To clear the status lines, they should be set to an empty array to prevent future updates of those lines. Setting the status lines to an array containing an empty string is wrong as this causes the output to continuously add that empty status line after each message.
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129 lines
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package main
import (
// calculateProgressInterval returns the interval configured via RESTIC_PROGRESS_FPS
// or if unset returns an interval for 60fps on interactive terminals and 0 (=disabled)
// for non-interactive terminals or when run using the --quiet flag
func calculateProgressInterval(show bool, json bool) time.Duration {
interval := time.Second / 60
fps, err := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Getenv("RESTIC_PROGRESS_FPS"), 64)
if err == nil && fps > 0 {
if fps > 60 {
fps = 60
interval = time.Duration(float64(time.Second) / fps)
} else if !json && !stdoutCanUpdateStatus() || !show {
interval = 0
return interval
// newTerminalProgressMax returns a progress.Counter that prints to stdout or terminal if provided.
func newGenericProgressMax(show bool, max uint64, description string, print func(status string, final bool)) *progress.Counter {
if !show {
return nil
interval := calculateProgressInterval(show, false)
return progress.NewCounter(interval, max, func(v uint64, max uint64, d time.Duration, final bool) {
var status string
if max == 0 {
status = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %d %s",
ui.FormatDuration(d), v, description)
} else {
status = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s %d / %d %s",
ui.FormatDuration(d), ui.FormatPercent(v, max), v, max, description)
print(status, final)
func newTerminalProgressMax(show bool, max uint64, description string, term *termstatus.Terminal) *progress.Counter {
return newGenericProgressMax(show, max, description, func(status string, final bool) {
if final {
} else {
// newProgressMax calls newTerminalProgress without a terminal (print to stdout)
func newProgressMax(show bool, max uint64, description string) *progress.Counter {
return newGenericProgressMax(show, max, description, printProgress)
func printProgress(status string, final bool) {
canUpdateStatus := stdoutCanUpdateStatus()
w := stdoutTerminalWidth()
if w > 0 {
if w < 3 {
status = termstatus.Truncate(status, w)
} else {
trunc := termstatus.Truncate(status, w-3)
if len(trunc) < len(status) {
status = trunc + "..."
var carriageControl, clear string
if canUpdateStatus {
clear = clearLine(w)
if !(strings.HasSuffix(status, "\r") || strings.HasSuffix(status, "\n")) {
if canUpdateStatus {
carriageControl = "\r"
} else {
carriageControl = "\n"
_, _ = os.Stdout.Write([]byte(clear + status + carriageControl))
if final {
_, _ = os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n"))
func newIndexProgress(quiet bool, json bool) *progress.Counter {
return newProgressMax(!quiet && !json && stdoutIsTerminal(), 0, "index files loaded")
func newIndexTerminalProgress(quiet bool, json bool, term *termstatus.Terminal) *progress.Counter {
return newTerminalProgressMax(!quiet && !json && stdoutIsTerminal(), 0, "index files loaded", term)
type terminalProgressPrinter struct {
term *termstatus.Terminal
show bool
func (t *terminalProgressPrinter) NewCounter(description string) *progress.Counter {
return newTerminalProgressMax(, 0, description, t.term)
func newTerminalProgressPrinter(verbosity uint, term *termstatus.Terminal) progress.Printer {
return &terminalProgressPrinter{
term: term,
Message: *ui.NewMessage(term, verbosity),
show: verbosity > 0,