Evgenii Stratonikov 1c7dd03cf5 [#150] signature: Add scheme
Allow `SignOption` to set 2 parameters:
1. Default signature scheme, which is used in case scheme is
2. Restrict scheme option which also checks that scheme is either
   unspecified or equal to the restricted scheme. This is only used
   for verification and is necessary because some of the signatures
   are used in smart-contracts.

Also provide signature struct to sign/verify functions in helpers.

The constant names differ a bit from those in API because of linter

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2022-02-25 12:42:38 +03:00

714 lines
19 KiB

package client
import (
v2container ""
rpcapi ""
v2session ""
v2signature ""
cid ""
sigutil ""
// PrmContainerPut groups parameters of ContainerPut operation.
type PrmContainerPut struct {
cnrSet bool
cnr container.Container
// SetContainer sets structured information about new NeoFS container.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmContainerPut) SetContainer(cnr container.Container) {
x.cnr = cnr
x.cnrSet = true
// ResContainerPut groups resulting values of ContainerPut operation.
type ResContainerPut struct {
id *cid.ID
// ID returns identifier of the container declared to be stored in the system.
// Used as a link to information about the container (in particular, you can
// asynchronously check if the save was successful).
// Client doesn't retain value so modification is safe.
func (x ResContainerPut) ID() *cid.ID {
func (x *ResContainerPut) setID(id *cid.ID) { = id
// ContainerPut sends request to save container in NeoFS.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Operation is asynchronous and no guaranteed even in the absence of errors.
// The required time is also not predictable.
// Success can be verified by reading by identifier (see ResContainerPut.ID).
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmContainerPut docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerPut(ctx context.Context, prm PrmContainerPut) (*ResContainerPut, error) {
// check parameters
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case !prm.cnrSet:
// TODO: check private key is set before forming the request
// form request body
reqBody := new(v2container.PutRequestBody)
// sign container
signWrapper := v2signature.StableMarshalerWrapper{SM: reqBody.GetContainer()}
err := sigutil.SignDataWithHandler(c.opts.key, signWrapper, func(sig *signature.Signature) {
}, sigutil.SignWithRFC6979())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// form meta header
var meta v2session.RequestMetaHeader
// form request
var req v2container.PutRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResContainerPut
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.PutContainer(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
cc.result = func(r responseV2) {
resp := r.(*v2container.PutResponse)
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil
// PrmContainerGet groups parameters of ContainerGet operation.
type PrmContainerGet struct {
idSet bool
id cid.ID
// SetContainer sets identifier of the container to be read.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmContainerGet) SetContainer(id cid.ID) { = id
x.idSet = true
// ResContainerGet groups resulting values of ContainerGet operation.
type ResContainerGet struct {
cnr *container.Container
// Container returns structured information about the requested container.
// Client doesn't retain value so modification is safe.
func (x ResContainerGet) Container() *container.Container {
return x.cnr
func (x *ResContainerGet) setContainer(cnr *container.Container) {
x.cnr = cnr
// ContainerGet reads NeoFS container by ID.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmContainerGet docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerGet(ctx context.Context, prm PrmContainerGet) (*ResContainerGet, error) {
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case !prm.idSet:
// form request body
reqBody := new(v2container.GetRequestBody)
// form request
var req v2container.GetRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResContainerGet
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.GetContainer(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
cc.result = func(r responseV2) {
resp := r.(*v2container.GetResponse)
body := resp.GetBody()
cnr := container.NewContainerFromV2(body.GetContainer())
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil
// PrmContainerList groups parameters of ContainerList operation.
type PrmContainerList struct {
ownerSet bool
ownerID owner.ID
// SetAccount sets identifier of the NeoFS account to list the containers.
// Required parameter. Must be a valid ID according to NeoFS API protocol.
func (x *PrmContainerList) SetAccount(id owner.ID) {
x.ownerID = id
x.ownerSet = true
// ResContainerList groups resulting values of ContainerList operation.
type ResContainerList struct {
ids []*cid.ID
// Containers returns list of identifiers of the account-owned containers.
// Client doesn't retain value so modification is safe.
func (x ResContainerList) Containers() []*cid.ID {
return x.ids
func (x *ResContainerList) setContainers(ids []*cid.ID) {
x.ids = ids
// ContainerList requests identifiers of the account-owned containers.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmContainerList docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerList(ctx context.Context, prm PrmContainerList) (*ResContainerList, error) {
// check parameters
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case !prm.ownerSet:
panic("account not set")
case !prm.ownerID.Valid():
panic("invalid account")
// form request body
reqBody := new(v2container.ListRequestBody)
// form request
var req v2container.ListRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResContainerList
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.ListContainers(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
cc.result = func(r responseV2) {
resp := r.(*v2container.ListResponse)
ids := make([]*cid.ID, 0, len(resp.GetBody().GetContainerIDs()))
for _, cidV2 := range resp.GetBody().GetContainerIDs() {
ids = append(ids, cid.NewFromV2(cidV2))
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil
// PrmContainerDelete groups parameters of ContainerDelete operation.
type PrmContainerDelete struct {
idSet bool
id cid.ID
// SetContainer sets identifier of the NeoFS container to be removed.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmContainerDelete) SetContainer(id cid.ID) { = id
x.idSet = true
// ResContainerDelete groups resulting values of ContainerDelete operation.
type ResContainerDelete struct {
// implements
type delContainerSignWrapper struct {
body *v2container.DeleteRequestBody
func (c delContainerSignWrapper) ReadSignedData([]byte) ([]byte, error) {
return c.body.GetContainerID().GetValue(), nil
func (c delContainerSignWrapper) SignedDataSize() int {
return len(c.body.GetContainerID().GetValue())
// ContainerDelete sends request to remove the NeoFS container.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Operation is asynchronous and no guaranteed even in the absence of errors.
// The required time is also not predictable.
// Success can be verified by reading by identifier (see GetContainer).
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmContainerDelete docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. Server status return is returned in ResContainerDelete.
// Reflects all internal errors in second return value (transport problems, response processing, etc.).
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerDelete(ctx context.Context, prm PrmContainerDelete) (*ResContainerDelete, error) {
// check parameters
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case !prm.idSet:
// form request body
reqBody := new(v2container.DeleteRequestBody)
// sign container
err := sigutil.SignDataWithHandler(c.opts.key,
body: reqBody,
func(sig *signature.Signature) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// form meta header
var meta v2session.RequestMetaHeader
// form request
var req v2container.DeleteRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResContainerDelete
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.DeleteContainer(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil
// PrmContainerEACL groups parameters of ContainerEACL operation.
type PrmContainerEACL struct {
idSet bool
id cid.ID
// SetContainer sets identifier of the NeoFS container to read the eACL table.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmContainerEACL) SetContainer(id cid.ID) { = id
x.idSet = true
// ResContainerEACL groups resulting values of ContainerEACL operation.
type ResContainerEACL struct {
table *eacl.Table
// Table returns eACL table of the requested container.
// Client doesn't retain value so modification is safe.
func (x ResContainerEACL) Table() *eacl.Table {
return x.table
func (x *ResContainerEACL) setTable(table *eacl.Table) {
x.table = table
// ContainerEACL reads eACL table of the NeoFS container.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmContainerEACL docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerEACL(ctx context.Context, prm PrmContainerEACL) (*ResContainerEACL, error) {
// check parameters
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case !prm.idSet:
// form request body
reqBody := new(v2container.GetExtendedACLRequestBody)
// form request
var req v2container.GetExtendedACLRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResContainerEACL
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.GetEACL(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
cc.result = func(r responseV2) {
resp := r.(*v2container.GetExtendedACLResponse)
body := resp.GetBody()
table := eacl.NewTableFromV2(body.GetEACL())
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil
// PrmContainerSetEACL groups parameters of ContainerSetEACL operation.
type PrmContainerSetEACL struct {
tableSet bool
table eacl.Table
// SetTable sets eACL table structure to be set for the container.
// Required parameter.
func (x *PrmContainerSetEACL) SetTable(table eacl.Table) {
x.table = table
x.tableSet = true
// ResContainerSetEACL groups resulting values of ContainerSetEACL operation.
type ResContainerSetEACL struct {
// ContainerSetEACL sends request to update eACL table of the NeoFS container.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Operation is asynchronous and no guaranteed even in the absence of errors.
// The required time is also not predictable.
// Success can be verified by reading by identifier (see EACL).
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmContainerSetEACL docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerSetEACL(ctx context.Context, prm PrmContainerSetEACL) (*ResContainerSetEACL, error) {
// check parameters
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case !prm.tableSet:
panic("eACL table not set")
// form request body
reqBody := new(v2container.SetExtendedACLRequestBody)
// sign the eACL table
signWrapper := v2signature.StableMarshalerWrapper{SM: reqBody.GetEACL()}
err := sigutil.SignDataWithHandler(c.opts.key, signWrapper, func(sig *signature.Signature) {
}, sigutil.SignWithRFC6979())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// form meta header
var meta v2session.RequestMetaHeader
// form request
var req v2container.SetExtendedACLRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResContainerSetEACL
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.SetEACL(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil
// PrmAnnounceSpace groups parameters of ContainerAnnounceUsedSpace operation.
type PrmAnnounceSpace struct {
announcements []container.UsedSpaceAnnouncement
// SetValues sets values describing volume of space that is used for the container objects.
// Required parameter. Must not be empty.
// Must not be mutated before the end of the operation.
func (x *PrmAnnounceSpace) SetValues(announcements []container.UsedSpaceAnnouncement) {
x.announcements = announcements
// ResAnnounceSpace groups resulting values of ContainerAnnounceUsedSpace operation.
type ResAnnounceSpace struct {
// ContainerAnnounceUsedSpace sends request to announce volume of the space used for the container objects.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as `error`.
// If WithNeoFSErrorParsing option has been provided, unsuccessful
// NeoFS status codes are returned as `error`, otherwise, are included
// in the returned result structure.
// Operation is asynchronous and no guaranteed even in the absence of errors.
// The required time is also not predictable.
// At this moment success can not be checked.
// Immediately panics if parameters are set incorrectly (see PrmAnnounceSpace docs).
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs).
func (c *Client) ContainerAnnounceUsedSpace(ctx context.Context, prm PrmAnnounceSpace) (*ResAnnounceSpace, error) {
// check parameters
switch {
case ctx == nil:
case len(prm.announcements) == 0:
panic("missing announcements")
// convert list of SDK announcement structures into NeoFS-API v2 list
v2announce := make([]*v2container.UsedSpaceAnnouncement, 0, len(prm.announcements))
for i := range prm.announcements {
v2announce = append(v2announce, prm.announcements[i].ToV2())
// prepare body of the NeoFS-API v2 request and request itself
reqBody := new(v2container.AnnounceUsedSpaceRequestBody)
// form request
var req v2container.AnnounceUsedSpaceRequest
// init call context
var (
cc contextCall
res ResAnnounceSpace
cc.req = &req
cc.statusRes = &res = func() (responseV2, error) {
return rpcapi.AnnounceUsedSpace(c.Raw(), &req, client.WithContext(ctx))
// process call
if !cc.processCall() {
return nil, cc.err
return &res, nil