package test

import (


// Suite implements a test suite for restic backends.
type Suite struct {
	// Config should be used to configure the backend.
	Config interface{}

	// NewConfig returns a config for a new temporary backend that will be used in tests.
	NewConfig func() (interface{}, error)

	// CreateFn is a function that creates a temporary repository for the tests.
	Create func(cfg interface{}) (restic.Backend, error)

	// OpenFn is a function that opens a previously created temporary repository.
	Open func(cfg interface{}) (restic.Backend, error)

	// CleanupFn removes data created during the tests.
	Cleanup func(cfg interface{}) error

	// MinimalData instructs the tests to not use excessive data.
	MinimalData bool

	// WaitForDelayedRemoval is set to a non-zero value to instruct the test
	// suite to wait for this amount of time until a file that was removed
	// really disappeared.
	WaitForDelayedRemoval time.Duration

// RunTests executes all defined tests as subtests of t.
func (s *Suite) RunTests(t *testing.T) {
	var err error
	s.Config, err = s.NewConfig()
	if err != nil {

	// test create/open functions first
	be := s.create(t)
	s.close(t, be)

	for _, test := range s.testFuncs(t) {
		t.Run(test.Name, test.Fn)

	if !test.TestCleanupTempDirs {
		t.Logf("not cleaning up backend")

	if err = s.Cleanup(s.Config); err != nil {

type testFunction struct {
	Name string
	Fn   func(*testing.T)

func (s *Suite) testFuncs(t testing.TB) (funcs []testFunction) {
	tpe := reflect.TypeOf(s)
	v := reflect.ValueOf(s)

	for i := 0; i < tpe.NumMethod(); i++ {
		methodType := tpe.Method(i)
		name := methodType.Name

		// discard functions which do not have the right name
		if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "Test") {

		iface := v.Method(i).Interface()
		f, ok := iface.(func(*testing.T))
		if !ok {
			t.Logf("warning: function %v of *Suite has the wrong signature for a test function\nwant: func(*testing.T),\nhave: %T",
				name, iface)

		funcs = append(funcs, testFunction{
			Name: name,
			Fn:   f,

	return funcs

type benchmarkFunction struct {
	Name string
	Fn   func(*testing.B)

func (s *Suite) benchmarkFuncs(t testing.TB) (funcs []benchmarkFunction) {
	tpe := reflect.TypeOf(s)
	v := reflect.ValueOf(s)

	for i := 0; i < tpe.NumMethod(); i++ {
		methodType := tpe.Method(i)
		name := methodType.Name

		// discard functions which do not have the right name
		if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "Benchmark") {

		iface := v.Method(i).Interface()
		f, ok := iface.(func(*testing.B))
		if !ok {
			t.Logf("warning: function %v of *Suite has the wrong signature for a test function\nwant: func(*testing.T),\nhave: %T",
				name, iface)

		funcs = append(funcs, benchmarkFunction{
			Name: name,
			Fn:   f,

	return funcs

// RunBenchmarks executes all defined benchmarks as subtests of b.
func (s *Suite) RunBenchmarks(b *testing.B) {
	var err error
	s.Config, err = s.NewConfig()
	if err != nil {

	// test create/open functions first
	be := s.create(b)
	s.close(b, be)

	for _, test := range s.benchmarkFuncs(b) {
		b.Run(test.Name, test.Fn)

	if !test.TestCleanupTempDirs {
		b.Logf("not cleaning up backend")

	if err = s.Cleanup(s.Config); err != nil {

func (s *Suite) create(t testing.TB) restic.Backend {
	be, err := s.Create(s.Config)
	if err != nil {
	return be

func (s *Suite) open(t testing.TB) restic.Backend {
	be, err := s.Open(s.Config)
	if err != nil {
	return be

func (s *Suite) close(t testing.TB, be restic.Backend) {
	err := be.Close()
	if err != nil {