chore: extract svgs to components

This commit is contained in:
Mikhail Saveliev 2023-12-20 04:20:47 +03:00
parent f85820da9b
commit faa7d3c8d0
9 changed files with 127 additions and 117 deletions

View file

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
import CoinIcon from "../../../utils/CoinIcon";
import GameIcon from "../../../utils/GameIcon";
import ProfileIcon from "../../../utils/ProfileIcon";
import SearchIcon from "../../../utils/SearchIcon";
import SportIcon from "../../../utils/SportIcon";
import WalletIcon from "../../../utils/WalletIcon";
export const AppNav = () => {
return (
<div style={{ height: 'max-content' }} className="bg-[#30333C] h-max-content text-white">
@ -12,61 +19,29 @@ export const AppNav = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row items-center rounded-[100px] bg-[#2D313D]">
<div className="flex flex-row items-center rounded-[100px] border-[2px] border-[#4F5563] bg-[#3B414F] px-[14px] py-[11px] gap-[3px] cursor-pointer">
{/* todo: load from .svg file in assets */}
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<GameIcon />
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<SportIcon />
<div className="flex flex-row items-center rounded-[100px] bg-[#2D313D] px-[15px] py-[11px] justify-between w-[300px] cursor-not-allowed">
<span className="text-[#959CAF] select-none">Search for games</span>
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<SearchIcon />
<div className="rounded-[100px] bg-[#2D313D] flex flex-row items-center justify-between shadow-inset">
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<CoinIcon />
{/* placeholder for balance */}
<div className="flex flex-row items-center rounded-[100px] border-[2px] border-[#4F5563] bg-[#3B414F] px-[14px] py-[11px] gap-[3px] cursor-pointer">
{/* todo: load from .svg file in assets */}
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<g clip-path="url(#clip0_37_601)">
<path d="M15.7308 8.95333H7.70811C7.27822 8.92021 6.85258 9.0577 6.52331 9.33606C6.19404 9.61443 5.98764 10.0113 5.94878 10.4407L5.94811 10.4467C5.98753 10.8817 6.19808 11.2833 6.53348 11.5632C6.86888 11.8431 7.30168 11.9784 7.73678 11.9393L7.73078 11.94H15.7308C15.7811 11.9447 15.8319 11.9392 15.8801 11.924C15.9284 11.9088 15.9731 11.8841 16.0116 11.8513C16.0502 11.8186 16.0818 11.7785 16.1047 11.7334C16.1275 11.6883 16.1412 11.6391 16.1448 11.5887V9.306C16.1317 9.20844 16.0837 9.11893 16.0096 9.05408C15.9356 8.98923 15.8405 8.95343 15.7421 8.95333H15.7301H15.7308ZM7.70811 11.3787C7.51956 11.3787 7.33524 11.3228 7.17847 11.218C7.02169 11.1132 6.8995 10.9644 6.82735 10.7902C6.75519 10.616 6.73631 10.4243 6.7731 10.2393C6.80988 10.0544 6.90068 9.88455 7.034 9.75123C7.16733 9.6179 7.3372 9.5271 7.52212 9.49032C7.70705 9.45353 7.89874 9.47241 8.07294 9.54457C8.24713 9.61672 8.39602 9.73892 8.50078 9.89569C8.60553 10.0525 8.66144 10.2368 8.66144 10.4253V10.428C8.66144 10.9533 8.23544 11.3787 7.71078 11.3787H7.70811ZM2.19678 0V4.26933H3.10878V2.44533C3.20078 2.468 3.30744 2.48267 3.41678 2.48667H3.41944C3.74899 2.48579 4.06479 2.35453 4.29788 2.12157C4.53096 1.88861 4.66239 1.57288 4.66344 1.24333C4.66124 1.1351 4.64647 1.02749 4.61944 0.922667L4.62144 0.932667H9.61611C9.59204 1.03369 9.5782 1.13687 9.57478 1.24067V1.24333C9.57566 1.57288 9.70691 1.88868 9.93987 2.12177C10.1728 2.35485 10.4886 2.48628 10.8181 2.48733C10.9301 2.48333 11.0374 2.46867 11.1401 2.44333L11.1294 2.44533V4.26933H12.0634V0H2.19678ZM12.4561 3.75067H13.6168C13.5298 3.49809 13.3775 3.27307 13.1752 3.09858C12.9729 2.92408 12.728 2.80633 12.4654 2.75733L12.4561 2.756V3.75067Z" fill="#959CAF" />
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<rect width="16" height="16" fill="white" />
<WalletIcon />
@ -74,29 +49,7 @@ export const AppNav = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row items-center">
<span>Robin F.</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="58" height="58" viewBox="0 0 58 58" fill="none">
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<ProfileIcon />

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
import CoinIcon from "../../utils/CoinIcon";
import GamepadIcon from "../../utils/GamepadIcon";
export const MainPage = () => {
return (
<div className="flex bg-[#171A21]">
@ -22,9 +25,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="w-full h-max-content bg-gray-800 rounded-[25px] p-[30px] text-white flex flex-col gap-[30px] relative z-10">
<div className="flex flex-row justify-between">
<div className="flex flex-row items-center gap-2">
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<GamepadIcon />
<span className="font-bold">
In-House games
@ -66,15 +67,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row gap-2">
<span className="font-medium">217.32</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
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<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<CoinIcon />
<div className="w-[2px] bg-slate-400"></div>
@ -84,15 +77,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row gap-2">
<span className="font-medium">217.32</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 6.7854H9.3999H10.1999C11.0835 6.7854 11.7999 7.61898 11.7999 8.64722C11.7999 9.67545 11.0835 10.509 10.1999 10.509H7.3999V6.7854Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005H7.40005ZM7.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552ZM7.40005 6.78552H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552Z" fill="#E5A425" />
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<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<CoinIcon />
@ -122,15 +107,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row gap-2">
<span className="font-medium">367.27</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
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<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005H7.40005ZM7.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552ZM7.40005 6.78552H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552Z" fill="#E5A425" />
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<path d="M7.3999 10.509H10.9999C11.8835 10.509 12.5999 11.3426 12.5999 12.3709C12.5999 13.3991 11.8835 14.2327 10.9999 14.2327H9.3999H7.3999V10.509Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<CoinIcon />
<div className="w-[2px] bg-slate-400"></div>
@ -140,15 +117,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row gap-2">
<span className="font-medium">1,984.18</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 6.7854H9.3999H10.1999C11.0835 6.7854 11.7999 7.61898 11.7999 8.64722C11.7999 9.67545 11.0835 10.509 10.1999 10.509H7.3999V6.7854Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005H7.40005ZM7.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552ZM7.40005 6.78552H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005M7.40005 6.78552V4.92371M7.40005 6.78552H9.40005M9.40005 6.78552V4.92371" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 10.509H10.9999C11.8835 10.509 12.5999 11.3426 12.5999 12.3709C12.5999 13.3991 11.8835 14.2327 10.9999 14.2327H9.3999H7.3999V10.509Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<CoinIcon />
@ -177,15 +146,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row gap-2">
<span className="font-medium">198.47</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 6.7854H9.3999H10.1999C11.0835 6.7854 11.7999 7.61898 11.7999 8.64722C11.7999 9.67545 11.0835 10.509 10.1999 10.509H7.3999V6.7854Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005H7.40005ZM7.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552ZM7.40005 6.78552H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005M7.40005 6.78552V4.92371M7.40005 6.78552H9.40005M9.40005 6.78552V4.92371" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 10.509H10.9999C11.8835 10.509 12.5999 11.3426 12.5999 12.3709C12.5999 13.3991 11.8835 14.2327 10.9999 14.2327H9.3999H7.3999V10.509Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<CoinIcon />
<div className="w-[2px] bg-slate-400"></div>
@ -195,15 +156,7 @@ export const MainPage = () => {
<div className="flex flex-row gap-2">
<span className="font-medium">1,487.28</span>
<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 6.7854H9.3999H10.1999C11.0835 6.7854 11.7999 7.61898 11.7999 8.64722C11.7999 9.67545 11.0835 10.509 10.1999 10.509H7.3999V6.7854Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005H7.40005ZM7.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552ZM7.40005 6.78552H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005M7.40005 6.78552V4.92371M7.40005 6.78552H9.40005M9.40005 6.78552V4.92371" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 10.509H10.9999C11.8835 10.509 12.5999 11.3426 12.5999 12.3709C12.5999 13.3991 11.8835 14.2327 10.9999 14.2327H9.3999H7.3999V10.509Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<CoinIcon />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const CoinIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="18" height="21" viewBox="0 0 18 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9 19.8182C13.4183 19.8182 17 15.6504 17 10.5091C17 5.36783 13.4183 1.20001 9 1.20001C4.58172 1.20001 1 5.36783 1 10.5091C1 15.6504 4.58172 19.8182 9 19.8182Z" fill="#E5A425" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 6.7854H9.3999H10.1999C11.0835 6.7854 11.7999 7.61898 11.7999 8.64722C11.7999 9.67545 11.0835 10.509 10.1999 10.509H7.3999V6.7854Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005H7.40005ZM7.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552ZM7.40005 6.78552H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 6.78552V4.92371V6.78552Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 6.78552V10.5092H10.2C11.0837 10.5092 11.8 9.67558 11.8 8.64734C11.8 7.61911 11.0837 6.78552 10.2 6.78552H9.40005M7.40005 6.78552H5.80005M7.40005 6.78552V4.92371M7.40005 6.78552H9.40005M9.40005 6.78552V4.92371" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<path d="M7.3999 10.509H10.9999C11.8835 10.509 12.5999 11.3426 12.5999 12.3709C12.5999 13.3991 11.8835 14.2327 10.9999 14.2327H9.3999H7.3999V10.509Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327ZM7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005H7.40005ZM9.40005 14.2327V16.0945V14.2327Z" fill="#E5A425" />
<path d="M7.40005 14.2327V10.509H11C11.8837 10.509 12.6 11.3426 12.6 12.3709C12.6 13.3991 11.8837 14.2327 11 14.2327H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327V16.0945M7.40005 14.2327H5.80005H9.40005M7.40005 14.2327H9.40005M9.40005 14.2327V16.0945" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
export default CoinIcon;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const GameIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none">
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_37_606)">
<path d="M7.5 5.625L9 7.125L10.5 5.625V1.5H7.5V5.625ZM7.5 12.375L9 10.875L10.5 12.375V16.5H7.5V12.375ZM12.375 10.5L10.875 9L12.375 7.5H16.5V10.5H12.375ZM5.625 7.5L7.125 9L5.625 10.5H1.5V7.5H5.625Z" stroke="#226DBC" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
<clipPath id="clip0_37_606">
<rect width="18" height="18" fill="white" />
export default GameIcon;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const GamepadIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="30" height="25,5" viewBox="0 0 40 34" fill="none">
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export default GamepadIcon;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const ProfileIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="58" height="58" viewBox="0 0 58 58" fill="none">
<g filter="url(#filter0_d_37_572)">
<rect x="4" y="4" width="42" height="42" rx="10" fill="#4F5563" />
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<stop stop-color="#171A21" />
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<stop offset="1" stop-color="#171A21" stop-opacity="0.05" />
export default ProfileIcon;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const SearchIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none">
<path d="M14.1667 14.1667L17.5 17.5M2.5 9.16667C2.5 10.9348 3.20238 12.6305 4.45262 13.8807C5.70286 15.131 7.39856 15.8333 9.16667 15.8333C10.9348 15.8333 12.6305 15.131 13.8807 13.8807C15.131 12.6305 15.8333 10.9348 15.8333 9.16667C15.8333 7.39856 15.131 5.70286 13.8807 4.45262C12.6305 3.20238 10.9348 2.5 9.16667 2.5C7.39856 2.5 5.70286 3.20238 4.45262 4.45262C3.20238 5.70286 2.5 7.39856 2.5 9.16667Z" stroke="#959CAF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
export default SearchIcon;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const SportIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none">
<path d="M10.5 2.13281C8.84513 2.13281 7.22742 2.62354 5.85144 3.54294C4.47547 4.46234 3.40302 5.76911 2.76973 7.29802C2.13644 8.82692 1.97074 10.5093 2.29359 12.1324C2.61644 13.7554 3.41334 15.2463 4.58351 16.4165C5.75368 17.5867 7.24457 18.3836 8.86765 18.7064C10.4907 19.0293 12.1731 18.8636 13.702 18.2303C15.2309 17.597 16.5377 16.5245 17.4571 15.1486C18.3765 13.7726 18.8672 12.1549 18.8672 10.5C18.8646 8.28168 17.9822 6.15497 16.4136 4.58638C14.845 3.01779 12.7183 2.13542 10.5 2.13281ZM16.8714 14.2259H13.9363L13.0766 13.043L14.1668 9.86672L15.5613 9.41473L17.8533 11.1727C17.7553 12.2504 17.42 13.2931 16.8714 14.2259ZM7.06371 14.2259H4.12864C3.5806 13.2929 3.24583 12.2503 3.14836 11.1727L5.44032 9.41473L6.83485 9.86672L7.9234 13.043L7.06371 14.2259ZM4.1836 6.67898L4.7775 8.68137L3.13688 9.93973C3.22377 8.78548 3.58244 7.66815 4.1836 6.67898ZM8.82328 12.6328L7.80528 9.6682L10.5 7.81594L13.1947 9.6682L12.1767 12.6328H8.82328ZM16.2217 8.68137L16.8164 6.67898C17.4173 7.66822 17.7757 8.78555 17.8623 9.93973L16.2217 8.68137ZM16.0855 5.67738L15.2578 8.47793L13.8633 8.93156L10.9922 6.96281V5.50922L13.527 3.76687C14.5086 4.21013 15.3817 4.86211 16.0855 5.67738ZM12.3802 3.36328L10.5 4.65281L8.61985 3.36328C9.85238 3.03954 11.1476 3.03954 12.3802 3.36328ZM7.47387 3.76605L10.0078 5.50922V6.95953L7.13672 8.92828L5.74219 8.47465L4.9145 5.67738C5.61864 4.86191 6.49203 4.20967 7.47387 3.76605ZM4.81934 15.2102H6.96692L7.72079 17.343C6.59304 16.8814 5.59649 16.1488 4.81934 15.2102ZM8.89465 17.7064L7.86516 14.7976L8.72321 13.6172H12.2768L13.1348 14.7976L12.1054 17.7064C11.048 17.9416 9.95197 17.9416 8.89465 17.7064ZM13.2792 17.3389L14.0331 15.2061H16.1807C15.4035 16.1447 14.407 16.8773 13.2792 17.3389Z" fill="#959CAF" />
export default SportIcon;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import { FC } from 'react';
const WalletIcon: FC = () => {
return <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none">
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_37_601)">
<path d="M15.7308 8.95333H7.70811C7.27822 8.92021 6.85258 9.0577 6.52331 9.33606C6.19404 9.61443 5.98764 10.0113 5.94878 10.4407L5.94811 10.4467C5.98753 10.8817 6.19808 11.2833 6.53348 11.5632C6.86888 11.8431 7.30168 11.9784 7.73678 11.9393L7.73078 11.94H15.7308C15.7811 11.9447 15.8319 11.9392 15.8801 11.924C15.9284 11.9088 15.9731 11.8841 16.0116 11.8513C16.0502 11.8186 16.0818 11.7785 16.1047 11.7334C16.1275 11.6883 16.1412 11.6391 16.1448 11.5887V9.306C16.1317 9.20844 16.0837 9.11893 16.0096 9.05408C15.9356 8.98923 15.8405 8.95343 15.7421 8.95333H15.7301H15.7308ZM7.70811 11.3787C7.51956 11.3787 7.33524 11.3228 7.17847 11.218C7.02169 11.1132 6.8995 10.9644 6.82735 10.7902C6.75519 10.616 6.73631 10.4243 6.7731 10.2393C6.80988 10.0544 6.90068 9.88455 7.034 9.75123C7.16733 9.6179 7.3372 9.5271 7.52212 9.49032C7.70705 9.45353 7.89874 9.47241 8.07294 9.54457C8.24713 9.61672 8.39602 9.73892 8.50078 9.89569C8.60553 10.0525 8.66144 10.2368 8.66144 10.4253V10.428C8.66144 10.9533 8.23544 11.3787 7.71078 11.3787H7.70811ZM2.19678 0V4.26933H3.10878V2.44533C3.20078 2.468 3.30744 2.48267 3.41678 2.48667H3.41944C3.74899 2.48579 4.06479 2.35453 4.29788 2.12157C4.53096 1.88861 4.66239 1.57288 4.66344 1.24333C4.66124 1.1351 4.64647 1.02749 4.61944 0.922667L4.62144 0.932667H9.61611C9.59204 1.03369 9.5782 1.13687 9.57478 1.24067V1.24333C9.57566 1.57288 9.70691 1.88868 9.93987 2.12177C10.1728 2.35485 10.4886 2.48628 10.8181 2.48733C10.9301 2.48333 11.0374 2.46867 11.1401 2.44333L11.1294 2.44533V4.26933H12.0634V0H2.19678ZM12.4561 3.75067H13.6168C13.5298 3.49809 13.3775 3.27307 13.1752 3.09858C12.9729 2.92408 12.728 2.80633 12.4654 2.75733L12.4561 2.756V3.75067Z" fill="#959CAF" />
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<rect width="16" height="16" fill="white" />
export default WalletIcon;