroup
import (
const (
azureCreateAffinityGroupURL = "/affinitygroups"
azureGetAffinityGroupURL = "/affinitygroups/%s"
azureListAffinityGroupsURL = "/affinitygroups"
azureUpdateAffinityGroupURL = "/affinitygroups/%s"
azureDeleteAffinityGroupURL = "/affinitygroups/%s"
errParameterNotSpecified = "Parameter %s not specified."
// AffinityGroupClient simply contains a management.Client and has
// methods for doing all affinity group-related API calls to Azure.
type AffinityGroupClient struct {
mgmtClient management.Client
// NewClient returns an AffinityGroupClient with the given management.Client.
func NewClient(mgmtClient management.Client) AffinityGroupClient {
return AffinityGroupClient{mgmtClient}
// CreateAffinityGroup creates a new affinity group.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/gg715317.aspx
func (c AffinityGroupClient) CreateAffinityGroup(params CreateAffinityGroupParams) error {
params.Label = encodeLabel(params.Label)
req, err := xml.Marshal(params)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = c.mgmtClient.SendAzurePostRequest(azureCreateAffinityGroupURL, req)
return err
// GetAffinityGroup returns the system properties that are associated with the
// specified affinity group.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460789.aspx
func (c AffinityGroupClient) GetAffinityGroup(name string) (AffinityGroup, error) {
var affgroup AffinityGroup
if name == "" {
return affgroup, fmt.Errorf(errParameterNotSpecified, "name")
url := fmt.Sprintf(azureGetAffinityGroupURL, name)
resp, err := c.mgmtClient.SendAzureGetRequest(url)
if err != nil {
return affgroup, err
err = xml.Unmarshal(resp, &affgroup)
affgroup.Label = decodeLabel(affgroup.Label)
return affgroup, err
// ListAffinityGroups lists the affinity groups off Azure.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460797.aspx
func (c AffinityGroupClient) ListAffinityGroups() (ListAffinityGroupsResponse, error) {
var affinitygroups ListAffinityGroupsResponse
resp, err := c.mgmtClient.SendAzureGetRequest(azureListAffinityGroupsURL)
if err != nil {
return affinitygroups, err
err = xml.Unmarshal(resp, &affinitygroups)
for i, grp := range affinitygroups.AffinityGroups {
affinitygroups.AffinityGroups[i].Label = decodeLabel(grp.Label)
return affinitygroups, err
// UpdateAffinityGroup updates the label or description for an the group.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/gg715316.aspx
func (c AffinityGroupClient) UpdateAffinityGroup(name string, params UpdateAffinityGroupParams) error {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf(errParameterNotSpecified, "name")
params.Label = encodeLabel(params.Label)
req, err := xml.Marshal(params)
if err != nil {
return err
url := fmt.Sprintf(azureUpdateAffinityGroupURL, name)
_, err = c.mgmtClient.SendAzurePutRequest(url, "text/xml", req)
return err
// DeleteAffinityGroup deletes the given affinity group.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/gg715314.aspx
func (c AffinityGroupClient) DeleteAffinityGroup(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf(errParameterNotSpecified, name)
url := fmt.Sprintf(azureDeleteAffinityGroupURL, name)
_, err := c.mgmtClient.SendAzureDeleteRequest(url)
return err
// encodeLabel is a helper function which encodes the given string
// to the base64 string which will be sent to Azure as a Label.
func encodeLabel(label string) string {
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(label))
// decodeLabel is a helper function which decodes the base64 encoded
// label received from Azure into standard encoding.
func decodeLabel(label string) string {
res, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(label)
return string(res)