s3: Support workflow with versioned buckets #100

opened 2023-10-16 13:20:19 +00:00 by alexvanin · 1 comment

S3 buckets may enable versioning to store different versions of the same object. Performance of the S3 gateway may differ for version-enabled and disabled buckets.

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. CreateBucket should accept versioning setting to set it during initialization.

  2. Delete should accept a flag to delete both object and delete-marker for versioned bucket.

## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. S3 buckets may enable versioning to store different versions of the same object. Performance of the S3 gateway may differ for version-enabled and disabled buckets. ## Describe the solution you'd like 1) [CreateBucket](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/xk6-frostfs/src/commit/1311051f60e2a7a82108ac85538ef5662cb35586/internal/s3/client.go#L187) should accept versioning setting to set it during initialization. 2) [Delete](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/xk6-frostfs/src/commit/1311051f60e2a7a82108ac85538ef5662cb35586/internal/s3/client.go#L108) should accept a flag to delete both object and delete-marker for versioned bucket.

I suggest a new param in preset script.
It could configure percent on versioning buckets in preset.
As example --buckets_versioned=30 means 30% versioned buckets and 70% non-versioned buckets.
--buckets_versioned=0 or ommited means 100% non-versioned buckets.
--buckets_versioned=100 means only versioned buckets.

I suggest a new param in preset script. It could configure percent on versioning buckets in preset. As example `--buckets_versioned=30` means 30% versioned buckets and 70% non-versioned buckets. `--buckets_versioned=0` or ommited means 100% non-versioned buckets. `--buckets_versioned=100` means only versioned buckets.
fyrchik added the
label 2024-01-11 17:32:37 +00:00
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