Evgenii Stratonikov 7654847f79 [] adm: Remove from the default email
Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2023-08-30 08:29:26 +00:00

303 lines
9.6 KiB

package morph
import (
morphClient ""
nnsClient ""
const defaultExpirationTime = 10 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour / time.Second
const frostfsOpsEmail = ""
func (c *initializeContext) setNNS() error {
nnsCs, err := c.Client.GetContractStateByID(1)
if err != nil {
return err
ok, err := c.nnsRootRegistered(nnsCs.Hash, "frostfs")
if err != nil {
return err
} else if !ok {
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCall(bw.BinWriter, nnsCs.Hash, "register", callflag.All,
"frostfs", c.CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
frostfsOpsEmail, int64(3600), int64(600), int64(defaultExpirationTime), int64(3600))
emit.Opcodes(bw.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
if err := c.sendCommitteeTx(bw.Bytes(), true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't add domain root to NNS: %w", err)
if err := c.awaitTx(); err != nil {
return err
alphaCs := c.getContract(alphabetContract)
for i, acc := range c.Accounts {
alphaCs.Hash = state.CreateContractHash(acc.Contract.ScriptHash(), alphaCs.NEF.Checksum, alphaCs.Manifest.Name)
domain := getAlphabetNNSDomain(i)
if err := c.nnsRegisterDomain(nnsCs.Hash, alphaCs.Hash, domain); err != nil {
return err
c.Command.Printf("NNS: Set %s -> %s\n", domain, alphaCs.Hash.StringLE())
for _, ctrName := range contractList {
cs := c.getContract(ctrName)
domain := ctrName + ".frostfs"
if err := c.nnsRegisterDomain(nnsCs.Hash, cs.Hash, domain); err != nil {
return err
c.Command.Printf("NNS: Set %s -> %s\n", domain, cs.Hash.StringLE())
groupKey := c.ContractWallet.Accounts[0].PrivateKey().PublicKey()
err = c.updateNNSGroup(nnsCs.Hash, groupKey)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Command.Printf("NNS: Set %s -> %s\n", morphClient.NNSGroupKeyName, hex.EncodeToString(groupKey.Bytes()))
return c.awaitTx()
func (c *initializeContext) updateNNSGroup(nnsHash util.Uint160, pub *keys.PublicKey) error {
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
keyAlreadyAdded, domainRegCodeEmitted, err := c.emitUpdateNNSGroupScript(bw, nnsHash, pub)
if keyAlreadyAdded || err != nil {
return err
script := bw.Bytes()
if domainRegCodeEmitted {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Instruction(w.BinWriter, opcode.INITSSLOT, []byte{1})
wrapRegisterScriptWithPrice(w, nnsHash, script)
script = w.Bytes()
return c.sendCommitteeTx(script, true)
// emitUpdateNNSGroupScript emits script for updating group key stored in NNS.
// First return value is true iff the key is already there and nothing should be done.
// Second return value is true iff a domain registration code was emitted.
func (c *initializeContext) emitUpdateNNSGroupScript(bw *io.BufBinWriter, nnsHash util.Uint160, pub *keys.PublicKey) (bool, bool, error) {
isAvail, err := nnsIsAvailable(c.Client, nnsHash, morphClient.NNSGroupKeyName)
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
if !isAvail {
currentPub, err := nnsResolveKey(c.ReadOnlyInvoker, nnsHash, morphClient.NNSGroupKeyName)
if err != nil {
return false, false, err
if pub.Equal(currentPub) {
return true, false, nil
if isAvail {
emit.AppCall(bw.BinWriter, nnsHash, "register", callflag.All,
morphClient.NNSGroupKeyName, c.CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
frostfsOpsEmail, int64(3600), int64(600), int64(defaultExpirationTime), int64(3600))
emit.Opcodes(bw.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
emit.AppCall(bw.BinWriter, nnsHash, "deleteRecords", callflag.All, "group.frostfs", int64(nns.TXT))
emit.AppCall(bw.BinWriter, nnsHash, "addRecord", callflag.All,
"group.frostfs", int64(nns.TXT), hex.EncodeToString(pub.Bytes()))
return false, isAvail, nil
func getAlphabetNNSDomain(i int) string {
return alphabetContract + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10) + ".frostfs"
// wrapRegisterScriptWithPrice wraps a given script with `getPrice`/`setPrice` calls for NNS.
// It is intended to be used for a single transaction, and not as a part of other scripts.
// It is assumed that script already contains static slot initialization code, the first one
// (with index 0) is used to store the price.
func wrapRegisterScriptWithPrice(w *io.BufBinWriter, nnsHash util.Uint160, s []byte) {
if len(s) == 0 {
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, nnsHash, "getPrice", callflag.All)
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.STSFLD0)
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, nnsHash, "setPrice", callflag.All, 1)
emit.Opcodes(w.BinWriter, opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PACK)
emit.AppCallNoArgs(w.BinWriter, nnsHash, "setPrice", callflag.All)
if w.Err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("BUG: can't wrap register script: %w", w.Err))
func (c *initializeContext) nnsRegisterDomainScript(nnsHash, expectedHash util.Uint160, domain string) ([]byte, bool, error) {
ok, err := nnsIsAvailable(c.Client, nnsHash, domain)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if ok {
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCall(bw.BinWriter, nnsHash, "register", callflag.All,
domain, c.CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(),
frostfsOpsEmail, int64(3600), int64(600), int64(defaultExpirationTime), int64(3600))
emit.Opcodes(bw.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
if bw.Err != nil {
return bw.Bytes(), false, nil
s, err := nnsResolveHash(c.ReadOnlyInvoker, nnsHash, domain)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return nil, s == expectedHash, nil
func (c *initializeContext) nnsRegisterDomain(nnsHash, expectedHash util.Uint160, domain string) error {
script, ok, err := c.nnsRegisterDomainScript(nnsHash, expectedHash, domain)
if ok || err != nil {
return err
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.Instruction(w.BinWriter, opcode.INITSSLOT, []byte{1})
wrapRegisterScriptWithPrice(w, nnsHash, script)
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, nnsHash, "deleteRecords", callflag.All, domain, int64(nns.TXT))
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, nnsHash, "addRecord", callflag.All,
domain, int64(nns.TXT), expectedHash.StringLE())
emit.AppCall(w.BinWriter, nnsHash, "addRecord", callflag.All,
domain, int64(nns.TXT), address.Uint160ToString(expectedHash))
return c.sendCommitteeTx(w.Bytes(), true)
func (c *initializeContext) nnsRootRegistered(nnsHash util.Uint160, zone string) (bool, error) {
res, err := c.CommitteeAct.Call(nnsHash, "isAvailable", "name."+zone)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return res.State == vmstate.Halt.String(), nil
var errMissingNNSRecord = errors.New("missing NNS record")
// Returns errMissingNNSRecord if invocation fault exception contains "token not found".
func nnsResolveHash(inv *invoker.Invoker, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (util.Uint160, error) {
item, err := nnsResolve(inv, nnsHash, domain)
if err != nil {
return util.Uint160{}, err
return parseNNSResolveResult(item)
func nnsResolve(inv *invoker.Invoker, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (stackitem.Item, error) {
return unwrap.Item(inv.Call(nnsHash, "resolve", domain, int64(nns.TXT)))
func nnsResolveKey(inv *invoker.Invoker, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (*keys.PublicKey, error) {
res, err := nnsResolve(inv, nnsHash, domain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := res.Value().(stackitem.Null); ok {
return nil, errors.New("NNS record is missing")
arr, ok := res.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("API of the NNS contract method `resolve` has changed")
for i := range arr {
var bs []byte
bs, err = arr[i].TryBytes()
if err != nil {
return keys.NewPublicKeyFromString(string(bs))
return nil, errors.New("no valid keys are found")
// parseNNSResolveResult parses the result of resolving NNS record.
// It works with multiple formats (corresponding to multiple NNS versions).
// If array of hashes is provided, it returns only the first one.
func parseNNSResolveResult(res stackitem.Item) (util.Uint160, error) {
arr, ok := res.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if !ok {
arr = []stackitem.Item{res}
if _, ok := res.Value().(stackitem.Null); ok || len(arr) == 0 {
return util.Uint160{}, errors.New("NNS record is missing")
for i := range arr {
bs, err := arr[i].TryBytes()
if err != nil {
// We support several formats for hash encoding, this logic should be maintained in sync
// with nnsResolve from pkg/morph/client/nns.go
h, err := util.Uint160DecodeStringLE(string(bs))
if err == nil {
return h, nil
h, err = address.StringToUint160(string(bs))
if err == nil {
return h, nil
return util.Uint160{}, errors.New("no valid hashes are found")
func nnsIsAvailable(c Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, name string) (bool, error) {
switch c.(type) {
case *rpcclient.Client:
inv := invoker.New(c, nil)
reader := nnsClient.NewReader(inv, nnsHash)
return reader.IsAvailable(name)
b, err := unwrap.Bool(invokeFunction(c, nnsHash, "isAvailable", []any{name}, nil))
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("`isAvailable`: invalid response: %w", err)
return b, nil