import {sleep} from 'k6'; import {SharedArray} from 'k6/data'; import http from 'k6/http'; import logging from 'k6/x/frostfs/logging'; import registry from 'k6/x/frostfs/registry'; import stats from 'k6/x/frostfs/stats'; import {newGenerator} from './libs/datagen.js'; import {parseEnv} from './libs/env-parser.js'; import {textSummary} from './libs/k6-summary-0.0.2.js'; import {uuidv4} from './libs/k6-utils-1.4.0.js'; parseEnv(); const obj_list = new SharedArray('obj_list', function() { return JSON.parse(open(__ENV.PREGEN_JSON)).objects; }); const container_list = new SharedArray('container_list', function() { return JSON.parse(open(__ENV.PREGEN_JSON)).containers; }); const read_size = JSON.parse(open(__ENV.PREGEN_JSON)).obj_size; const summary_json = __ENV.SUMMARY_JSON || '/tmp/summary.json'; // Select random HTTP endpoint for current VU const http_endpoints = __ENV.HTTP_ENDPOINTS.split(','); const http_endpoint = http_endpoints[Math.floor(Math.random() * http_endpoints.length)]; const log ='endpoint', http_endpoint); const registry_enabled = !!__ENV.REGISTRY_FILE; const obj_registry = registry_enabled ? : undefined; const duration = __ENV.DURATION; if (!!__ENV.METRIC_TAGS) { stats.setTags(__ENV.METRIC_TAGS) } const scenarios = {}; const write_vu_count = parseInt(__ENV.WRITERS || '0'); const generator = newGenerator(write_vu_count > 0); if (write_vu_count > 0) { scenarios.write = { executor: 'constant-vus', vus: write_vu_count, duration: `${duration}s`, exec: 'obj_write', gracefulStop: '5s', } } const read_vu_count = parseInt(__ENV.READERS || '0'); if (read_vu_count > 0) { = { executor: 'constant-vus', vus: read_vu_count, duration: `${duration}s`, exec: 'obj_read', gracefulStop: '5s', } } export const options = { scenarios, setupTimeout: '5s', }; export function setup() { const total_vu_count = write_vu_count + read_vu_count; console.log(`Pregenerated containers: ${container_list.length}`); console.log(`Pregenerated read object size: ${read_size}`); console.log(`Pregenerated total objects: ${obj_list.length}`); console.log(`Reading VUs: ${read_vu_count}`); console.log(`Writing VUs: ${write_vu_count}`); console.log(`Total VUs: ${total_vu_count}`); const start_timestamp = console.log( `Load started at: ${Date(start_timestamp).toString()}`) } export function teardown(data) { if (obj_registry) { obj_registry.close(); } const end_timestamp = console.log( `Load finished at: ${Date(end_timestamp).toString()}`) } export function handleSummary(data) { return { 'stdout': textSummary(data, {indent: ' ', enableColors: false}), [summary_json]: JSON.stringify(data), }; } export function obj_write() { if (__ENV.SLEEP_WRITE) { sleep(__ENV.SLEEP_WRITE); } const container = container_list[Math.floor(Math.random() * container_list.length)]; const payload = generator.genPayload(); const data = { field: uuidv4(), // Because we use `file` wrapping and it is not straightforward to use // streams here, // `-e STREAMING=1` has no effect for this scenario. file: http.file(payload.bytes(), ''), }; const resp =`http://${http_endpoint}/upload/${container}`, data); if (resp.status != 200) { log.withFields({status: resp.status, cid: container}).error(resp.error); return; } const object_id = JSON.parse(resp.body).object_id; if (obj_registry) { obj_registry.addObject(container, object_id, '', '', payload.hash()); } } export function obj_read() { if (__ENV.SLEEP_READ) { sleep(__ENV.SLEEP_READ); } const obj = obj_list[Math.floor(Math.random() * obj_list.length)]; const resp = http.get(`http://${http_endpoint}/get/${obj.container}/${obj.object}`); if (resp.status != 200) { log.withFields({status: resp.status, cid: obj.container, oid: obj.object}) .error(resp.error); } }