package dump

import (


type zipDumper struct {
	w *zip.Writer

// Statically ensure that zipDumper implements dumper.
var _ dumper = zipDumper{}

// WriteZip will write the contents of the given tree, encoded as a zip to the given destination.
func WriteZip(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, tree *restic.Tree, rootPath string, dst io.Writer) error {
	dmp := zipDumper{w: zip.NewWriter(dst)}

	return writeDump(ctx, repo, tree, rootPath, dmp, dst)

func (dmp zipDumper) Close() error {
	return dmp.w.Close()

func (dmp zipDumper) dumpNode(ctx context.Context, node *restic.Node, repo restic.Repository) error {
	relPath, err := filepath.Rel("/", node.Path)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	header := &zip.FileHeader{
		Name:               filepath.ToSlash(relPath),
		UncompressedSize64: node.Size,
		Modified:           node.ModTime,

	if IsDir(node) {
		header.Name += "/"

	w, err := dmp.w.CreateHeader(header)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "ZipHeader")

	if IsLink(node) {
		if _, err = w.Write([]byte(node.LinkTarget)); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "Write")

		return nil

	return GetNodeData(ctx, w, repo, node)