Some checks reported warnings
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Signed-off-by: Andrey Berezin <>
53 lines
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53 lines
2 KiB
import uuid
from helpers.cmd import execute_cmd, log
def create_bucket(endpoint, versioning, location, acl, no_verify_ssl):
if location:
location = f"--create-bucket-configuration 'LocationConstraint={location}'"
if acl:
acl = f"--acl {acl}"
bucket_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
no_verify_ssl_str = "--no-verify-ssl" if no_verify_ssl else ""
cmd_line = f"aws {no_verify_ssl_str} s3api create-bucket --bucket {bucket_name} " \
f"--endpoint {endpoint} {location} {acl} "
cmd_line_ver = f"aws {no_verify_ssl_str} s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket {bucket_name} " \
f"--versioning-configuration Status=Enabled --endpoint {endpoint} {acl} "
output, success = execute_cmd(cmd_line)
if not success and "succeeded and you already own it" not in output:
f"Bucket {bucket_name} has not been created:\n"
f"Error: {output}", endpoint)
return False
if versioning == "True":
output, success = execute_cmd(cmd_line_ver)
if not success:
f"Bucket versioning has not been applied for bucket {bucket_name}\n"
f"Error: {output}", endpoint)
log(f"Bucket versioning has been applied for bucket {bucket_name}", endpoint)
log(f"Created bucket: {bucket_name}", endpoint)
return bucket_name
def upload_object(bucket, payload_filepath, endpoint, no_verify_ssl):
object_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
no_verify_ssl_str = "--no-verify-ssl" if no_verify_ssl else ""
cmd_line = f"aws {no_verify_ssl_str} s3api put-object --bucket {bucket} --key {object_name} " \
f"--body {payload_filepath} --endpoint {endpoint}"
output, success = execute_cmd(cmd_line)
if not success:
f"Object {object_name} has not been uploaded\n"
f"Error: {output}", endpoint)
return False
return bucket, endpoint, object_name