Michael Eischer 6f53ecc1ae adapt workers based on whether an operation is CPU or IO-bound
Use runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) as worker count for CPU-bound tasks,
repo.Connections() for IO-bound task and a combination if a task can be
both. Streaming packs is treated as IO-bound as adding more worker
cannot provide a speedup.

Typical IO-bound tasks are download / uploading / deleting files.
Decoding / Encoding / Verifying are usually CPU-bound. Several tasks are
a combination of both, e.g. for combined download and decode functions.
In the latter case add both limits together. As the backends have their
own concurrency limits restic still won't download more than
repo.Connections() files in parallel, but the additional workers can
decode already downloaded data in parallel.
2022-07-03 12:19:26 +02:00

196 lines
5.3 KiB

package restic
import (
// TreeItem is used to return either an error or the tree for a tree id
type TreeItem struct {
Error error
type trackedTreeItem struct {
rootIdx int
type trackedID struct {
rootIdx int
// loadTreeWorker loads trees from repo and sends them to out.
func loadTreeWorker(ctx context.Context, repo TreeLoader,
in <-chan trackedID, out chan<- trackedTreeItem) {
for treeID := range in {
tree, err := repo.LoadTree(ctx, treeID.ID)
debug.Log("load tree %v (%v) returned err: %v", tree, treeID, err)
job := trackedTreeItem{TreeItem: TreeItem{ID: treeID.ID, Error: err, Tree: tree}, rootIdx: treeID.rootIdx}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case out <- job:
func filterTrees(ctx context.Context, repo TreeLoader, trees IDs, loaderChan chan<- trackedID, hugeTreeLoaderChan chan<- trackedID,
in <-chan trackedTreeItem, out chan<- TreeItem, skip func(tree ID) bool, p *progress.Counter) {
var (
inCh = in
outCh chan<- TreeItem
loadCh chan<- trackedID
job TreeItem
nextTreeID trackedID
outstandingLoadTreeJobs = 0
rootCounter := make([]int, len(trees))
backlog := make([]trackedID, 0, len(trees))
for idx, id := range trees {
backlog = append(backlog, trackedID{ID: id, rootIdx: idx})
rootCounter[idx] = 1
for {
if loadCh == nil && len(backlog) > 0 {
// process last added ids first, that is traverse the tree in depth-first order
ln := len(backlog) - 1
nextTreeID, backlog = backlog[ln], backlog[:ln]
if skip(nextTreeID.ID) {
if p != nil && rootCounter[nextTreeID.rootIdx] == 0 {
treeSize, found := repo.LookupBlobSize(nextTreeID.ID, TreeBlob)
if found && treeSize > 50*1024*1024 {
loadCh = hugeTreeLoaderChan
} else {
loadCh = loaderChan
if loadCh == nil && outCh == nil && outstandingLoadTreeJobs == 0 {
debug.Log("backlog is empty, all channels nil, exiting")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case loadCh <- nextTreeID:
loadCh = nil
case j, ok := <-inCh:
if !ok {
debug.Log("input channel closed")
inCh = nil
in = nil
debug.Log("input job tree %v", j.ID)
if j.Error != nil {
debug.Log("received job with error: %v (tree %v, ID %v)", j.Error, j.Tree, j.ID)
} else if j.Tree == nil {
debug.Log("received job with nil tree pointer: %v (ID %v)", j.Error, j.ID)
// send a new job with the new error instead of the old one
j = trackedTreeItem{TreeItem: TreeItem{ID: j.ID, Error: errors.New("tree is nil and error is nil")}, rootIdx: j.rootIdx}
} else {
subtrees := j.Tree.Subtrees()
debug.Log("subtrees for tree %v: %v", j.ID, subtrees)
// iterate backwards over subtree to compensate backwards traversal order of nextTreeID selection
for i := len(subtrees) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
id := subtrees[i]
if id.IsNull() {
// We do not need to raise this error here, it is
// checked when the tree is checked. Just make sure
// that we do not add any null IDs to the backlog.
debug.Log("tree %v has nil subtree", j.ID)
backlog = append(backlog, trackedID{ID: id, rootIdx: j.rootIdx})
if p != nil && rootCounter[j.rootIdx] == 0 {
job = j.TreeItem
outCh = out
inCh = nil
case outCh <- job:
debug.Log("tree sent to process: %v", job.ID)
outCh = nil
inCh = in
// StreamTrees iteratively loads the given trees and their subtrees. The skip method
// is guaranteed to always be called from the same goroutine. To shutdown the started
// goroutines, either read all items from the channel or cancel the context. Then `Wait()`
// on the errgroup until all goroutines were stopped.
func StreamTrees(ctx context.Context, wg *errgroup.Group, repo TreeLoader, trees IDs, skip func(tree ID) bool, p *progress.Counter) <-chan TreeItem {
loaderChan := make(chan trackedID)
hugeTreeChan := make(chan trackedID, 10)
loadedTreeChan := make(chan trackedTreeItem)
treeStream := make(chan TreeItem)
var loadTreeWg sync.WaitGroup
// decoding a tree can take quite some time such that this can be both CPU- or IO-bound
// one extra worker to handle huge tree blobs
workerCount := int(repo.Connections()) + runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) + 1
for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
workerLoaderChan := loaderChan
if i == 0 {
workerLoaderChan = hugeTreeChan
wg.Go(func() error {
defer loadTreeWg.Done()
loadTreeWorker(ctx, repo, workerLoaderChan, loadedTreeChan)
return nil
// close once all loadTreeWorkers have completed
wg.Go(func() error {
return nil
wg.Go(func() error {
defer close(loaderChan)
defer close(hugeTreeChan)
defer close(treeStream)
filterTrees(ctx, repo, trees, loaderChan, hugeTreeChan, loadedTreeChan, treeStream, skip, p)
return nil
return treeStream