2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
import boto3
import botocore . session
from botocore . exceptions import ClientError
from botocore . exceptions import ParamValidationError
from nose . tools import eq_ as eq
from nose . plugins . attrib import attr
from nose . plugins . skip import SkipTest
import isodate
import email . utils
import datetime
import threading
import re
import pytz
from collections import OrderedDict
import requests
import json
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib
import xml . etree . ElementTree as ET
import time
import operator
import nose
import os
import string
import random
import socket
import ssl
from email . header import decode_header
from . utils import assert_raises
from . utils import generate_random
from . utils import _get_status_and_error_code
from . utils import _get_status
from . policy import Policy , Statement , make_json_policy
from . import (
get_client ,
get_prefix ,
get_unauthenticated_client ,
get_bad_auth_client ,
get_v2_client ,
get_new_bucket ,
get_new_bucket_name ,
get_new_bucket_resource ,
get_config_is_secure ,
get_config_host ,
get_config_port ,
get_config_endpoint ,
get_main_aws_access_key ,
get_main_aws_secret_key ,
get_main_display_name ,
get_main_user_id ,
get_main_email ,
get_main_api_name ,
get_alt_aws_access_key ,
get_alt_aws_secret_key ,
get_alt_display_name ,
get_alt_user_id ,
get_alt_email ,
get_alt_client ,
get_tenant_client ,
get_tenant_iam_client ,
get_tenant_user_id ,
get_buckets_list ,
get_objects_list ,
get_main_kms_keyid ,
get_secondary_kms_keyid ,
nuke_prefixed_buckets ,
import boto
import boto . s3 . connection
import sys
import random
from botocore . client import Config
endpoint = ' http://localhost:8000 '
access_key = ' b2345678901234567890 '
secret_key = ' b234567890123456789012345678901234567890 '
region_name = ' '
def get_connection ( ) :
conn = boto . connect_s3 (
aws_access_key_id = access_key ,
aws_secret_access_key = secret_key ,
host = ' localhost ' , port = 8000 ,
is_secure = False , # uncomment if you are not using ssl
calling_format = boto . s3 . connection . OrdinaryCallingFormat ( ) ,
return conn
2020-04-09 16:43:11 +03:00
def create_csv_object_for_datetime ( rows , columns ) :
result = " "
for i in range ( rows ) :
row = " " ;
for y in range ( columns ) :
row = row + " {} {:02d} {:02d} - {:02d} {:02d} {:02d} , " . format ( random . randint ( 0 , 100 ) + 1900 , random . randint ( 1 , 12 ) , random . randint ( 1 , 28 ) , random . randint ( 0 , 23 ) , random . randint ( 0 , 59 ) , random . randint ( 0 , 59 ) , ) ;
result + = row + " \n "
return result
2020-04-28 19:10:24 +03:00
def create_random_csv_object ( rows , columns , col_delim = " , " , record_delim = " \n " ) :
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
result = " "
for i in range ( rows ) :
row = " " ;
for y in range ( columns ) :
2020-04-28 19:10:24 +03:00
row = row + " {} {} " . format ( random . randint ( 0 , 1000 ) , col_delim ) ;
result + = row + record_delim
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
return result
2020-04-28 19:10:24 +03:00
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
def upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , new_key , obj ) :
conn = get_connection ( )
conn . create_bucket ( bucket_name )
bucket = conn . get_bucket ( bucket_name )
k1 = bucket . new_key ( new_key ) ;
k1 . set_contents_from_string ( obj ) ;
2020-04-28 19:10:24 +03:00
def run_s3select ( bucket , key , query , column_delim = " , " , row_delim = " \n " , quot_char = ' " ' , esc_char = ' \\ ' ) :
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
s3 = boto3 . client ( ' s3 ' , #'sns',
endpoint_url = endpoint ,
aws_access_key_id = access_key ,
region_name = region_name ,
aws_secret_access_key = secret_key )
r = s3 . select_object_content (
Bucket = bucket ,
Key = key ,
ExpressionType = ' SQL ' ,
2020-04-28 19:10:24 +03:00
InputSerialization = { " CSV " : { " RecordDelimiter " : row_delim , " FieldDelimiter " : column_delim , " QuoteEscapeCharacter " : esc_char , " QuoteCharacter " : quot_char } , " CompressionType " : " NONE " } ,
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
OutputSerialization = { " CSV " : { } } ,
Expression = query , )
result = " "
for event in r [ ' Payload ' ] :
if ' Records ' in event :
records = event [ ' Records ' ] [ ' Payload ' ] . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
result + = records
return result
def remove_xml_tags_from_result ( obj ) :
result = " "
for rec in obj . split ( " \n " ) :
if ( rec . find ( " Payload " ) > 0 or rec . find ( " Records " ) > 0 ) :
result + = rec + " \n " # remove by split
return result
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
def create_list_of_int ( column_pos , obj ) :
res = 0
list_of_int = [ ]
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
for rec in obj . split ( " \n " ) :
col_num = 1
if ( len ( rec ) == 0 ) :
continue ;
for col in rec . split ( " , " ) :
if ( col_num == column_pos ) :
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
list_of_int . append ( int ( col ) ) ;
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
col_num + = 1 ;
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
return list_of_int
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
def test_count_operation ( ) :
csv_obj_name = " csv_star_oper "
bucket_name = " test "
num_of_rows = 10
obj_to_load = create_random_csv_object ( num_of_rows , 10 )
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , obj_to_load )
res = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select count(0) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
assert num_of_rows == int ( res )
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
def test_column_sum_min_max ( ) :
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object ( 10000 , 10 )
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
csv_obj_name = " csv_10000x10 "
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select min(int(_1)) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
list_int = create_list_of_int ( 1 , csv_obj )
res_target = min ( list_int )
assert int ( res_s3select ) == int ( res_target )
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select min(int(_4)) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
list_int = create_list_of_int ( 4 , csv_obj )
res_target = min ( list_int )
assert int ( res_s3select ) == int ( res_target )
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select max(int(_4)) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
list_int = create_list_of_int ( 4 , csv_obj )
res_target = max ( list_int )
assert int ( res_s3select ) == int ( res_target )
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select max(int(_7)) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
list_int = create_list_of_int ( 7 , csv_obj )
res_target = max ( list_int )
assert int ( res_s3select ) == int ( res_target )
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select sum(int(_4)) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
list_int = create_list_of_int ( 4 , csv_obj )
res_target = sum ( list_int )
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
assert int ( res_s3select ) == int ( res_target )
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select sum(int(_7)) from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
list_int = create_list_of_int ( 7 , csv_obj )
res_target = sum ( list_int )
assert int ( res_s3select ) == int ( res_target )
2020-04-04 16:31:54 +03:00
def test_complex_expressions ( ) :
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
2020-04-04 16:31:54 +03:00
# purpose of test: engine is process correctly several projections containing aggregation-functions
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object ( 10000 , 10 )
csv_obj_name = " csv_100000x10 "
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
# assert is according to radom-csv function
assert res_s3select == " 0,1000,1, "
# purpose of test that all where conditions create the same group of values, thus same result
res_s3select_substr = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where substr(_2,1,1) == " 1 " ' ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
res_s3select_between_numbers = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where int(_2)>=100 and int(_2)<200 ' ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
res_s3select_eq_modolu = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where int(_2)/100 == 1 or int(_2)/10 == 1 or int(_2) == 1 ' ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_substr == res_s3select_between_numbers
assert res_s3select_between_numbers == res_s3select_eq_modolu
2020-03-26 17:49:55 +02:00
def test_alias ( ) :
2020-03-31 14:35:51 +03:00
# purpose: test is comparing result of exactly the same queries , one with alias the other without.
# this test is setting alias on 3 projections, the third projection is using other projection alias, also the where clause is using aliases
# the test validate that where-clause and projections are executing aliases correctly, bare in mind that each alias has its own cache,
# and that cache need to be invalidate per new row.
2020-03-26 17:49:55 +02:00
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object ( 10000 , 10 )
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
2020-03-29 17:23:05 +03:00
csv_obj_name = " csv_10000x10 "
2020-03-26 17:49:55 +02:00
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select int(_1) as a1, int(_2) as a2 , (a1+a2) as a3 from stdin where a3>100 and a3<300; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
res_s3select_no_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select int(_1),int(_2),int(_1)+int(_2) from stdin where (int(_1)+int(_2))>100 and (int(_1)+int(_2))<300; " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == res_s3select_no_alias
2020-03-23 13:36:32 +02:00
2020-03-31 14:35:51 +03:00
def test_alias_cyclic_refernce ( ) :
# purpose of test is to validate the s3select-engine is able to detect a cyclic reference to alias.
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object ( 10000 , 10 )
csv_obj_name = " csv_10000x10 "
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select int(_1) as a1,int(_2) as a2, a1+a4 as a3, a5+a1 as a4, int(_3)+a3 as a5 from stdin; " ) )
find_res = res_s3select_alias . find ( " number of calls exceed maximum size, probably a cyclic reference to alias " ) ;
assert int ( find_res ) > = 0
2020-04-09 16:43:11 +03:00
def test_datetime ( ) :
# purpose of test is to validate date-time functionality is correct,
# by creating same groups with different functions (nested-calls) ,which later produce the same result
csv_obj = create_csv_object_for_datetime ( 10000 , 1 )
csv_obj_name = " csv_datetime_10000x10 "
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select count(0) from stdin where extract( " year " ,timestamp(_1)) > 1950 and extract( " year " ,timestamp(_1)) < 1960; ' ) )
res_s3select_substr = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select count(0) from stdin where int(substr(_1,1,4))>1950 and int(substr(_1,1,4))<1960; ' ) )
assert res_s3select_date_time == res_s3select_substr
res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select count(0) from stdin where datediff( " month " ,timestamp(_1),dateadd( " month " ,2,timestamp(_1)) ) == 2; ' ) )
res_s3select_count = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select count(0) from stdin; ' ) )
assert res_s3select_date_time == res_s3select_count
res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select count(0) from stdin where datediff( " year " ,timestamp(_1),dateadd( " day " , 366 ,timestamp(_1))) == 1 ; ' ) )
assert res_s3select_date_time == res_s3select_count
2020-04-15 17:20:52 +03:00
# validate that utcnow is integrate correctly with other date-time functions
res_s3select_date_time_utcnow = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , ' select count(0) from stdin where datediff( " hours " ,utcnow(),dateadd( " day " ,1,utcnow())) == 24 ; ' ) )
assert res_s3select_date_time_utcnow == res_s3select_count
2020-04-09 16:43:11 +03:00
2020-04-28 19:10:24 +03:00
def test_csv_parser ( ) :
# purpuse: test default csv values(, \n " \ ), return value may contain meta-char
# NOTE: should note that default meta-char for s3select are also for python, thus for one example double \ is mandatory
csv_obj = ' ,first,,,second,third= " c31,c32,c33 " ,forth= " 1,2,3,4 " ,fifth= " my_string= \\ " any_value \\ " , my_other_string= \\ " aaaa,bbb \\ " " , ' + " \n "
csv_obj_name = " csv_one_line "
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
# return value contain comma{,}
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _6 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' third= " c31,c32,c33 " , '
# return value contain comma{,}
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _7 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' forth= " 1,2,3,4 " , '
# return value contain comma{,}{"}, escape-rule{\} by-pass quote{"} , the escape{\} is removed.
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _8 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' fifth= " my_string= " any_value " , my_other_string= " aaaa,bbb " " , '
# return NULL as first token
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _1 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' , '
# return NULL in the middle of line
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _3 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' , '
# return NULL in the middle of line (successive)
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _4 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' , '
# return NULL at the end line
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select _9 from stdin; " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res_s3select_alias == ' , '
def test_csv_definition ( ) :
number_of_rows = 10000
#create object with pipe-sign as field separator and tab as row delimiter.
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object ( number_of_rows , 10 , " | " , " \t " )
csv_obj_name = " csv_pipeSign_tab_eol "
bucket_name = " test "
upload_csv_object ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , csv_obj )
# purpose of tests is to parse correctly input with different csv defintions
res = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select count(0) from stdin; " , " | " , " \t " ) ) . replace ( " , " , " " )
assert number_of_rows == int ( res )
# assert is according to radom-csv function
# purpose of test is validate that tokens are processed correctly
res = remove_xml_tags_from_result ( run_s3select ( bucket_name , csv_obj_name , " select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin; " , " | " , " \t " ) ) . replace ( " \n " , " " )
assert res == " 0,1000,1, "