2020-09-18 10:39:50 +03:00

43 lines
1.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package service.v2;
option go_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.Service";
import "acl/v2/types.proto";
import "refs/v2/types.proto";
// Signature of something in NeoFS
message Signature {
// Public key used for signing.
bytes key = 1;
// Signature
bytes sign = 2;
// Verification info for request signed by all intermediate nodes
message RequestVerificationHeader {
// Request Body signature. Should be generated once by request initiator.
Signature body_signature = 1;
// Request Meta signature is added and signed by any intermediate node
Signature meta_signature = 2;
// Sign previous hops
Signature origin_signature = 3;
// Chain of previous hops signatures
RequestVerificationHeader origin = 4;
// Verification info for response signed by all intermediate nodes
message ResponseVerificationHeader {
// Response Body signature. Should be generated once by answering node.
Signature body_signature = 1;
// Response Meta signature is added and signed by any intermediate node
Signature meta_signature = 2;
// Sign previous hops
Signature origin_signature = 3;
// Chain of previous hops signatures
ResponseVerificationHeader origin = 4;