Apparently readahead was disabled by default. Enable readahead with the Linux default size of 128kB. Larger values seem to have no effect. This can speed up reading from the fuse mount by at least factor 5. Speedup for a 1G random file stored in a local repository: (Only one result shown, but times were quite stable, restarted restic after each command) $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=1024 of=rand $ shasum -a 256 tmp/rand 75dd9b374e712577d64672a05b8ceee40dfc45dce6321082d2c2fd51d60c6c2d tmp/rand before: $ time shasum -a 256 fuse/snapshots/latest/tmp/rand 75dd9b374e712577d64672a05b8ceee40dfc45dce6321082d2c2fd51d60c6c2d fuse/snapshots/latest/tmp/rand real 0m18.294s user 0m4.522s sys 0m3.305s before: $ time cat fuse/snapshots/latest/tmp/rand > /dev/null real 0m14.924s user 0m0.000s sys 0m4.625s after: $ time shasum -a 256 fuse/snapshots/latest/tmp/rand 75dd9b374e712577d64672a05b8ceee40dfc45dce6321082d2c2fd51d60c6c2d fuse/snapshots/latest/tmp/rand real 0m6.106s user 0m3.115s sys 0m0.182s after: $ time cat fuse/snapshots/latest/tmp/rand > /dev/null real 0m3.096s user 0m0.017s sys 0m0.241s
179 lines
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// +build darwin freebsd linux
package main
import (
resticfs ""
systemFuse ""
var cmdMount = &cobra.Command{
Use: "mount [flags] mountpoint",
Short: "Mount the repository",
Long: `
The "mount" command mounts the repository via fuse to a directory. This is a
read-only mount.
Snapshot Directories
If you need a different template for all directories that contain snapshots,
you can pass a template via --snapshot-template. Example without colons:
--snapshot-template "2006-01-02_15-04-05"
You need to specify a sample format for exactly the following timestamp:
Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006
For details please see the documentation for time.Format() at:
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error.
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runMount(mountOptions, globalOptions, args)
// MountOptions collects all options for the mount command.
type MountOptions struct {
OwnerRoot bool
AllowOther bool
NoDefaultPermissions bool
Hosts []string
Tags restic.TagLists
Paths []string
SnapshotTemplate string
var mountOptions MountOptions
func init() {
mountFlags := cmdMount.Flags()
mountFlags.BoolVar(&mountOptions.OwnerRoot, "owner-root", false, "use 'root' as the owner of files and dirs")
mountFlags.BoolVar(&mountOptions.AllowOther, "allow-other", false, "allow other users to access the data in the mounted directory")
mountFlags.BoolVar(&mountOptions.NoDefaultPermissions, "no-default-permissions", false, "for 'allow-other', ignore Unix permissions and allow users to read all snapshot files")
mountFlags.StringArrayVarP(&mountOptions.Hosts, "host", "H", nil, `only consider snapshots for this host (can be specified multiple times)`)
mountFlags.Var(&mountOptions.Tags, "tag", "only consider snapshots which include this `taglist`")
mountFlags.StringArrayVar(&mountOptions.Paths, "path", nil, "only consider snapshots which include this (absolute) `path`")
mountFlags.StringVar(&mountOptions.SnapshotTemplate, "snapshot-template", time.RFC3339, "set `template` to use for snapshot dirs")
func runMount(opts MountOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
if opts.SnapshotTemplate == "" {
return errors.Fatal("snapshot template string cannot be empty")
if strings.ContainsAny(opts.SnapshotTemplate, `\/`) {
return errors.Fatal("snapshot template string contains a slash (/) or backslash (\\) character")
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.Fatal("wrong number of parameters")
debug.Log("start mount")
defer debug.Log("finish mount")
repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
if err != nil {
return err
if !gopts.NoLock {
lock, err := lockRepo(gopts.ctx, repo)
defer unlockRepo(lock)
if err != nil {
return err
err = repo.LoadIndex(gopts.ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
mountpoint := args[0]
if _, err := resticfs.Stat(mountpoint); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
Verbosef("Mountpoint %s doesn't exist\n", mountpoint)
return err
mountOptions := []systemFuse.MountOption{
systemFuse.MaxReadahead(128 * 1024),
if opts.AllowOther {
mountOptions = append(mountOptions, systemFuse.AllowOther())
// let the kernel check permissions unless it is explicitly disabled
if !opts.NoDefaultPermissions {
mountOptions = append(mountOptions, systemFuse.DefaultPermissions())
AddCleanupHandler(func() error {
debug.Log("running umount cleanup handler for mount at %v", mountpoint)
err := umount(mountpoint)
if err != nil {
Warnf("unable to umount (maybe already umounted or still in use?): %v\n", err)
return nil
c, err := systemFuse.Mount(mountpoint, mountOptions...)
if err != nil {
return err
systemFuse.Debug = func(msg interface{}) {
debug.Log("fuse: %v", msg)
cfg := fuse.Config{
OwnerIsRoot: opts.OwnerRoot,
Hosts: opts.Hosts,
Tags: opts.Tags,
Paths: opts.Paths,
SnapshotTemplate: opts.SnapshotTemplate,
root := fuse.NewRoot(repo, cfg)
Printf("Now serving the repository at %s\n", mountpoint)
Printf("When finished, quit with Ctrl-c or umount the mountpoint.\n")
debug.Log("serving mount at %v", mountpoint)
err = fs.Serve(c, root)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.MountError
func umount(mountpoint string) error {
return systemFuse.Unmount(mountpoint)