Modifies format module to add options for human readable storage size formatting, using size parsing already in ui/format. Cmd flag --human-readable added to ls and find commands. Additional option added to formatNode to support printing size in regular or new human readable format
13 lines
605 B
13 lines
605 B
Enhancement: Add --human-readable flag to ls and find commands
Previously, the `ls` and `find` commands showed with the `-l` option
showed size in bytes, and did not have an option for a more human
readable format that converted these longer numbers into values such
as MiB or GiB
The new `--human-readable` option for `ls` and `find` when used with
the `-l` option will convert longer size values into more human friendly
values, with an appropriate suffix depending on the output size. For
example, a value of `14680064` will be shown as `14.000 MiB`.
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