#!/usr/bin/env bash B="\033[0;1m" G="\033[0;92m" R="\033[0m" echo -e "${B}${G}Let's make some hash${R}" echo -e "\n${B}${G} - cleanup environment${R}" echo -e "remove files: small.hash, large.hash, large.txt" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c "rm -rf small.hash" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c "rm -rf large.hash" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c "rm -rf large.txt" echo -e "\n${B}${G} - make large file (concat small files)${R}" for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 10) do echo " #> cat $i.txt >> large.txt" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c "cat $i.txt >> large.txt" done echo -e "\n${B}${G} - make hash of small files${R}" for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 10) do echo -e " #> homo -file $i.txt | tee -a small.hash" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c "homo -file $i.txt | tee -a small.hash" done echo -e "\n${B}${G} - make hash of large${R}" echo -e " #> homo -file large.txt | homo -concat" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c 'homo -file large.txt | homo -concat' echo -e "\n${B}${G} - make hash of pieces${R}" echo -e " #> cat small.hash | homo -concat" docker exec -it hash-demo sh -c 'cat small.hash | homo -concat '