package shard

import (

	meta ""
	cid ""
	oid ""

// Shard represents single shard of FrostFS Local Storage Engine.
type Shard struct {

	gc *gc

	writeCache writecache.Cache

	blobStor *blobstor.BlobStor

	pilorama pilorama.ForestStorage

	metaBase *meta.DB

	tsSource TombstoneSource

	rb *rebuilder

	gcCancel             atomic.Value
	setModeRequested     atomic.Bool
	writecacheSealCancel atomic.Pointer[writecacheSealCanceler]

// Option represents Shard's constructor option.
type Option func(*cfg)

// ExpiredTombstonesCallback is a callback handling list of expired tombstones.
type ExpiredTombstonesCallback func(context.Context, []meta.TombstonedObject)

// ExpiredObjectsCallback is a callback handling list of expired objects.
type ExpiredObjectsCallback func(context.Context, uint64, []oid.Address)

// DeletedLockCallback is a callback handling list of deleted LOCK objects.
type DeletedLockCallback func(context.Context, []oid.Address)

// EmptyContainersCallback is a callback hanfling list of zero-size and zero-count containers.
type EmptyContainersCallback func(context.Context, []cid.ID)

type cfg struct {
	m sync.RWMutex

	refillMetabase             bool
	refillMetabaseWorkersCount int

	rmBatchSize int

	useWriteCache bool

	info Info

	blobOpts []blobstor.Option

	metaOpts []meta.Option

	writeCacheOpts []writecache.Option

	piloramaOpts []pilorama.Option

	log *logger.Logger

	gcCfg gcCfg

	expiredTombstonesCallback ExpiredTombstonesCallback

	expiredLocksCallback ExpiredObjectsCallback

	deletedLockCallBack DeletedLockCallback

	zeroSizeContainersCallback  EmptyContainersCallback
	zeroCountContainersCallback EmptyContainersCallback

	tsSource TombstoneSource

	metricsWriter MetricsWriter

	reportErrorFunc func(selfID string, message string, err error)

	containerInfo container.InfoProvider

func defaultCfg() *cfg {
	return &cfg{
		rmBatchSize:                 100,
		log:                         &logger.Logger{Logger: zap.L()},
		gcCfg:                       defaultGCCfg(),
		reportErrorFunc:             func(string, string, error) {},
		zeroSizeContainersCallback:  func(context.Context, []cid.ID) {},
		zeroCountContainersCallback: func(context.Context, []cid.ID) {},
		metricsWriter:               noopMetrics{},

// New creates, initializes and returns new Shard instance.
func New(opts ...Option) *Shard {
	c := defaultCfg()

	for i := range opts {

	bs := blobstor.New(c.blobOpts...)
	mb := meta.New(c.metaOpts...)

	s := &Shard{
		cfg:      c,
		blobStor: bs,
		metaBase: mb,
		tsSource: c.tsSource,

	reportFunc := func(msg string, err error) {
		s.reportErrorFunc(s.ID().String(), msg, err)


	if c.useWriteCache {
		s.writeCache = writecache.New(

	if s.piloramaOpts != nil {
		s.pilorama = pilorama.NewBoltForest(c.piloramaOpts...)


	return s

// WithID returns option to set the default shard identifier.
func WithID(id *ID) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) { = id

// WithBlobStorOptions returns option to set internal BlobStor options.
func WithBlobStorOptions(opts ...blobstor.Option) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.blobOpts = opts

// WithMetaBaseOptions returns option to set internal metabase options.
func WithMetaBaseOptions(opts ...meta.Option) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.metaOpts = opts

// WithWriteCacheOptions returns option to set internal write cache options.
func WithWriteCacheOptions(opts []writecache.Option) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.writeCacheOpts = opts

// WithWriteCacheMetrics returns an option to set the metrics register used by the write cache.
func WithWriteCacheMetrics(wcMetrics writecache.Metrics) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.writeCacheOpts = append(c.writeCacheOpts, writecache.WithMetrics(wcMetrics))

// WithPiloramaOptions returns option to set internal write cache options.
func WithPiloramaOptions(opts ...pilorama.Option) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.piloramaOpts = opts

// WithLogger returns option to set Shard's logger.
func WithLogger(l *logger.Logger) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.log = l
		c.gcCfg.log = l

// WithWriteCache returns option to toggle write cache usage.
func WithWriteCache(use bool) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.useWriteCache = use

// hasWriteCache returns bool if write cache exists on shards.
func (s *Shard) hasWriteCache() bool {
	return s.cfg.useWriteCache

// NeedRefillMetabase returns true if metabase is needed to be refilled.
func (s *Shard) NeedRefillMetabase() bool {
	return s.cfg.refillMetabase

// WithRemoverBatchSize returns option to set batch size
// of single removal operation.
func WithRemoverBatchSize(sz int) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.rmBatchSize = sz

// WithGCWorkerPoolInitializer returns option to set initializer of
// worker pool with specified worker number.
func WithGCWorkerPoolInitializer(wpInit func(int) util.WorkerPool) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.gcCfg.workerPoolInit = wpInit

// WithGCRemoverSleepInterval returns option to specify sleep
// interval between object remover executions.
func WithGCRemoverSleepInterval(dur time.Duration) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.gcCfg.removerInterval = dur

// WithExpiredTombstonesCallback returns option to specify callback
// of the expired tombstones handler.
func WithExpiredTombstonesCallback(cb ExpiredTombstonesCallback) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.expiredTombstonesCallback = cb

// WithExpiredLocksCallback returns option to specify callback
// of the expired LOCK objects handler.
func WithExpiredLocksCallback(cb ExpiredObjectsCallback) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.expiredLocksCallback = cb

// WithRefillMetabase returns option to set flag to refill the Metabase on Shard's initialization step.
func WithRefillMetabase(v bool) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.refillMetabase = v

// WithRefillMetabaseWorkersCount returns option to set count of workers to refill the Metabase on Shard's initialization step.
func WithRefillMetabaseWorkersCount(v int) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.refillMetabaseWorkersCount = v

// WithMode returns option to set shard's mode. Mode must be one of the predefined:
//   - mode.ReadWrite;
//   - mode.ReadOnly.
func WithMode(v mode.Mode) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) { = v

// WithTombstoneSource returns option to set TombstoneSource.
func WithTombstoneSource(v TombstoneSource) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.tsSource = v

// WithDeletedLockCallback returns option to specify callback
// of the deleted LOCK objects handler.
func WithDeletedLockCallback(v DeletedLockCallback) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.deletedLockCallBack = v

// WithMetricsWriter returns option to specify storage of the
// shard's metrics.
func WithMetricsWriter(v MetricsWriter) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.metricsWriter = v

// WithGCMetrics returns option to specify storage of the GC metrics.
func WithGCMetrics(v GCMectrics) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.gcCfg.metrics = v

// WithReportErrorFunc returns option to specify callback for handling storage-related errors
// in the background workers.
func WithReportErrorFunc(f func(selfID string, message string, err error)) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.reportErrorFunc = f

// WithExpiredCollectorBatchSize returns option to set batch size
// of expired object collection operation.
func WithExpiredCollectorBatchSize(size int) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.gcCfg.expiredCollectorBatchSize = size

// WithExpiredCollectorWorkerCount returns option to set concurrent
// workers count of expired object collection operation.
func WithExpiredCollectorWorkerCount(count int) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.gcCfg.expiredCollectorWorkerCount = count

// WithDisabledGC disables GC.
// For testing purposes only.
func WithDisabledGC() Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.gcCfg.testHookRemover = func(_ context.Context) gcRunResult { return gcRunResult{} }

// WithZeroSizeCallback returns option to set zero-size containers callback.
func WithZeroSizeCallback(cb EmptyContainersCallback) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.zeroSizeContainersCallback = cb

// WithZeroCountCallback returns option to set zero-count containers callback.
func WithZeroCountCallback(cb EmptyContainersCallback) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.zeroCountContainersCallback = cb

// WithContainerInfoProvider returns option to set container info provider.
func WithContainerInfoProvider(containerInfo container.InfoProvider) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.containerInfo = containerInfo

func (s *Shard) fillInfo() { = s.metaBase.DumpInfo() = s.blobStor.DumpInfo() = s.GetMode()

	if s.cfg.useWriteCache { = s.writeCache.DumpInfo()
	if s.pilorama != nil { = s.pilorama.DumpInfo()

const (
	// physical is a physically stored object
	// counter type.
	physical = "phy"

	// logical is a logically stored object
	// counter type (excludes objects that are
	// stored but unavailable).
	logical = "logic"
	// user is an available small or big regular object.
	user = "user"

func (s *Shard) updateMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
	if s.GetMode().NoMetabase() {

	cc, err := s.metaBase.ObjectCounters()
	if err != nil {


	s.setObjectCounterBy(physical, cc.Phy)
	s.setObjectCounterBy(logical, cc.Logic)
	s.setObjectCounterBy(user, cc.User)

	cnrList, err := s.metaBase.Containers(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		s.log.Warn(logs.ShardMetaCantReadContainerList, zap.Error(err))

	var totalPayload uint64

	for i := range cnrList {
		size, err := s.metaBase.ContainerSize(cnrList[i])
		if err != nil {
				zap.String("cid", cnrList[i].EncodeToString()),
		s.addToContainerSize(cnrList[i].EncodeToString(), int64(size))
		totalPayload += size


	contCount, err := s.metaBase.ContainerCounters(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		s.log.Warn(logs.FailedToGetContainerCounters, zap.Error(err))
	for contID, count := range contCount.Counts {
		s.setContainerObjectsCount(contID.EncodeToString(), physical, count.Phy)
		s.setContainerObjectsCount(contID.EncodeToString(), logical, count.Logic)
		s.setContainerObjectsCount(contID.EncodeToString(), user, count.User)

// incObjectCounter increment both physical and logical object
// counters.
func (s *Shard) incObjectCounter(cnrID cid.ID, isUser bool) {
	s.cfg.metricsWriter.IncContainerObjectsCount(cnrID.EncodeToString(), physical)
	s.cfg.metricsWriter.IncContainerObjectsCount(cnrID.EncodeToString(), logical)
	if isUser {
		s.cfg.metricsWriter.IncContainerObjectsCount(cnrID.EncodeToString(), user)

func (s *Shard) decObjectCounterBy(typ string, v uint64) {
	if v > 0 {
		s.cfg.metricsWriter.AddToObjectCounter(typ, -int(v))

func (s *Shard) setObjectCounterBy(typ string, v uint64) {
	if v > 0 {
		s.cfg.metricsWriter.SetObjectCounter(typ, v)

func (s *Shard) decContainerObjectCounter(byCnr map[cid.ID]meta.ObjectCounters) {
	for cnrID, count := range byCnr {
		if count.Phy > 0 {
			s.cfg.metricsWriter.SubContainerObjectsCount(cnrID.EncodeToString(), physical, count.Phy)
		if count.Logic > 0 {
			s.cfg.metricsWriter.SubContainerObjectsCount(cnrID.EncodeToString(), logical, count.Logic)
		if count.User > 0 {
			s.cfg.metricsWriter.SubContainerObjectsCount(cnrID.EncodeToString(), user, count.User)

func (s *Shard) addToContainerSize(cnr string, size int64) {
	if size != 0 {
		s.cfg.metricsWriter.AddToContainerSize(cnr, size)

func (s *Shard) addToPayloadSize(size int64) {
	if size != 0 {

func (s *Shard) setContainerObjectsCount(cnr string, typ string, v uint64) {
	if v > 0 {
		s.metricsWriter.SetContainerObjectsCount(cnr, typ, v)

func (s *Shard) SetEvacuationInProgress(val bool) {
	defer s.m.Unlock() = val