Evgenii Stratonikov 636a1e9290 [#114] internal: Resolve linter issues
Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <e.stratonikov@yadro.com>
2024-01-12 19:29:16 +03:00

390 lines
14 KiB

package local
import (
engineconfig "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/cmd/frostfs-node/config/engine"
shardconfig "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/cmd/frostfs-node/config/engine/shard"
blobovniczaconfig "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/cmd/frostfs-node/config/engine/shard/blobstor/blobovnicza"
fstreeconfig "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/cmd/frostfs-node/config/engine/shard/blobstor/fstree"
metabase "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/pkg/local_object_storage/metabase"
writecache "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/pkg/local_object_storage/writecache/config"
objectSDK "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/object"
// RootModule is the global module object type. It is instantiated once per test
// run and will be used to create k6/x/frostfs/local module instances for each VU.
type RootModule struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// configFile is the name of the configuration file used during one test.
configFile string
// configDir is the name of the configuration directory used during one test.
configDir string
// ng is the engine instance used during one test, corresponding to the configFile. Each VU
// gets the same engine instance.
ng *engine.StorageEngine
l Limiter
// Local represents an instance of the module for every VU.
type Local struct {
vu modules.VU
ResolveEngine func(context.Context, string, string, bool, int64) (*engine.StorageEngine, Limiter, error)
// Ensure the interfaces are implemented correctly.
var (
_ modules.Module = &RootModule{}
_ modules.Instance = &Local{}
objPutTotal, objPutFails, objPutDuration *metrics.Metric
objGetTotal, objGetFails, objGetDuration *metrics.Metric
objDeleteTotal, objDeleteFails, objDeleteDuration *metrics.Metric
func init() {
modules.Register("k6/x/frostfs/local", &RootModule{})
// NewModuleInstance implements the modules.Module interface and returns
// a new instance for each VU.
func (r *RootModule) NewModuleInstance(vu modules.VU) modules.Instance {
return NewLocalModuleInstance(vu, r.GetOrCreateEngine)
func NewLocalModuleInstance(vu modules.VU, resolveEngine func(context.Context, string, string, bool, int64) (*engine.StorageEngine, Limiter, error)) *Local {
return &Local{
vu: vu,
ResolveEngine: resolveEngine,
// checkResourceLimits checks the current limit on NOFILE.
// The usual default is around 1024 and this is too low for production clusters where a value of
// about 65536 is needed in order to not run into errors because of attempting to open too many files.
// This is needed for the local storage engine scenarios, where the user running the scenario is not
// necessarily the service user, for which the limits are preconfigured correctly.
// See: https://k6.io/docs/misc/fine-tuning-os/
func checkResourceLimits() error {
const (
minNofileLimit = 1 << 16
rlimit := &unix.Rlimit{}
if err := unix.Getrlimit(unix.RLIMIT_NOFILE, rlimit); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting resource limits: %v", err)
if rlimit.Cur < minNofileLimit {
return fmt.Errorf("nofile limit is too low: %d", rlimit.Cur)
return nil
// GetOrCreateEngine returns the current engine instance for the given configuration file or directory,
// creating a new one if none exists. Note that the identity of configuration files is their
// file name for the purposes of test runs.
func (r *RootModule) GetOrCreateEngine(ctx context.Context, configFile string, configDir string, debug bool, maxSizeGB int64) (*engine.StorageEngine, Limiter, error) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if len(configFile) == 0 && len(configDir) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("provide configFile or configDir")
if r.l == nil {
r.l = NewLimiter(maxSizeGB)
// Create and initialize engine for the given configFile if it doesn't exist already
if r.ng == nil {
r.configFile = configFile
r.configDir = configDir
appCfg := config.New(configFile, configDir, "")
ngOpts, shardOpts, err := storageEngineOptionsFromConfig(appCfg, debug, r.l)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("creating engine options from config: %v", err)
if err := checkResourceLimits(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
r.ng = engine.New(ngOpts...)
for i, opts := range shardOpts {
if _, err := r.ng.AddShard(ctx, opts...); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("adding shard %d: %v", i, err)
if err := r.ng.Open(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("opening engine: %v", err)
if err := r.ng.Init(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing engine: %v", err)
} else if configFile != r.configFile {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("GetOrCreateEngine called with mismatching configFile after engine was "+
"initialized: got %q, want %q", configFile, r.configFile)
} else if configDir != r.configDir {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("GetOrCreateEngine called with mismatching configDir after engine was "+
"initialized: got %q, want %q", configDir, r.configDir)
return r.ng, r.l, nil
// Exports implements the modules.Instance interface and returns the exports
// of the JS module.
func (s *Local) Exports() modules.Exports {
return modules.Exports{Default: s}
func (s *Local) VU() modules.VU { return s.vu }
func (s *Local) Connect(configFile, configDir, hexKey string, debug bool, maxSizeGB int64) (*Client, error) {
ng, l, err := s.ResolveEngine(s.VU().Context(), configFile, configDir, debug, maxSizeGB)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("connecting to engine for config - file %q dir %q: %v", configFile, configDir, err)
key, err := ParseOrCreateKey(hexKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating key: %v", err)
// Register metrics.
registry := metrics.NewRegistry()
objPutTotal, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_put_total", metrics.Counter)
objPutFails, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_put_fails", metrics.Counter)
objPutDuration, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_put_duration", metrics.Trend, metrics.Time)
objGetTotal, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_get_total", metrics.Counter)
objGetFails, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_get_fails", metrics.Counter)
objGetDuration, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_get_duration", metrics.Trend, metrics.Time)
objDeleteTotal, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_delete_total", metrics.Counter)
objDeleteFails, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_delete_fails", metrics.Counter)
objDeleteDuration, _ = registry.NewMetric("local_obj_delete_duration", metrics.Trend, metrics.Time)
// Create raw client backed by local storage engine.
rc := rawclient.New(ng,
rawclient.WithPutHandler(func(sz uint64, err error, dt time.Duration) {
if err != nil {
stats.Report(s.vu, objPutFails, 1)
} else {
stats.Report(s.vu, objPutTotal, 1)
stats.ReportDataSent(s.vu, float64(sz))
stats.Report(s.vu, objPutDuration, metrics.D(dt))
rawclient.WithGetHandler(func(sz uint64, err error, dt time.Duration) {
if err != nil {
stats.Report(s.vu, objGetFails, 1)
} else {
stats.Report(s.vu, objGetTotal, 1)
stats.Report(s.vu, objGetDuration, metrics.D(dt))
stats.ReportDataReceived(s.vu, float64(sz))
rawclient.WithDeleteHandler(func(err error, dt time.Duration) {
if err != nil {
stats.Report(s.vu, objDeleteFails, 1)
} else {
stats.Report(s.vu, objDeleteTotal, 1)
stats.Report(s.vu, objDeleteDuration, metrics.D(dt))
return &Client{vu: s.vu, rc: rc, l: l}, nil
type epochState struct{}
func (epochState) CurrentEpoch() uint64 { return 0 }
// storageEngineOptionsFromConfig loads a configuration file and returns the corresponding
// engine and shard options to recreate an engine usable with an existing storage instance.
// This makes sure that the local loader uses the same engine configuration as the one that
// preloaded the storage (if any), by using the same configuration file.
// Note that the configuration file only needs to contain the storage-specific sections.
func storageEngineOptionsFromConfig(c *config.Config, debug bool, l Limiter) ([]engine.Option, [][]shard.Option, error) {
log := zap.L()
if debug {
var err error
log, err = zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("creating development logger: %v", err)
ngOpts := []engine.Option{
engine.WithLogger(&logger.Logger{Logger: log}),
var shOpts [][]shard.Option
err := engineconfig.IterateShards(c, false, func(sc *shardconfig.Config) error {
opts := []shard.Option{
shard.WithLogger(&logger.Logger{Logger: log}),
// substorages
var substorages []blobstor.SubStorage
for _, scfg := range sc.BlobStor().Storages() {
switch scfg.Type() {
case blobovniczatree.Type:
cfg := blobovniczaconfig.From((*config.Config)(scfg))
ss := blobstor.SubStorage{
Storage: blobovniczatree.NewBlobovniczaTree(
blobovniczatree.WithLogger(&logger.Logger{Logger: log}),
Policy: func(_ *objectSDK.Object, data []byte) bool {
return uint64(len(data)) < sc.SmallSizeLimit()
substorages = append(substorages, ss)
case fstree.Type:
cfg := fstreeconfig.From((*config.Config)(scfg))
ss := blobstor.SubStorage{
Storage: fstree.New(
Policy: func(_ *objectSDK.Object, data []byte) bool {
return true
substorages = append(substorages, ss)
return fmt.Errorf("invalid storage type: %s", scfg.Type())
opts = append(opts, shard.WithBlobStorOptions(
blobstor.WithLogger(&logger.Logger{Logger: log}),
// write cache
if wc := sc.WriteCache(); wc.Enabled() {
opts = append(opts,
Type: writecache.TypeBBolt,
BBoltOptions: []writecachebbolt.Option{
writecachebbolt.WithLogger(&logger.Logger{Logger: log}),
// tree
if config.BoolSafe(c.Sub("tree"), "enabled") {
pr := sc.Pilorama()
opts = append(opts, shard.WithPiloramaOptions(
// metabase
mb := sc.Metabase()
opts = append(opts, shard.WithMetaBaseOptions(
Timeout: 1 * time.Second,
metabase.WithLogger(&logger.Logger{Logger: log}),
// GC
gc := sc.GC()
opts = append(opts,
shard.WithGCWorkerPoolInitializer(func(sz int) util.WorkerPool {
pool, err := ants.NewPool(sz)
if err != nil {
return pool
shOpts = append(shOpts, opts)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("iterate shards: %w", err)
return ngOpts, shOpts, nil
// ParseOrCreateKey parses the provided key as a hex string or creates a fresh one if empty.
func ParseOrCreateKey(hexKeyStr string) (*keys.PrivateKey, error) {
if hexKeyStr != "" {
return keys.NewPrivateKeyFromHex(hexKeyStr)
return keys.NewPrivateKey()