package backup

import (


type ProgressPrinter interface {
	Update(total, processed Counter, errors uint, currentFiles map[string]struct{}, start time.Time, secs uint64)
	Error(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error
	ScannerError(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error
	CompleteItem(messageType string, item string, previous, current *restic.Node, s archiver.ItemStats, d time.Duration)
	ReportTotal(item string, start time.Time, s archiver.ScanStats)
	Finish(snapshotID restic.ID, start time.Time, summary *Summary, dryRun bool)

	// ui.StdioWrapper
	Stdout() io.WriteCloser
	Stderr() io.WriteCloser

	E(msg string, args ...interface{})
	P(msg string, args ...interface{})
	V(msg string, args ...interface{})
	VV(msg string, args ...interface{})

type Counter struct {
	Files, Dirs, Bytes uint64

type fileWorkerMessage struct {
	filename string
	done     bool

type ProgressReporter interface {
	CompleteItem(item string, previous, current *restic.Node, s archiver.ItemStats, d time.Duration)
	StartFile(filename string)
	CompleteBlob(filename string, bytes uint64)
	ScannerError(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error
	ReportTotal(item string, s archiver.ScanStats)
	SetMinUpdatePause(d time.Duration)
	Run(ctx context.Context) error
	Error(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error
	Finish(snapshotID restic.ID)

type Summary struct {
	Files, Dirs struct {
		New       uint
		Changed   uint
		Unchanged uint
	ProcessedBytes uint64

// Progress reports progress for the `backup` command.
type Progress struct {
	MinUpdatePause time.Duration

	start time.Time
	dry   bool

	totalBytes uint64

	totalCh     chan Counter
	processedCh chan Counter
	errCh       chan struct{}
	workerCh    chan fileWorkerMessage
	closed      chan struct{}

	summary *Summary
	printer ProgressPrinter

func NewProgress(printer ProgressPrinter) *Progress {
	return &Progress{
		// limit to 60fps by default
		MinUpdatePause: time.Second / 60,
		start:          time.Now(),

		totalCh:     make(chan Counter),
		processedCh: make(chan Counter),
		errCh:       make(chan struct{}),
		workerCh:    make(chan fileWorkerMessage),
		closed:      make(chan struct{}),

		summary: &Summary{},

		printer: printer,

// Run regularly updates the status lines. It should be called in a separate
// goroutine.
func (p *Progress) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	var (
		lastUpdate       time.Time
		total, processed Counter
		errors           uint
		started          bool
		currentFiles     = make(map[string]struct{})
		secondsRemaining uint64

	t := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
	signalsCh := signals.GetProgressChannel()
	defer t.Stop()
	defer close(p.closed)
	// Reset status when finished
	defer p.printer.Reset()

	for {
		forceUpdate := false
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return nil
		case t, ok := <-p.totalCh:
			if ok {
				total = t
				started = true
			} else {
				// scan has finished
				p.totalCh = nil
				p.totalBytes = total.Bytes
		case s := <-p.processedCh:
			processed.Files += s.Files
			processed.Dirs += s.Dirs
			processed.Bytes += s.Bytes
			started = true
		case <-p.errCh:
			started = true
		case m := <-p.workerCh:
			if m.done {
				delete(currentFiles, m.filename)
			} else {
				currentFiles[m.filename] = struct{}{}
		case <-t.C:
			if !started {

			if p.totalCh == nil {
				secs := float64(time.Since(p.start) / time.Second)
				todo := float64(total.Bytes - processed.Bytes)
				secondsRemaining = uint64(secs / float64(processed.Bytes) * todo)
		case <-signalsCh:
			forceUpdate = true

		// limit update frequency
		if !forceUpdate && (time.Since(lastUpdate) < p.MinUpdatePause || p.MinUpdatePause == 0) {
		lastUpdate = time.Now()

		p.printer.Update(total, processed, errors, currentFiles, p.start, secondsRemaining)

// ScannerError is the error callback function for the scanner, it prints the
// error in verbose mode and returns nil.
func (p *Progress) ScannerError(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
	return p.printer.ScannerError(item, fi, err)

// Error is the error callback function for the archiver, it prints the error and returns nil.
func (p *Progress) Error(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
	cbErr := p.printer.Error(item, fi, err)

	select {
	case p.errCh <- struct{}{}:
	case <-p.closed:
	return cbErr

// StartFile is called when a file is being processed by a worker.
func (p *Progress) StartFile(filename string) {
	select {
	case p.workerCh <- fileWorkerMessage{filename: filename}:
	case <-p.closed:

// CompleteBlob is called for all saved blobs for files.
func (p *Progress) CompleteBlob(filename string, bytes uint64) {
	select {
	case p.processedCh <- Counter{Bytes: bytes}:
	case <-p.closed:

// CompleteItem is the status callback function for the archiver when a
// file/dir has been saved successfully.
func (p *Progress) CompleteItem(item string, previous, current *restic.Node, s archiver.ItemStats, d time.Duration) {

	// for the last item "/", current is nil
	if current != nil {
		p.summary.ProcessedBytes += current.Size


	if current == nil {
		// error occurred, tell the status display to remove the line
		select {
		case p.workerCh <- fileWorkerMessage{filename: item, done: true}:
		case <-p.closed:

	switch current.Type {
	case "file":
		select {
		case p.processedCh <- Counter{Files: 1}:
		case <-p.closed:
		select {
		case p.workerCh <- fileWorkerMessage{filename: item, done: true}:
		case <-p.closed:
	case "dir":
		select {
		case p.processedCh <- Counter{Dirs: 1}:
		case <-p.closed:

	if current.Type == "dir" {
		if previous == nil {
			p.printer.CompleteItem("dir new", item, previous, current, s, d)

		if previous.Equals(*current) {
			p.printer.CompleteItem("dir unchanged", item, previous, current, s, d)
		} else {
			p.printer.CompleteItem("dir modified", item, previous, current, s, d)

	} else if current.Type == "file" {
		select {
		case p.workerCh <- fileWorkerMessage{done: true, filename: item}:
		case <-p.closed:

		if previous == nil {
			p.printer.CompleteItem("file new", item, previous, current, s, d)

		if previous.Equals(*current) {
			p.printer.CompleteItem("file unchanged", item, previous, current, s, d)
		} else {
			p.printer.CompleteItem("file modified", item, previous, current, s, d)

// ReportTotal sets the total stats up to now
func (p *Progress) ReportTotal(item string, s archiver.ScanStats) {
	select {
	case p.totalCh <- Counter{Files: uint64(s.Files), Dirs: uint64(s.Dirs), Bytes: s.Bytes}:
	case <-p.closed:

	if item == "" {
		p.printer.ReportTotal(item, p.start, s)

// Finish prints the finishing messages.
func (p *Progress) Finish(snapshotID restic.ID) {
	// wait for the status update goroutine to shut down
	p.printer.Finish(snapshotID, p.start, p.summary, p.dry)

// SetMinUpdatePause sets b.MinUpdatePause. It satisfies the
// ArchiveProgressReporter interface.
func (p *Progress) SetMinUpdatePause(d time.Duration) {
	p.MinUpdatePause = d

// SetDryRun marks the backup as a "dry run".
func (p *Progress) SetDryRun() {
	p.dry = true