2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
import boto3
import botocore . session
from botocore . exceptions import ClientError
from botocore . exceptions import ParamValidationError
from nose . tools import eq_ as eq
from nose . plugins . attrib import attr
from nose . plugins . skip import SkipTest
import isodate
import email . utils
import datetime
import threading
import re
import pytz
from cStringIO import StringIO
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
import requests
import json
import base64
import hmac
import sha
import xml . etree . ElementTree as ET
import time
import operator
import nose
import os
import string
import random
import socket
import ssl
from collections import namedtuple
from email . header import decode_header
from . utils import assert_raises
from . utils import generate_random
from . utils import _get_status_and_error_code
from . utils import _get_status
from . policy import Policy , Statement , make_json_policy
from . import (
get_client ,
get_prefix ,
get_unauthenticated_client ,
get_bad_auth_client ,
get_v2_client ,
get_new_bucket ,
get_new_bucket_name ,
get_new_bucket_resource ,
get_config_is_secure ,
get_config_host ,
get_config_port ,
2019-02-26 16:25:28 -05:00
get_config_endpoint ,
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
get_main_aws_access_key ,
get_main_aws_secret_key ,
get_main_display_name ,
get_main_user_id ,
get_main_email ,
get_main_api_name ,
get_alt_aws_access_key ,
get_alt_aws_secret_key ,
get_alt_display_name ,
get_alt_user_id ,
get_alt_email ,
get_alt_client ,
get_tenant_client ,
get_buckets_list ,
get_objects_list ,
get_main_kms_keyid ,
nuke_prefixed_buckets ,
def _bucket_is_empty ( bucket ) :
is_empty = True
for obj in bucket . objects . all ( ) :
is_empty = False
return is_empty
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty buckets return no contents ' )
def test_bucket_list_empty ( ) :
bucket = get_new_bucket_resource ( )
is_empty = _bucket_is_empty ( bucket )
eq ( is_empty , True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' distinct buckets have different contents ' )
def test_bucket_list_distinct ( ) :
bucket1 = get_new_bucket_resource ( )
bucket2 = get_new_bucket_resource ( )
obj = bucket1 . put_object ( Body = ' str ' , Key = ' asdf ' )
is_empty = _bucket_is_empty ( bucket2 )
eq ( is_empty , True )
def _create_objects ( bucket = None , bucket_name = None , keys = [ ] ) :
Populate a ( specified or new ) bucket with objects with
specified names ( and contents identical to their names ) .
if bucket_name is None :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
if bucket is None :
bucket = get_new_bucket_resource ( name = bucket_name )
for key in keys :
obj = bucket . put_object ( Body = key , Key = key )
return bucket_name
def _get_keys ( response ) :
return lists of strings that are the keys from a client . list_objects ( ) response
keys = [ ]
if ' Contents ' in response :
objects_list = response [ ' Contents ' ]
keys = [ obj [ ' Key ' ] for obj in objects_list ]
return keys
def _get_prefixes ( response ) :
return lists of strings that are prefixes from a client . list_objects ( ) response
prefixes = [ ]
if ' CommonPrefixes ' in response :
prefix_list = response [ ' CommonPrefixes ' ]
prefixes = [ prefix [ ' Prefix ' ] for prefix in prefix_list ]
return prefixes
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/max_keys=2, no marker ' )
def test_bucket_list_many ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 2 )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( len ( keys ) , 2 )
eq ( keys , [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , True )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Marker = ' baz ' , MaxKeys = 2 )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( len ( keys ) , 1 )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/max_keys=2, no marker ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_many ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 2 )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( len ( keys ) , 2 )
eq ( keys , [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , True )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , StartAfter = ' baz ' , MaxKeys = 2 )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( len ( keys ) , 1 )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' keycount in listobjectsv2 ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_basic_key_count ( ) :
client = get_client ( )
bucket_names = [ ]
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
for j in range ( 5 ) :
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = str ( j ) )
response1 = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response1 [ ' KeyCount ' ] , 5 )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes in multi-component object names ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_basic ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/bar/xyzzy ' , ' quux/thud ' , ' asdf ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' / ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' asdf ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' foo/ ' , ' quux/ ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes in multi-component object names ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_basic ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/bar/xyzzy ' , ' quux/thud ' , ' asdf ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' / ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' asdf ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' foo/ ' , ' quux/ ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delimiter , marker , max_keys ,
is_truncated , check_objs , check_prefixes , next_marker ) :
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = delimiter , Marker = marker , MaxKeys = max_keys , Prefix = prefix )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , is_truncated )
if ' NextMarker ' not in response :
response [ ' NextMarker ' ] = None
eq ( response [ ' NextMarker ' ] , next_marker )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( keys ) , len ( check_objs ) )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , len ( check_prefixes ) )
eq ( keys , check_objs )
eq ( prefixes , check_prefixes )
return response [ ' NextMarker ' ]
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
def validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delimiter , continuation_token , max_keys ,
is_truncated , check_objs , check_prefixes , next_continuation_token ) :
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = delimiter , StartAfter = continuation_token , MaxKeys = max_keys , Prefix = prefix )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , is_truncated )
if ' NextContinuationToken ' not in response :
response [ ' NextContinuationToken ' ] = None
eq ( response [ ' NextContinuationToken ' ] , next_continuation_token )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( keys ) , len ( check_objs ) )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , len ( check_prefixes ) )
eq ( keys , check_objs )
eq ( prefixes , check_prefixes )
return response [ ' NextContinuationToken ' ]
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes in multi-component object names ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_prefix ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' asdf ' , ' boo/bar ' , ' boo/baz/xyzzy ' , ' cquux/thud ' , ' cquux/bla ' ] )
delim = ' / '
marker = ' '
prefix = ' '
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' asdf ' ] , [ ] , ' asdf ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 1 , True , [ ] , [ ' boo/ ' ] , ' boo/ ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' cquux/ ' ] , None )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , True , [ ' asdf ' ] , [ ' boo/ ' ] , ' boo/ ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 2 , False , [ ] , [ ' cquux/ ' ] , None )
prefix = ' boo/ '
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' boo/bar ' ] , [ ] , ' boo/bar ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' boo/baz/ ' ] , None )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , False , [ ' boo/bar ' ] , [ ' boo/baz/ ' ] , None )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes in multi-component object names ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_prefix ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' asdf ' , ' boo/bar ' , ' boo/baz/xyzzy ' , ' cquux/thud ' , ' cquux/bla ' ] )
delim = ' / '
continuation_token = ' '
prefix = ' '
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' asdf ' ] , [ ] , ' asdf ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 1 , True , [ ] , [ ' boo/ ' ] , ' boo/ ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' cquux/ ' ] , None )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , True , [ ' asdf ' ] , [ ' boo/ ' ] , ' boo/ ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 2 , False , [ ] , [ ' cquux/ ' ] , None )
prefix = ' boo/ '
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' boo/bar ' ] , [ ] , ' boo/bar ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' boo/baz/ ' ] , None )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , False , [ ' boo/bar ' ] , [ ' boo/baz/ ' ] , None )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefix and delimiter handling when object ends with delimiter ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_prefix_ends_with_delimiter ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' asdf/ ' ] )
validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , ' asdf/ ' , ' / ' , ' ' , 1000 , False , [ ' asdf/ ' ] , [ ] , None )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefix and delimiter handling when object ends with delimiter ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_prefix_ends_with_delimiter ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' asdf/ ' ] )
validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , ' asdf/ ' , ' / ' , ' ' , 1000 , False , [ ' asdf/ ' ] , [ ] , None )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-slash delimiter characters ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_alt ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' a ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' ba ' , ' ca ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-slash delimiter characters ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_alt ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' a ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' ba ' , ' ca ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes starting with underscore ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_prefix_underscore ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' _obj1_ ' , ' _under1/bar ' , ' _under1/baz/xyzzy ' , ' _under2/thud ' , ' _under2/bla ' ] )
delim = ' / '
marker = ' '
prefix = ' '
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' _obj1_ ' ] , [ ] , ' _obj1_ ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 1 , True , [ ] , [ ' _under1/ ' ] , ' _under1/ ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' _under2/ ' ] , None )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , True , [ ' _obj1_ ' ] , [ ' _under1/ ' ] , ' _under1/ ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 2 , False , [ ] , [ ' _under2/ ' ] , None )
prefix = ' _under1/ '
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' _under1/bar ' ] , [ ] , ' _under1/bar ' )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , marker , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' _under1/baz/ ' ] , None )
marker = validate_bucket_list ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , False , [ ' _under1/bar ' ] , [ ' _under1/baz/ ' ] , None )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes starting with underscore ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_prefix_underscore ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' _obj1_ ' , ' _under1/bar ' , ' _under1/baz/xyzzy ' , ' _under2/thud ' , ' _under2/bla ' ] )
delim = ' / '
continuation_token = ' '
prefix = ' '
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' _obj1_ ' ] , [ ] , ' _obj1_ ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 1 , True , [ ] , [ ' _under1/ ' ] , ' _under1/ ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' _under2/ ' ] , None )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , True , [ ' _obj1_ ' ] , [ ' _under1/ ' ] , ' _under1/ ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 2 , False , [ ] , [ ' _under2/ ' ] , None )
prefix = ' _under1/ '
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 1 , True , [ ' _under1/bar ' ] , [ ] , ' _under1/bar ' )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , continuation_token , 1 , False , [ ] , [ ' _under1/baz/ ' ] , None )
continuation_token = validate_bucket_listv2 ( bucket_name , prefix , delim , ' ' , 2 , False , [ ' _under1/bar ' ] , [ ' _under1/baz/ ' ] , None )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' percentage delimiter characters ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_percentage ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' b %a r ' , ' b %a z ' , ' c %a b ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' % ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' % ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
eq ( prefixes , [ ' b % ' , ' c % ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' percentage delimiter characters ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_percentage ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' b %a r ' , ' b %a z ' , ' c %a b ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' % ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' % ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
eq ( prefixes , [ ' b % ' , ' c % ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' whitespace delimiter characters ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_whitespace ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' b ar ' , ' b az ' , ' c ab ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
eq ( prefixes , [ ' b ' , ' c ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' whitespace delimiter characters ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_whitespace ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' b ar ' , ' b az ' , ' c ab ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
eq ( prefixes , [ ' b ' , ' c ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' dot delimiter characters ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_dot ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' b.ar ' , ' b.az ' , ' c.ab ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' . ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' . ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
eq ( prefixes , [ ' b. ' , ' c. ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' dot delimiter characters ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_dot ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' b.ar ' , ' b.az ' , ' c.ab ' , ' foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' . ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' . ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
# foo contains no 'a' and so is a complete key
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' ] )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( len ( prefixes ) , 2 )
# bar, baz, and cab should be broken up by the 'a' delimiters
eq ( prefixes , [ ' b. ' , ' c. ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-printable delimiter can be specified ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_unreadable ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' \x0a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-printable delimiter can be specified ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_unreadable ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' \x0a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty delimiter can be specified ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' ' )
# putting an empty value into Delimiter will not return a value in the response
eq ( ' Delimiter ' in response , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty delimiter can be specified ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' ' )
# putting an empty value into Delimiter will not return a value in the response
eq ( ' Delimiter ' in response , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' unspecified delimiter defaults to none ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
# putting an empty value into Delimiter will not return a value in the response
eq ( ' Delimiter ' in response , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' unspecified delimiter defaults to none ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
# putting an empty value into Delimiter will not return a value in the response
eq ( ' Delimiter ' in response , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_fetchowner_notempty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , FetchOwner = True )
objs_list = response [ ' Contents ' ]
eq ( ' Owner ' in objs_list [ 0 ] , True )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_fetchowner_defaultempty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
objs_list = response [ ' Contents ' ]
eq ( ' Owner ' in objs_list [ 0 ] , False )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_fetchowner_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , FetchOwner = False )
objs_list = response [ ' Contents ' ]
eq ( ' Owner ' in objs_list [ 0 ] , False )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' unused delimiter is not found ' )
def test_bucket_list_delimiter_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' / ' )
# putting an empty value into Delimiter will not return a value in the response
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' unused delimiter is not found ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_delimiter_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' / ' )
# putting an empty value into Delimiter will not return a value in the response
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns only objects under prefix ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_basic ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' foo/ ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' foo/ ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns only objects under prefix ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_basic ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' foo/ ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' foo/ ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
# just testing that we can do the delimeter and prefix logic on non-slashes
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes w/o delimiters ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_alt ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' ba ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ba ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' prefixes w/o delimiters ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_alt ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' ba ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ba ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty prefix returns everything ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty prefix returns everything ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' unspecified prefix returns everything ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' unspecified prefix returns everything ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' nonexistent prefix returns nothing ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' d ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' d ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' nonexistent prefix returns nothing ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' d ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' d ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-printable prefix can be specified ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_unreadable ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' \x0a ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix with list-objects-v2 ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( assertion = ' non-printable prefix can be specified ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_unreadable ( ) :
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz ' , ' quux ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Prefix = ' \x0a ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' \x0a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns only objects directly under prefix ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_delimiter_basic ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz/xyzzy ' , ' quux/thud ' , ' asdf ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' / ' , Prefix = ' foo/ ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' foo/ ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' foo/bar ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' foo/baz/ ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list-objects-v2 under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns only objects directly under prefix ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_delimiter_basic ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo/bar ' , ' foo/baz/xyzzy ' , ' quux/thud ' , ' asdf ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' / ' , Prefix = ' foo/ ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' foo/ ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' foo/bar ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' foo/baz/ ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-slash delimiters ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_delimiter_alt ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' bazar ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' a ' , Prefix = ' ba ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ba ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' bar ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' baza ' ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_delimiter_alt ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' bazar ' , ' cab ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' a ' , Prefix = ' ba ' )
eq ( response [ ' Prefix ' ] , ' ba ' )
eq ( response [ ' Delimiter ' ] , ' a ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' bar ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ' baza ' ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' finds nothing w/unmatched prefix ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_delimiter_prefix_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' b/a/r ' , ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' g ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' d ' , Prefix = ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list-objects-v2 under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' finds nothing w/unmatched prefix ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_delimiter_prefix_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' b/a/r ' , ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' g ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' d ' , Prefix = ' / ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' over-ridden slash ceases to be a delimiter ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_delimiter_delimiter_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' b/a/r ' , ' g ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' z ' , Prefix = ' b ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' b/a/r ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list-objects-v2 under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' over-ridden slash ceases to be a delimiter ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_delimiter_delimiter_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' b/a/r ' , ' g ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' z ' , Prefix = ' b ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' b/a/r ' ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' finds nothing w/unmatched prefix and delimiter ' )
def test_bucket_list_prefix_delimiter_prefix_delimiter_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' b/a/r ' , ' g ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' z ' , Prefix = ' y ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list-objects-v2 under prefix w/delimiter ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' finds nothing w/unmatched prefix and delimiter ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_prefix_delimiter_prefix_delimiter_not_exist ( ) :
key_names = [ ' b/a/c ' , ' b/a/g ' , ' b/a/r ' , ' g ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = ' z ' , Prefix = ' y ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
prefixes = _get_prefixes ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
eq ( prefixes , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/max_keys=1, marker ' )
def test_bucket_list_maxkeys_one ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 1 )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , True )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names [ 0 : 1 ] )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Marker = key_names [ 0 ] )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names [ 1 : ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/max_keys=1, marker ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_maxkeys_one ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 1 )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , True )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names [ 0 : 1 ] )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , StartAfter = key_names [ 0 ] )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names [ 1 : ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/max_keys=0 ' )
def test_bucket_list_maxkeys_zero ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 0 )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/max_keys=0 ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_maxkeys_zero ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 0 )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/o max_keys ' )
def test_bucket_list_maxkeys_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( response [ ' MaxKeys ' ] , 1000 )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' pagination w/o max_keys ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_maxkeys_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
eq ( response [ ' MaxKeys ' ] , 1000 )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' bucket list unordered ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # allow-unordered is a non-standard extension
def test_bucket_list_unordered ( ) :
# boto3.set_stream_logger(name='botocore')
keys_in = [ ' ado ' , ' bot ' , ' cob ' , ' dog ' , ' emu ' , ' fez ' , ' gnu ' , ' hex ' ,
' abc/ink ' , ' abc/jet ' , ' abc/kin ' , ' abc/lax ' , ' abc/mux ' ,
' def/nim ' , ' def/owl ' , ' def/pie ' , ' def/qed ' , ' def/rye ' ,
' ghi/sew ' , ' ghi/tor ' , ' ghi/uke ' , ' ghi/via ' , ' ghi/wit ' ,
' xix ' , ' yak ' , ' zoo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = keys_in )
client = get_client ( )
# adds the unordered query parameter
def add_unordered ( * * kwargs ) :
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ] + = " &allow-unordered=true "
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.ListObjects ' , add_unordered )
# test simple retrieval
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 1000 )
unordered_keys_out = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( len ( keys_in ) , len ( unordered_keys_out ) )
eq ( keys_in . sort ( ) , unordered_keys_out . sort ( ) )
# test retrieval with prefix
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name ,
MaxKeys = 1000 ,
Prefix = " abc/ " )
unordered_keys_out = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( 5 , len ( unordered_keys_out ) )
# test incremental retrieval with marker
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 6 )
unordered_keys_out = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( 6 , len ( unordered_keys_out ) )
# now get the next bunch
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name ,
MaxKeys = 6 ,
Marker = unordered_keys_out [ - 1 ] )
unordered_keys_out2 = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( 6 , len ( unordered_keys_out2 ) )
# make sure there's no overlap between the incremental retrievals
intersect = set ( unordered_keys_out ) . intersection ( unordered_keys_out2 )
eq ( 0 , len ( intersect ) )
# verify that unordered used with delimiter results in error
e = assert_raises ( ClientError ,
client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = " / " )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidArgument ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' bucket list unordered ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # allow-unordered is a non-standard extension
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_unordered ( ) :
# boto3.set_stream_logger(name='botocore')
keys_in = [ ' ado ' , ' bot ' , ' cob ' , ' dog ' , ' emu ' , ' fez ' , ' gnu ' , ' hex ' ,
' abc/ink ' , ' abc/jet ' , ' abc/kin ' , ' abc/lax ' , ' abc/mux ' ,
' def/nim ' , ' def/owl ' , ' def/pie ' , ' def/qed ' , ' def/rye ' ,
' ghi/sew ' , ' ghi/tor ' , ' ghi/uke ' , ' ghi/via ' , ' ghi/wit ' ,
' xix ' , ' yak ' , ' zoo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = keys_in )
client = get_client ( )
# adds the unordered query parameter
def add_unordered ( * * kwargs ) :
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ] + = " &allow-unordered=true "
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.ListObjects ' , add_unordered )
# test simple retrieval
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 1000 )
unordered_keys_out = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( len ( keys_in ) , len ( unordered_keys_out ) )
eq ( keys_in . sort ( ) , unordered_keys_out . sort ( ) )
# test retrieval with prefix
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name ,
MaxKeys = 1000 ,
Prefix = " abc/ " )
unordered_keys_out = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( 5 , len ( unordered_keys_out ) )
# test incremental retrieval with marker
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , MaxKeys = 6 )
unordered_keys_out = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( 6 , len ( unordered_keys_out ) )
# now get the next bunch
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name ,
MaxKeys = 6 ,
StartAfter = unordered_keys_out [ - 1 ] )
unordered_keys_out2 = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( 6 , len ( unordered_keys_out2 ) )
# make sure there's no overlap between the incremental retrievals
intersect = set ( unordered_keys_out ) . intersection ( unordered_keys_out2 )
eq ( 0 , len ( intersect ) )
# verify that unordered used with delimiter results in error
e = assert_raises ( ClientError ,
client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name , Delimiter = " / " )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidArgument ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' invalid max_keys ' )
def test_bucket_list_maxkeys_invalid ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
# adds invalid max keys to url
# before list_objects is called
def add_invalid_maxkeys ( * * kwargs ) :
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ] + = " &max-keys=blah "
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.ListObjects ' , add_invalid_maxkeys )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidArgument ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' no pagination, no marker ' )
def test_bucket_list_marker_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' Marker ' ] , ' ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' no pagination, no continuationtoken ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_continuationtoken_none ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' ContinuationToken ' ] , ' ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' no pagination, empty marker ' )
def test_bucket_list_marker_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Marker = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' Marker ' ] , ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' no pagination, empty continuationtoken ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_continuationtoken_empty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , ContinuationToken = ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' ContinuationToken ' ] , ' ' )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-printing marker ' )
def test_bucket_list_marker_unreadable ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Marker = ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' Marker ' ] , ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-printing startafter ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_startafter_unreadable ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , StartAfter = ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' StartAfter ' ] , ' \x0a ' )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( keys , key_names )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' marker not-in-list ' )
def test_bucket_list_marker_not_in_list ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Marker = ' blah ' )
eq ( response [ ' Marker ' ] , ' blah ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' startafter not-in-list ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_startafter_not_in_list ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , StartAfter = ' blah ' )
eq ( response [ ' StartAfter ' ] , ' blah ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
eq ( keys , [ ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' marker after list ' )
def test_bucket_list_marker_after_list ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Marker = ' zzz ' )
eq ( response [ ' Marker ' ] , ' zzz ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all keys with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' startafter after list ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_startafter_after_list ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' , ' quxx ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name , StartAfter = ' zzz ' )
eq ( response [ ' StartAfter ' ] , ' zzz ' )
keys = _get_keys ( response )
eq ( response [ ' IsTruncated ' ] , False )
eq ( keys , [ ] )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def _compare_dates ( datetime1 , datetime2 ) :
changes ms from datetime1 to 0 , compares it to datetime2
# both times are in datetime format but datetime1 has
# microseconds and datetime2 does not
datetime1 = datetime1 . replace ( microsecond = 0 )
eq ( datetime1 , datetime2 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' head ' )
@attr ( operation = ' compare w/bucket list ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' return same metadata ' )
def test_bucket_list_return_data ( ) :
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
data = { }
for key_name in key_names :
obj_response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
acl_response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
data . update ( {
key_name : {
' DisplayName ' : acl_response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] ,
' ID ' : acl_response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] ,
' ETag ' : obj_response [ ' ETag ' ] ,
' LastModified ' : obj_response [ ' LastModified ' ] ,
' ContentLength ' : obj_response [ ' ContentLength ' ] ,
} )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
objs_list = response [ ' Contents ' ]
for obj in objs_list :
key_name = obj [ ' Key ' ]
key_data = data [ key_name ]
eq ( obj [ ' ETag ' ] , key_data [ ' ETag ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' Size ' ] , key_data [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] , key_data [ ' DisplayName ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , key_data [ ' ID ' ] )
_compare_dates ( obj [ ' LastModified ' ] , key_data [ ' LastModified ' ] )
2019-02-13 19:17:20 -05:00
# amazon is eventually consistent, retry a bit if failed
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , status , expected_string ) :
client = get_client ( )
response = client . put_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name , VersioningConfiguration = { ' MFADelete ' : ' Disabled ' , ' Status ' : status } )
read_status = None
for i in xrange ( 5 ) :
try :
response = client . get_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name )
read_status = response [ ' Status ' ]
except KeyError :
read_status = None
if ( expected_string == read_status ) :
time . sleep ( 1 )
eq ( expected_string , read_status )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' head ' )
@attr ( operation = ' compare w/bucket list when bucket versioning is configured ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' return same metadata ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_bucket_list_return_data_versioning ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key_names = [ ' bar ' , ' baz ' , ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( bucket_name = bucket_name , keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
data = { }
for key_name in key_names :
obj_response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
acl_response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
data . update ( {
key_name : {
' ID ' : acl_response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] ,
' DisplayName ' : acl_response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] ,
' ETag ' : obj_response [ ' ETag ' ] ,
' LastModified ' : obj_response [ ' LastModified ' ] ,
' ContentLength ' : obj_response [ ' ContentLength ' ] ,
' VersionId ' : obj_response [ ' VersionId ' ]
} )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
objs_list = response [ ' Versions ' ]
for obj in objs_list :
key_name = obj [ ' Key ' ]
key_data = data [ key_name ]
eq ( obj [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] , key_data [ ' DisplayName ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' ETag ' ] , key_data [ ' ETag ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' Size ' ] , key_data [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , key_data [ ' ID ' ] )
eq ( obj [ ' VersionId ' ] , key_data [ ' VersionId ' ] )
_compare_dates ( obj [ ' LastModified ' ] , key_data [ ' LastModified ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all objects (anonymous) ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_bucket_list_objects_anonymous ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
unauthenticated_client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all objects (anonymous) with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_objects_anonymous ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
unauthenticated_client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all objects (anonymous) ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
def test_bucket_list_objects_anonymous_fail ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all objects (anonymous) with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucket_listv2_objects_anonymous_fail ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . list_objects_v2 , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' non-existant bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_bucket_notexist ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' non-existant bucket with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucketv2_notexist ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . list_objects_v2 , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' non-existant bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_bucket_delete_notexist ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . delete_bucket , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' non-empty bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 409 ' )
def test_bucket_delete_nonempty ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . delete_bucket , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 409 )
eq ( error_code , ' BucketNotEmpty ' )
def _do_set_bucket_canned_acl ( client , bucket_name , canned_acl , i , results ) :
try :
client . put_bucket_acl ( ACL = canned_acl , Bucket = bucket_name )
results [ i ] = True
except :
results [ i ] = False
def _do_set_bucket_canned_acl_concurrent ( client , bucket_name , canned_acl , num , results ) :
t = [ ]
for i in range ( num ) :
thr = threading . Thread ( target = _do_set_bucket_canned_acl , args = ( client , bucket_name , canned_acl , i , results ) )
thr . start ( )
t . append ( thr )
return t
def _do_wait_completion ( t ) :
for thr in t :
thr . join ( )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' concurrent set of acls on a bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_bucket_concurrent_set_canned_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
num_threads = 50 # boto2 retry defaults to 5 so we need a thread to fail at least 5 times
# this seems like a large enough number to get through retry (if bug
# exists)
results = [ None ] * num_threads
t = _do_set_bucket_canned_acl_concurrent ( client , bucket_name , ' public-read ' , num_threads , results )
_do_wait_completion ( t )
for r in results :
eq ( r , True )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' non-existant bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_write_to_nonexist_bucket ( ) :
key_names = [ ' foo ' ]
bucket_name = ' whatchutalkinboutwillis '
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' del ' )
@attr ( operation = ' deleted bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_bucket_create_delete ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . delete_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . delete_bucket , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' read contents that were never written ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_read_notexist ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
http_response = None
def get_http_response ( * * kwargs ) :
global http_response
http_response = kwargs [ ' http_response ' ] . __dict__
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' read contents that were never written to raise one error response ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' RequestId appears in the error response ' )
def test_object_requestid_matches_header_on_error ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
# get http response after failed request
client . meta . events . register ( ' after-call.s3.GetObject ' , get_http_response )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar ' )
response_body = http_response [ ' _content ' ]
request_id = re . search ( r ' <RequestId>(.*)</RequestId> ' , response_body . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) ) . group ( 1 )
assert request_id is not None
eq ( request_id , e . response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' RequestId ' ] )
def _make_objs_dict ( key_names ) :
objs_list = [ ]
for key in key_names :
obj_dict = { ' Key ' : key }
objs_list . append ( obj_dict )
objs_dict = { ' Objects ' : objs_list }
return objs_dict
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( operation = ' delete multiple objects ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' deletes multiple objects with a single call ' )
def test_multi_object_delete ( ) :
key_names = [ ' key0 ' , ' key1 ' , ' key2 ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 3 )
objs_dict = _make_objs_dict ( key_names = key_names )
response = client . delete_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delete = objs_dict )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Deleted ' ] ) , 3 )
assert ' Errors ' not in response
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
assert ' Contents ' not in response
response = client . delete_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delete = objs_dict )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Deleted ' ] ) , 3 )
assert ' Errors ' not in response
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
assert ' Contents ' not in response
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' delete multiple objects with list-objects-v2 ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( assertion = ' deletes multiple objects with a single call ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_multi_objectv2_delete ( ) :
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
key_names = [ ' key0 ' , ' key1 ' , ' key2 ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
client = get_client ( )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 3 )
objs_dict = _make_objs_dict ( key_names = key_names )
response = client . delete_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delete = objs_dict )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Deleted ' ] ) , 3 )
assert ' Errors ' not in response
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
assert ' Contents ' not in response
response = client . delete_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name , Delete = objs_dict )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Deleted ' ] ) , 3 )
assert ' Errors ' not in response
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
assert ' Contents ' not in response
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write zero-byte key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' correct content length ' )
def test_object_head_zero_bytes ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' ' )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ContentLength ' ] , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' correct etag ' )
def test_object_write_check_etag ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
eq ( response [ ' ETag ' ] , ' " 37b51d194a7513e45b56f6524f2d51f2 " ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' correct cache control header ' )
def test_object_write_cache_control ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
cache_control = ' public, max-age=14400 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' , CacheControl = cache_control )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' cache-control ' ] , cache_control )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' correct expires header ' )
def test_object_write_expires ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' , Expires = expires )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
_compare_dates ( expires , response [ ' Expires ' ] )
def _get_body ( response ) :
body = response [ ' Body ' ]
got = body . read ( )
return got
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' all ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete object life cycle ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back what we wrote and rewrote ' )
def test_object_write_read_update_read_delete ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
# Write
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
# Read
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
# Update
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' soup ' )
# Read
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' soup ' )
# Delete
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
def _set_get_metadata ( metadata , bucket_name = None ) :
create a new bucket new or use an existing
name to create an object that bucket ,
set the meta1 property to a specified , value ,
and then re - read and return that property
if bucket_name is None :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
metadata_dict = { ' meta1 ' : metadata }
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' , Metadata = metadata_dict )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
return response [ ' Metadata ' ] [ ' meta1 ' ]
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write/re-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' reread what we wrote ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_none_to_good ( ) :
got = _set_get_metadata ( ' mymeta ' )
eq ( got , ' mymeta ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write/re-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' write empty value, returns empty value ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_none_to_empty ( ) :
got = _set_get_metadata ( ' ' )
eq ( got , ' ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write/re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty value replaces old ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_empty ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
got = _set_get_metadata ( ' oldmeta ' , bucket_name )
eq ( got , ' oldmeta ' )
got = _set_get_metadata ( ' ' , bucket_name )
eq ( got , ' ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write/re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' UTF-8 values passed through ' )
def test_object_set_get_unicode_metadata ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
def set_unicode_metadata ( * * kwargs ) :
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] [ ' x-amz-meta-meta1 ' ] = u " Hello World \xe9 "
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , set_unicode_metadata )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
got = response [ ' Metadata ' ] [ ' meta1 ' ] . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( got , u " Hello World \xe9 " )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write/re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-UTF-8 values detected, but preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_non_utf8_metadata ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
metadata_dict = { ' meta1 ' : ' \x04 mymeta ' }
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' , Metadata = metadata_dict )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
got = response [ ' Metadata ' ] [ ' meta1 ' ]
eq ( got , ' =?UTF-8?Q?=04mymeta?= ' )
def _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata , bucket_name = None ) :
set and then read back a meta - data value ( which presumably
includes some interesting characters ) , and return a list
containing the stored value AND the encoding with which it
was returned .
got = _set_get_metadata ( metadata , bucket_name )
got = decode_header ( got )
return got
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-priting prefixes noted and preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_empty_to_unreadable_prefix ( ) :
metadata = ' \x04 w '
got = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata )
eq ( got , [ ( metadata , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-priting suffixes noted and preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_empty_to_unreadable_suffix ( ) :
metadata = ' h \x04 '
got = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata )
eq ( got , [ ( metadata , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-priting in-fixes noted and preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_empty_to_unreadable_infix ( ) :
metadata = ' h \x04 w '
got = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata )
eq ( got , [ ( metadata , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-priting prefixes noted and preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_unreadable_prefix ( ) :
metadata = ' \x04 w '
got = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata )
eq ( got , [ ( metadata , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
metadata2 = ' \x05 w '
got2 = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata2 )
eq ( got2 , [ ( metadata2 , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-priting suffixes noted and preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_unreadable_suffix ( ) :
metadata = ' h \x04 '
got = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata )
eq ( got , [ ( metadata , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
metadata2 = ' h \x05 '
got2 = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata2 )
eq ( got2 , [ ( metadata2 , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object.metadata ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' metadata re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' non-priting in-fixes noted and preserved ' )
@attr ( ' fails_strict_rfc2616 ' )
def test_object_set_get_metadata_overwrite_to_unreadable_infix ( ) :
metadata = ' h \x04 w '
got = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata )
eq ( got , [ ( metadata , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
metadata2 = ' h \x05 w '
got2 = _set_get_metadata_unreadable ( metadata2 )
eq ( got2 , [ ( metadata2 , ' utf-8 ' ) ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' data re-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' replaces previous metadata ' )
def test_object_metadata_replaced_on_put ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
metadata_dict = { ' meta1 ' : ' bar ' }
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' , Metadata = metadata_dict )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
got = response [ ' Metadata ' ]
eq ( got , { } )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' data write from file (w/100-Continue) ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_object_write_file ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = StringIO ( ' bar ' )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = data )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
def _get_post_url ( bucket_name ) :
2019-02-26 16:25:28 -05:00
endpoint = get_config_endpoint ( )
return ' {endpoint} / {bucket_name} ' . format ( endpoint = endpoint , bucket_name = bucket_name )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' anonymous browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_anonymous_request ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " acl " , " public-read " ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_authenticated_request ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request, no content-type header ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_authenticated_no_content_type ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = " foo.txt " )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request, bad access key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
def test_post_object_authenticated_request_bad_access_key ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , ' foo ' ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' anonymous browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds with status 201 ' )
def test_post_object_set_success_code ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " acl " , " public-read " ) , \
( " success_action_status " , " 201 " ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 201 )
message = ET . fromstring ( r . content ) . find ( ' Key ' )
eq ( message . text , ' foo.txt ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' anonymous browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds with status 204 ' )
def test_post_object_set_invalid_success_code ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " acl " , " public-read " ) , \
( " success_action_status " , " 404 " ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
eq ( r . content , ' ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_upload_larger_than_chunk ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 5 * 1024 * 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
foo_string = ' foo ' * 1024 * 1024
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , foo_string ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , foo_string )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_set_key_from_filename ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " $ {filename} " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' foo.txt ' , ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds with status 204 ' )
def test_post_object_ignored_header ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( " x-ignore-foo " , " bar " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds with status 204 ' )
def test_post_object_case_insensitive_condition_fields ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bUcKeT " : bucket_name } , \
[ " StArTs-WiTh " , " $KeY " , " foo " ] , \
{ " AcL " : " private " } , \
[ " StArTs-WiTh " , " $CoNtEnT-TyPe " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
foo_string = ' foo ' * 1024 * 1024
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " kEy " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " aCl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " pOLICy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds with escaped leading $ and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_escaped_field_values ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " \ $foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " \ $foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' \ $foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns redirect url ' )
def test_post_object_success_redirect_action ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
redirect_url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " eq " , " $success_action_redirect " , redirect_url ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( " success_action_redirect " , redirect_url ) , \
( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 200 )
url = r . url
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
eq ( url ,
' {rurl} ?bucket= {bucket} &key= {key} &etag= % 22 {etag} % 22 ' . format ( rurl = redirect_url , \
bucket = bucket_name , key = ' foo.txt ' , etag = response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with invalid signature error ' )
def test_post_object_invalid_signature ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " \ $foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) ) [ : : - 1 ]
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " \ $foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with access key does not exist error ' )
def test_post_object_invalid_access_key ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " \ $foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " \ $foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id [ : : - 1 ] ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with invalid expiration error ' )
def test_post_object_invalid_date_format ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : str ( expires ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " \ $foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " \ $foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with missing key error ' )
def test_post_object_no_key_specified ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with missing signature error ' )
def test_post_object_missing_signature ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " \ $foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with extra input fields policy error ' )
def test_post_object_missing_policy_condition ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " \ $foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds using starts-with restriction on metadata header ' )
def test_post_object_user_specified_header ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-meta-foo " , " bar " ]
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' x-amz-meta-foo ' , ' barclamp ' ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] [ ' foo ' ] , ' barclamp ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with policy condition failed error due to missing field in POST request ' )
def test_post_object_request_missing_policy_specified_field ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-meta-foo " , " bar " ]
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with conditions must be list error ' )
def test_post_object_condition_is_case_sensitive ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" CONDITIONS " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with expiration must be string error ' )
def test_post_object_expires_is_case_sensitive ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " EXPIRATION " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with policy expired error ' )
def test_post_object_expired_policy ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = - 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails using equality restriction on metadata header ' )
def test_post_object_invalid_request_field_value ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
[ " eq " , " $x-amz-meta-foo " , " " ]
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' x-amz-meta-foo ' , ' barclamp ' ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with policy missing expiration error ' )
def test_post_object_missing_expires_condition ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with policy missing conditions error ' )
def test_post_object_missing_conditions_list ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) }
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with allowable upload size exceeded error ' )
def test_post_object_upload_size_limit_exceeded ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 0 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with invalid content length error ' )
def test_post_object_missing_content_length_argument ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with invalid JSON error ' )
def test_post_object_invalid_content_length_argument ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , - 1 , 0 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with upload size less than minimum allowable error ' )
def test_post_object_upload_size_below_minimum ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 512 , 1000 ] , \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' empty conditions return appropriate error response ' )
def test_post_object_empty_conditions ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ } \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) , ( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Match: the latest ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_get_object_ifmatch_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
etag = response [ ' ETag ' ]
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfMatch = etag )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Match: bogus ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
def test_get_object_ifmatch_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfMatch = ' " ABCORZ " ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-None-Match: the latest ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 304 ' )
def test_get_object_ifnonematch_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
etag = response [ ' ETag ' ]
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfNoneMatch = etag )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 304 )
eq ( e . response [ ' Error ' ] [ ' Message ' ] , ' Not Modified ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-None-Match: bogus ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_get_object_ifnonematch_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfNoneMatch = ' ABCORZ ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Modified-Since: before ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_get_object_ifmodifiedsince_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfModifiedSince = ' Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Modified-Since: after ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 304 ' )
def test_get_object_ifmodifiedsince_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
last_modified = str ( response [ ' LastModified ' ] )
last_modified = last_modified . split ( ' + ' ) [ 0 ]
mtime = datetime . datetime . strptime ( last_modified , ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S ' )
after = mtime + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = 1 )
after_str = time . strftime ( " %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S GMT " , after . timetuple ( ) )
time . sleep ( 1 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfModifiedSince = after_str )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 304 )
eq ( e . response [ ' Error ' ] [ ' Message ' ] , ' Not Modified ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Unmodified-Since: before ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
def test_get_object_ifunmodifiedsince_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfUnmodifiedSince = ' Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Unmodified-Since: after ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_get_object_ifunmodifiedsince_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , IfUnmodifiedSince = ' Sat, 29 Oct 2100 19:43:31 GMT ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' data re-write w/ If-Match: the latest ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' replaces previous data and metadata ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifmatch_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
etag = response [ ' ETag ' ] . replace ( ' " ' , ' ' )
# pass in custom header 'If-Match' before PutObject call
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-Match ' : etag } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' zar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' zar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get w/ If-Match: bogus ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
def test_put_object_ifmatch_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
# pass in custom header 'If-Match' before PutObject call
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-Match ' : ' " ABCORZ " ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' zar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' overwrite existing object w/ If-Match: * ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' replaces previous data and metadata ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifmatch_overwrite_existed_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-Match ' : ' * ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' zar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' zar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' overwrite non-existing object w/ If-Match: * ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifmatch_nonexisted_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-Match ' : ' * ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' overwrite existing object w/ If-None-Match: outdated ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' replaces previous data and metadata ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifnonmatch_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-None-Match ' : ' ABCORZ ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' zar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' zar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' overwrite existing object w/ If-None-Match: the latest ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifnonmatch_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
etag = response [ ' ETag ' ] . replace ( ' " ' , ' ' )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-None-Match ' : etag } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' zar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' overwrite non-existing object w/ If-None-Match: * ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifnonmatch_nonexisted_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-None-Match ' : ' * ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' overwrite existing object w/ If-None-Match: * ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_put_object_ifnonmatch_overwrite_existed_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-None-Match ' : ' * ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' zar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
def _setup_bucket_object_acl ( bucket_acl , object_acl ) :
add a foo key , and specified key and bucket acls to
a ( new or existing ) bucket .
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = bucket_acl , Bucket = bucket_name )
client . put_object ( ACL = object_acl , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
return bucket_name
def _setup_bucket_acl ( bucket_acl = None ) :
set up a new bucket with specified acl
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = bucket_acl , Bucket = bucket_name )
return bucket_name
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' publically readable bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' bucket is readable ' )
def test_object_raw_get ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
response = unauthenticated_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' deleted object and bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_raw_get_bucket_gone ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
client . delete_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' deleted object and bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_delete_key_bucket_gone ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
client . delete_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . delete_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' deleted object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_raw_get_object_gone ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' head ' )
@attr ( operation = ' head bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_bucket_head ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' head ' )
@attr ( operation = ' read bucket extended information ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' extended information is getting updated ' )
def test_bucket_head_extended ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] ) , 0 )
eq ( int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] ) , 0 )
_create_objects ( bucket_name = bucket_name , keys = [ ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] ) , 3 )
eq ( int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] ) , 9 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket.acl ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' unauthenticated on private bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_get_bucket_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' private ' , ' public-read ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
response = unauthenticated_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object.acl ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' unauthenticated on private object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 403 ' )
def test_object_raw_get_object_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' private ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated on public bucket/object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_authenticated ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated on private bucket/private object with modified response headers ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_response_headers ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' private ' , ' private ' )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , ResponseCacheControl = ' no-cache ' , ResponseContentDisposition = ' bla ' , ResponseContentEncoding = ' aaa ' , ResponseContentLanguage = ' esperanto ' , ResponseContentType = ' foo/bar ' , ResponseExpires = ' 123 ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-type ' ] , ' foo/bar ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-disposition ' ] , ' bla ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-language ' ] , ' esperanto ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-encoding ' ] , ' aaa ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' cache-control ' ] , ' no-cache ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated on private bucket/public object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_authenticated_bucket_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' private ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated on public bucket/private object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_authenticated_object_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' private ' )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated on deleted object and bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_raw_authenticated_bucket_gone ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
client . delete_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated on deleted object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_object_raw_authenticated_object_gone ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' x-amz-expires check not expired ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_get_x_amz_expires_not_expired ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
params = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo ' }
url = client . generate_presigned_url ( ClientMethod = ' get_object ' , Params = params , ExpiresIn = 100000 , HttpMethod = ' GET ' )
res = requests . get ( url ) . __dict__
eq ( res [ ' status_code ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check x-amz-expires value out of range zero ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 403 ' )
def test_object_raw_get_x_amz_expires_out_range_zero ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
params = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo ' }
url = client . generate_presigned_url ( ClientMethod = ' get_object ' , Params = params , ExpiresIn = 0 , HttpMethod = ' GET ' )
res = requests . get ( url ) . __dict__
eq ( res [ ' status_code ' ] , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check x-amz-expires value out of max range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 403 ' )
def test_object_raw_get_x_amz_expires_out_max_range ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
params = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo ' }
url = client . generate_presigned_url ( ClientMethod = ' get_object ' , Params = params , ExpiresIn = 609901 , HttpMethod = ' GET ' )
res = requests . get ( url ) . __dict__
eq ( res [ ' status_code ' ] , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check x-amz-expires value out of positive range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_get_x_amz_expires_out_positive_range ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_object_acl ( ' public-read ' , ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
params = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo ' }
url = client . generate_presigned_url ( ClientMethod = ' get_object ' , Params = params , ExpiresIn = - 7 , HttpMethod = ' GET ' )
res = requests . get ( url ) . __dict__
eq ( res [ ' status_code ' ] , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' unauthenticated, no object acls ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 403 ' )
def test_object_anon_put ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , unauthenticated_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' unauthenticated, publically writable object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_anon_put_write_access ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_acl ( ' public-read-write ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
response = unauthenticated_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated, no object acls ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_put_authenticated ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated, no object acls ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_object_raw_put_authenticated_expired ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
params = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo ' }
url = client . generate_presigned_url ( ClientMethod = ' put_object ' , Params = params , ExpiresIn = - 1000 , HttpMethod = ' PUT ' )
# params wouldn't take a 'Body' parameter so we're passing it in here
res = requests . put ( url , data = " foo " ) . __dict__
eq ( res [ ' status_code ' ] , 403 )
def check_bad_bucket_name ( bucket_name ) :
Attempt to create a bucket with a specified name , and confirm
that the request fails because of an invalid bucket name .
client = get_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . create_bucket , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidBucketName ' )
# AWS does not enforce all documented bucket restrictions.
# http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/dev/index.html?BucketRestrictions.html
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' name begins with underscore ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain: 400 ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_starts_nonalpha ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
check_bad_bucket_name ( ' _ ' + bucket_name )
def check_invalid_bucketname ( invalid_name ) :
Send a create bucket_request with an invalid bucket name
that will bypass the ParamValidationError that would be raised
if the invalid bucket name that was passed in normally .
This function returns the status and error code from the failure
client = get_client ( )
valid_bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
def replace_bucketname_from_url ( * * kwargs ) :
url = kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ]
new_url = url . replace ( valid_bucket_name , invalid_name )
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ] = new_url
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CreateBucket ' , replace_bucketname_from_url )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . create_bucket , Bucket = valid_bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
return ( status , error_code )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' empty name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 405 ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_short_empty ( ) :
invalid_bucketname = ' '
status , error_code = check_invalid_bucketname ( invalid_bucketname )
eq ( status , 405 )
eq ( error_code , ' MethodNotAllowed ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' short (one character) name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_short_one ( ) :
check_bad_bucket_name ( ' a ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' short (two character) name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_short_two ( ) :
check_bad_bucket_name ( ' aa ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' excessively long names ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain: 400 ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_long ( ) :
invalid_bucketname = 256 * ' a '
status , error_code = check_invalid_bucketname ( invalid_bucketname )
eq ( status , 400 )
invalid_bucketname = 280 * ' a '
status , error_code = check_invalid_bucketname ( invalid_bucketname )
eq ( status , 400 )
invalid_bucketname = 3000 * ' a '
status , error_code = check_invalid_bucketname ( invalid_bucketname )
eq ( status , 400 )
def check_good_bucket_name ( name , _prefix = None ) :
Attempt to create a bucket with a specified name
and ( specified or default ) prefix , returning the
results of that effort .
# tests using this with the default prefix must *not* rely on
# being able to set the initial character, or exceed the max len
# tests using this with a custom prefix are responsible for doing
# their own setup/teardown nukes, with their custom prefix; this
# should be very rare
if _prefix is None :
_prefix = get_prefix ( )
bucket_name = ' {prefix} {name} ' . format (
prefix = _prefix ,
name = name ,
client = get_client ( )
response = client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
def _test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( length ) :
Attempt to create a bucket whose name ( including the
prefix ) is of a specified length .
# tests using this with the default prefix must *not* rely on
# being able to set the initial character, or exceed the max len
# tests using this with a custom prefix are responsible for doing
# their own setup/teardown nukes, with their custom prefix; this
# should be very rare
prefix = get_new_bucket_name ( )
assert len ( prefix ) < 255
num = length - len ( prefix )
name = num * ' a '
bucket_name = ' {prefix} {name} ' . format (
prefix = prefix ,
name = name ,
client = get_client ( )
response = client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/250 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_250 ( ) :
_test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( 250 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/251 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_251 ( ) :
_test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( 251 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/252 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_252 ( ) :
_test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( 252 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/253 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_253 ( ) :
_test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( 253 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/254 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_254 ( ) :
_test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( 254 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/255 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_long_255 ( ) :
_test_bucket_create_naming_good_long ( 255 )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list w/251 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_list_long_name ( ) :
prefix = get_new_bucket_name ( )
length = 251
num = length - len ( prefix )
name = num * ' a '
bucket_name = ' {prefix} {name} ' . format (
prefix = prefix ,
name = name ,
bucket = get_new_bucket_resource ( name = bucket_name )
is_empty = _bucket_is_empty ( bucket )
eq ( is_empty , True )
# AWS does not enforce all documented bucket restrictions.
# http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/dev/index.html?BucketRestrictions.html
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/ip address for name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails on aws ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_ip ( ) :
check_bad_bucket_name ( ' ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/! in name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_bad_punctuation ( ) :
# characters other than [a-zA-Z0-9._-]
invalid_bucketname = ' alpha!soup '
status , error_code = check_invalid_bucketname ( invalid_bucketname )
# TODO: figure out why a 403 is coming out in boto3 but not in boto2.
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidBucketName ' )
# test_bucket_create_naming_dns_* are valid but not recommended
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/underscore in name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_dns_underscore ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo_bar ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/100 byte name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_dns_long ( ) :
prefix = get_prefix ( )
assert len ( prefix ) < 50
num = 100 - len ( prefix )
check_good_bucket_name ( num * ' a ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/dash at end of name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dash_at_end ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo- ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/.. in name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dot_dot ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo..bar ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/.- in name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dot_dash ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo.-bar ' )
# Breaks DNS with SubdomainCallingFormat
@attr ( ' fails_with_subdomain ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create w/-. in name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails with subdomain ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidBucketName</Code><Message>The specified bucket is not valid.</Message>...</Error>
def test_bucket_create_naming_dns_dash_dot ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo-.bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' re-create ' )
def test_bucket_create_exists ( ) :
# aws-s3 default region allows recreation of buckets
# but all other regions fail with BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou.
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
try :
response = client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
except ClientError , e :
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( e . status , 409 )
eq ( e . error_code , ' BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get location ' )
def test_bucket_get_location ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
location_constraint = get_main_api_name ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , CreateBucketConfiguration = { ' LocationConstraint ' : location_constraint } )
response = client . get_bucket_location ( Bucket = bucket_name )
if location_constraint == " " :
location_constraint = None
eq ( response [ ' LocationConstraint ' ] , location_constraint )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' re-create by non-owner ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 409 ' )
def test_bucket_create_exists_nonowner ( ) :
# Names are shared across a global namespace. As such, no two
# users can create a bucket with that same name.
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . create_bucket , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 409 )
eq ( error_code , ' BucketAlreadyExists ' )
def check_access_denied ( fn , * args , * * kwargs ) :
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , fn , * args , * * kwargs )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
def check_grants ( got , want ) :
Check that grants list in got matches the dictionaries in want ,
in any order .
eq ( len ( got ) , len ( want ) )
for g , w in zip ( got , want ) :
w = dict ( w )
g = dict ( g )
eq ( g . pop ( ' Permission ' , None ) , w [ ' Permission ' ] )
eq ( g [ ' Grantee ' ] . pop ( ' DisplayName ' , None ) , w [ ' DisplayName ' ] )
eq ( g [ ' Grantee ' ] . pop ( ' ID ' , None ) , w [ ' ID ' ] )
eq ( g [ ' Grantee ' ] . pop ( ' Type ' , None ) , w [ ' Type ' ] )
eq ( g [ ' Grantee ' ] . pop ( ' URI ' , None ) , w [ ' URI ' ] )
eq ( g [ ' Grantee ' ] . pop ( ' EmailAddress ' , None ) , w [ ' EmailAddress ' ] )
eq ( g , { ' Grantee ' : { } } )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' default acl ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected defaults ' )
def test_bucket_acl_default ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] , display_name )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , user_id )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' public-read acl ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected defaults ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>IllegalLocationConstraintException</Code><Message>The unspecified location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was sent to.</Message>
def test_bucket_acl_canned_during_create ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl: public-read,private ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_bucket_acl_canned ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
client . put_bucket_acl ( ACL = ' private ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' bucket.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl: public-read-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_bucket_acl_canned_publicreadwrite ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' WRITE ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl: authenticated-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_bucket_acl_canned_authenticatedread ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' authenticated-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AuthenticatedUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' default acl ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected defaults ' )
def test_object_acl_default ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl public-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_object_acl_canned_during_create ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl public-read,private ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_object_acl_canned ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
# Since it defaults to private, set it public-read first
client . put_object ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
# Then back to private.
client . put_object_acl ( ACL = ' private ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl public-read-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_object_acl_canned_publicreadwrite ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' WRITE ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl authenticated-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_object_acl_canned_authenticatedread ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( ACL = ' authenticated-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AuthenticatedUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl bucket-owner-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_object_acl_canned_bucketownerread ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
main_client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
main_client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read-write ' )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
bucket_acl_response = main_client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
bucket_owner_id = bucket_acl_response [ ' Grants ' ] [ 2 ] [ ' Grantee ' ] [ ' ID ' ]
bucket_owner_display_name = bucket_acl_response [ ' Grants ' ] [ 2 ] [ ' Grantee ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ]
alt_client . put_object ( ACL = ' bucket-owner-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
response = alt_client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = bucket_owner_id ,
DisplayName = bucket_owner_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' acl bucket-owner-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back expected values ' )
def test_object_acl_canned_bucketownerfullcontrol ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
main_client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
main_client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read-write ' )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
bucket_acl_response = main_client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
bucket_owner_id = bucket_acl_response [ ' Grants ' ] [ 2 ] [ ' Grantee ' ] [ ' ID ' ]
bucket_owner_display_name = bucket_acl_response [ ' Grants ' ] [ 2 ] [ ' Grantee ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ]
alt_client . put_object ( ACL = ' bucket-owner-full-control ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
response = alt_client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = bucket_owner_id ,
DisplayName = bucket_owner_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set write-acp ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' does not modify owner ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_acl_full_control_verify_owner ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
main_client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
main_client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read-write ' )
main_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
grant = { ' Grants ' : [ { ' Grantee ' : { ' ID ' : alt_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' } ] , ' Owner ' : { ' DisplayName ' : main_display_name , ' ID ' : main_user_id } }
main_client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
grant = { ' Grants ' : [ { ' Grantee ' : { ' ID ' : alt_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : ' READ_ACP ' } ] , ' Owner ' : { ' DisplayName ' : main_display_name , ' ID ' : main_user_id } }
alt_client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
response = alt_client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , main_user_id )
def add_obj_user_grant ( bucket_name , key , grant ) :
Adds a grant to the existing grants meant to be passed into
the AccessControlPolicy argument of put_object_acls for an object
owned by the main user , not the alt user
A grant is a dictionary in the form of :
{ u ' Grantee ' : { u ' Type ' : ' type ' , u ' DisplayName ' : ' name ' , u ' ID ' : ' id ' } , u ' Permission ' : ' PERM ' }
client = get_client ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
grants . append ( grant )
grant = { ' Grants ' : grants , ' Owner ' : { ' DisplayName ' : main_display_name , ' ID ' : main_user_id } }
return grant
@attr ( resource = ' object.acls ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set write-acp ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' does not modify other attributes ' )
def test_object_acl_full_control_verify_attributes ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
main_client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
main_client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read-write ' )
header = { ' x-amz-foo ' : ' bar ' }
# lambda to add any header
add_header = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( header ) )
main_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , add_header )
main_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = main_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
content_type = response [ ' ContentType ' ]
etag = response [ ' ETag ' ]
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
grant = { ' Grantee ' : { ' ID ' : alt_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' }
grants = add_obj_user_grant ( bucket_name , ' foo ' , grant )
main_client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , AccessControlPolicy = grants )
response = main_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
eq ( etag , response [ ' ETag ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl private ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' a private object can be set to private ' )
def test_bucket_acl_canned_private_to_private ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
response = client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' private ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
def add_bucket_user_grant ( bucket_name , grant ) :
Adds a grant to the existing grants meant to be passed into
the AccessControlPolicy argument of put_object_acls for an object
owned by the main user , not the alt user
A grant is a dictionary in the form of :
{ u ' Grantee ' : { u ' Type ' : ' type ' , u ' DisplayName ' : ' name ' , u ' ID ' : ' id ' } , u ' Permission ' : ' PERM ' }
client = get_client ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
grants . append ( grant )
grant = { ' Grants ' : grants , ' Owner ' : { ' DisplayName ' : main_display_name , ' ID ' : main_user_id } }
return grant
def _check_object_acl ( permission ) :
Sets the permission on an object then checks to see
if it was set
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
policy = { }
policy [ ' Owner ' ] = response [ ' Owner ' ]
policy [ ' Grants ' ] = response [ ' Grants ' ]
policy [ ' Grants ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' Permission ' ] = permission
client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , AccessControlPolicy = policy )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = permission ,
ID = main_user_id ,
DisplayName = main_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl FULL_CONTRO ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' reads back correctly ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${USER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_acl ( ) :
_check_object_acl ( ' FULL_CONTROL ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl WRITE ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' reads back correctly ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${USER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_acl_write ( ) :
_check_object_acl ( ' WRITE ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl WRITE_ACP ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' reads back correctly ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${USER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_acl_writeacp ( ) :
_check_object_acl ( ' WRITE_ACP ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl READ ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' reads back correctly ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${USER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_acl_read ( ) :
_check_object_acl ( ' READ ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl READ_ACP ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' reads back correctly ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${USER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_acl_readacp ( ) :
_check_object_acl ( ' READ_ACP ' )
def _bucket_acl_grant_userid ( permission ) :
create a new bucket , grant a specific user the specified
permission , read back the acl and verify correct setting
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
grant = { ' Grantee ' : { ' ID ' : alt_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : permission }
grant = add_bucket_user_grant ( bucket_name , grant )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = permission ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = main_user_id ,
DisplayName = main_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
return bucket_name
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_can_read ( bucket_name ) :
verify ability to read the specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_read ( bucket_name ) :
verify inability to read the specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . head_bucket , Bucket = bucket_name )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_can_readacp ( bucket_name ) :
verify ability to read acls on specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
alt_client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_readacp ( bucket_name ) :
verify inability to read acls on specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_bucket_acl , Bucket = bucket_name )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_can_write ( bucket_name ) :
verify ability to write the specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo-write ' , Body = ' bar ' )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_write ( bucket_name ) :
verify inability to write the specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo-write ' , Body = ' bar ' )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_can_writeacp ( bucket_name ) :
verify ability to set acls on the specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
alt_client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read ' )
def _check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_writeacp ( bucket_name ) :
verify inability to set acls on the specified bucket
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_bucket_acl , Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl w/userid FULL_CONTROL ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can read/write data/acls ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${USER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_bucket_acl_grant_userid_fullcontrol ( ) :
bucket_name = _bucket_acl_grant_userid ( ' FULL_CONTROL ' )
# alt user can read
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_read ( bucket_name )
# can read acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_readacp ( bucket_name )
# can write
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_write ( bucket_name )
# can write acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_writeacp ( bucket_name )
client = get_client ( )
bucket_acl_response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
owner_id = bucket_acl_response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ]
owner_display_name = bucket_acl_response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ]
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
eq ( owner_id , main_user_id )
eq ( owner_display_name , main_display_name )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl w/userid READ ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can read data, no other r/w ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_bucket_acl_grant_userid_read ( ) :
bucket_name = _bucket_acl_grant_userid ( ' READ ' )
# alt user can read
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_read ( bucket_name )
# can't read acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_readacp ( bucket_name )
# can't write
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_write ( bucket_name )
# can't write acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_writeacp ( bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl w/userid READ_ACP ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can read acl, no other r/w ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_bucket_acl_grant_userid_readacp ( ) :
bucket_name = _bucket_acl_grant_userid ( ' READ_ACP ' )
# alt user can't read
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_read ( bucket_name )
# can read acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_readacp ( bucket_name )
# can't write
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_write ( bucket_name )
# can't write acp
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_writeacp ( bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl w/userid WRITE ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can write data, no other r/w ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_bucket_acl_grant_userid_write ( ) :
bucket_name = _bucket_acl_grant_userid ( ' WRITE ' )
# alt user can't read
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_read ( bucket_name )
# can't read acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_readacp ( bucket_name )
# can write
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_write ( bucket_name )
# can't write acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_writeacp ( bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl w/userid WRITE_ACP ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can write acls, no other r/w ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_bucket_acl_grant_userid_writeacp ( ) :
bucket_name = _bucket_acl_grant_userid ( ' WRITE_ACP ' )
# alt user can't read
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_read ( bucket_name )
# can't read acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_readacp ( bucket_name )
# can't write
_check_bucket_acl_grant_cant_write ( bucket_name )
# can write acl
_check_bucket_acl_grant_can_writeacp ( bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set acl w/invalid userid ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_bucket_acl_grant_nonexist_user ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
bad_user_id = ' _foo '
#response = client.get_bucket_acl(Bucket=bucket_name)
grant = { ' Grantee ' : { ' ID ' : bad_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' }
grant = add_bucket_user_grant ( bucket_name , grant )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_acl , Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidArgument ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' revoke all ACLs ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can: read obj, get/set bucket acl, cannot write objs ' )
def test_bucket_acl_no_grants ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
old_grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
policy = { }
policy [ ' Owner ' ] = response [ ' Owner ' ]
# clear grants
policy [ ' Grants ' ] = [ ]
# remove read/write permission
response = client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = policy )
# can read
client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
# can't write
check_access_denied ( client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' baz ' , Body = ' a ' )
#TODO fix this test once a fix is in for same issues in
# test_access_bucket_private_object_private
client2 = get_client ( )
# owner can read acl
client2 . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
# owner can write acl
client2 . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' private ' )
# set policy back to original so that bucket can be cleaned up
policy [ ' Grants ' ] = old_grants
client2 . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = policy )
def _get_acl_header ( user_id = None , perms = None ) :
all_headers = [ " read " , " write " , " read-acp " , " write-acp " , " full-control " ]
headers = [ ]
if user_id == None :
user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
if perms != None :
for perm in perms :
header = ( " x-amz-grant- {perm} " . format ( perm = perm ) , " id= {uid} " . format ( uid = user_id ) )
headers . append ( header )
else :
for perm in all_headers :
header = ( " x-amz-grant- {perm} " . format ( perm = perm ) , " id= {uid} " . format ( uid = user_id ) )
headers . append ( header )
return headers
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' PUT ' )
@attr ( operation = ' add all grants to user through headers ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' adds all grants individually to second user ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_dho ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_object_header_acl_grants ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
headers = _get_acl_header ( )
def add_headers_before_sign ( * * kwargs ) :
updated_headers = ( kwargs [ ' request ' ] . __dict__ [ ' headers ' ] . __dict__ [ ' _headers ' ] + headers )
kwargs [ ' request ' ] . __dict__ [ ' headers ' ] . __dict__ [ ' _headers ' ] = updated_headers
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-sign.s3.PutObject ' , add_headers_before_sign )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo_key ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo_key ' )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' WRITE ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ_ACP ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' WRITE_ACP ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' PUT ' )
@attr ( operation = ' add all grants to user through headers ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' adds all grants individually to second user ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_dho ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid id</Message><ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>${ALTUSER}</ArgumentValue>
def test_bucket_header_acl_grants ( ) :
headers = _get_acl_header ( )
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
headers = _get_acl_header ( )
def add_headers_before_sign ( * * kwargs ) :
updated_headers = ( kwargs [ ' request ' ] . __dict__ [ ' headers ' ] . __dict__ [ ' _headers ' ] + headers )
kwargs [ ' request ' ] . __dict__ [ ' headers ' ] . __dict__ [ ' _headers ' ] = updated_headers
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-sign.s3.CreateBucket ' , add_headers_before_sign )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' WRITE ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ_ACP ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' WRITE_ACP ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
# set bucket acl to public-read-write so that teardown can work
alt_client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read-write ' )
# This test will fail on DH Objects. DHO allows multiple users with one account, which
# would violate the uniqueness requirement of a user's email. As such, DHO users are
# created without an email.
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' add second FULL_CONTROL user ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works for S3, fails for DHO ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # <Error><Code>AmbiguousGrantByEmailAddress</Code><Message>The e-mail address you provided is associated with more than one account. Please retry your request using a different identification method or after resolving the ambiguity.</Message>
def test_bucket_acl_grant_email ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
alt_email_address = get_alt_email ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
grant = { ' Grantee ' : { ' EmailAddress ' : alt_email_address , ' Type ' : ' AmazonCustomerByEmail ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' }
grant = add_bucket_user_grant ( bucket_name , grant )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = alt_user_id ,
DisplayName = alt_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = main_user_id ,
DisplayName = main_display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' add acl for nonexistent user ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fail 400 ' )
def test_bucket_acl_grant_email_notexist ( ) :
# behavior not documented by amazon
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
alt_display_name = get_alt_display_name ( )
alt_email_address = get_alt_email ( )
NONEXISTENT_EMAIL = ' doesnotexist@dreamhost.com.invalid '
grant = { ' Grantee ' : { ' EmailAddress ' : NONEXISTENT_EMAIL , ' Type ' : ' AmazonCustomerByEmail ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' }
grant = add_bucket_user_grant ( bucket_name , grant )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_acl , Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' revoke all ACLs ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' acls read back as empty ' )
def test_bucket_acl_revoke_all ( ) :
# revoke all access, including the owner's access
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
old_grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
policy = { }
policy [ ' Owner ' ] = response [ ' Owner ' ]
# clear grants
policy [ ' Grants ' ] = [ ]
# remove read/write permission for everyone
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = policy )
response = client . get_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Grants ' ] ) , 0 )
# set policy back to original so that bucket can be cleaned up
policy [ ' Grants ' ] = old_grants
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = policy )
# TODO rgw log_bucket.set_as_logging_target() gives 403 Forbidden
# http://tracker.newdream.net/issues/984
@attr ( resource = ' bucket.log ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set/enable/disable logging target ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operations succeed ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_logging_toggle ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
main_display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
status = { ' LoggingEnabled ' : { ' TargetBucket ' : bucket_name , ' TargetGrants ' : [ { ' Grantee ' : { ' DisplayName ' : main_display_name , ' ID ' : main_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' } ] , ' TargetPrefix ' : ' foologgingprefix ' } }
client . put_bucket_logging ( Bucket = bucket_name , BucketLoggingStatus = status )
client . get_bucket_logging ( Bucket = bucket_name )
status = { ' LoggingEnabled ' : { } }
client . put_bucket_logging ( Bucket = bucket_name , BucketLoggingStatus = status )
# NOTE: this does not actually test whether or not logging works
def _setup_access ( bucket_acl , object_acl ) :
Simple test fixture : create a bucket with given ACL , with objects :
- a : owning user , given ACL
- a2 : same object accessed by some other user
- b : owning user , default ACL in bucket w / given ACL
- b2 : same object accessed by a some other user
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key1 = ' foo '
key2 = ' bar '
newkey = ' new '
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = bucket_acl )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foocontent ' )
client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , ACL = object_acl )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' barcontent ' )
return bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey
def get_bucket_key_names ( bucket_name ) :
objs_list = get_objects_list ( bucket_name )
return frozenset ( obj for obj in objs_list )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: private/private ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public has no access to bucket or objects ' )
def test_access_bucket_private_object_private ( ) :
# all the test_access_* tests follow this template
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' private ' , object_acl = ' private ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
# acled object read fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
# default object read fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
# bucket read fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
# acled object write fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' barcontent ' )
# NOTE: The above put's causes the connection to go bad, therefore the client can't be used
# anymore. This can be solved either by:
# 1) putting an empty string ('') in the 'Body' field of those put_object calls
# 2) getting a new client hence the creation of alt_client{2,3} for the tests below
# TODO: Test it from another host and on AWS, Report this to Amazon, if findings are identical
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
# default object write fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
# bucket write fail
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: private/private with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public has no access to bucket or objects ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_access_bucket_private_objectv2_private ( ) :
# all the test_access_* tests follow this template
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' private ' , object_acl = ' private ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
# acled object read fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
# default object read fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
# bucket read fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . list_objects_v2 , Bucket = bucket_name )
# acled object write fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' barcontent ' )
# NOTE: The above put's causes the connection to go bad, therefore the client can't be used
# anymore. This can be solved either by:
# 1) putting an empty string ('') in the 'Body' field of those put_object calls
# 2) getting a new client hence the creation of alt_client{2,3} for the tests below
# TODO: Test it from another host and on AWS, Report this to Amazon, if findings are identical
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
# default object write fail
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
# bucket write fail
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: private/public-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can only read readable object ' )
def test_access_bucket_private_object_publicread ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' private ' , object_acl = ' public-read ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
# a should be public-read, b gets default (private)
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: private/public-read with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can only read readable object ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_access_bucket_private_objectv2_publicread ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' private ' , object_acl = ' public-read ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
# a should be public-read, b gets default (private)
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . list_objects_v2 , Bucket = bucket_name )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: private/public-read/write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can only read the readable object ' )
def test_access_bucket_private_object_publicreadwrite ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' private ' , object_acl = ' public-read-write ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
# a should be public-read-only ... because it is in a private bucket
# b gets default (private)
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: private/public-read/write with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can only read the readable object ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_access_bucket_private_objectv2_publicreadwrite ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' private ' , object_acl = ' public-read-write ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
# a should be public-read-only ... because it is in a private bucket
# b gets default (private)
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . list_objects_v2 , Bucket = bucket_name )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: public-read/private ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can only list the bucket ' )
def test_access_bucket_publicread_object_private ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' public-read ' , object_acl = ' private ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
# a should be private, b gets default (private)
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' barcontent ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
objs = get_objects_list ( bucket = bucket_name , client = alt_client3 )
eq ( objs , [ u ' bar ' , u ' foo ' ] )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: public-read/public-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can read readable objects and list bucket ' )
def test_access_bucket_publicread_object_publicread ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' public-read ' , object_acl = ' public-read ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
# a should be public-read, b gets default (private)
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
objs = get_objects_list ( bucket = bucket_name , client = alt_client3 )
eq ( objs , [ u ' bar ' , u ' foo ' ] )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: public-read/public-read-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' public can read readable objects and list bucket ' )
def test_access_bucket_publicread_object_publicreadwrite ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' public-read ' , object_acl = ' public-read-write ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
# a should be public-read-only ... because it is in a r/o bucket
# b gets default (private)
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
alt_client2 = get_alt_client ( )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
check_access_denied ( alt_client2 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
alt_client3 = get_alt_client ( )
objs = get_objects_list ( bucket = bucket_name , client = alt_client3 )
eq ( objs , [ u ' bar ' , u ' foo ' ] )
check_access_denied ( alt_client3 . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: public-read-write/private ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' private objects cannot be read, but can be overwritten ' )
def test_access_bucket_publicreadwrite_object_private ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' public-read-write ' , object_acl = ' private ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
# a should be private, b gets default (private)
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' barcontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
objs = get_objects_list ( bucket = bucket_name , client = alt_client )
eq ( objs , [ u ' bar ' , u ' foo ' ] )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: public-read-write/public-read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' private objects cannot be read, but can be overwritten ' )
def test_access_bucket_publicreadwrite_object_publicread ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' public-read-write ' , object_acl = ' public-read ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
# a should be public-read, b gets default (private)
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' barcontent ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
objs = get_objects_list ( bucket = bucket_name , client = alt_client )
eq ( objs , [ u ' bar ' , u ' foo ' ] )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' ACLs ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set bucket/object acls: public-read-write/public-read-write ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' private objects cannot be read, but can be overwritten ' )
def test_access_bucket_publicreadwrite_object_publicreadwrite ( ) :
bucket_name , key1 , key2 , newkey = _setup_access ( bucket_acl = ' public-read-write ' , object_acl = ' public-read-write ' )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
body = _get_body ( response )
# a should be public-read-write, b gets default (private)
eq ( body , ' foocontent ' )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = ' foooverwrite ' )
check_access_denied ( alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = ' baroverwrite ' )
objs = get_objects_list ( bucket = bucket_name , client = alt_client )
eq ( objs , [ u ' bar ' , u ' foo ' ] )
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = newkey , Body = ' newcontent ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all buckets ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns all expected buckets ' )
def test_buckets_create_then_list ( ) :
client = get_client ( )
bucket_names = [ ]
for i in xrange ( 5 ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
bucket_names . append ( bucket_name )
for name in bucket_names :
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = name )
response = client . list_buckets ( )
bucket_dicts = response [ ' Buckets ' ]
buckets_list = [ ]
buckets_list = get_buckets_list ( )
for name in bucket_names :
if name not in buckets_list :
raise RuntimeError ( " S3 implementation ' s GET on Service did not return bucket we created: %r " , bucket . name )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all buckets (anonymous) ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_list_buckets_anonymous ( ) :
# Get a connection with bad authorization, then change it to be our new Anonymous auth mechanism,
# emulating standard HTTP access.
# While it may have been possible to use httplib directly, doing it this way takes care of also
# allowing us to vary the calling format in testing.
unauthenticated_client = get_unauthenticated_client ( )
response = unauthenticated_client . list_buckets ( )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Buckets ' ] ) , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all buckets (bad auth) ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 403 ' )
def test_list_buckets_invalid_auth ( ) :
bad_auth_client = get_bad_auth_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , bad_auth_client . list_buckets )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidAccessKeyId ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list all buckets (bad auth) ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 403 ' )
def test_list_buckets_bad_auth ( ) :
main_access_key = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
bad_auth_client = get_bad_auth_client ( aws_access_key_id = main_access_key )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , bad_auth_client . list_buckets )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' SignatureDoesNotMatch ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' name starts with alphabetic works ' )
# this test goes outside the user-configure prefix because it needs to
# control the initial character of the bucket name
@nose.with_setup (
setup = lambda : nuke_prefixed_buckets ( prefix = ' a ' + get_prefix ( ) ) ,
teardown = lambda : nuke_prefixed_buckets ( prefix = ' a ' + get_prefix ( ) ) ,
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_starts_alpha ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo ' , _prefix = ' a ' + get_prefix ( ) )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' name starts with numeric works ' )
# this test goes outside the user-configure prefix because it needs to
# control the initial character of the bucket name
@nose.with_setup (
setup = lambda : nuke_prefixed_buckets ( prefix = ' 0 ' + get_prefix ( ) ) ,
teardown = lambda : nuke_prefixed_buckets ( prefix = ' 0 ' + get_prefix ( ) ) ,
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_starts_digit ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' foo ' , _prefix = ' 0 ' + get_prefix ( ) )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' name containing dot works ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_contains_period ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' aaa.111 ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' name containing hyphen works ' )
def test_bucket_create_naming_good_contains_hyphen ( ) :
check_good_bucket_name ( ' aaa-111 ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create bucket with objects and recreate it ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' bucket recreation not overriding index ' )
def test_bucket_recreate_not_overriding ( ) :
key_names = [ ' mykey1 ' , ' mykey2 ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
objs_list = get_objects_list ( bucket_name )
eq ( key_names , objs_list )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
objs_list = get_objects_list ( bucket_name )
eq ( key_names , objs_list )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and list objects with special names ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' special names work ' )
def test_bucket_create_special_key_names ( ) :
key_names = [
' ' ,
' " ' ,
' $ ' ,
' % ' ,
' & ' ,
' \' ' ,
' < ' ,
' > ' ,
' _ ' ,
' _ ' ,
' _ _ ' ,
' __ ' ,
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
objs_list = get_objects_list ( bucket_name )
eq ( key_names , objs_list )
client = get_client ( )
for name in key_names :
eq ( ( name in objs_list ) , True )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = name )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( name , body )
client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = name , ACL = ' private ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and list objects with underscore as prefix, list using prefix ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' listing works correctly ' )
def test_bucket_list_special_prefix ( ) :
key_names = [ ' _bla/1 ' , ' _bla/2 ' , ' _bla/3 ' , ' _bla/4 ' , ' abcd ' ]
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = key_names )
objs_list = get_objects_list ( bucket_name )
eq ( len ( objs_list ) , 5 )
objs_list = get_objects_list ( bucket_name , prefix = ' _bla/ ' )
eq ( len ( objs_list ) , 4 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy zero sized object in same bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_zero_size ( ) :
key = ' foo123bar '
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ key ] )
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( 0 , ' ' )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = fp_a )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key }
client . copy ( copy_source , bucket_name , ' bar321foo ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
eq ( response [ ' ContentLength ' ] , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object in same bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_same_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
client . copy ( copy_source , bucket_name , ' bar321foo ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( ' foo ' , body )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object with content-type ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_verify_contenttype ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
content_type = ' text/bla '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , ContentType = content_type , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
client . copy ( copy_source , bucket_name , ' bar321foo ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( ' foo ' , body )
response_content_type = response [ ' ContentType ' ]
eq ( response_content_type , content_type )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object to itself ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
def test_object_copy_to_itself ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . copy , copy_source , bucket_name , ' foo123bar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRequest ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' modify object metadata by copying ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
def test_object_copy_to_itself_with_metadata ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Metadata = metadata , MetadataDirective = ' REPLACE ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] , metadata )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object from different bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_diff_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name1 = get_new_bucket ( )
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name1 , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name1 , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
client . copy ( copy_source , bucket_name2 , ' bar321foo ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( ' foo ' , body )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy to an inaccessible bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails w/AttributeError ' )
def test_object_copy_not_owned_bucket ( ) :
client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
bucket_name1 = get_new_bucket_name ( )
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name1 )
alt_client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name2 )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name1 , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name1 , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . copy , copy_source , bucket_name2 , ' bar321foo ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy a non-owned object in a non-owned bucket, but with perms ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_not_owned_object_bucket ( ) :
client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
grant = { ' Grantee ' : { ' ID ' : alt_user_id , ' Type ' : ' CanonicalUser ' } , ' Permission ' : ' FULL_CONTROL ' }
grants = add_obj_user_grant ( bucket_name , ' foo123bar ' , grant )
client . put_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , AccessControlPolicy = grants )
grant = add_bucket_user_grant ( bucket_name , grant )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , AccessControlPolicy = grant )
alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
alt_client . copy ( copy_source , bucket_name , ' bar321foo ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object and change acl ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_canned_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Body = ' foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' bar321foo ' , ACL = ' public-read ' )
# check ACL is applied by doing GET from another user
alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
metadata = { ' abc ' : ' def ' }
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' bar321foo ' }
client . copy_object ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Metadata = metadata , MetadataDirective = ' REPLACE ' )
# check ACL is applied by doing GET from another user
alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object and retain metadata ' )
def test_object_copy_retaining_metadata ( ) :
for size in [ 3 , 1024 * 1024 ] :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
content_type = ' audio/ogg '
metadata = { ' key1 ' : ' value1 ' , ' key2 ' : ' value2 ' }
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Metadata = metadata , ContentType = content_type , Body = str ( bytearray ( size ) ) )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
eq ( metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object and replace metadata ' )
def test_object_copy_replacing_metadata ( ) :
for size in [ 3 , 1024 * 1024 ] :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
content_type = ' audio/ogg '
metadata = { ' key1 ' : ' value1 ' , ' key2 ' : ' value2 ' }
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo123bar ' , Metadata = metadata , ContentType = content_type , Body = str ( bytearray ( size ) ) )
metadata = { ' key3 ' : ' value3 ' , ' key2 ' : ' value2 ' }
content_type = ' audio/mpeg '
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' bar321foo ' , Metadata = metadata , MetadataDirective = ' REPLACE ' , ContentType = content_type )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar321foo ' )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
eq ( metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy from non-existent bucket ' )
def test_object_copy_bucket_not_found ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name + " -fake " , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . copy , copy_source , bucket_name , ' bar321foo ' )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy from non-existent object ' )
def test_object_copy_key_not_found ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' foo123bar ' }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . copy , copy_source , bucket_name , ' bar321foo ' )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object to/from versioned bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_object_copy_versioned_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
size = 1 * 1024 * 124
data = str ( bytearray ( size ) )
key1 = ' foo123bar '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = data )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
# copy object in the same bucket
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key1 , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
key2 = ' bar321foo '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key2 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
# second copy
version_id2 = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key2 , ' VersionId ' : version_id2 }
key3 = ' bar321foo2 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key3 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key3 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
# copy to another versioned bucket
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name2 , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key1 , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
key4 = ' bar321foo3 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key4 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key4 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
# copy to another non versioned bucket
bucket_name3 = get_new_bucket ( )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key1 , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
key5 = ' bar321foo4 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name3 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key5 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name3 , Key = key5 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
# copy from a non versioned bucket
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name3 , ' Key ' : key5 }
key6 = ' foo123bar2 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key6 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key6 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
2019-05-30 10:21:51 -04:00
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy object to/from versioned bucket with url-encoded name ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
def test_object_copy_versioned_url_encoding ( ) :
bucket = get_new_bucket_resource ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket . name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
src_key = ' foo?bar '
src = bucket . put_object ( Key = src_key )
src . load ( ) # HEAD request tests that the key exists
# copy object in the same bucket
dst_key = ' bar&foo '
dst = bucket . Object ( dst_key )
dst . copy_from ( CopySource = { ' Bucket ' : src . bucket_name , ' Key ' : src . key , ' VersionId ' : src . version_id } )
dst . load ( ) # HEAD request tests that the key exists
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def generate_random ( size , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 ) :
Generate the specified number random data .
( actually each MB is a repetition of the first KB )
chunk = 1024
allowed = string . ascii_letters
for x in range ( 0 , size , part_size ) :
strpart = ' ' . join ( [ allowed [ random . randint ( 0 , len ( allowed ) - 1 ) ] for _ in xrange ( chunk ) ] )
s = ' '
left = size - x
this_part_size = min ( left , part_size )
for y in range ( this_part_size / chunk ) :
s = s + strpart
if this_part_size > len ( s ) :
s = s + strpart [ 0 : this_part_size - len ( s ) ]
yield s
if ( x == size ) :
def _multipart_upload ( bucket_name , key , size , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , client = None , content_type = None , metadata = None , resend_parts = [ ] ) :
generate a multi - part upload for a random file of specifed size ,
if requested , generate a list of the parts
return the upload descriptor
if client == None :
client = get_client ( )
if content_type == None and metadata == None :
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
else :
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Metadata = metadata , ContentType = content_type )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
s = ' '
parts = [ ]
for i , part in enumerate ( generate_random ( size , part_size ) ) :
# part_num is necessary because PartNumber for upload_part and in parts must start at 1 and i starts at 0
part_num = i + 1
s + = part
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = part_num , Body = part )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : part_num } )
if i in resend_parts :
client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = part_num , Body = part )
return ( upload_id , s , parts )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test copy object of a multipart upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_object_copy_versioning_multipart_upload ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key1 = " srcmultipart "
key1_metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
content_type = ' text/bla '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key1 , size = objlen , content_type = content_type , metadata = key1_metadata )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
key1_size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
# copy object in the same bucket
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key1 , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
key2 = ' dstmultipart '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key2 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 )
version_id2 = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( key1_size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( key1_metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
# second copy
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key2 , ' VersionId ' : version_id2 }
key3 = ' dstmultipart2 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key3 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key3 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( key1_size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( key1_metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
# copy to another versioned bucket
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name2 , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key1 , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
key4 = ' dstmultipart3 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key4 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key4 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( key1_size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( key1_metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
# copy to another non versioned bucket
bucket_name3 = get_new_bucket ( )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key1 , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
key5 = ' dstmultipart4 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name3 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key5 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name3 , Key = key5 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( key1_size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( key1_metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
# copy from a non versioned bucket
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name3 , ' Key ' : key5 }
key6 = ' dstmultipart5 '
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name3 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = key6 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name3 , Key = key6 )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( data , body )
eq ( key1_size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( key1_metadata , response [ ' Metadata ' ] )
eq ( content_type , response [ ' ContentType ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart upload without parts ' )
def test_multipart_upload_empty ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key1 = " mymultipart "
objlen = 0
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key1 , size = objlen )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . complete_multipart_upload , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , UploadId = upload_id )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart uploads with single small part ' )
def test_multipart_upload_small ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key1 = " mymultipart "
objlen = 1
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key1 , size = objlen )
response = client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
eq ( response [ ' ContentLength ' ] , objlen )
def _create_key_with_random_content ( keyname , size = 7 * 1024 * 1024 , bucket_name = None , client = None ) :
if bucket_name is None :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
if client == None :
client = get_client ( )
data = StringIO ( str ( generate_random ( size , size ) . next ( ) ) )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = keyname , Body = data )
return bucket_name
def _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size , client = None , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , version_id = None ) :
if ( client == None ) :
client = get_client ( )
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
if ( version_id == None ) :
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : src_bucket_name , ' Key ' : src_key }
else :
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : src_bucket_name , ' Key ' : src_key , ' VersionId ' : version_id }
parts = [ ]
i = 0
for start_offset in range ( 0 , size , part_size ) :
end_offset = min ( start_offset + part_size - 1 , size - 1 )
part_num = i + 1
copy_source_range = ' bytes= {start} - {end} ' . format ( start = start_offset , end = end_offset )
response = client . upload_part_copy ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , CopySource = copy_source , PartNumber = part_num , UploadId = upload_id , CopySourceRange = copy_source_range )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' CopyPartResult ' ] [ u ' ETag ' ] , ' PartNumber ' : part_num } )
i = i + 1
return ( upload_id , parts )
def _check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name , version_id = None ) :
client = get_client ( )
if ( version_id == None ) :
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = src_bucket_name , Key = src_key )
else :
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = src_bucket_name , Key = src_key , VersionId = version_id )
src_size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
dest_size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
dest_data = _get_body ( response )
assert ( src_size > = dest_size )
r = ' bytes= {s} - {e} ' . format ( s = 0 , e = dest_size - 1 )
if ( version_id == None ) :
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = src_bucket_name , Key = src_key , Range = r )
else :
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = src_bucket_name , Key = src_key , Range = r , VersionId = version_id )
src_data = _get_body ( response )
eq ( src_data , dest_data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart copies with single small part ' )
def test_multipart_copy_small ( ) :
src_key = ' foo '
src_bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( src_key )
dest_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
dest_key = " mymultipart "
size = 1
client = get_client ( )
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart copies with an invalid range ' )
def test_multipart_copy_invalid_range ( ) :
client = get_client ( )
src_key = ' source '
src_bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , size = 5 )
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = src_bucket_name , Key = ' dest ' )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : src_bucket_name , ' Key ' : src_key }
copy_source_range = ' bytes= {start} - {end} ' . format ( start = 0 , end = 21 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . upload_part_copy , Bucket = src_bucket_name , Key = ' dest ' , UploadId = upload_id , CopySource = copy_source , CopySourceRange = copy_source_range , PartNumber = 1 )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
valid_status = [ 400 , 416 ]
if not status in valid_status :
raise AssertionError ( " Invalid response " + str ( status ) )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRange ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart copies without x-amz-copy-source-range ' )
def test_multipart_copy_without_range ( ) :
client = get_client ( )
src_key = ' source '
src_bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , size = 10 )
dest_bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
get_new_bucket ( name = dest_bucket_name )
dest_key = " mymultipartcopy "
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
parts = [ ]
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : src_bucket_name , ' Key ' : src_key }
part_num = 1
copy_source_range = ' bytes= {start} - {end} ' . format ( start = 0 , end = 9 )
response = client . upload_part_copy ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , CopySource = copy_source , PartNumber = part_num , UploadId = upload_id )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' CopyPartResult ' ] [ u ' ETag ' ] , ' PartNumber ' : part_num } )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
eq ( response [ ' ContentLength ' ] , 10 )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart copies with single small part ' )
def test_multipart_copy_special_names ( ) :
src_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
dest_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
dest_key = " mymultipart "
size = 1
client = get_client ( )
for src_key in ( ' ' , ' _ ' , ' __ ' , ' ?versionId ' ) :
_create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , bucket_name = src_bucket_name )
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
response = client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
def _check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , step ) :
client = get_client ( )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
for ofs in xrange ( 0 , size , step ) :
toread = size - ofs
if toread > step :
toread = step
end = ofs + toread - 1
r = ' bytes= {s} - {e} ' . format ( s = ofs , e = end )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Range = r )
eq ( response [ ' ContentLength ' ] , toread )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data [ ofs : end + 1 ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_multipart_upload ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = " mymultipart "
content_type = ' text/bla '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
client = get_client ( )
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen , content_type = content_type , metadata = metadata )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
rgw_bytes_used = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] )
eq ( rgw_bytes_used , objlen )
rgw_object_count = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] )
eq ( rgw_object_count , 1 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ContentType ' ] , content_type )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] , metadata )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( len ( body ) , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( body , data )
_check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , 1000000 )
_check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , 10000000 )
def check_versioning ( bucket_name , status ) :
client = get_client ( )
try :
response = client . get_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' Status ' ] , status )
except KeyError :
eq ( status , None )
# amazon is eventual consistent, retry a bit if failed
def check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , status , expected_string ) :
client = get_client ( )
client . put_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name , VersioningConfiguration = { ' Status ' : status } )
read_status = None
for i in xrange ( 5 ) :
try :
response = client . get_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name )
read_status = response [ ' Status ' ]
except KeyError :
read_status = None
if ( expected_string == read_status ) :
time . sleep ( 1 )
eq ( expected_string , read_status )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check multipart copies of versioned objects ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_multipart_copy_versioned ( ) :
src_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
dest_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
dest_key = " mymultipart "
check_versioning ( src_bucket_name , None )
src_key = ' foo '
check_configure_versioning_retry ( src_bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
size = 15 * 1024 * 1024
_create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , size = size , bucket_name = src_bucket_name )
_create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , size = size , bucket_name = src_bucket_name )
_create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , size = size , bucket_name = src_bucket_name )
version_id = [ ]
client = get_client ( )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = src_bucket_name )
for ver in response [ ' Versions ' ] :
version_id . append ( ver [ ' VersionId ' ] )
for vid in version_id :
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size , version_id = vid )
response = client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key )
eq ( size , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name , version_id = vid )
def _check_upload_multipart_resend ( bucket_name , key , objlen , resend_parts ) :
content_type = ' text/bla '
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
client = get_client ( )
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen , content_type = content_type , metadata = metadata , resend_parts = resend_parts )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ContentType ' ] , content_type )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] , metadata )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( len ( body ) , response [ ' ContentLength ' ] )
eq ( body , data )
_check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , 1000000 )
_check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , 10000000 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete multiple multi-part upload with different sizes ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_multipart_upload_resend_part ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = " mymultipart "
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
_check_upload_multipart_resend ( bucket_name , key , objlen , [ 0 ] )
_check_upload_multipart_resend ( bucket_name , key , objlen , [ 1 ] )
_check_upload_multipart_resend ( bucket_name , key , objlen , [ 2 ] )
_check_upload_multipart_resend ( bucket_name , key , objlen , [ 1 , 2 ] )
_check_upload_multipart_resend ( bucket_name , key , objlen , [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_multipart_upload_multiple_sizes ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = " mymultipart "
client = get_client ( )
objlen = 5 * 1024 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
objlen = 5 * 1024 * 1024 + 100 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
objlen = 5 * 1024 * 1024 + 600 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
objlen = 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 100 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
objlen = 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 600 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
objlen = 10 * 1024 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_multipart_copy_multiple_sizes ( ) :
src_key = ' foo '
src_bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( src_key , 12 * 1024 * 1024 )
dest_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
dest_key = " mymultipart "
client = get_client ( )
size = 5 * 1024 * 1024
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 + 100 * 1024
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 + 600 * 1024
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 100 * 1024
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 + 600 * 1024
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
size = 10 * 1024 * 1024
( upload_id , parts ) = _multipart_copy ( src_bucket_name , src_key , dest_bucket_name , dest_key , size )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = dest_bucket_name , Key = dest_key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_check_key_content ( src_key , src_bucket_name , dest_key , dest_bucket_name )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check failure on multiple multi-part upload with size too small ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_multipart_upload_size_too_small ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = " mymultipart "
client = get_client ( )
size = 100 * 1024
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = size , part_size = 10 * 1024 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . complete_multipart_upload , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' EntityTooSmall ' )
def gen_rand_string ( size , chars = string . ascii_uppercase + string . digits ) :
return ' ' . join ( random . choice ( chars ) for _ in range ( size ) )
def _do_test_multipart_upload_contents ( bucket_name , key , num_parts ) :
payload = gen_rand_string ( 5 ) * 1024 * 1024
client = get_client ( )
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
parts = [ ]
for part_num in range ( 0 , num_parts ) :
part = StringIO ( payload )
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = part_num + 1 , Body = part )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : part_num + 1 } )
last_payload = ' 123 ' * 1024 * 1024
last_part = StringIO ( last_payload )
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = num_parts + 1 , Body = last_part )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : num_parts + 1 } )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
test_string = _get_body ( response )
all_payload = payload * num_parts + last_payload
assert test_string == all_payload
return all_payload
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check contents of multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_multipart_upload_contents ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
_do_test_multipart_upload_contents ( bucket_name , ' mymultipart ' , 3 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multi-part upload overwrites existing key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_multipart_upload_overwrite_existing_object ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' mymultipart '
payload = ' 12345 ' * 1024 * 1024
num_parts = 2
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = payload )
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
parts = [ ]
for part_num in range ( 0 , num_parts ) :
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = part_num + 1 , Body = payload )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : part_num + 1 } )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
test_string = _get_body ( response )
assert test_string == payload * num_parts
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' abort multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_abort_multipart_upload ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = " mymultipart "
objlen = 10 * 1024 * 1024
client = get_client ( )
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen )
client . abort_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
rgw_bytes_used = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] )
eq ( rgw_bytes_used , 0 )
rgw_object_count = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] )
eq ( rgw_object_count , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' abort non-existent multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 404 ' )
def test_abort_multipart_upload_not_found ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " mymultipart "
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . abort_multipart_upload , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = ' 56788 ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchUpload ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' concurrent multi-part uploads ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
def test_list_multipart_upload ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " mymultipart "
mb = 1024 * 1024
upload_ids = [ ]
( upload_id1 , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = 5 * mb )
upload_ids . append ( upload_id1 )
( upload_id2 , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = 6 * mb )
upload_ids . append ( upload_id2 )
key2 = " mymultipart2 "
( upload_id3 , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key2 , size = 5 * mb )
upload_ids . append ( upload_id3 )
response = client . list_multipart_uploads ( Bucket = bucket_name )
uploads = response [ ' Uploads ' ]
resp_uploadids = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( uploads ) ) :
resp_uploadids . append ( uploads [ i ] [ ' UploadId ' ] )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( upload_ids ) ) :
eq ( True , ( upload_ids [ i ] in resp_uploadids ) )
client . abort_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id1 )
client . abort_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id2 )
client . abort_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , UploadId = upload_id3 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multi-part upload with missing part ' )
def test_multipart_upload_missing_part ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " mymultipart "
size = 1
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
parts = [ ]
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = 1 , Body = StringIO ( ' \x00 ' ) )
# 'PartNumber should be 1'
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : 9999 } )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . complete_multipart_upload , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidPart ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multi-part upload with incorrect ETag ' )
def test_multipart_upload_incorrect_etag ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " mymultipart "
size = 1
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
parts = [ ]
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = 1 , Body = StringIO ( ' \x00 ' ) )
# 'ETag' should be "93b885adfe0da089cdf634904fd59f71"
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : " ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff " , ' PartNumber ' : 1 } )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . complete_multipart_upload , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidPart ' )
def _simple_http_req_100_cont ( host , port , is_secure , method , resource ) :
Send the specified request w / expect 100 - continue
and await confirmation .
req = ' {method} {resource} HTTP/1.1 \r \n Host: {host} \r \n Accept-Encoding: identity \r \n Content-Length: 123 \r \n Expect: 100-continue \r \n \r \n ' . format (
method = method ,
resource = resource ,
host = host ,
s = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_STREAM )
2019-02-27 11:40:07 -05:00
if is_secure :
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
s = ssl . wrap_socket ( s ) ;
s . settimeout ( 5 )
s . connect ( ( host , port ) )
s . send ( req )
try :
data = s . recv ( 1024 )
except socket . error , msg :
print ' got response: ' , msg
print ' most likely server doesn \' t support 100-continue '
s . close ( )
l = data . split ( ' ' )
assert l [ 0 ] . startswith ( ' HTTP ' )
return l [ 1 ]
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' w/expect continue ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds if object is public-read-write ' )
@attr ( ' 100_continue ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_mod_proxy_fcgi ' )
def test_100_continue ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
objname = ' testobj '
resource = ' / {bucket} / {obj} ' . format ( bucket = bucket_name , obj = objname )
host = get_config_host ( )
port = get_config_port ( )
is_secure = get_config_is_secure ( )
#NOTES: this test needs to be tested when is_secure is True
status = _simple_http_req_100_cont ( host , port , is_secure , ' PUT ' , resource )
eq ( status , ' 403 ' )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read-write ' )
status = _simple_http_req_100_cont ( host , port , is_secure , ' PUT ' , resource )
eq ( status , ' 100 ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set cors ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' cors ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_set_cors ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
allowed_methods = [ ' GET ' , ' PUT ' ]
allowed_origins = [ ' *.get ' , ' *.put ' ]
cors_config = {
' CORSRules ' : [
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : allowed_methods ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : allowed_origins ,
} ,
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_cors , Bucket = bucket_name )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
client . put_bucket_cors ( Bucket = bucket_name , CORSConfiguration = cors_config )
response = client . get_bucket_cors ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' CORSRules ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' AllowedMethods ' ] , allowed_methods )
eq ( response [ ' CORSRules ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' AllowedOrigins ' ] , allowed_origins )
client . delete_bucket_cors ( Bucket = bucket_name )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_cors , Bucket = bucket_name )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
def _cors_request_and_check ( func , url , headers , expect_status , expect_allow_origin , expect_allow_methods ) :
r = func ( url , headers = headers )
eq ( r . status_code , expect_status )
assert r . headers . get ( ' access-control-allow-origin ' , None ) == expect_allow_origin
assert r . headers . get ( ' access-control-allow-methods ' , None ) == expect_allow_methods
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check cors response when origin header set ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returning cors header ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' cors ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_cors_origin_response ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_acl ( bucket_acl = ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
cors_config = {
' CORSRules ' : [
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : [ ' GET ' ] ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : [ ' *suffix ' ] ,
} ,
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : [ ' GET ' ] ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : [ ' start*end ' ] ,
} ,
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : [ ' GET ' ] ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : [ ' prefix* ' ] ,
} ,
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : [ ' PUT ' ] ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : [ ' *.put ' ] ,
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_cors , Bucket = bucket_name )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
client . put_bucket_cors ( Bucket = bucket_name , CORSConfiguration = cors_config )
time . sleep ( 3 )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , None , 200 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' } , 200 , ' foo.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.bar ' } , 200 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix.get ' } , 200 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' startend ' } , 200 , ' startend ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' start1end ' } , 200 , ' start1end ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' start12end ' } , 200 , ' start12end ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' 0start12end ' } , 200 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' prefix ' } , 200 , ' prefix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' prefix.suffix ' } , 200 , ' prefix.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' bla.prefix ' } , 200 , None , None )
obj_url = ' {u} / {o} ' . format ( u = url , o = ' bar ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' } , 404 , ' foo.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . put , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' ,
' content-length ' : ' 0 ' } , 403 , ' foo.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . put , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' PUT ' ,
' content-length ' : ' 0 ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . put , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' DELETE ' ,
' content-length ' : ' 0 ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . put , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' , ' content-length ' : ' 0 ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . put , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.put ' , ' content-length ' : ' 0 ' } , 403 , ' foo.put ' , ' PUT ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' } , 404 , ' foo.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , None , 400 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' } , 400 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' bla ' } , 400 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' ,
' content-length ' : ' 0 ' } , 200 , ' foo.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.bar ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.suffix.get ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' startend ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 200 , ' startend ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' start1end ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 200 , ' start1end ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' start12end ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 200 , ' start12end ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' 0start12end ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' prefix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 200 , ' prefix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' prefix.suffix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 200 , ' prefix.suffix ' , ' GET ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' bla.prefix ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.put ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 403 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , url , { ' Origin ' : ' foo.put ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' PUT ' } , 200 , ' foo.put ' , ' PUT ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check cors response when origin is set to wildcard ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returning cors header ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' cors ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_cors_origin_wildcard ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_acl ( bucket_acl = ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
cors_config = {
' CORSRules ' : [
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : [ ' GET ' ] ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : [ ' * ' ] ,
} ,
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_cors , Bucket = bucket_name )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
client . put_bucket_cors ( Bucket = bucket_name , CORSConfiguration = cors_config )
time . sleep ( 3 )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , None , 200 , None , None )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . get , url , { ' Origin ' : ' example.origin ' } , 200 , ' * ' , ' GET ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' check cors response when Access-Control-Request-Headers is set in option request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returning cors header ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' cors ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_cors_header_option ( ) :
bucket_name = _setup_bucket_acl ( bucket_acl = ' public-read ' )
client = get_client ( )
cors_config = {
' CORSRules ' : [
{ ' AllowedMethods ' : [ ' GET ' ] ,
' AllowedOrigins ' : [ ' * ' ] ,
' ExposeHeaders ' : [ ' x-amz-meta-header1 ' ] ,
} ,
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_cors , Bucket = bucket_name )
status = _get_status ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
client . put_bucket_cors ( Bucket = bucket_name , CORSConfiguration = cors_config )
time . sleep ( 3 )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
obj_url = ' {u} / {o} ' . format ( u = url , o = ' bar ' )
_cors_request_and_check ( requests . options , obj_url , { ' Origin ' : ' example.origin ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Headers ' : ' x-amz-meta-header2 ' , ' Access-Control-Request-Method ' : ' GET ' } , 403 , None , None )
2019-05-21 11:53:59 +08:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' put tags ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_set_tagging ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
tags = {
' TagSet ' : [
' Key ' : ' Hello ' ,
' Value ' : ' World '
} ,
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchTagSetError ' )
client . put_bucket_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Tagging = tags )
response = client . get_bucket_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , 1 )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' Key ' ] , ' Hello ' )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' Value ' ] , ' World ' )
client . delete_bucket_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_bucket_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchTagSetError ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
class FakeFile ( object ) :
file that simulates seek , tell , and current character
def __init__ ( self , char = ' A ' , interrupt = None ) :
self . offset = 0
self . char = char
self . interrupt = interrupt
def seek ( self , offset , whence = os . SEEK_SET ) :
if whence == os . SEEK_SET :
self . offset = offset
elif whence == os . SEEK_END :
self . offset = self . size + offset ;
elif whence == os . SEEK_CUR :
self . offset + = offset
def tell ( self ) :
return self . offset
class FakeWriteFile ( FakeFile ) :
file that simulates interruptable reads of constant data
def __init__ ( self , size , char = ' A ' , interrupt = None ) :
FakeFile . __init__ ( self , char , interrupt )
self . size = size
def read ( self , size = - 1 ) :
if size < 0 :
size = self . size - self . offset
count = min ( size , self . size - self . offset )
self . offset + = count
# Sneaky! do stuff before we return (the last time)
if self . interrupt != None and self . offset == self . size and count > 0 :
self . interrupt ( )
return self . char * count
class FakeReadFile ( FakeFile ) :
file that simulates writes , interrupting after the second
def __init__ ( self , size , char = ' A ' , interrupt = None ) :
FakeFile . __init__ ( self , char , interrupt )
self . interrupted = False
self . size = 0
self . expected_size = size
def write ( self , chars ) :
eq ( chars , self . char * len ( chars ) )
self . offset + = len ( chars )
self . size + = len ( chars )
# Sneaky! do stuff on the second seek
if not self . interrupted and self . interrupt != None \
and self . offset > 0 :
self . interrupt ( )
self . interrupted = True
def close ( self ) :
eq ( self . size , self . expected_size )
class FakeFileVerifier ( object ) :
file that verifies expected data has been written
def __init__ ( self , char = None ) :
self . char = char
self . size = 0
def write ( self , data ) :
size = len ( data )
if self . char == None :
self . char = data [ 0 ]
self . size + = size
eq ( data , self . char * size )
def _verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , key , size = - 1 , char = None ) :
Make sure file is of the expected size and ( simulated ) content
fp_verify = FakeFileVerifier ( char )
client = get_client ( )
client . download_fileobj ( bucket_name , key , fp_verify )
if size > = 0 :
eq ( fp_verify . size , size )
def _test_atomic_read ( file_size ) :
Create a file of A ' s, use it to set_contents_from_file.
Create a file of B ' s, use it to re-set_contents_from_file.
Re - read the contents , and confirm we get B ' s
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' A ' )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = fp_a )
fp_b = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' B ' )
fp_a2 = FakeReadFile ( file_size , ' A ' ,
lambda : client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = fp_b )
read_client = get_client ( )
read_client . download_fileobj ( bucket_name , ' testobj ' , fp_a2 )
fp_a2 . close ( )
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , ' testobj ' , file_size , ' B ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' read atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 1MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_read_1mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_read ( 1024 * 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' read atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 4MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_read_4mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_read ( 1024 * 1024 * 4 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' read atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 8MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_read_8mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_read ( 1024 * 1024 * 8 )
def _test_atomic_write ( file_size ) :
Create a file of A ' s, use it to set_contents_from_file.
Verify the contents are all A ' s.
Create a file of B ' s, use it to re-set_contents_from_file.
Before re - set continues , verify content ' s still A ' s
Re - read the contents , and confirm we get B ' s
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
objname = ' testobj '
# create <file_size> file of A's
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' A ' )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_a )
# verify A's
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size , ' A ' )
# create <file_size> file of B's
# but try to verify the file before we finish writing all the B's
fp_b = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' B ' ,
lambda : _verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_b )
# verify B's
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size , ' B ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 1MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_write_1mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_write ( 1024 * 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 4MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_write_4mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_write ( 1024 * 1024 * 4 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 8MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_write_8mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_write ( 1024 * 1024 * 8 )
def _test_atomic_dual_write ( file_size ) :
create an object , two sessions writing different contents
confirm that it is all one or the other
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
objname = ' testobj '
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname )
# write <file_size> file of B's
# but before we're done, try to write all A's
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' A ' )
def rewind_put_fp_a ( ) :
fp_a . seek ( 0 )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_a )
fp_b = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' B ' , rewind_put_fp_a )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_b )
# verify the file
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write one or the other ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 1MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_dual_write_1mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_dual_write ( 1024 * 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write one or the other ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 4MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_dual_write_4mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_dual_write ( 1024 * 1024 * 4 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write one or the other ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 8MB successful ' )
def test_atomic_dual_write_8mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_dual_write ( 1024 * 1024 * 8 )
def _test_atomic_conditional_write ( file_size ) :
Create a file of A ' s, use it to set_contents_from_file.
Verify the contents are all A ' s.
Create a file of B ' s, use it to re-set_contents_from_file.
Before re - set continues , verify content ' s still A ' s
Re - read the contents , and confirm we get B ' s
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
objname = ' testobj '
client = get_client ( )
# create <file_size> file of A's
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' A ' )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_a )
fp_b = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' B ' ,
lambda : _verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size )
# create <file_size> file of B's
# but try to verify the file before we finish writing all the B's
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-Match ' : ' * ' } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_b )
# verify B's
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size , ' B ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write atomicity ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 1MB successful ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_atomic_conditional_write_1mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_conditional_write ( 1024 * 1024 )
def _test_atomic_dual_conditional_write ( file_size ) :
create an object , two sessions writing different contents
confirm that it is all one or the other
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
objname = ' testobj '
client = get_client ( )
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' A ' )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_a )
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size , ' A ' )
etag_fp_a = response [ ' ETag ' ] . replace ( ' " ' , ' ' )
# write <file_size> file of C's
# but before we're done, try to write all B's
fp_b = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' B ' )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { ' If-Match ' : etag_fp_a } ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
def rewind_put_fp_b ( ) :
fp_b . seek ( 0 )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_b )
fp_c = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' C ' , rewind_put_fp_b )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_c )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
# verify the file
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , objname , file_size , ' B ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write one or the other ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' 1MB successful ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
2019-03-31 17:31:05 -04:00
# TODO: test not passing with SSL, fix this
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_atomic_dual_conditional_write_1mb ( ) :
_test_atomic_dual_conditional_write ( 1024 * 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write file in deleted bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fail 404 ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
2019-03-31 17:31:05 -04:00
# TODO: test not passing with SSL, fix this
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_atomic_write_bucket_gone ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
def remove_bucket ( ) :
client . delete_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
objname = ' foo '
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( 1024 * 1024 , ' A ' , remove_bucket )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = objname , Body = fp_a )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchBucket ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' begin to overwrite file with multipart upload then abort ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' read back original key contents ' )
def test_atomic_multipart_upload_write ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
client . abort_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , UploadId = upload_id )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
class Counter :
def __init__ ( self , default_val ) :
self . val = default_val
def inc ( self ) :
self . val = self . val + 1
class ActionOnCount :
def __init__ ( self , trigger_count , action ) :
self . count = 0
self . trigger_count = trigger_count
self . action = action
self . result = 0
def trigger ( self ) :
self . count = self . count + 1
if self . count == self . trigger_count :
self . result = self . action ( )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multipart check for two writes of the same part, first write finishes last ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' object contains correct content ' )
def test_multipart_resend_first_finishes_last ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key_name = " mymultipart "
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
#file_size = 8*1024*1024
file_size = 8
counter = Counter ( 0 )
# upload_part might read multiple times from the object
# first time when it calculates md5, second time when it writes data
# out. We want to interject only on the last time, but we can't be
# sure how many times it's going to read, so let's have a test run
# and count the number of reads
fp_dry_run = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' C ' ,
lambda : counter . inc ( )
parts = [ ]
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name , PartNumber = 1 , Body = fp_dry_run )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : 1 } )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
# clear parts
parts [ : ] = [ ]
# ok, now for the actual test
fp_b = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' B ' )
def upload_fp_b ( ) :
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name , Body = fp_b , PartNumber = 1 )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : 1 } )
action = ActionOnCount ( counter . val , lambda : upload_fp_b ( ) )
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
fp_a = FakeWriteFile ( file_size , ' A ' ,
lambda : action . trigger ( )
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name , PartNumber = 1 , Body = fp_a )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : 1 } )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
_verify_atomic_key_data ( bucket_name , key_name , file_size , ' A ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns correct data, 206 ' )
def test_ranged_request_response_code ( ) :
content = ' testcontent '
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = content )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Range = ' bytes=4-7 ' )
fetched_content = _get_body ( response )
eq ( fetched_content , content [ 4 : 8 ] )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-range ' ] , ' bytes 4-7/11 ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 206 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns correct data, 206 ' )
def test_ranged_big_request_response_code ( ) :
content = os . urandom ( 8 * 1024 * 1024 )
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = content )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Range = ' bytes=3145728-5242880 ' )
fetched_content = _get_body ( response )
eq ( fetched_content , content [ 3145728 : 5242881 ] )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-range ' ] , ' bytes 3145728-5242880/8388608 ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 206 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns correct data, 206 ' )
def test_ranged_request_skip_leading_bytes_response_code ( ) :
content = ' testcontent '
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = content )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Range = ' bytes=4- ' )
fetched_content = _get_body ( response )
eq ( fetched_content , content [ 4 : ] )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-range ' ] , ' bytes 4-10/11 ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 206 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns correct data, 206 ' )
def test_ranged_request_return_trailing_bytes_response_code ( ) :
content = ' testcontent '
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = content )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Range = ' bytes=-7 ' )
fetched_content = _get_body ( response )
eq ( fetched_content , content [ - 7 : ] )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-range ' ] , ' bytes 4-10/11 ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 206 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns invalid range, 416 ' )
def test_ranged_request_invalid_range ( ) :
content = ' testcontent '
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = content )
# test invalid range
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Range = ' bytes=40-50 ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 416 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRange ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' range ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns invalid range, 416 ' )
def test_ranged_request_empty_object ( ) :
content = ' '
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = content )
# test invalid range
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Range = ' bytes=40-50 ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 416 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRange ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create versioned bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can create and suspend bucket versioning ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_bucket_create_suspend ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
check_versioning ( bucket_name , None )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Suspended " , " Suspended " )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Suspended " , " Suspended " )
def check_obj_content ( client , bucket_name , key , version_id , content ) :
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
if content is not None :
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , content )
else :
eq ( response [ ' DeleteMarker ' ] , True )
def check_obj_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents ) :
# check to see if objects is pointing at correct version
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
# obj versions in versions come out created last to first not first to last like version_ids & contents
versions . reverse ( )
i = 0
for version in versions :
eq ( version [ ' VersionId ' ] , version_ids [ i ] )
eq ( version [ ' Key ' ] , key )
check_obj_content ( client , bucket_name , key , version [ ' VersionId ' ] , contents [ i ] )
i + = 1
def create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , version_ids = None , contents = None , check_versions = True ) :
contents = contents or [ ]
version_ids = version_ids or [ ]
for i in xrange ( num_versions ) :
body = ' content- {i} ' . format ( i = i )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = body )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
contents . append ( body )
version_ids . append ( version_id )
if check_versions :
check_obj_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
return ( version_ids , contents )
def remove_obj_version ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , index ) :
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
index = index % len ( version_ids )
rm_version_id = version_ids . pop ( index )
rm_content = contents . pop ( index )
check_obj_content ( client , bucket_name , key , rm_version_id , rm_content )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = rm_version_id )
if len ( version_ids ) != 0 :
check_obj_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
def clean_up_bucket ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids ) :
for version_id in version_ids :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
client . delete_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
def _do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , remove_start_idx , idx_inc ) :
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
idx = remove_start_idx
for j in xrange ( num_versions ) :
remove_obj_version ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , idx )
idx + = idx_inc
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
if ' Versions ' in response :
print response [ ' Versions ' ]
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and remove versioned object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can create access and remove appropriate versions ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_create_read_remove ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name , VersioningConfiguration = { ' MFADelete ' : ' Disabled ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } )
key = ' testobj '
num_versions = 5
_do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , - 1 , 0 )
_do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , - 1 , 0 )
_do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , 0 , 0 )
_do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , 1 , 0 )
_do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , 4 , - 1 )
_do_test_create_remove_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions , 3 , 3 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and remove versioned object and head ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' can create access and remove appropriate versions ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_create_read_remove_head ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name , VersioningConfiguration = { ' MFADelete ' : ' Disabled ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } )
key = ' testobj '
num_versions = 5
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
# removes old head object, checks new one
removed_version_id = version_ids . pop ( )
contents . pop ( )
num_versions = num_versions - 1
response = client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = removed_version_id )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , contents [ - 1 ] )
# add a delete marker
response = client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' DeleteMarker ' ] , True )
delete_marker_version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
version_ids . append ( delete_marker_version_id )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Versions ' ] ) , num_versions )
eq ( len ( response [ ' DeleteMarkers ' ] ) , 1 )
eq ( response [ ' DeleteMarkers ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' VersionId ' ] , delete_marker_version_id )
clean_up_bucket ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create object, then switch to versioning ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' behaves correctly ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_plain_null_version_removal ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
check_versioning ( bucket_name , None )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' testobjfoo '
content = ' fooz '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = content )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = ' null ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create object, then switch to versioning ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' behaves correctly ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_plain_null_version_overwrite ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
check_versioning ( bucket_name , None )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' testobjfoo '
content = ' fooz '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = content )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
content2 = ' zzz '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = content2 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , content2 )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , content )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = ' null ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create object, then switch to versioning ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' behaves correctly ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_plain_null_version_overwrite_suspended ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
check_versioning ( bucket_name , None )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' testobjbar '
content = ' foooz '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = content )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Suspended " , " Suspended " )
content2 = ' zzz '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = content2 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , content2 )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
# original object with 'null' version id still counts as a version
eq ( len ( response [ ' Versions ' ] ) , 1 )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = ' null ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' NoSuchKey ' )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
def delete_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents ) :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
# clear out old null objects in lists since they will get overwritten
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
i = 0
for version_id in version_ids :
if version_id == ' null ' :
version_ids . pop ( i )
contents . pop ( i )
i + = 1
return ( version_ids , contents )
def overwrite_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , content ) :
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = content )
# clear out old null objects in lists since they will get overwritten
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
i = 0
for version_id in version_ids :
if version_id == ' null ' :
version_ids . pop ( i )
contents . pop ( i )
i + = 1
# add new content with 'null' version id to the end
contents . append ( content )
version_ids . append ( ' null ' )
return ( version_ids , contents )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' create ' )
@attr ( operation = ' suspend versioned bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' suspended versioning behaves correctly ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_suspend_versions ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' testobj '
num_versions = 5
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Suspended " , " Suspended " )
delete_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
delete_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
overwrite_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , ' null content 1 ' )
overwrite_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , ' null content 2 ' )
delete_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
overwrite_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , ' null content 3 ' )
delete_suspended_versioning_obj ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , 3 , version_ids , contents )
num_versions + = 3
for idx in xrange ( num_versions ) :
remove_obj_version ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , idx )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , 0 )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' remove ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and remove versions ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' everything works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_create_versions_remove_all ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' testobj '
num_versions = 10
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
for idx in xrange ( num_versions ) :
remove_obj_version ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , idx )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , 0 )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' remove ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and remove versions ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' everything works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_create_versions_remove_special_names ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
keys = [ ' _testobj ' , ' _ ' , ' : ' , ' ' ]
num_versions = 10
for key in keys :
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
for idx in xrange ( num_versions ) :
remove_obj_version ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , idx )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , 0 )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' multipart ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and test multipart object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' everything works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_create_overwrite_multipart ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' testobj '
num_versions = 3
contents = [ ]
version_ids = [ ]
for i in xrange ( num_versions ) :
ret = _do_test_multipart_upload_contents ( bucket_name , key , 3 )
contents . append ( ret )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
for version in response [ ' Versions ' ] :
version_ids . append ( version [ ' VersionId ' ] )
version_ids . reverse ( )
check_obj_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents )
for idx in xrange ( num_versions ) :
remove_obj_version ( client , bucket_name , key , version_ids , contents , idx )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , 0 )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , len ( contents ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' multipart ' )
@attr ( operation = ' list versioned objects ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' everything works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_obj_list_marker ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' testobj '
key2 = ' testobj-1 '
num_versions = 5
contents = [ ]
version_ids = [ ]
contents2 = [ ]
version_ids2 = [ ]
# for key #1
for i in xrange ( num_versions ) :
body = ' content- {i} ' . format ( i = i )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = body )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
contents . append ( body )
version_ids . append ( version_id )
# for key #2
for i in xrange ( num_versions ) :
body = ' content- {i} ' . format ( i = i )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = body )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
contents2 . append ( body )
version_ids2 . append ( version_id )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
# obj versions in versions come out created last to first not first to last like version_ids & contents
versions . reverse ( )
i = 0
# test the last 5 created objects first
for i in range ( 5 ) :
version = versions [ i ]
eq ( version [ ' VersionId ' ] , version_ids2 [ i ] )
eq ( version [ ' Key ' ] , key2 )
check_obj_content ( client , bucket_name , key2 , version [ ' VersionId ' ] , contents2 [ i ] )
i + = 1
# then the first 5
for j in range ( 5 ) :
version = versions [ i ]
eq ( version [ ' VersionId ' ] , version_ids [ j ] )
eq ( version [ ' Key ' ] , key )
check_obj_content ( client , bucket_name , key , version [ ' VersionId ' ] , contents [ j ] )
i + = 1
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' multipart ' )
@attr ( operation = ' create and test versioned object copying ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' everything works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_copy_obj_version ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' testobj '
num_versions = 3
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
for i in xrange ( num_versions ) :
new_key_name = ' key_ {i} ' . format ( i = i )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key , ' VersionId ' : version_ids [ i ] }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = new_key_name )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = new_key_name )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , contents [ i ] )
another_bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
for i in xrange ( num_versions ) :
new_key_name = ' key_ {i} ' . format ( i = i )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key , ' VersionId ' : version_ids [ i ] }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = another_bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = new_key_name )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = another_bucket_name , Key = new_key_name )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , contents [ i ] )
new_key_name = ' new_key '
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : key }
client . copy_object ( Bucket = another_bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = new_key_name )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = another_bucket_name , Key = new_key_name )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , contents [ - 1 ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' delete multiple versions ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' deletes multiple versions of an object with a single call ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_multi_object_delete ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' key '
num_versions = 2
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
versions . reverse ( )
for version in versions :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version [ ' VersionId ' ] )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
# now remove again, should all succeed due to idempotency
for version in versions :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version [ ' VersionId ' ] )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' delete multiple versions ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' deletes multiple versions of an object and delete marker with a single call ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_multi_object_delete_with_marker ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' key '
num_versions = 2
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
delete_markers = response [ ' DeleteMarkers ' ]
version_ids . append ( delete_markers [ 0 ] [ ' VersionId ' ] )
eq ( len ( version_ids ) , 3 )
eq ( len ( delete_markers ) , 1 )
for version in versions :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version [ ' VersionId ' ] )
for delete_marker in delete_markers :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = delete_marker [ ' VersionId ' ] )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
eq ( ( ' DeleteMarkers ' in response ) , False )
for version in versions :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version [ ' VersionId ' ] )
for delete_marker in delete_markers :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = delete_marker [ ' VersionId ' ] )
# now remove again, should all succeed due to idempotency
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
eq ( ( ' DeleteMarkers ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multi delete create marker ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' returns correct marker version id ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioning_multi_object_delete_with_marker_create ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' key '
response = client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
delete_marker_version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
delete_markers = response [ ' DeleteMarkers ' ]
eq ( len ( delete_markers ) , 1 )
eq ( delete_marker_version_id , delete_markers [ 0 ] [ ' VersionId ' ] )
eq ( key , delete_markers [ 0 ] [ ' Key ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' change acl on an object version changes specific version ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioned_object_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' xyz '
num_versions = 3
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
version_id = version_ids [ 1 ]
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] , display_name )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , user_id )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
default_policy = [
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
check_grants ( grants , default_policy )
client . put_object_acl ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants ( grants , default_policy )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' change acl on an object with no version specified changes latest version ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioned_object_acl_no_version_specified ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' xyz '
num_versions = 3
( version_ids , contents ) = create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
display_name = get_main_display_name ( )
user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' DisplayName ' ] , display_name )
eq ( response [ ' Owner ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , user_id )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
default_policy = [
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
check_grants ( grants , default_policy )
client . put_object_acl ( ACL = ' public-read ' , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
grants = response [ ' Grants ' ]
check_grants (
grants ,
dict (
Permission = ' READ ' ,
ID = None ,
DisplayName = None ,
URI = ' http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers ' ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' Group ' ,
) ,
dict (
Permission = ' FULL_CONTROL ' ,
ID = user_id ,
DisplayName = display_name ,
URI = None ,
EmailAddress = None ,
Type = ' CanonicalUser ' ,
) ,
] ,
def _do_create_object ( client , bucket_name , key , i ) :
body = ' data {i} ' . format ( i = i )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = body )
def _do_remove_ver ( client , bucket_name , key , version_id ) :
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
def _do_create_versioned_obj_concurrent ( client , bucket_name , key , num ) :
t = [ ]
for i in range ( num ) :
thr = threading . Thread ( target = _do_create_object , args = ( client , bucket_name , key , i ) )
thr . start ( )
t . append ( thr )
return t
def _do_clear_versioned_bucket_concurrent ( client , bucket_name ) :
t = [ ]
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
for version in response . get ( ' Versions ' , [ ] ) :
thr = threading . Thread ( target = _do_remove_ver , args = ( client , bucket_name , version [ ' Key ' ] , version [ ' VersionId ' ] ) )
thr . start ( )
t . append ( thr )
return t
def _do_wait_completion ( t ) :
for thr in t :
thr . join ( )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' concurrent creation of objects, concurrent removal ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioned_concurrent_object_create_concurrent_remove ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' myobj '
num_versions = 5
for i in xrange ( 5 ) :
t = _do_create_versioned_obj_concurrent ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
_do_wait_completion ( t )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
eq ( len ( versions ) , num_versions )
t = _do_clear_versioned_bucket_concurrent ( client , bucket_name )
_do_wait_completion ( t )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' concurrent creation and removal of objects ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' works ' )
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
def test_versioned_concurrent_object_create_and_remove ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
key = ' myobj '
num_versions = 3
all_threads = [ ]
for i in xrange ( 3 ) :
t = _do_create_versioned_obj_concurrent ( client , bucket_name , key , num_versions )
all_threads . append ( t )
t = _do_clear_versioned_bucket_concurrent ( client , bucket_name )
all_threads . append ( t )
for t in all_threads :
_do_wait_completion ( t )
t = _do_clear_versioned_bucket_concurrent ( client , bucket_name )
_do_wait_completion ( t )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( ( ' Versions ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 1 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule2 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test2/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Disabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get lifecycle config ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_get ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 31 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' test2/ ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 120 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test2/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
response = client . get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' Rules ' ] , rules )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' get lifecycle config no id ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_get_no_id ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 31 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 120 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test2/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
response = client . get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name )
current_lc = response [ ' Rules ' ]
Rule = namedtuple ( ' Rule ' , [ ' prefix ' , ' status ' , ' days ' ] )
rules = { ' rule1 ' : Rule ( ' test1/ ' , ' Enabled ' , 31 ) ,
' rule2 ' : Rule ( ' test2/ ' , ' Enabled ' , 120 ) }
for lc_rule in current_lc :
if lc_rule [ ' Prefix ' ] == rules [ ' rule1 ' ] . prefix :
eq ( lc_rule [ ' Expiration ' ] [ ' Days ' ] , rules [ ' rule1 ' ] . days )
eq ( lc_rule [ ' Status ' ] , rules [ ' rule1 ' ] . status )
assert ' ID ' in lc_rule
elif lc_rule [ ' Prefix ' ] == rules [ ' rule2 ' ] . prefix :
eq ( lc_rule [ ' Expiration ' ] [ ' Days ' ] , rules [ ' rule2 ' ] . days )
eq ( lc_rule [ ' Status ' ] , rules [ ' rule2 ' ] . status )
assert ' ID ' in lc_rule
else :
# neither of the rules we supplied was returned, something wrong
print " rules not right "
assert False
# The test harness for lifecycle is configured to treat days as 10 second intervals.
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_lifecycle_expiration ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' expire1/foo ' , ' expire1/bar ' , ' keep2/foo ' ,
' keep2/bar ' , ' expire3/foo ' , ' expire3/bar ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 1 } , ' Prefix ' : ' expire1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule2 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 4 } , ' Prefix ' : ' expire3/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 28 )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire1_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 10 )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
keep2_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 20 )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire3_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
eq ( len ( init_objects ) , 6 )
eq ( len ( expire1_objects ) , 6 )
eq ( len ( keep2_objects ) , 6 )
eq ( len ( expire3_objects ) , 6 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle expiration with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_lifecyclev2_expiration ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' expire1/foo ' , ' expire1/bar ' , ' keep2/foo ' ,
' keep2/bar ' , ' expire3/foo ' , ' expire3/bar ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 1 } , ' Prefix ' : ' expire1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule2 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 4 } , ' Prefix ' : ' expire3/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 28 )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire1_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 10 )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
keep2_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 20 )
response = client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire3_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
eq ( len ( init_objects ) , 6 )
eq ( len ( expire1_objects ) , 4 )
eq ( len ( keep2_objects ) , 4 )
eq ( len ( expire3_objects ) , 2 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' id too long in lifecycle rule ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_lifecycle_id_too_long ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : 256 * ' a ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidArgument ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' same id ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_lifecycle_same_id ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 1 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test2/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidArgument ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' invalid status in lifecycle rule ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_lifecycle_invalid_status ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' disabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_lifecycle , Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' invalid ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with expiration date ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_date ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Date ' : ' 2017-09-27 ' } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with not iso8601 date ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 400 ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_invalid_date ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Date ' : ' 20200101 ' } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle expiration with date ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_lifecycle_expiration_date ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' past/foo ' , ' future/bar ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Date ' : ' 2015-01-01 ' } , ' Prefix ' : ' past/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule2 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Date ' : ' 2030-01-01 ' } , ' Prefix ' : ' future/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
time . sleep ( 20 )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
eq ( len ( init_objects ) , 2 )
eq ( len ( expire_objects ) , 1 )
2019-02-13 19:17:20 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle expiration days 0 ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
def test_lifecycle_expiration_days0 ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' days0/foo ' , ' days0/bar ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : 0 } , ' Prefix ' : ' days0/ ' ,
' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration (
Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
time . sleep ( 20 )
response = client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire_objects = response [ ' Contents ' ]
eq ( len ( expire_objects ) , 0 )
2019-04-01 00:44:42 -04:00
def setup_lifecycle_expiration ( bucket_name , rule_id , delta_days ,
2019-02-13 19:17:20 -05:00
rule_prefix ) :
rules = [ { ' ID ' : rule_id ,
' Expiration ' : { ' Days ' : delta_days } , ' Prefix ' : rule_prefix ,
' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration (
Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
key = rule_prefix + ' /foo '
body = ' bar '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = bar )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
return response
def check_lifecycle_expiration_header ( response , start_time , rule_id ,
delta_days ) :
exp_header = response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-amz-expiration ' ]
m = re . search ( r ' expiry-date= " (.+) " , rule-id= " (.+) " ' , exp_header )
expiration = datetime . datetime . strptime ( m . group ( 1 ) ,
' %a % b %d % H: % M: % S % Y ' )
eq ( ( expiration - start_time ) . days , delta_days )
eq ( m . group ( 2 ) , rule_id )
return True
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle expiration header put ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
def test_lifecycle_expiration_header_put ( ) :
Check for valid x - amz - expiration header after PUT
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
now = datetime . datetime . now ( None )
2019-04-01 00:44:42 -04:00
response = setup_lifecycle_expiration (
2019-02-13 19:17:20 -05:00
bucket_name , ' rule1 ' , 1 , ' days1/ ' )
eq ( check_lifecycle_expiration_header ( response , now , ' rule1 ' , 1 ) , True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' head ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle expiration header head ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
def test_lifecycle_expiration_header_head ( ) :
Check for valid x - amz - expiration header on HEAD request
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
now = datetime . datetime . now ( None )
2019-04-01 00:44:42 -04:00
response = setup_lifecycle_expiration (
2019-02-13 19:17:20 -05:00
bucket_name , ' rule1 ' , 1 , ' days1/ ' )
# stat the object, check header
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
eq ( check_lifecycle_expiration_header ( response , now , ' rule1 ' , 1 ) , True )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with noncurrent version expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_noncurrent ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' past/foo ' , ' future/bar ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' NoncurrentVersionExpiration ' : { ' NoncurrentDays ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' past/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule2 ' , ' NoncurrentVersionExpiration ' : { ' NoncurrentDays ' : 3 } , ' Prefix ' : ' future/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle non-current version expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_lifecycle_noncur_expiration ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , " test1/a " , 3 )
# not checking the object contents on the second run, because the function doesn't support multiple checks
create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , " test2/abc " , 3 , check_versions = False )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' NoncurrentVersionExpiration ' : { ' NoncurrentDays ' : 2 } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
time . sleep ( 50 )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expire_versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
eq ( len ( init_versions ) , 6 )
eq ( len ( expire_versions ) , 4 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with delete marker expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_deletemarker ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker ' : True } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with Filter ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_filter ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker ' : True } , ' Filter ' : { ' Prefix ' : ' foo ' } , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with empty Filter ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_empty_filter ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Expiration ' : { ' ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker ' : True } , ' Filter ' : { } , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle delete marker expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_lifecycle_deletemarker_expiration ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , " test1/a " , 1 )
create_multiple_versions ( client , bucket_name , " test2/abc " , 1 , check_versions = False )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = " test1/a " )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = " test2/abc " )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
deleted_versions = response [ ' DeleteMarkers ' ]
total_init_versions = init_versions + deleted_versions
rules = [ { ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' NoncurrentVersionExpiration ' : { ' NoncurrentDays ' : 1 } , ' Expiration ' : { ' ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker ' : True } , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' } ]
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
time . sleep ( 50 )
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
deleted_versions = response [ ' DeleteMarkers ' ]
total_expire_versions = init_versions + deleted_versions
eq ( len ( total_init_versions ) , 4 )
eq ( len ( total_expire_versions ) , 2 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' set lifecycle config with multipart expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
def test_lifecycle_set_multipart ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
rules = [
{ ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload ' : { ' DaysAfterInitiation ' : 2 } } ,
{ ' ID ' : ' rule2 ' , ' Prefix ' : ' test2/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Disabled ' ,
' AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload ' : { ' DaysAfterInitiation ' : 3 } }
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test lifecycle multipart expiration ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle ' )
@attr ( ' lifecycle_expiration ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' )
def test_lifecycle_multipart_expiration ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key_names = [ ' test1/a ' , ' test2/ ' ]
upload_ids = [ ]
for key in key_names :
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
upload_ids . append ( response [ ' UploadId ' ] )
response = client . list_multipart_uploads ( Bucket = bucket_name )
init_uploads = response [ ' Uploads ' ]
rules = [
{ ' ID ' : ' rule1 ' , ' Prefix ' : ' test1/ ' , ' Status ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload ' : { ' DaysAfterInitiation ' : 2 } } ,
lifecycle = { ' Rules ' : rules }
response = client . put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name , LifecycleConfiguration = lifecycle )
time . sleep ( 50 )
response = client . list_multipart_uploads ( Bucket = bucket_name )
expired_uploads = response [ ' Uploads ' ]
eq ( len ( init_uploads ) , 2 )
eq ( len ( expired_uploads ) , 1 )
def _test_encryption_sse_customer_write ( file_size ) :
Tests Create a file of A ' s, use it to set_contents_from_file.
Create a file of B ' s, use it to re-set_contents_from_file.
Re - read the contents , and confirm we get B ' s
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' testobj '
data = ' A ' * file_size
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-C encrypted transfer 1 byte ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encrypted_transfer_1b ( ) :
_test_encryption_sse_customer_write ( 1 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-C encrypted transfer 1KB ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encrypted_transfer_1kb ( ) :
_test_encryption_sse_customer_write ( 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-C encrypted transfer 1MB ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encrypted_transfer_1MB ( ) :
_test_encryption_sse_customer_write ( 1024 * 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-C encrypted transfer 13 bytes ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encrypted_transfer_13b ( ) :
_test_encryption_sse_customer_write ( 13 )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_method_head ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 1000
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . head_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.HeadObject ' , lf )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write encrypted with SSE-C and read without SSE-C ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_present ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 1000
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write encrypted with SSE-C but read with other key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_other_key ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers_A = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
sse_client_headers_B = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' 6b+WOZ1T3cqZMxgThRcXAQBrS5mXKdDUphvpxptl9/4= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' arxBvwY2V4SiOne6yppVPQ== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers_A ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers_B ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write encrypted with SSE-C, but md5 is bad ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_invalid_md5 ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write encrypted with SSE-C, but dont provide MD5 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_no_md5 ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' declare SSE-C but do not provide key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_no_key ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Do not declare SSE-C but provide key and MD5 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation successfull, no encryption ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_key_no_sse_c ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
def _multipart_upload_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , size , part_size , init_headers , part_headers , metadata , resend_parts ) :
generate a multi - part upload for a random file of specifed size ,
if requested , generate a list of the parts
return the upload descriptor
if client == None :
client = get_client ( )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( init_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CreateMultipartUpload ' , lf )
if metadata == None :
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
else :
response = client . create_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Metadata = metadata )
upload_id = response [ ' UploadId ' ]
s = ' '
parts = [ ]
for i , part in enumerate ( generate_random ( size , part_size ) ) :
# part_num is necessary because PartNumber for upload_part and in parts must start at 1 and i starts at 0
part_num = i + 1
s + = part
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( part_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.UploadPart ' , lf )
response = client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = part_num , Body = part )
parts . append ( { ' ETag ' : response [ ' ETag ' ] . strip ( ' " ' ) , ' PartNumber ' : part_num } )
if i in resend_parts :
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( part_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.UploadPart ' , lf )
client . upload_part ( UploadId = upload_id , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , PartNumber = part_num , Body = part )
return ( upload_id , s , parts )
def _check_content_using_range_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , data , step , enc_headers = None ) :
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
for ofs in xrange ( 0 , size , step ) :
toread = size - ofs
if toread > step :
toread = step
end = ofs + toread - 1
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( enc_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
r = ' bytes= {s} - {e} ' . format ( s = ofs , e = end )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Range = r )
read_range = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( read_range , toread )
eq ( body , data [ ofs : end + 1 ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
@attr ( ' fails_on_aws ' ) # allow-unordered is a non-standard extension
def test_encryption_sse_c_multipart_upload ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/plain '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
enc_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
resend_parts = [ ]
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , objlen ,
part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , init_headers = enc_headers , part_headers = enc_headers , metadata = metadata , resend_parts = resend_parts )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( enc_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CompleteMultipartUpload ' , lf )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
rgw_object_count = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] )
eq ( rgw_object_count , 1 )
rgw_bytes_used = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] )
eq ( rgw_bytes_used , objlen )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( enc_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] , metadata )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-type ' ] , content_type )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data )
size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
eq ( len ( body ) , size )
_check_content_using_range_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , data , 1000000 , enc_headers = enc_headers )
_check_content_using_range_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , data , 10000000 , enc_headers = enc_headers )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multipart upload with bad key for uploading chunks ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_multipart_invalid_chunks_1 ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/plain '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
init_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
part_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' 6b+WOZ1T3cqZMxgThRcXAQBrS5mXKdDUphvpxptl9/4= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' arxBvwY2V4SiOne6yppVPQ== '
resend_parts = [ ]
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , _multipart_upload_enc , client = client , bucket_name = bucket_name ,
key = key , size = objlen , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , init_headers = init_headers , part_headers = part_headers , metadata = metadata , resend_parts = resend_parts )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multipart upload with bad md5 for chunks ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_multipart_invalid_chunks_2 ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/plain '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
init_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
part_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== '
resend_parts = [ ]
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , _multipart_upload_enc , client = client , bucket_name = bucket_name ,
key = key , size = objlen , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , init_headers = init_headers , part_headers = part_headers , metadata = metadata , resend_parts = resend_parts )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete multi-part upload and download with bad key ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_multipart_bad_download ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/plain '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
put_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
get_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' 6b+WOZ1T3cqZMxgThRcXAQBrS5mXKdDUphvpxptl9/4= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' arxBvwY2V4SiOne6yppVPQ== '
resend_parts = [ ]
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , objlen ,
part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , init_headers = put_headers , part_headers = put_headers , metadata = metadata , resend_parts = resend_parts )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( put_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CompleteMultipartUpload ' , lf )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
rgw_object_count = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] )
eq ( rgw_object_count , 1 )
rgw_bytes_used = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] )
eq ( rgw_bytes_used , objlen )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( put_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] , metadata )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-type ' ] , content_type )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( get_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_encryption_sse_c_post_object_authenticated_request ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm " , " " ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key " , " " ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 " , " " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) ,
( ' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' , ' AES256 ' ) , \
( ' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' , ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ) , \
( ' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' , ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== ' ) , \
( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
get_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( get_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def _test_sse_kms_customer_write ( file_size , key_id = ' testkey-1 ' ) :
Tests Create a file of A ' s, use it to set_contents_from_file.
Create a file of B ' s, use it to re-set_contents_from_file.
Re - read the contents , and confirm we get B ' s
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
sse_kms_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : key_id
data = ' A ' * file_size
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' , Body = data )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' testobj ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 1 byte ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_transfer_1b ( ) :
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 1 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 1KB ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_transfer_1kb ( ) :
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 1MB ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_transfer_1MB ( ) :
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 1024 * 1024 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 13 bytes ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_transfer_13b ( ) :
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 13 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' head ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted does perform head properly ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_method_head ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
sse_kms_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-1 '
data = ' A ' * 1000
key = ' testobj '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' ] , ' aws:kms ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' ] , ' testkey-1 ' )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.HeadObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . head_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write encrypted with SSE-KMS and read without SSE-KMS ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_present ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
sse_kms_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-1 '
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' declare SSE-KMS but do not provide key_id ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_no_key ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
sse_kms_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Do not declare SSE-KMS but provide key_id ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation successfull, no encryption ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_not_declared ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
sse_kms_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-2 '
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' complete KMS multi-part upload ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_multipart_upload ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/plain '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
enc_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-2 ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
resend_parts = [ ]
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , objlen ,
part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 , init_headers = enc_headers , part_headers = enc_headers , metadata = metadata , resend_parts = resend_parts )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( enc_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CompleteMultipartUpload ' , lf )
client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
response = client . head_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
rgw_object_count = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-object-count ' ] )
eq ( rgw_object_count , 1 )
rgw_bytes_used = int ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-rgw-bytes-used ' ] )
eq ( rgw_bytes_used , objlen )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( part_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.UploadPart ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Metadata ' ] , metadata )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' content-type ' ] , content_type )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data )
size = response [ ' ContentLength ' ]
eq ( len ( body ) , size )
_check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , 1000000 )
_check_content_using_range ( key , bucket_name , data , 10000000 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multipart KMS upload with bad key_id for uploading chunks ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_multipart_invalid_chunks_1 ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/bla '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
init_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-1 ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
part_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-2 '
resend_parts = [ ]
_multipart_upload_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , objlen , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 ,
init_headers = init_headers , part_headers = part_headers , metadata = metadata ,
resend_parts = resend_parts )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' multipart KMS upload with unexistent key_id for chunks ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' successful ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_multipart_invalid_chunks_2 ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = " multipart_enc "
content_type = ' text/plain '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' bar ' }
init_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-1 ' ,
' Content-Type ' : content_type
part_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-not-present '
resend_parts = [ ]
_multipart_upload_enc ( client , bucket_name , key , objlen , part_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 ,
init_headers = init_headers , part_headers = part_headers , metadata = metadata ,
resend_parts = resend_parts )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated KMS browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_post_object_authenticated_request ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [ \
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] , \
{ " acl " : " private " } , \
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-server-side-encryption " , " " ] , \
[ " starts-with " , " $x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id " , " " ] , \
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] \
] \
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [ ( " key " , " foo.txt " ) , ( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) ,
( ' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' , ' aws:kms ' ) , \
( ' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' , ' testkey-1 ' ) , \
( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 1 byte ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_barb_transfer_1b ( ) :
kms_keyid = get_main_kms_keyid ( )
if kms_keyid is None :
raise SkipTest
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 1 , key_id = kms_keyid )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 1KB ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_barb_transfer_1kb ( ) :
kms_keyid = get_main_kms_keyid ( )
if kms_keyid is None :
raise SkipTest
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 1024 , key_id = kms_keyid )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 1MB ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_barb_transfer_1MB ( ) :
kms_keyid = get_main_kms_keyid ( )
if kms_keyid is None :
raise SkipTest
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 1024 * 1024 , key_id = kms_keyid )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test SSE-KMS encrypted transfer 13 bytes ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_barb_transfer_13b ( ) :
kms_keyid = get_main_kms_keyid ( )
if kms_keyid is None :
raise SkipTest
_test_sse_kms_customer_write ( 13 , key_id = kms_keyid )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' write encrypted with SSE-KMS and read with SSE-KMS ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' operation fails ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
def test_sse_kms_read_declare ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
sse_kms_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' aws:kms ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id ' : ' testkey-1 '
data = ' A ' * 100
key = ' testobj '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_kms_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
resource1 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name
resource2 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name + " /* "
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" {} " . format ( resource1 ) ,
" {} " . format ( resource2 )
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucketv2_policy ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
resource1 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name
resource2 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name + " /* "
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" {} " . format ( resource1 ) ,
" {} " . format ( resource2 )
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy and ACL ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
resource1 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name
resource2 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name + " /* "
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Deny " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" {} " . format ( resource1 ) ,
" {} " . format ( resource2 )
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' authenticated-read ' )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . list_objects , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
client . delete_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read ' )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy and ACL with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucketv2_policy_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
resource1 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name
resource2 = " arn:aws:s3::: " + bucket_name + " /* "
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Deny " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" {} " . format ( resource1 ) ,
" {} " . format ( resource2 )
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' authenticated-read ' )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . list_objects_v2 , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
client . delete_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name )
client . put_bucket_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , ACL = ' public-read ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy for a user belonging to a different tenant ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_bucket_policy_different_tenant ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
resource1 = " arn:aws:s3::*: " + bucket_name
resource2 = " arn:aws:s3::*: " + bucket_name + " /* "
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" {} " . format ( resource1 ) ,
" {} " . format ( resource2 )
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
# TODO: figure out how to change the bucketname
def change_bucket_name ( * * kwargs ) :
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ] = " http://localhost:8000/: {bucket_name} ?encoding-type=url " . format ( bucket_name = bucket_name )
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url_path ' ] = " /: {bucket_name} " . format ( bucket_name = bucket_name )
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' context ' ] [ ' signing ' ] [ ' bucket ' ] = " : {bucket_name} " . format ( bucket_name = bucket_name )
print kwargs [ ' request_signer ' ]
print kwargs
#bucket_name = ":" + bucket_name
tenant_client = get_tenant_client ( )
tenant_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.ListObjects ' , change_bucket_name )
response = tenant_client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
#alt_client = get_alt_client()
#response = alt_client.list_objects(Bucket=bucket_name)
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy for a user belonging to a different tenant ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucketv2_policy_different_tenant ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
resource1 = " arn:aws:s3::*: " + bucket_name
resource2 = " arn:aws:s3::*: " + bucket_name + " /* "
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" {} " . format ( resource1 ) ,
" {} " . format ( resource2 )
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
# TODO: figure out how to change the bucketname
def change_bucket_name ( * * kwargs ) :
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url ' ] = " http://localhost:8000/: {bucket_name} ?encoding-type=url " . format ( bucket_name = bucket_name )
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' url_path ' ] = " /: {bucket_name} " . format ( bucket_name = bucket_name )
kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' context ' ] [ ' signing ' ] [ ' bucket ' ] = " : {bucket_name} " . format ( bucket_name = bucket_name )
print kwargs [ ' request_signer ' ]
print kwargs
#bucket_name = ":" + bucket_name
tenant_client = get_tenant_client ( )
tenant_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.ListObjects ' , change_bucket_name )
response = tenant_client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
#alt_client = get_alt_client()
#response = alt_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name)
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy on another bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_another_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
key2 = ' abcd '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key2 , Body = ' abcd ' )
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" arn:aws:s3:::* " ,
" arn:aws:s3:::*/* "
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
response = client . get_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name )
response_policy = response [ ' Policy ' ]
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Policy = response_policy )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . list_objects ( Bucket = bucket_name2 )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
2019-03-08 15:41:16 +05:30
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Bucket Policy on another bucket with list-objects-v2 ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
@attr ( ' list-objects-v2 ' )
def test_bucketv2_policy_another_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' asdf '
key2 = ' abcd '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = ' asdf ' )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key2 , Body = ' abcd ' )
policy_document = json . dumps (
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : { " AWS " : " * " } ,
" Action " : " s3:ListBucket " ,
" Resource " : [
" arn:aws:s3:::* " ,
" arn:aws:s3:::*/* "
} ]
} )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
response = client . get_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name )
response_policy = response [ ' Policy ' ]
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Policy = response_policy )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . list_objects_v2 ( Bucket = bucket_name2 )
eq ( len ( response [ ' Contents ' ] ) , 1 )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put condition operator end with ifExists ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_bucket_policy_set_condition_operator_end_with_IfExists ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' foo '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
policy = ''' {
" Version " : " 2012-10-17 " ,
" Statement " : [ {
" Sid " : " Allow Public Access to All Objects " ,
" Effect " : " Allow " ,
" Principal " : " * " ,
" Action " : " s3:GetObject " ,
" Condition " : {
" StringLikeIfExists " : {
" aws:Referer " : " http://www.example.com/* "
} ,
" Resource " : " arn:aws:s3::: %s /* "
} ''' % bucket_name
boto3 . set_stream_logger ( name = ' botocore ' )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy )
request_headers = { ' referer ' : ' http://www.example.com/ ' }
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( request_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
request_headers = { ' referer ' : ' http://www.example.com/index.html ' }
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( request_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
# the 'referer' headers need to be removed for this one
#response = client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)
#eq(response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'], 200)
request_headers = { ' referer ' : ' http://example.com ' }
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( request_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.GetObject ' , lf )
# TODO: Compare Requests sent in Boto3, Wireshark, RGW Log for both boto and boto3
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
response = client . get_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name )
print response
def _create_simple_tagset ( count ) :
tagset = [ ]
for i in range ( count ) :
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : str ( i ) , ' Value ' : str ( i ) } )
return { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
def _make_random_string ( size ) :
return ' ' . join ( random . choice ( string . ascii_letters ) for _ in range ( size ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Get/PutObjTagging output ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_get_obj_tagging ( ) :
key = ' testputtags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 2 )
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test HEAD obj tagging output ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_get_obj_head_tagging ( ) :
key = ' testputtags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
count = 2
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( count )
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPHeaders ' ] [ ' x-amz-tagging-count ' ] , str ( count ) )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Put max allowed tags ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_max_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputmaxtags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 10 )
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Put max allowed tags ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_excess_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputmaxtags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 11 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidTag ' )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( len ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Put max allowed k-v size ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_max_kvsize_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputmaxkeysize '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
tagset = [ ]
for i in range ( 10 ) :
k = _make_random_string ( 128 )
v = _make_random_string ( 256 )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : k , ' Value ' : v } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
for kv_pair in response [ ' TagSet ' ] :
eq ( ( kv_pair in input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , True )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test exceed key size ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_excess_key_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputexcesskeytags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
tagset = [ ]
for i in range ( 10 ) :
k = _make_random_string ( 129 )
v = _make_random_string ( 256 )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : k , ' Value ' : v } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidTag ' )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( len ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test exceed val size ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_excess_val_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputexcesskeytags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
tagset = [ ]
for i in range ( 10 ) :
k = _make_random_string ( 128 )
v = _make_random_string ( 257 )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : k , ' Value ' : v } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidTag ' )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( len ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test PUT modifies existing tags ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_modify_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputmodifytags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
tagset = [ ]
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' key ' , ' Value ' : ' val ' } )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' key2 ' , ' Value ' : ' val2 ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
tagset2 = [ ]
tagset2 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' key3 ' , ' Value ' : ' val3 ' } )
input_tagset2 = { ' TagSet ' : tagset2 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset2 )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset2 [ ' TagSet ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test Delete tags ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_delete_tags ( ) :
key = ' testputmodifytags '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 2 )
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
response = client . delete_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 204 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( len ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' anonymous browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_tags_anonymous_request ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
client . create_bucket ( ACL = ' public-read-write ' , Bucket = bucket_name )
key_name = " foo.txt "
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 2 )
# xml_input_tagset is the same as input_tagset in xml.
# There is not a simple way to change input_tagset to xml like there is in the boto2 tetss
xml_input_tagset = " <Tagging><TagSet><Tag><Key>0</Key><Value>0</Value></Tag><Tag><Key>1</Key><Value>1</Value></Tag></TagSet></Tagging> "
payload = OrderedDict ( [
( " key " , key_name ) ,
( " acl " , " public-read " ) ,
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) ,
( " tagging " , xml_input_tagset ) ,
( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ,
] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key_name )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' post ' )
@attr ( operation = ' authenticated browser based upload via POST request ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds and returns written data ' )
def test_post_object_tags_authenticated_request ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
url = _get_post_url ( bucket_name )
utc = pytz . utc
expires = datetime . datetime . now ( utc ) + datetime . timedelta ( seconds = + 6000 )
policy_document = { " expiration " : expires . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " ) , \
" conditions " : [
{ " bucket " : bucket_name } ,
[ " starts-with " , " $key " , " foo " ] ,
{ " acl " : " private " } ,
[ " starts-with " , " $Content-Type " , " text/plain " ] ,
[ " content-length-range " , 0 , 1024 ] ,
[ " starts-with " , " $tagging " , " " ]
] }
# xml_input_tagset is the same as `input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(2)` in xml
# There is not a simple way to change input_tagset to xml like there is in the boto2 tetss
xml_input_tagset = " <Tagging><TagSet><Tag><Key>0</Key><Value>0</Value></Tag><Tag><Key>1</Key><Value>1</Value></Tag></TagSet></Tagging> "
json_policy_document = json . JSONEncoder ( ) . encode ( policy_document )
policy = base64 . b64encode ( json_policy_document )
aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key ( )
aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key ( )
signature = base64 . b64encode ( hmac . new ( aws_secret_access_key , policy , sha ) . digest ( ) )
payload = OrderedDict ( [
( " key " , " foo.txt " ) ,
( " AWSAccessKeyId " , aws_access_key_id ) , \
( " acl " , " private " ) , ( " signature " , signature ) , ( " policy " , policy ) , \
( " tagging " , xml_input_tagset ) ,
( " Content-Type " , " text/plain " ) ,
( ' file ' , ( ' bar ' ) ) ] )
r = requests . post ( url , files = payload )
eq ( r . status_code , 204 )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo.txt ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test PutObj with tagging headers ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
def test_put_obj_with_tags ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' testtagobj1 '
data = ' A ' * 100
tagset = [ ]
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' bar ' , ' Value ' : ' ' } )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' foo ' , ' Value ' : ' bar ' } )
put_obj_tag_headers = {
' x-amz-tagging ' : ' foo=bar&bar '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( put_obj_tag_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Body = data )
response = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , data )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , tagset )
def _make_arn_resource ( path = " * " ) :
return " arn:aws:s3::: {} " . format ( path )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test GetObjTagging public read ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_get_tags_acl_public ( ) :
key = ' testputtagsacl '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , key ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:GetObjectTagging " ,
resource )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 10 )
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test PutObjTagging public wrote ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_put_tags_acl_public ( ) :
key = ' testputtagsacl '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , key ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:PutObjectTagging " ,
resource )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 10 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] , input_tagset [ ' TagSet ' ] )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test deleteobjtagging public ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_delete_tags_obj_public ( ) :
key = ' testputtagsacl '
bucket_name = _create_key_with_random_content ( key )
client = get_client ( )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , key ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:DeleteObjectTagging " ,
resource )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset ( 10 )
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . delete_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 204 )
response = client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( len ( response [ ' TagSet ' ] ) , 0 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test whether a correct version-id returned ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' version-id is same as bucket list ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_versioning_bucket_atomic_upload_return_version_id ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' bar '
# for versioning-enabled-bucket, an non-empty version-id should return
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
for version in versions :
eq ( version [ ' VersionId ' ] , version_id )
# for versioning-default-bucket, no version-id should return.
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = ' baz '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( ( ' VersionId ' in response ) , False )
# for versioning-suspended-bucket, no version-id should return.
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = ' baz '
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Suspended " , " Suspended " )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( ( ' VersionId ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' test whether a correct version-id returned ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' version-id is same as bucket list ' )
2018-11-15 16:28:32 -08:00
@attr ( ' versioning ' )
2017-12-07 15:41:01 -05:00
def test_versioning_bucket_multipart_upload_return_version_id ( ) :
content_type = ' text/bla '
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
key = ' bar '
metadata = { ' foo ' : ' baz ' }
# for versioning-enabled-bucket, an non-empty version-id should return
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Enabled " , " Enabled " )
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen , client = client , content_type = content_type , metadata = metadata )
response = client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
response = client . list_object_versions ( Bucket = bucket_name )
versions = response [ ' Versions ' ]
for version in versions :
eq ( version [ ' VersionId ' ] , version_id )
# for versioning-default-bucket, no version-id should return.
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = ' baz '
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen , client = client , content_type = content_type , metadata = metadata )
response = client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
eq ( ( ' VersionId ' in response ) , False )
# for versioning-suspended-bucket, no version-id should return
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
key = ' foo '
check_configure_versioning_retry ( bucket_name , " Suspended " , " Suspended " )
( upload_id , data , parts ) = _multipart_upload ( bucket_name = bucket_name , key = key , size = objlen , client = client , content_type = content_type , metadata = metadata )
response = client . complete_multipart_upload ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , UploadId = upload_id , MultipartUpload = { ' Parts ' : parts } )
eq ( ( ' VersionId ' in response ) , False )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test ExistingObjectTag conditional on get object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_get_obj_existing_tag ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' publictag ' , ' privatetag ' , ' invalidtag ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:ExistingObjectTag/security " : " public "
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:GetObject " ,
resource ,
conditions = tag_conditional )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
tagset = [ ]
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' foo ' , ' Value ' : ' bar ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset2 = [ ]
tagset2 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' private ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset2 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset3 = [ ]
tagset3 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security1 ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset3 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' invalidtag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' invalidtag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test ExistingObjectTag conditional on get object tagging ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_get_obj_tagging_existing_tag ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' publictag ' , ' privatetag ' , ' invalidtag ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:ExistingObjectTag/security " : " public "
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:GetObjectTagging " ,
resource ,
conditions = tag_conditional )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
tagset = [ ]
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' foo ' , ' Value ' : ' bar ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset2 = [ ]
tagset2 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' private ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset2 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset3 = [ ]
tagset3 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security1 ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset3 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' invalidtag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
# A get object itself should fail since we allowed only GetObjectTagging
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' invalidtag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test ExistingObjectTag conditional on put object tagging ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_tagging_existing_tag ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' publictag ' , ' privatetag ' , ' invalidtag ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:ExistingObjectTag/security " : " public "
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:PutObjectTagging " ,
resource ,
conditions = tag_conditional )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
tagset = [ ]
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' foo ' , ' Value ' : ' bar ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset2 = [ ]
tagset2 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' private ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset2 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
# PUT requests with object tagging are a bit wierd, if you forget to put
# the tag which is supposed to be existing anymore well, well subsequent
# put requests will fail
testtagset1 = [ ]
testtagset1 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
testtagset1 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' foo ' , ' Value ' : ' bar ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : testtagset1 }
response = alt_client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . put_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
testtagset2 = [ ]
testtagset2 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' private ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : testtagset2 }
response = alt_client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
# Now try putting the original tags again, this should fail
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : testtagset1 }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . put_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test copy-source conditional on put obj ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_copy_source ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' public/foo ' , ' public/bar ' , ' private/foo ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
src_resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:GetObject " ,
src_resource )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringLike " : {
" s3:x-amz-copy-source " : bucket_name + " /public/* "
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name2 , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:PutObject " ,
resource ,
conditions = tag_conditional )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' public/foo ' }
alt_client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' new_foo ' )
# This is possible because we are still the owner, see the grants with
# policy on how to do this right
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = ' new_foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' public/foo ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' public/bar ' }
alt_client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' new_foo2 ' )
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = ' new_foo2 ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' public/bar ' )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' private/foo ' }
check_access_denied ( alt_client . copy_object , Bucket = bucket_name2 , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' new_foo2 ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test copy-source conditional on put obj ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_copy_source_meta ( ) :
src_bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' public/foo ' , ' public/bar ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
src_resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( src_bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:GetObject " ,
src_resource )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = src_bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:x-amz-metadata-directive " : " COPY "
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:PutObject " ,
resource ,
conditions = tag_conditional )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { " x-amz-metadata-directive " : " COPY " } ) )
alt_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CopyObject ' , lf )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : src_bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' public/foo ' }
alt_client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' new_foo ' )
# This is possible because we are still the owner, see the grants with
# policy on how to do this right
response = alt_client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' new_foo ' )
body = _get_body ( response )
eq ( body , ' public/foo ' )
# remove the x-amz-metadata-directive header
def remove_header ( * * kwargs ) :
if ( " x-amz-metadata-directive " in kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] ) :
del kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] [ " x-amz-metadata-directive " ]
alt_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.CopyObject ' , remove_header )
copy_source = { ' Bucket ' : src_bucket_name , ' Key ' : ' public/bar ' }
check_access_denied ( alt_client . copy_object , Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = copy_source , Key = ' new_foo2 ' , Metadata = { " foo " : " bar " } )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put obj with canned-acl not to be public ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_acl ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
# An allow conditional will require atleast the presence of an x-amz-acl
# attribute a Deny conditional would negate any requests that try to set a
# public-read/write acl
conditional = { " StringLike " : {
" s3:x-amz-acl " : " public* "
} }
p = Policy ( )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
s1 = Statement ( " s3:PutObject " , resource )
s2 = Statement ( " s3:PutObject " , resource , effect = " Deny " , condition = conditional )
policy_document = p . add_statement ( s1 ) . add_statement ( s2 ) . to_json ( )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
key1 = ' private-key '
# if we want to be really pedantic, we should check that this doesn't raise
# and mark a failure, however if this does raise nosetests would mark this
# as an ERROR anyway
response = alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = key1 )
#response = alt_client.put_object_acl(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key1, ACL='private')
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
key2 = ' public-key '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { " x-amz-acl " : " public-read " } ) )
alt_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key2 , Body = key2 )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put obj with amz-grant back to bucket-owner ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_grant ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
bucket_name2 = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
# In normal cases a key owner would be the uploader of a key in first case
# we explicitly require that the bucket owner is granted full control over
# the object uploaded by any user, the second bucket is where no such
# policy is enforced meaning that the uploader still retains ownership
main_user_id = get_main_user_id ( )
alt_user_id = get_alt_user_id ( )
owner_id_str = " id= " + main_user_id
s3_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:x-amz-grant-full-control " : owner_id_str
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:PutObject " ,
resource ,
conditions = s3_conditional )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name2 , " * " ) )
policy_document2 = make_json_policy ( " s3:PutObject " , resource )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Policy = policy_document2 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
key1 = ' key1 '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( { " x-amz-grant-full-control " : owner_id_str } ) )
alt_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
response = alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 , Body = key1 )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
def remove_header ( * * kwargs ) :
if ( " x-amz-grant-full-control " in kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] ) :
del kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] [ " x-amz-grant-full-control " ]
alt_client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , remove_header )
key2 = ' key2 '
response = alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key2 , Body = key2 )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
acl1_response = client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1 )
# user 1 is trying to get acl for the object from user2 where ownership
# wasn't transferred
check_access_denied ( client . get_object_acl , Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key2 )
acl2_response = alt_client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name2 , Key = key2 )
eq ( acl1_response [ ' Grants ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' Grantee ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , main_user_id )
eq ( acl2_response [ ' Grants ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' Grantee ' ] [ ' ID ' ] , alt_user_id )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Deny put obj requests without encryption ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' encryption ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
# TODO: remove this 'fails_on_rgw' once I get the test passing
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_enc ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_v2_client ( )
deny_incorrect_algo = {
" StringNotEquals " : {
" s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption " : " AES256 "
deny_unencrypted_obj = {
" Null " : {
" s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption " : " true "
p = Policy ( )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
s1 = Statement ( " s3:PutObject " , resource , effect = " Deny " , condition = deny_incorrect_algo )
s2 = Statement ( " s3:PutObject " , resource , effect = " Deny " , condition = deny_unencrypted_obj )
policy_document = p . add_statement ( s1 ) . add_statement ( s2 ) . to_json ( )
boto3 . set_stream_logger ( name = ' botocore ' )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
key1_str = ' testobj '
#response = client.get_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket_name)
#print response
check_access_denied ( client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1_str , Body = key1_str )
sse_client_headers = {
' x-amz-server-side-encryption ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm ' : ' AES256 ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key ' : ' pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs= ' ,
' x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 ' : ' DWygnHRtgiJ77HCm+1rvHw== '
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( sse_client_headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
#TODO: why is this a 400 and not passing, it appears boto3 is not parsing the 200 response the rgw sends back properly
# DEBUGGING: run the boto2 and compare the requests
# DEBUGGING: try to run this with v2 auth (figure out why get_v2_client isn't working) to make the requests similar to what boto2 is doing
# DEBUGGING: try to add other options to put_object to see if that makes the response better
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1_str )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' put obj with RequestObjectTag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
# TODO: remove this fails_on_rgw when I fix it
@attr ( ' fails_on_rgw ' )
def test_bucket_policy_put_obj_request_obj_tag ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:RequestObjectTag/security " : " public "
} }
p = Policy ( )
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
s1 = Statement ( " s3:PutObject " , resource , effect = " Allow " , condition = tag_conditional )
policy_document = p . add_statement ( s1 ) . to_json ( )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
key1_str = ' testobj '
check_access_denied ( alt_client . put_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1_str , Body = key1_str )
headers = { " x-amz-tagging " : " security=public " }
lf = ( lambda * * kwargs : kwargs [ ' params ' ] [ ' headers ' ] . update ( headers ) )
client . meta . events . register ( ' before-call.s3.PutObject ' , lf )
#TODO: why is this a 400 and not passing
alt_client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key1_str , Body = key1_str )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test ExistingObjectTag conditional on get object acl ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' tagging ' )
@attr ( ' bucket-policy ' )
def test_bucket_policy_get_obj_acl_existing_tag ( ) :
bucket_name = _create_objects ( keys = [ ' publictag ' , ' privatetag ' , ' invalidtag ' ] )
client = get_client ( )
tag_conditional = { " StringEquals " : {
" s3:ExistingObjectTag/security " : " public "
} }
resource = _make_arn_resource ( " {} / {} " . format ( bucket_name , " * " ) )
policy_document = make_json_policy ( " s3:GetObjectAcl " ,
resource ,
conditions = tag_conditional )
client . put_bucket_policy ( Bucket = bucket_name , Policy = policy_document )
tagset = [ ]
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
tagset . append ( { ' Key ' : ' foo ' , ' Value ' : ' bar ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset2 = [ ]
tagset2 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security ' , ' Value ' : ' private ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset2 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
tagset3 = [ ]
tagset3 . append ( { ' Key ' : ' security1 ' , ' Value ' : ' public ' } )
input_tagset = { ' TagSet ' : tagset3 }
response = client . put_object_tagging ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' invalidtag ' , Tagging = input_tagset )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
alt_client = get_alt_client ( )
response = alt_client . get_object_acl ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
# A get object itself should fail since we allowed only GetObjectTagging
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' publictag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' privatetag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , alt_client . get_object_tagging , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' invalidtag ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
2019-05-28 20:10:59 +08:00
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with defalut retention ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Days ' : 1
} }
response = client . put_object_lock_configuration (
Bucket = bucket_name ,
ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' COMPLIANCE ' ,
' Years ' : 1
} }
response = client . put_object_lock_configuration (
Bucket = bucket_name ,
ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . get_bucket_versioning ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' Status ' ] , ' Enabled ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with bucket object lock not enabled ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock_invalid_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Days ' : 1
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 409 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidBucketState ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with days and years ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock_with_days_and_years ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Days ' : 1 ,
' Years ' : 1
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with invalid days ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock_invalid_days ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Days ' : 0
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRetentionPeriod ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with invalid years ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock_invalid_years ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Years ' : - 1
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRetentionPeriod ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with invalid mode ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock_invalid_years ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' abc ' ,
' Years ' : 1
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' governance ' ,
' Years ' : 1
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object lock with invalid status ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_lock_invalid_status ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Disabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Years ' : 1
} }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test suspend versioning when object lock enabled ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_suspend_versioning ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_bucket_versioning , Bucket = bucket_name , VersioningConfiguration = { ' Status ' : ' Suspended ' } )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 409 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidBucketState ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get object lock ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_obj_lock ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Days ' : 1
} }
client . put_object_lock_configuration (
Bucket = bucket_name ,
ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
response = client . get_object_lock_configuration ( Bucket = bucket_name )
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockConfiguration ' ] , conf )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get object lock with bucket object lock not enabled ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_obj_lock_invalid_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object_lock_configuration , Bucket = bucket_name )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 404 )
eq ( error_code , ' ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
response = client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention with bucket object lock not enabled ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_invalid_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_retention , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRequest ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention with invalid mode ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_invalid_mode ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' governance ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_retention , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' abc ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_retention , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get object retention ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_obj_retention ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
response = client . get_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Retention ' ] , retention )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get object retention with invalid bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_obj_retention_invalid_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object_retention , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRequest ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention with version id ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_versionid ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , Retention = retention )
response = client . get_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id )
eq ( response [ ' Retention ' ] , retention )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention to override default retention ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_override_default_retention ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
conf = { ' ObjectLockEnabled ' : ' Enabled ' ,
' Rule ' : {
' DefaultRetention ' : {
' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
' Days ' : 1
} }
client . put_object_lock_configuration (
Bucket = bucket_name ,
ObjectLockConfiguration = conf )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
response = client . get_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Retention ' ] , retention )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention to increase retention period ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_increase_period ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention1 = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention1 )
retention2 = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 3 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention2 )
response = client . get_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Retention ' ] , retention2 )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention to shorten period ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_shorten_period ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 3 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_retention , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put object retention to shorten period with bypass header ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_obj_retention_shorten_period_bypass ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
version_id = response [ ' VersionId ' ]
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 3 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
response = client . get_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' Retention ' ] , retention )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = version_id , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test delete object with retention ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' retention period make effects ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_delete_object_with_retention ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . delete_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = response [ ' VersionId ' ] )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
response = client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = response [ ' VersionId ' ] , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 204 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put legal hold ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_legal_hold ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
legal_hold = { ' Status ' : ' ON ' }
response = client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = legal_hold )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
response = client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = { ' Status ' : ' OFF ' } )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 200 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put legal hold with invalid bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_legal_hold_invalid_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
legal_hold = { ' Status ' : ' ON ' }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_legal_hold , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = legal_hold )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRequest ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put legal hold with invalid status ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_put_legal_hold_invalid_status ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
legal_hold = { ' Status ' : ' abc ' }
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . put_object_legal_hold , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = legal_hold )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' MalformedXML ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get legal hold ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_legal_hold ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
legal_hold = { ' Status ' : ' ON ' }
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = legal_hold )
response = client . get_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' LegalHold ' ] , legal_hold )
legal_hold_off = { ' Status ' : ' OFF ' }
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = legal_hold_off )
response = client . get_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' LegalHold ' ] , legal_hold_off )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get legal hold with invalid bucket ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_legal_hold_invalid_bucket ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . get_object_legal_hold , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 400 )
eq ( error_code , ' InvalidRequest ' )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test delete object with legal hold on ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_delete_object_with_legal_hold_on ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = { ' Status ' : ' ON ' } )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . delete_object , Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = response [ ' VersionId ' ] )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 403 )
eq ( error_code , ' AccessDenied ' )
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = { ' Status ' : ' OFF ' } )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' delete ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test delete object with legal hold off ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_delete_object_with_legal_hold_off ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
response = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = { ' Status ' : ' OFF ' } )
response = client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = response [ ' VersionId ' ] )
eq ( response [ ' ResponseMetadata ' ] [ ' HTTPStatusCode ' ] , 204 )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' get ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test get object metadata ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_get_obj_metadata ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key )
legal_hold = { ' Status ' : ' ON ' }
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = legal_hold )
retention = { ' Mode ' : ' GOVERNANCE ' , ' RetainUntilDate ' : datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) }
client . put_object_retention ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , Retention = retention )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
print response
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockMode ' ] , retention [ ' Mode ' ] )
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockRetainUntilDate ' ] , retention [ ' RetainUntilDate ' ] )
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus ' ] , legal_hold [ ' Status ' ] )
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = { ' Status ' : ' OFF ' } )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = response [ ' VersionId ' ] , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
@attr ( resource = ' bucket ' )
@attr ( method = ' put ' )
@attr ( operation = ' Test put legal hold and retention when uploading object ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' success ' )
@attr ( ' object-lock ' )
def test_object_lock_uploading_obj ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket_name ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . create_bucket ( Bucket = bucket_name , ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = True )
key = ' file1 '
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Body = ' abc ' , Key = key , ObjectLockMode = ' GOVERNANCE ' ,
ObjectLockRetainUntilDate = datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) , ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus = ' ON ' )
response = client . head_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key )
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockMode ' ] , ' GOVERNANCE ' )
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockRetainUntilDate ' ] , datetime . datetime ( 2030 , 1 , 1 , tzinfo = pytz . UTC ) )
eq ( response [ ' ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus ' ] , ' ON ' )
client . put_object_legal_hold ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , LegalHold = { ' Status ' : ' OFF ' } )
client . delete_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = key , VersionId = response [ ' VersionId ' ] , BypassGovernanceRetention = True )
2016-02-17 22:28:09 -08:00
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' copy ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy w/ x-amz-copy-source-if-match: the latest ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_copy_object_ifmatch_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
resp = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = bucket_name + ' /foo ' , CopySourceIfMatch = resp [ ' ETag ' ] , Key = ' bar ' )
resp = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar ' )
eq ( resp [ ' Body ' ] . read ( ) , ' bar ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' copy ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy w/ x-amz-copy-source-if-match: bogus ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
def test_copy_object_ifmatch_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . copy_object , Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = bucket_name + ' /foo ' , CopySourceIfMatch = ' ABCORZ ' , Key = ' bar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' copy ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy w/ x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match: the latest ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' fails 412 ' )
def test_copy_object_ifnonematch_good ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
resp = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
e = assert_raises ( ClientError , client . copy_object , Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = bucket_name + ' /foo ' , CopySourceIfNoneMatch = resp [ ' ETag ' ] , Key = ' bar ' )
status , error_code = _get_status_and_error_code ( e . response )
eq ( status , 412 )
eq ( error_code , ' PreconditionFailed ' )
@attr ( resource = ' object ' )
@attr ( method = ' copy ' )
@attr ( operation = ' copy w/ x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match: bogus ETag ' )
@attr ( assertion = ' succeeds ' )
def test_copy_object_ifnonematch_failed ( ) :
bucket_name = get_new_bucket ( )
client = get_client ( )
resp = client . put_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' foo ' , Body = ' bar ' )
client . copy_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , CopySource = bucket_name + ' /foo ' , CopySourceIfNoneMatch = ' ABCORZ ' , Key = ' bar ' )
resp = client . get_object ( Bucket = bucket_name , Key = ' bar ' )
eq ( resp [ ' Body ' ] . read ( ) , ' bar ' )