package cache

import (


func generateRandomFiles(t testing.TB, tpe restic.FileType, c *Cache) restic.IDSet {
	ids := restic.NewIDSet()
	for i := 0; i < rand.Intn(15)+10; i++ {
		buf := test.Random(rand.Int(), 1<<19)
		id := restic.Hash(buf)
		h := restic.Handle{Type: tpe, Name: id.String()}

		if c.Has(h) {
			t.Errorf("index %v present before save", id)

		err := c.Save(h, bytes.NewReader(buf))
		if err != nil {
	return ids

// randomID returns a random ID from s.
func randomID(s restic.IDSet) restic.ID {
	for id := range s {
		return id
	panic("set is empty")

func load(t testing.TB, c *Cache, h restic.Handle) []byte {
	rd, err := c.Load(h, 0, 0)
	if err != nil {

	if rd == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Load() returned nil reader")

	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rd)
	if err != nil {

	if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {

	return buf

func listFiles(t testing.TB, c *Cache, tpe restic.FileType) restic.IDSet {
	list, err := c.list(tpe)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("listing failed: %v", err)

	return list

func clearFiles(t testing.TB, c *Cache, tpe restic.FileType, valid restic.IDSet) {
	if err := c.Clear(tpe, valid); err != nil {

func TestFiles(t *testing.T) {
	seed := time.Now().Unix()
	t.Logf("seed is %v", seed)

	c, cleanup := TestNewCache(t)
	defer cleanup()

	var tests = []restic.FileType{

	for _, tpe := range tests {
		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", tpe), func(t *testing.T) {
			ids := generateRandomFiles(t, tpe, c)
			id := randomID(ids)

			h := restic.Handle{Type: tpe, Name: id.String()}
			id2 := restic.Hash(load(t, c, h))

			if !id.Equal(id2) {
				t.Errorf("wrong data returned, want %v, got %v", id.Str(), id2.Str())

			if !c.Has(h) {
				t.Errorf("cache thinks index %v isn't present", id.Str())

			list := listFiles(t, c, tpe)
			if !ids.Equals(list) {
				t.Errorf("wrong list of index IDs returned, want:\n  %v\ngot:\n  %v", ids, list)

			clearFiles(t, c, tpe, restic.NewIDSet(id))
			list2 := listFiles(t, c, tpe)
			want := restic.NewIDSet(id)
			if !list2.Equals(want) {
				t.Errorf("ClearIndexes removed indexes, want:\n  %v\ngot:\n  %v", list2, want)

			clearFiles(t, c, tpe, restic.NewIDSet())
			want = restic.NewIDSet()
			list3 := listFiles(t, c, tpe)
			if !list3.Equals(want) {
				t.Errorf("ClearIndexes returned a wrong list, want:\n  %v\ngot:\n  %v", want, list3)

func TestFileSaveWriter(t *testing.T) {
	seed := time.Now().Unix()
	t.Logf("seed is %v", seed)

	c, cleanup := TestNewCache(t)
	defer cleanup()

	// save about 5 MiB of data in the cache
	data := test.Random(rand.Int(), 5234142)
	id := restic.ID{}
	copy(id[:], data)
	h := restic.Handle{
		Type: restic.DataFile,
		Name: id.String(),

	wr, err := c.SaveWriter(h)
	if err != nil {

	n, err := io.Copy(wr, bytes.NewReader(data))
	if err != nil {

	if n != int64(len(data)) {
		t.Fatalf("wrong number of bytes written, want %v, got %v", len(data), n)

	if err = wr.Close(); err != nil {

	rd, err := c.Load(h, 0, 0)
	if err != nil {

	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rd)
	if err != nil {

	if len(buf) != len(data) {
		t.Fatalf("wrong number of bytes read, want %v, got %v", len(data), len(buf))

	if !bytes.Equal(buf, data) {
		t.Fatalf("wrong data returned, want:\n  %02x\ngot:\n  %02x", data[:16], buf[:16])

	if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {

func TestFileLoad(t *testing.T) {
	seed := time.Now().Unix()
	t.Logf("seed is %v", seed)

	c, cleanup := TestNewCache(t)
	defer cleanup()

	// save about 5 MiB of data in the cache
	data := test.Random(rand.Int(), 5234142)
	id := restic.ID{}
	copy(id[:], data)
	h := restic.Handle{
		Type: restic.DataFile,
		Name: id.String(),
	if err := c.Save(h, bytes.NewReader(data)); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Save() returned error: %v", err)

	var tests = []struct {
		offset int64
		length int
		{0, 0},
		{5, 0},
		{32*1024 + 5, 0},
		{0, 123},
		{0, 64*1024 + 234},
		{100, 5234142 - 100},

	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", test.length, test.offset), func(t *testing.T) {
			rd, err := c.Load(h, test.length, test.offset)
			if err != nil {

			buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rd)
			if err != nil {

			if err = rd.Close(); err != nil {

			o := int(test.offset)
			l := test.length
			if test.length == 0 {
				l = len(data) - o

			if l > len(data)-o {
				l = len(data) - o

			if len(buf) != l {
				t.Fatalf("wrong number of bytes returned: want %d, got %d", l, len(buf))

			if !bytes.Equal(buf, data[o:o+l]) {
				t.Fatalf("wrong data returned, want:\n  %02x\ngot:\n  %02x", data[o:o+16], buf[:16])