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## this section is just used for host, port and bucket_prefix
# host set for rgw in vstart.sh
host = localhost
# port set for rgw in vstart.sh
port = 8000
## say "False" to disable TLS
is_secure = False
## say "False" to disable SSL Verify
ssl_verify = False
## all the buckets created will start with this prefix;
## {random} will be filled with random characters to pad
## the prefix to 30 characters long, and avoid collisions
bucket prefix = yournamehere-{random}-
# all the iam account resources (users, roles, etc) created
# will start with this name prefix
iam name prefix = s3-tests-
# all the iam account resources (users, roles, etc) created
# will start with this path prefix
iam path prefix = /s3-tests/
[s3 main]
# main display_name set in vstart.sh
display_name = M. Tester
# main user_idname set in vstart.sh
user_id = testid
# main email set in vstart.sh
email = tester@ceph.com
# zonegroup api_name for bucket location
api_name = default
## main AWS access key
access_key = 0555b35654ad1656d804
## main AWS secret key
secret_key = h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q==
## replace with key id obtained when secret is created, or delete if KMS not tested
#kms_keyid = 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
## Storage classes
#storage_classes = "LUKEWARM, FROZEN"
## Lifecycle debug interval (default: 10)
#lc_debug_interval = 20
[s3 alt]
# alt display_name set in vstart.sh
display_name = john.doe
## alt email set in vstart.sh
email = john.doe@example.com
# alt user_id set in vstart.sh
user_id = 56789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234
# alt AWS access key set in vstart.sh
# alt AWS secret key set in vstart.sh
secret_key = nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklm
#[s3 cloud]
## to run the testcases with "cloud_transition" attribute.
## Note: the waiting time may have to tweaked depending on
## the I/O latency to the cloud endpoint.
## host set for cloud endpoint
# host = localhost
## port set for cloud endpoint
# port = 8001
## say "False" to disable TLS
# is_secure = False
## cloud endpoint credentials
# access_key = 0555b35654ad1656d804
# secret_key = h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q==
## storage class configured as cloud tier on local rgw server
# cloud_storage_class = CLOUDTIER
## Below are optional -
## Above configured cloud storage class config options
# retain_head_object = false
# target_storage_class = Target_SC
# target_path = cloud-bucket
## another regular storage class to test multiple transition rules,
# storage_class = S1
[s3 tenant]
# tenant display_name set in vstart.sh
display_name = testx$tenanteduser
# tenant user_id set in vstart.sh
user_id = 9876543210abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
# tenant AWS secret key set in vstart.sh
# tenant AWS secret key set in vstart.sh
secret_key = opqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzab
# tenant email set in vstart.sh
email = tenanteduser@example.com
#following section needs to be added for all sts-tests
#used for iam operations in sts-tests
#email from vstart.sh
email = s3@example.com
#user_id from vstart.sh
user_id = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
#access_key from vstart.sh
#secret_key vstart.sh
secret_key = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmn
#display_name from vstart.sh
display_name = youruseridhere
# iam account root user for iam_account tests
[iam root]
secret_key = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
user_id = RGW11111111111111111
email = account1@ceph.com
# iam account root user in a different account than [iam root]
[iam alt root]
secret_key = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
user_id = RGW22222222222222222
email = account2@ceph.com
#following section needs to be added when you want to run Assume Role With Webidentity test
#used for assume role with web identity test in sts-tests
#all parameters will be obtained from ceph/qa/tasks/keycloak.py
aud=<obtained after introspecting token>
sub=<obtained after introspecting token>
azp=<obtained after introspecting token>
user_token=<access token for a user, with attribute Department=[Engineering, Marketing>]
thumbprint=<obtained from x509 certificate>
KC_REALM=<name of the realm>