package netmap import ( "" ) // NodeState is an enumeration of various states of the NeoFS node. type NodeState uint32 // NodeAttribute represents v2 compatible attribute of the NeoFS Storage Node. type NodeAttribute netmap.Attribute // NodeInfo represents v2 compatible descriptor of the NeoFS node. type NodeInfo struct { priceAttr uint64 capAttr uint64 m *netmap.NodeInfo } const ( _ NodeState = iota // NodeStateOffline is network unavailable state. NodeStateOffline // NodeStateOnline is an active state in the network. NodeStateOnline ) // Enumeration of well-known attributes. const ( // AttrPrice is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // price in GAS tokens for storing one GB of data during one Epoch. AttrPrice = "Price" // AttrCapacity is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // total available disk space in Gigabytes. AttrCapacity = "Capacity" // AttrSubnet is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // string ID of node's storage subnet. AttrSubnet = "Subnet" // AttrUNLOCODE is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // node's geographic location in UN/LOCODE format. AttrUNLOCODE = "UN-LOCODE" // AttrCountryCode is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // Country code in ISO 3166-1_alpha-2 format. AttrCountryCode = "CountryCode" // AttrCountry is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // country short name in English, as defined in ISO-3166. AttrCountry = "Country" // AttrLocation is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // place name of the node location. AttrLocation = "Location" // AttrSubDivCode is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // country's administrative subdivision where node is located // in ISO 3166-2 format. AttrSubDivCode = "SubDivCode" // AttrSubDiv is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // country's administrative subdivision name, as defined in // ISO 3166-2. AttrSubDiv = "SubDiv" // AttrContinent is a key to the node attribute that indicates the // node's continent name according to the Seven-Continent model. AttrContinent = "Continent" ) // GetBucketWeight computes weight for a Bucket. func GetBucketWeight(ns nodes, a aggregator, wf weightFunc) float64 { for i := range ns { a.Add(wf(ns[i])) } return a.Compute() } // NodeStateFromV2 converts v2 NodeState to NodeState. func NodeStateFromV2(s netmap.NodeState) NodeState { switch s { default: return 0 case netmap.Online: return NodeStateOnline case netmap.Offline: return NodeStateOffline } } // ToV2 converts NodeState to v2 NodeState. func (s NodeState) ToV2() netmap.NodeState { switch s { default: return netmap.UnspecifiedState case NodeStateOffline: return netmap.Offline case NodeStateOnline: return netmap.Online } } // String returns string representation of NodeState. // // String mapping: // * NodeStateOnline: ONLINE; // * NodeStateOffline: OFFLINE; // * default: UNSPECIFIED. func (s NodeState) String() string { return s.ToV2().String() } // FromString parses NodeState from a string representation. // It is a reverse action to String(). // // Returns true if s was parsed successfully. func (s *NodeState) FromString(str string) bool { var g netmap.NodeState ok := g.FromString(str) if ok { *s = NodeStateFromV2(g) } return ok } // NewNodeAttribute creates and returns new NodeAttribute instance. // // Defaults: // - key: ""; // - value: ""; // - parents: nil. func NewNodeAttribute() *NodeAttribute { return NewNodeAttributeFromV2(new(netmap.Attribute)) } // NodeAttributeFromV2 converts v2 node Attribute to NodeAttribute. // // Nil netmap.Attribute converts to nil. func NewNodeAttributeFromV2(a *netmap.Attribute) *NodeAttribute { return (*NodeAttribute)(a) } // ToV2 converts NodeAttribute to v2 node Attribute. // // Nil NodeAttribute converts to nil. func (a *NodeAttribute) ToV2() *netmap.Attribute { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a) } // Key returns key to the node attribute. func (a *NodeAttribute) Key() string { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a). GetKey() } // SetKey sets key to the node attribute. func (a *NodeAttribute) SetKey(key string) { (*netmap.Attribute)(a). SetKey(key) } // Value returns value of the node attribute. func (a *NodeAttribute) Value() string { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a). GetValue() } // SetValue sets value of the node attribute. func (a *NodeAttribute) SetValue(val string) { (*netmap.Attribute)(a). SetValue(val) } // ParentKeys returns list of parent keys. func (a *NodeAttribute) ParentKeys() []string { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a). GetParents() } // SetParentKeys sets list of parent keys. func (a *NodeAttribute) SetParentKeys(keys ...string) { (*netmap.Attribute)(a). SetParents(keys) } // Marshal marshals NodeAttribute into a protobuf binary form. func (a *NodeAttribute) Marshal() ([]byte, error) { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).StableMarshal(nil), nil } // Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of NodeAttribute. func (a *NodeAttribute) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).Unmarshal(data) } // MarshalJSON encodes NodeAttribute to protobuf JSON format. func (a *NodeAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).MarshalJSON() } // UnmarshalJSON decodes NodeAttribute from protobuf JSON format. func (a *NodeAttribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).UnmarshalJSON(data) } // NewNodeInfo creates and returns new NodeInfo instance. // // Defaults: // - publicKey: nil; // - address: ""; // - attributes nil; // - state: 0. func NewNodeInfo() *NodeInfo { return NewNodeInfoFromV2(new(netmap.NodeInfo)) } // NewNodeInfoFromV2 converts v2 NodeInfo to NodeInfo. // // Nil netmap.NodeInfo converts to nil. func NewNodeInfoFromV2(i *netmap.NodeInfo) *NodeInfo { var res NodeInfo res.m = i res.syncAttributes() return &res } // ToV2 converts NodeInfo to v2 NodeInfo. // // Nil NodeInfo converts to nil. func (i *NodeInfo) ToV2() *netmap.NodeInfo { if i == nil { return nil } return i.m } // PublicKey returns public key of the node in a binary format. func (i *NodeInfo) PublicKey() []byte { return i.m.GetPublicKey() } // SetPublicKey sets public key of the node in a binary format. func (i *NodeInfo) SetPublicKey(key []byte) { if i.m == nil { i.m = new(netmap.NodeInfo) } i.m.SetPublicKey(key) } // NumberOfAddresses returns number of network addresses of the node. func (i *NodeInfo) NumberOfAddresses() int { return i.m.NumberOfAddresses() } // IterateAddresses iterates over network addresses of the node. // Breaks iteration on f's true return. // // Handler should not be nil. func (i *NodeInfo) IterateAddresses(f func(string) bool) { i.m.IterateAddresses(f) } // IterateAllAddresses is a helper function to unconditionally // iterate over all node addresses. func IterateAllAddresses(i *NodeInfo, f func(string)) { i.IterateAddresses(func(addr string) bool { f(addr) return false }) } // SetAddresses sets list of network addresses of the node. func (i *NodeInfo) SetAddresses(v ...string) { if i.m == nil { i.m = new(netmap.NodeInfo) } i.m.SetAddresses(v...) } // Attributes returns list of the node attributes. func (i *NodeInfo) Attributes() []NodeAttribute { if i == nil { return nil } as := i.m.GetAttributes() if as == nil { return nil } res := make([]NodeAttribute, len(as)) for ind := range as { res[ind] = *NewNodeAttributeFromV2(&as[ind]) } return res } // SetAttributes sets list of the node attributes. func (i *NodeInfo) SetAttributes(as ...NodeAttribute) { asV2 := make([]netmap.Attribute, len(as)) for ind := range as { asV2[ind] = *as[ind].ToV2() } if i.m == nil { i.m = new(netmap.NodeInfo) } i.m.SetAttributes(asV2) } // State returns node state. func (i *NodeInfo) State() NodeState { return NodeStateFromV2(i.m.GetState()) } // SetState sets node state. func (i *NodeInfo) SetState(s NodeState) { if i.m == nil { i.m = new(netmap.NodeInfo) } i.m.SetState(s.ToV2()) } // Marshal marshals NodeInfo into a protobuf binary form. func (i *NodeInfo) Marshal() ([]byte, error) { return i.m.StableMarshal(nil), nil } // Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of NodeInfo. func (i *NodeInfo) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { if i.m == nil { i.m = new(netmap.NodeInfo) } return i.m.Unmarshal(data) } // MarshalJSON encodes NodeInfo to protobuf JSON format. func (i *NodeInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return i.m.MarshalJSON() } // UnmarshalJSON decodes NodeInfo from protobuf JSON format. func (i *NodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if i.m == nil { i.m = new(netmap.NodeInfo) } err := i.m.UnmarshalJSON(data) if err != nil { return err } i.syncAttributes() return nil }