/* Package user provides functionality related to NeoFS users. User identity is reflected in ID type. Each user has its own unique identifier within the same network. NeoFS user identification is compatible with Neo accounts: import "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/crypto/keys" import "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/crypto/hash" var id user.ID var scriptHash util.Uint160 // user account in NeoFS id.SetScriptHash(scriptHash) var key keys.PublicKey // user's public key user.IDFromKey(&id, k.PrivateKey.PublicKey) ID is compatible with the NeoFS Smart Contract API: var id user.ID // ... wallet := id.WalletBytes() // use wallet in call Encoding/decoding mechanisms are used to transfer identifiers: var id user.ID // ... s := id.EncodeToString() // on transmitter err = id.DecodeString(s) // on receiver Instances can be also used to process NeoFS API protocol messages (see neo.fs.v2.refs package in https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api). On client side: import "github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api-go/v2/refs" var msg refs.OwnerID id.WriteToV2(&msg) // send msg On server side: // recv msg var id user.ID err := id.ReadFromV2(msg) // ... // process id */ package user