Before, the restic-server read the whole blob (up to 8MB) into memory prior to writing it to disk. Concurrent writes consumed a lot of memory. This change writes the blob to a tmp file directly and renames it afterwards in case there where no errors. |
.github | ||
doc | ||
src/restic | ||
vendor | ||
.gitignore | ||
.hound.yml | ||
.travis.yml | ||
appveyor.yml | ||
build.go | || | ||
Dockerfile | ||
Makefile | ||
mkdocs.yml | || | ||
run_integration_tests.go | ||
Vagrantfile | ||
restic is a backup program that is fast, efficient and secure. Detailed information can be found in the documentation and the user manual. The design document lists the technical background and gives detailed information about the structure of the repository and the data saved therein.
The latest documentation can be viewed online at On the bottom left corner there is a menu that allows switching to the documentation and user manual for the latest released version.
Build restic
Install Go/Golang (at least version 1.3), then run go run build.go
afterwards you'll find the binary in the current directory:
$ go run build.go
$ ./restic --help
restic [OPTIONS] <command>
More documentation can be found in the user manual.
At the moment, the only tested compiler for restic is the official Go compiler. Building restic with gccgo may work, but is not supported.
Contribute and Documentation
Contributions are welcome! More information can be found in
. A document describing the design of
restic and the data structures stored on the back end is contained in
The development environment is described in
If you discover a bug, find something surprising or if you would like to discuss or ask something, please open a github issue. If you would like to chat about restic, there is also the IRC channel #restic on
Important: If you discover something that you believe to be a possible critical security problem, please do not open a GitHub issue but send an email directly to If possible, please encrypt your email using the following PGP key (0x91A6868BD3F7A907):
pub 4096R/91A6868BD3F7A907 2014-11-01
Key fingerprint = CF8F 18F2 8445 7597 3F79 D4E1 91A6 868B D3F7 A907
uid Alexander Neumann <>
uid Alexander Neumann <>
sub 4096R/D5FC2ACF4043FDF1 2014-11-01
Restic is licensed under "BSD 2-Clause License". You can find the complete text
in the file LICENSE