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synced 2025-02-24 01:42:26 +00:00
Merge pull request #159 from theanalyst/wip-tagging
add tests for tagging functionality
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 437 additions and 0 deletions
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from urlparse import urlparse
from nose.tools import eq_ as eq
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from boto.s3.tagging import TagSet
from .utils import assert_raises
from .utils import generate_random
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ from email.header import decode_header
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
from boto.s3.cors import CORSConfiguration
from urllib import quote_plus
from . import (
@ -101,6 +103,14 @@ def tag(*tags):
return func
return wrap
def parse_s3_errorcode(error_xml):
Given an S3 error response return the Error Code message.
Useful for apis not fully implemented in boto
return ET.fromstring(error_xml).find('./Code').text
@ -148,6 +158,15 @@ def _get_keys_prefixes(li):
prefixes = [x for x in li if not isinstance(x, boto.s3.key.Key)]
return (keys, prefixes)
def _get_alt_connection():
return boto.s3.connection.S3Connection(
@ -8768,3 +8787,421 @@ def test_bucket_policy_set_condition_operator_end_with_IfExists():
res = _make_request('GET', bucket.name, bucket.get_key("foo"),
request_headers={'referer': 'http://example.com'})
eq(res.status, 403)
def _tags_from_dict(d):
tag_list = []
for k,v in d.items():
'Key' : k,
'Value': v if v is not None else ''
return tag_list
class S3TestTagSet(TagSet):
version of TagSet that supports comparision, so that we can compare tagsets
def to_dict(self):
d = dict()
for tag in self:
d[tag.key] = tag.value
return d
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
def __str__(self):
s = ''
for tag in self:
if s:
s += '&'
s += quote_plus(tag.key)
v = tag.value
if v is not None and v != '':
s += '=' + quote_plus(v)
return s
def to_xml(self):
xml = '<Tagging>'
xml += super(S3TestTagSet,self).to_xml()
xml += '</Tagging>'
return xml
def _parse_tagging_xml(tags_xml):
# Apparently ETree doesn't understand namespaces well, so let's define it
ns = {"aws" : "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"}
tags_list = ET.fromstring(tags_xml).findall('./aws:TagSet/aws:Tag', ns)
tagset = S3TestTagSet()
for it in tags_list:
# unfortunately etree returns None when string is empty
tagset.add_tag(it.find('aws:Key', ns).text,it.find('aws:Value', ns).text or '')
return tagset
def _make_random_string(size):
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(size))
def _get_obj_tags_conn(conn, bucket_name, key_name):
res = conn.make_request('GET',bucket_name, key_name, query_args='tagging')
eq(res.status, 200)
return _parse_tagging_xml(res.read())
def _get_obj_tags(bucket, key_name):
# our _make_request doesn't sign query args, let's piggy back on boto
return _get_obj_tags_conn(bucket.connection, bucket.name, key_name)
def _put_obj_tags_conn(conn, bucket_name, key_name, tag_str):
return conn.make_request('PUT',bucket_name, key_name, query_args='tagging', data=tag_str)
def _put_obj_tags(bucket, key_name, tag_str):
return _put_obj_tags_conn(bucket.connection, bucket.name, key_name, tag_str)
def _delete_obj_tags(bucket, key_name):
return bucket.connection.make_request('DELETE', bucket.name, key_name, query_args='tagging')
def _create_simple_tagset(count):
tagset = S3TestTagSet()
for i in range(count):
return tagset
@attr(operation='Test Get/PutObjTagging output')
def test_get_obj_tagging():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputtags')
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(2)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
@attr(operation='Test HEAD obj tagging output')
def test_get_obj_head_tagging():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputtags')
count = 2
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(count)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res = _make_request('HEAD',bucket, key, authenticated=True)
eq(res.status, 200)
eq(int(res.getheader('x-amz-tagging-count')), count)
@attr(operation='Test Put max allowed tags')
def test_put_max_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputmaxtags')
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(10)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
@attr(operation='Test Put max allowed tags')
def test_put_excess_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputexcesstags')
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(11)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 400)
eq(parse_s3_errorcode(res.read()), 'InvalidTag')
# Now assert that no tags have been put
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(len(res_tagset), 0)
@attr(operation='Test Put max allowed k-v size')
def test_put_max_kvsize_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputmaxkeysize')
input_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
for i in range(10):
k = _make_random_string(128)
v = _make_random_string(256)
input_tagset.add_tag(k, v)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
@attr(operation='Test exceed key size')
def test_put_excess_key_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputexcesskeytags')
input_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
for i in range(10):
k = _make_random_string(129)
v = _make_random_string(256)
input_tagset.add_tag(k, v)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 400)
eq(parse_s3_errorcode(res.read()), 'InvalidTag')
# Now assert that no tags have been put
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(len(res_tagset), 0)
@attr(operation='Test exceed val size')
def test_put_excess_val_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputexcessvaltags')
input_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
for i in range(10):
k = _make_random_string(128)
v = _make_random_string(257)
input_tagset.add_tag(k, v)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 400)
eq(parse_s3_errorcode(res.read()), 'InvalidTag')
# Now assert that no tags have been put
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(len(res_tagset), 0)
@attr(operation='Test PUT modifies existing tags')
def test_put_modify_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputmodifytags')
input_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
input2_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input2_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res2_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input2_tagset, res2_tagset)
@attr(operation='Test Delete tags')
def test_put_delete_tags():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputmodifytags')
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(2)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
input2_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
res = _delete_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(res.status, 204)
# TODO do a test to verify that we've *only* removed the xattr relating to
# tagging
res2_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(len(res2_tagset), 0)
@attr(operation='anonymous browser based upload via POST request')
@attr(assertion='succeeds and returns written data')
def test_post_object_tags_anonymous_request():
bucket = get_new_bucket()
url = _get_post_url(s3.main, bucket)
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(2)
key_name = "foo.txt"
payload = OrderedDict([
("key" , key_name),
("acl" , "public-read"),
("Content-Type" , "text/plain"),
("tagging", input_tagset.to_xml()),
('file', ('bar')),
r = requests.post(url, files = payload)
eq(r.status_code, 204)
key = bucket.get_key("foo.txt")
got = key.get_contents_as_string()
eq(got, 'bar')
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key_name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
@attr(operation='authenticated browser based upload via POST request')
@attr(assertion='succeeds and returns written data')
def test_post_object_tags_authenticated_request():
bucket = get_new_bucket()
url = _get_post_url(s3.main, bucket)
utc = pytz.utc
expires = datetime.datetime.now(utc) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=+6000)
policy_document = {"expiration": expires.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),\
"conditions": [
{"bucket": bucket.name},
["starts-with", "$key", "foo"],
{"acl": "private"},
["starts-with", "$Content-Type", "text/plain"],
["content-length-range", 0, 1024],
["starts-with", "$tagging", ""]
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(2)
json_policy_document = json.JSONEncoder().encode(policy_document)
policy = base64.b64encode(json_policy_document)
conn = s3.main
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(conn.aws_secret_access_key, policy, sha).digest())
payload = OrderedDict([
("key" , "foo.txt"),
("AWSAccessKeyId" , conn.aws_access_key_id),
("acl" , "private"),("signature" , signature),("policy" , policy),
("Content-Type" , "text/plain"),
('file', ('bar'))])
r = requests.post(url, files = payload)
eq(r.status_code, 204)
key = bucket.get_key("foo.txt")
got = key.get_contents_as_string()
eq(got, 'bar')
@attr(operation='Test PutObj with tagging headers')
def test_put_obj_with_tags():
input_tagset = S3TestTagSet()
input_tagset.add_tag('bar', '')
put_obj_tag_headers = {
'x-amz-tagging' : str(input_tagset)
bucket = get_new_bucket()
key = bucket.new_key('testtagobj1')
data = 'A'*100
key.set_contents_from_string(data, headers=put_obj_tag_headers)
result = key.get_contents_as_string()
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset.to_dict(), res_tagset.to_dict())
def _make_arn_resource(path="*"):
return "arn:aws:s3:::{}".format(path)
def make_json_policy(action, resource, principal={"AWS": "*"}):
return json.dumps(
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": principal,
"Action": action,
"Resource": [
@attr(operation='Test GetObjTagging public read')
def test_get_tags_acl_public():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputtagsacl')
resource = _make_arn_resource("{}/{}".format(bucket.name, key.name))
policy_document = make_json_policy("s3:GetObjectTagging",
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(10)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
new_conn = _get_alt_connection()
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags_conn(new_conn, bucket.name, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
@attr(operation='Test PutObjTagging public wrote')
def test_put_tags_acl_public():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputtagsacl')
resource = _make_arn_resource("{}/{}".format(bucket.name, key.name))
#principal = {"AWS": "s3test2"} This needs a tenanted user?
policy_document = make_json_policy("s3:PutObjectTagging",
new_conn = _get_alt_connection()
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(10)
res = _put_obj_tags_conn(new_conn, bucket.name, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
res_tagset = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
@attr(operation='Test DeleteObjTagging public')
def test_delete_tags_obj_public():
bucket, key = _create_key_with_random_content('testputtagsacl')
resource = _make_arn_resource("{}/{}".format(bucket.name, key.name))
policy_document = make_json_policy("s3:DeleteObjectTagging",
input_tagset = _create_simple_tagset(10)
res = _put_obj_tags(bucket, key.name, input_tagset.to_xml())
eq(res.status, 200)
new_conn = _get_alt_connection()
res = new_conn.make_request("DELETE",bucket.name, key.name, query_args='tagging')
eq(res.status, 204)
tags = _get_obj_tags(bucket, key.name)
#eq(input_tagset, res_tagset)
Add table
Reference in a new issue