package object import ( object "" "" "" "" ) const ( shortHdrVersionField = 1 shortHdrEpochField = 2 shortHdrOwnerField = 3 shortHdrObjectTypeField = 4 shortHdrPayloadLength = 5 shortHdrHashField = 6 shortHdrHomoHashField = 7 attributeKeyField = 1 attributeValueField = 2 splitHdrParentField = 1 splitHdrPreviousField = 2 splitHdrParentSignatureField = 3 splitHdrParentHeaderField = 4 splitHdrChildrenField = 5 splitHdrSplitIDField = 6 ecHdrParentField = 1 ecHdrIndexField = 2 ecHdrTotalField = 3 ecHdrHeaderLengthField = 4 ecHdrHeaderField = 5 ecHdrParentSplitID = 6 ecHdrParentSplitParentID = 7 ecHdrParentAttributes = 8 hdrVersionField = 1 hdrContainerIDField = 2 hdrOwnerIDField = 3 hdrEpochField = 4 hdrPayloadLengthField = 5 hdrPayloadHashField = 6 hdrObjectTypeField = 7 hdrHomomorphicHashField = 8 hdrSessionTokenField = 9 hdrAttributesField = 10 hdrSplitField = 11 hdrECField = 12 hdrWithSigHeaderField = 1 hdrWithSigSignatureField = 2 objIDField = 1 objSignatureField = 2 objHeaderField = 3 objPayloadField = 4 splitInfoSplitIDField = 1 splitInfoLastPartField = 2 splitInfoLinkField = 3 ecInfoChunksField = 1 ecChunkIDField = 1 ecChunkIndexField = 2 ecChunkTotalField = 3 getReqBodyAddressField = 1 getReqBodyRawFlagField = 2 getRespInitObjectIDField = 1 getRespInitSignatureField = 2 getRespInitHeaderField = 3 getRespBodyInitField = 1 getRespBodyChunkField = 2 getRespBodySplitInfoField = 3 getRespBodyECInfoField = 4 putReqInitObjectIDField = 1 putReqInitSignatureField = 2 putReqInitHeaderField = 3 putReqInitCopiesNumField = 4 putReqBodyInitField = 1 putReqBodyChunkField = 2 putRespBodyObjectIDField = 1 deleteReqBodyAddressField = 1 deleteRespBodyTombstoneFNum = 1 headReqBodyAddressField = 1 headReqBodyMainFlagField = 2 headReqBodyRawFlagField = 3 headRespBodyHeaderField = 1 headRespBodyShortHeaderField = 2 headRespBodySplitInfoField = 3 headRespBodyECInfoField = 4 searchFilterMatchField = 1 searchFilterNameField = 2 searchFilterValueField = 3 searchReqBodyContainerIDField = 1 searchReqBodyVersionField = 2 searchReqBodyFiltersField = 3 searchRespBodyObjectIDsField = 1 rangeOffsetField = 1 rangeLengthField = 2 getRangeReqBodyAddressField = 1 getRangeReqBodyRangeField = 2 getRangeReqBodyRawField = 3 getRangeRespChunkField = 1 getRangeRespSplitInfoField = 2 getRangeRespECInfoField = 3 getRangeHashReqBodyAddressField = 1 getRangeHashReqBodyRangesField = 2 getRangeHashReqBodySaltField = 3 getRangeHashReqBodyTypeField = 4 getRangeHashRespBodyTypeField = 1 getRangeHashRespBodyHashListField = 2 putSingleReqObjectField = 1 putSingleReqCopiesNumberField = 2 patchRequestBodyPatchRangeField = 1 patchRequestBodyPatchChunkField = 2 patchRequestBodyAddrField = 1 patchRequestBodyNewAttrsField = 2 patchRequestBodyReplaceAttrField = 3 patchRequestBodyPatchField = 4 patchResponseBodyObjectIDField = 1 ) func (h *ShortHeader) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if h == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, h.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(shortHdrVersionField, buf[offset:], h.version) offset += proto.UInt64Marshal(shortHdrEpochField, buf[offset:], h.creatEpoch) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(shortHdrOwnerField, buf[offset:], h.ownerID) offset += proto.EnumMarshal(shortHdrObjectTypeField, buf[offset:], int32(h.typ)) offset += proto.UInt64Marshal(shortHdrPayloadLength, buf[offset:], h.payloadLen) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(shortHdrHashField, buf[offset:], h.payloadHash) proto.NestedStructureMarshal(shortHdrHomoHashField, buf[offset:], h.homoHash) return buf } func (h *ShortHeader) StableSize() (size int) { if h == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(shortHdrVersionField, h.version) size += proto.UInt64Size(shortHdrEpochField, h.creatEpoch) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(shortHdrOwnerField, h.ownerID) size += proto.EnumSize(shortHdrObjectTypeField, int32(h.typ)) size += proto.UInt64Size(shortHdrPayloadLength, h.payloadLen) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(shortHdrHashField, h.payloadHash) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(shortHdrHomoHashField, h.homoHash) return size } func (h *ShortHeader) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(h, data, new(object.ShortHeader)) } func (a *Attribute) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if a == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, a.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.StringMarshal(attributeKeyField, buf[offset:], a.key) proto.StringMarshal(attributeValueField, buf[offset:], a.val) return buf } func (a *Attribute) StableSize() (size int) { if a == nil { return 0 } size += proto.StringSize(shortHdrVersionField, a.key) size += proto.StringSize(shortHdrEpochField, a.val) return size } func (a *Attribute) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(a, data, new(object.Header_Attribute)) } func (h *SplitHeader) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if h == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, h.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(splitHdrParentField, buf[offset:], h.par) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(splitHdrPreviousField, buf[offset:], h.prev) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(splitHdrParentSignatureField, buf[offset:], h.parSig) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(splitHdrParentHeaderField, buf[offset:], h.parHdr) offset += refs.ObjectIDNestedListMarshal(splitHdrChildrenField, buf[offset:], h.children) proto.BytesMarshal(splitHdrSplitIDField, buf[offset:], h.splitID) return buf } func (h *SplitHeader) StableSize() (size int) { if h == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(splitHdrParentField, h.par) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(splitHdrPreviousField, h.prev) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(splitHdrParentSignatureField, h.parSig) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(splitHdrParentHeaderField, h.parHdr) size += refs.ObjectIDNestedListSize(splitHdrChildrenField, h.children) size += proto.BytesSize(splitHdrSplitIDField, h.splitID) return size } func (h *SplitHeader) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(h, data, new(object.Header_Split)) } func (h *ECHeader) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if h == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, h.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(ecHdrParentField, buf[offset:], h.Parent) offset += proto.UInt32Marshal(ecHdrIndexField, buf[offset:], h.Index) offset += proto.UInt32Marshal(ecHdrTotalField, buf[offset:], h.Total) offset += proto.UInt32Marshal(ecHdrHeaderLengthField, buf[offset:], h.HeaderLength) offset += proto.BytesMarshal(ecHdrHeaderField, buf[offset:], h.Header) offset += proto.BytesMarshal(ecHdrParentSplitID, buf[offset:], h.ParentSplitID) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(ecHdrParentSplitParentID, buf[offset:], h.ParentSplitParentID) for i := range h.ParentAttributes { offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(ecHdrParentAttributes, buf[offset:], &h.ParentAttributes[i]) } return buf } func (h *ECHeader) StableSize() (size int) { if h == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(ecHdrParentField, h.Parent) size += proto.UInt32Size(ecHdrIndexField, h.Index) size += proto.UInt32Size(ecHdrTotalField, h.Total) size += proto.UInt32Size(ecHdrHeaderLengthField, h.HeaderLength) size += proto.BytesSize(ecHdrHeaderField, h.Header) size += proto.BytesSize(ecHdrParentSplitID, h.ParentSplitID) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(ecHdrParentSplitParentID, h.ParentSplitParentID) for i := range h.ParentAttributes { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(ecHdrParentAttributes, &h.ParentAttributes[i]) } return size } func (h *ECHeader) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(h, data, new(object.Header_EC)) } func (h *Header) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if h == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, h.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrVersionField, buf[offset:], h.version) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrContainerIDField, buf[offset:], h.cid) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrOwnerIDField, buf[offset:], h.ownerID) offset += proto.UInt64Marshal(hdrEpochField, buf[offset:], h.creatEpoch) offset += proto.UInt64Marshal(hdrPayloadLengthField, buf[offset:], h.payloadLen) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrPayloadHashField, buf[offset:], h.payloadHash) offset += proto.EnumMarshal(hdrObjectTypeField, buf[offset:], int32(h.typ)) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrHomomorphicHashField, buf[offset:], h.homoHash) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrSessionTokenField, buf[offset:], h.sessionToken) for i := range h.attr { offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrAttributesField, buf[offset:], &h.attr[i]) } proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrSplitField, buf[offset:], h.split) proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrECField, buf[offset:], return buf } func (h *Header) StableSize() (size int) { if h == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrVersionField, h.version) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrContainerIDField, h.cid) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrOwnerIDField, h.ownerID) size += proto.UInt64Size(hdrEpochField, h.creatEpoch) size += proto.UInt64Size(hdrPayloadLengthField, h.payloadLen) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrPayloadHashField, h.payloadHash) size += proto.EnumSize(hdrObjectTypeField, int32(h.typ)) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrHomomorphicHashField, h.homoHash) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrSessionTokenField, h.sessionToken) for i := range h.attr { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrAttributesField, &h.attr[i]) } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrSplitField, h.split) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrECField, return size } func (h *Header) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(h, data, new(object.Header)) } func (h *HeaderWithSignature) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if h == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, h.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrWithSigHeaderField, buf[offset:], h.header) proto.NestedStructureMarshal(hdrWithSigSignatureField, buf[offset:], h.signature) return buf } func (h *HeaderWithSignature) StableSize() (size int) { if h == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrVersionField, h.header) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(hdrContainerIDField, h.signature) return size } func (h *HeaderWithSignature) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(h, data, new(object.HeaderWithSignature)) } func (o *Object) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if o == nil { return []byte{} } if o.marshalData != nil { if buf == nil { return o.marshalData } copy(buf, o.marshalData) return buf } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, o.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(objIDField, buf[offset:], o.objectID) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(objSignatureField, buf[offset:], o.idSig) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(objHeaderField, buf[offset:], o.header) proto.BytesMarshal(objPayloadField, buf[offset:], o.payload) return buf } // SetMarshalData sets marshal data to reduce memory allocations. // // It is unsafe to modify/copy object data after setting marshal data. func (o *Object) SetMarshalData(data []byte) { if o == nil { return } o.marshalData = data } func (o *Object) StableSize() (size int) { if o == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(objIDField, o.objectID) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(objSignatureField, o.idSig) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(objHeaderField, o.header) size += proto.BytesSize(objPayloadField, o.payload) return size } func (o *Object) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(o, data, new(object.Object)) } func (s *SplitInfo) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if s == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, s.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.BytesMarshal(splitInfoSplitIDField, buf[offset:], s.splitID) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(splitInfoLastPartField, buf[offset:], s.lastPart) proto.NestedStructureMarshal(splitInfoLinkField, buf[offset:], return buf } func (s *SplitInfo) StableSize() (size int) { if s == nil { return 0 } size += proto.BytesSize(splitInfoSplitIDField, s.splitID) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(splitInfoLastPartField, s.lastPart) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(splitInfoLinkField, return size } func (s *SplitInfo) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(s, data, new(object.SplitInfo)) } func (e *ECInfo) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if e == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, e.StableSize()) } var offset int for i := range e.Chunks { offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(ecInfoChunksField, buf[offset:], &e.Chunks[i]) } return buf } func (e *ECInfo) StableSize() (size int) { if e == nil { return 0 } for i := range e.Chunks { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(ecInfoChunksField, &e.Chunks[i]) } return size } func (e *ECInfo) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(e, data, new(object.ECInfo)) } func (c *ECChunk) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if c == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, c.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(ecChunkIDField, buf[offset:], &c.ID) offset += proto.UInt32Marshal(ecChunkIndexField, buf[offset:], c.Index) proto.UInt32Marshal(ecChunkTotalField, buf[offset:], c.Total) return buf } func (c *ECChunk) StableSize() (size int) { if c == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(ecChunkIDField, &c.ID) size += proto.UInt32Size(ecChunkIndexField, c.Index) size += proto.UInt32Size(ecChunkTotalField, c.Total) return size } func (c *ECChunk) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(c, data, new(object.ECInfo_Chunk)) } func (r *GetRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getReqBodyAddressField, buf[offset:], r.addr) proto.BoolMarshal(getReqBodyRawFlagField, buf[offset:], r.raw) return buf } func (r *GetRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getReqBodyAddressField, r.addr) size += proto.BoolSize(getReqBodyRawFlagField, r.raw) return size } func (r *GetRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetRequest_Body)) } func (r *GetObjectPartInit) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRespInitObjectIDField, buf[offset:], offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRespInitSignatureField, buf[offset:], r.sig) proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRespInitHeaderField, buf[offset:], r.hdr) return buf } func (r *GetObjectPartInit) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRespInitObjectIDField, size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRespInitSignatureField, r.sig) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRespInitHeaderField, r.hdr) return size } func (r *GetObjectPartInit) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetResponse_Body_Init)) } func (r *GetResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } switch v := r.objPart.(type) { case nil: case *GetObjectPartInit: proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRespBodyInitField, buf, v) case *GetObjectPartChunk: if v != nil { proto.BytesMarshal(getRespBodyChunkField, buf, v.chunk) } case *SplitInfo: proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRespBodySplitInfoField, buf, v) case *ECInfo: proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRespBodyECInfoField, buf, v) default: panic("unknown one of object get response body type") } return buf } func (r *GetResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } switch v := r.objPart.(type) { case nil: case *GetObjectPartInit: size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRespBodyInitField, v) case *GetObjectPartChunk: if v != nil { size += proto.BytesSize(getRespBodyChunkField, v.chunk) } case *SplitInfo: size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRespBodySplitInfoField, v) case *ECInfo: size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRespBodyECInfoField, v) default: panic("unknown one of object get response body type") } return } func (r *GetResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetResponse_Body)) } func (r *PutObjectPartInit) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(putReqInitObjectIDField, buf[offset:], offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(putReqInitSignatureField, buf[offset:], r.sig) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(putReqInitHeaderField, buf[offset:], r.hdr) proto.RepeatedUInt32Marshal(putReqInitCopiesNumField, buf[offset:], r.copyNum) return buf } func (r *PutObjectPartInit) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(putReqInitObjectIDField, size += proto.NestedStructureSize(putReqInitSignatureField, r.sig) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(putReqInitHeaderField, r.hdr) arrSize, _ := proto.RepeatedUInt32Size(putReqInitCopiesNumField, r.copyNum) size += arrSize return size } func (r *PutObjectPartInit) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PutRequest_Body_Init)) } func (r *PutRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } switch v := r.objPart.(type) { case nil: case *PutObjectPartInit: proto.NestedStructureMarshal(putReqBodyInitField, buf, v) case *PutObjectPartChunk: if v != nil { proto.BytesMarshal(putReqBodyChunkField, buf, v.chunk) } default: panic("unknown one of object put request body type") } return buf } func (r *PutRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } switch v := r.objPart.(type) { case nil: case *PutObjectPartInit: size += proto.NestedStructureSize(putReqBodyInitField, v) case *PutObjectPartChunk: if v != nil { size += proto.BytesSize(putReqBodyChunkField, v.chunk) } default: panic("unknown one of object get response body type") } return size } func (r *PutRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PutRequest_Body)) } func (r *PutResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } proto.NestedStructureMarshal(putRespBodyObjectIDField, buf, return buf } func (r *PutResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(putRespBodyObjectIDField, return size } func (r *PutResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PutResponse_Body)) } func (r *DeleteRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } proto.NestedStructureMarshal(deleteReqBodyAddressField, buf, r.addr) return buf } func (r *DeleteRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(deleteReqBodyAddressField, r.addr) return size } func (r *DeleteRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.DeleteRequest_Body)) } func (r *DeleteResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } proto.NestedStructureMarshal(deleteRespBodyTombstoneFNum, buf, r.tombstone) return buf } func (r *DeleteResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(deleteRespBodyTombstoneFNum, r.tombstone) return size } func (r *DeleteResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.DeleteResponse_Body)) } func (r *HeadRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(headReqBodyAddressField, buf[offset:], r.addr) offset += proto.BoolMarshal(headReqBodyMainFlagField, buf[offset:], r.mainOnly) proto.BoolMarshal(headReqBodyRawFlagField, buf[offset:], r.raw) return buf } func (r *HeadRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(headReqBodyAddressField, r.addr) size += proto.BoolSize(headReqBodyMainFlagField, r.mainOnly) size += proto.BoolSize(headReqBodyRawFlagField, r.raw) return size } func (r *HeadRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.HeadRequest_Body)) } func (r *HeadResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } switch v := r.hdrPart.(type) { case nil: case *HeaderWithSignature: if v != nil { proto.NestedStructureMarshal(headRespBodyHeaderField, buf, v) } case *ShortHeader: if v != nil { proto.NestedStructureMarshal(headRespBodyShortHeaderField, buf, v) } case *SplitInfo: if v != nil { proto.NestedStructureMarshal(headRespBodySplitInfoField, buf, v) } case *ECInfo: if v != nil { proto.NestedStructureMarshal(headRespBodyECInfoField, buf, v) } default: panic("unknown one of object put request body type") } return buf } func (r *HeadResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } switch v := r.hdrPart.(type) { case nil: case *HeaderWithSignature: if v != nil { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(headRespBodyHeaderField, v) } case *ShortHeader: if v != nil { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(headRespBodyShortHeaderField, v) } case *SplitInfo: if v != nil { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(headRespBodySplitInfoField, v) } case *ECInfo: if v != nil { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(headRespBodyECInfoField, v) } default: panic("unknown one of object put request body type") } return } func (r *HeadResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.HeadResponse_Body)) } func (f *SearchFilter) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if f == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, f.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.EnumMarshal(searchFilterMatchField, buf[offset:], int32(f.matchType)) offset += proto.StringMarshal(searchFilterNameField, buf[offset:], f.key) proto.StringMarshal(searchFilterValueField, buf[offset:], f.val) return buf } func (f *SearchFilter) StableSize() (size int) { if f == nil { return 0 } size += proto.EnumSize(searchFilterMatchField, int32(f.matchType)) size += proto.StringSize(searchFilterNameField, f.key) size += proto.StringSize(searchFilterValueField, f.val) return size } func (f *SearchFilter) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(f, data, new(object.SearchRequest_Body_Filter)) } func (r *SearchRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(searchReqBodyContainerIDField, buf[offset:], r.cid) offset += proto.UInt32Marshal(searchReqBodyVersionField, buf[offset:], r.version) for i := range r.filters { offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(searchReqBodyFiltersField, buf[offset:], &r.filters[i]) } return buf } func (r *SearchRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(searchReqBodyContainerIDField, r.cid) size += proto.UInt32Size(searchReqBodyVersionField, r.version) for i := range r.filters { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(searchReqBodyFiltersField, &r.filters[i]) } return size } func (r *SearchRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.SearchRequest_Body)) } func (r *SearchResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int refs.ObjectIDNestedListMarshal(searchRespBodyObjectIDsField, buf[offset:], r.idList) return buf } func (r *SearchResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += refs.ObjectIDNestedListSize(searchRespBodyObjectIDsField, r.idList) return size } func (r *SearchResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.SearchResponse_Body)) } func (r *Range) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.UInt64Marshal(rangeOffsetField, buf[offset:], proto.UInt64Marshal(rangeLengthField, buf[offset:], r.len) return buf } func (r *Range) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.UInt64Size(rangeOffsetField, size += proto.UInt64Size(rangeLengthField, r.len) return size } func (r *Range) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.Range)) } func (r *GetRangeRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRangeReqBodyAddressField, buf[offset:], r.addr) offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRangeReqBodyRangeField, buf[offset:], r.rng) proto.BoolMarshal(getRangeReqBodyRawField, buf[offset:], r.raw) return buf } func (r *GetRangeRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRangeReqBodyAddressField, r.addr) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRangeReqBodyRangeField, r.rng) size += proto.BoolSize(getRangeReqBodyRawField, r.raw) return size } func (r *GetRangeRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetRangeRequest_Body)) } func (r *GetRangeResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } switch v := r.rngPart.(type) { case nil: case *GetRangePartChunk: if v != nil { proto.BytesMarshal(getRangeRespChunkField, buf, v.chunk) } case *SplitInfo: if v != nil { proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRangeRespSplitInfoField, buf, v) } case *ECInfo: if v != nil { proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRangeRespECInfoField, buf, v) } default: panic("unknown one of object get range request body type") } return buf } func (r *GetRangeResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } switch v := r.rngPart.(type) { case nil: case *GetRangePartChunk: if v != nil { size += proto.BytesSize(getRangeRespChunkField, v.chunk) } case *SplitInfo: if v != nil { size = proto.NestedStructureSize(getRangeRespSplitInfoField, v) } case *ECInfo: if v != nil { size = proto.NestedStructureSize(getRangeRespECInfoField, v) } default: panic("unknown one of object get range request body type") } return } func (r *GetRangeResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetRangeResponse_Body)) } func (r *GetRangeHashRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRangeHashReqBodyAddressField, buf[offset:], r.addr) for i := range r.rngs { offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(getRangeHashReqBodyRangesField, buf[offset:], &r.rngs[i]) } offset += proto.BytesMarshal(getRangeHashReqBodySaltField, buf[offset:], r.salt) proto.EnumMarshal(getRangeHashReqBodyTypeField, buf[offset:], int32(r.typ)) return buf } func (r *GetRangeHashRequestBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRangeHashReqBodyAddressField, r.addr) for i := range r.rngs { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(getRangeHashReqBodyRangesField, &r.rngs[i]) } size += proto.BytesSize(getRangeHashReqBodySaltField, r.salt) size += proto.EnumSize(getRangeHashReqBodyTypeField, int32(r.typ)) return size } func (r *GetRangeHashRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetRangeHashRequest_Body)) } func (r *GetRangeHashResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.EnumMarshal(getRangeHashRespBodyTypeField, buf, int32(r.typ)) proto.RepeatedBytesMarshal(getRangeHashRespBodyHashListField, buf[offset:], r.hashList) return buf } func (r *GetRangeHashResponseBody) StableSize() (size int) { if r == nil { return 0 } size += proto.EnumSize(getRangeHashRespBodyTypeField, int32(r.typ)) size += proto.RepeatedBytesSize(getRangeHashRespBodyHashListField, r.hashList) return size } func (r *GetRangeHashResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.GetRangeHashResponse_Body)) } func (r *PutSingleRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if r.marshalData != nil { if buf == nil { return r.marshalData } copy(buf, r.marshalData) return buf } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(putSingleReqObjectField, buf[offset:], r.object) proto.RepeatedUInt32Marshal(putSingleReqCopiesNumberField, buf[offset:], r.copyNum) return buf } // SetMarshalData sets marshal data to reduce memory allocations. // // It is unsafe to modify/copy request data after setting marshal data. func (r *PutSingleRequestBody) SetMarshalData(data []byte) { if r == nil { return } r.marshalData = data proto.NestedStructureSetMarshalData(putSingleReqObjectField, r.marshalData, r.object) } func (r *PutSingleRequestBody) StableSize() int { if r == nil { return 0 } var size int size += proto.NestedStructureSize(putSingleReqObjectField, r.object) arrSize, _ := proto.RepeatedUInt32Size(putSingleReqCopiesNumberField, r.copyNum) size += arrSize return size } func (r *PutSingleRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PutSingleRequest_Body)) } func (r *PutSingleResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } return buf } func (r *PutSingleResponseBody) StableSize() int { return 0 } func (r *PutSingleResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PutSingleResponse_Body)) } func (r *PatchRequestBodyPatch) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(patchRequestBodyPatchRangeField, buf[offset:], r.Range) proto.BytesMarshal(patchRequestBodyPatchChunkField, buf[offset:], r.Chunk) return buf } func (r *PatchRequestBodyPatch) StableSize() int { if r == nil { return 0 } var size int size += proto.NestedStructureSize(patchRequestBodyPatchRangeField, r.Range) size += proto.BytesSize(patchRequestBodyPatchChunkField, r.Chunk) return size } func (r *PatchRequestBodyPatch) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PatchRequest_Body_Patch)) } func (r *PatchRequestBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(patchRequestBodyAddrField, buf[offset:], r.Address) for i := range r.NewAttributes { offset += proto.NestedStructureMarshal(patchRequestBodyNewAttrsField, buf[offset:], &r.NewAttributes[i]) } offset += proto.BoolMarshal(patchRequestBodyReplaceAttrField, buf[offset:], r.ReplaceAttributes) proto.NestedStructureMarshal(patchRequestBodyPatchField, buf[offset:], r.Patch) return buf } func (r *PatchRequestBody) StableSize() int { if r == nil { return 0 } var size int size += proto.NestedStructureSize(patchRequestBodyAddrField, r.Address) for i := range r.NewAttributes { size += proto.NestedStructureSize(patchRequestBodyNewAttrsField, &r.NewAttributes[i]) } size += proto.BoolSize(patchRequestBodyReplaceAttrField, r.ReplaceAttributes) size += proto.NestedStructureSize(patchRequestBodyPatchField, r.Patch) return size } func (r *PatchRequestBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PatchRequest_Body)) } func (r *PatchResponseBody) StableSize() int { if r == nil { return 0 } var size int size += proto.NestedStructureSize(patchResponseBodyObjectIDField, r.ObjectID) return size } func (r *PatchResponseBody) StableMarshal(buf []byte) []byte { if r == nil { return []byte{} } if buf == nil { buf = make([]byte, r.StableSize()) } var offset int proto.NestedStructureMarshal(patchResponseBodyObjectIDField, buf[offset:], r.ObjectID) return buf } func (r *PatchResponseBody) Unmarshal(data []byte) error { return message.Unmarshal(r, data, new(object.PatchResponse_Body)) }