package ui

import (


func FormatBytes(c uint64) string {
	b := float64(c)
	switch {
	case c >= 1<<40:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.3f TiB", b/(1<<40))
	case c >= 1<<30:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.3f GiB", b/(1<<30))
	case c >= 1<<20:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.3f MiB", b/(1<<20))
	case c >= 1<<10:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.3f KiB", b/(1<<10))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%d B", c)

// FormatPercent formats numerator/denominator as a percentage.
func FormatPercent(numerator uint64, denominator uint64) string {
	if denominator == 0 {
		return ""

	percent := 100.0 * float64(numerator) / float64(denominator)
	if percent > 100 {
		percent = 100

	return fmt.Sprintf("%3.2f%%", percent)

// FormatDuration formats d as FormatSeconds would.
func FormatDuration(d time.Duration) string {
	sec := uint64(d / time.Second)
	return FormatSeconds(sec)

// FormatSeconds formats sec as MM:SS, or HH:MM:SS if sec seconds
// is at least an hour.
func FormatSeconds(sec uint64) string {
	hours := sec / 3600
	sec -= hours * 3600
	min := sec / 60
	sec -= min * 60
	if hours > 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, min, sec)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%02d", min, sec)

// ParseBytes parses a size in bytes from s. It understands the suffixes
// B, K, M, G and T for powers of 1024.
func ParseBytes(s string) (int64, error) {
	if s == "" {
		return 0, errors.New("expected size, got empty string")

	numStr := s[:len(s)-1]
	var unit uint64 = 1

	switch s[len(s)-1] {
	case 'b', 'B':
		// use initialized values, do nothing here
	case 'k', 'K':
		unit = 1024
	case 'm', 'M':
		unit = 1024 * 1024
	case 'g', 'G':
		unit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
	case 't', 'T':
		unit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
		numStr = s
	value, err := strconv.ParseInt(numStr, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	hi, lo := bits.Mul64(uint64(value), unit)
	value = int64(lo)
	if hi != 0 || value < 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("ParseSize: %q: %w", numStr, strconv.ErrRange)

	return value, nil

func ToJSONString(status interface{}) string {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(status)
	if err != nil {
	return buf.String()

// TerminalDisplayWidth returns the number of terminal cells needed to display s
func TerminalDisplayWidth(s string) int {
	width := 0
	for _, r := range s {
		width += terminalDisplayRuneWidth(r)

	return width

func terminalDisplayRuneWidth(r rune) int {
	switch width.LookupRune(r).Kind() {
	case width.EastAsianWide, width.EastAsianFullwidth:
		return 2
	case width.EastAsianNarrow, width.EastAsianHalfwidth, width.EastAsianAmbiguous, width.Neutral:
		return 1
		return 0