# restic project governance

## Overview

The restic project uses a governance model commonly described as Benevolent
Dictator For Life (BDFL). This document outlines our understanding of what this
means. It is derived from the [i3 window manager project

## Roles

* user: anyone who interacts with the restic project
* core contributor: a handful of people who have contributed significantly to
  the project by any means (issue triage, support, documentation, code, etc.).
  Core contributors are recognizable via GitHub’s "Member" badge.
* Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL): a single individual who makes decisions
  when consensus cannot be reached. restic's current BDFL is [@fd0](https://github.com/fd0).

## Decision making process

In general, we try to reach consensus in discussions. In case consensus cannot
be reached, the BDFL makes a decision.

## Contribution process

The contribution process is described in a separate document called