diff --git a/tests/container_test.go b/tests/container_test.go
index aa98f13..2f5d9d5 100644
--- a/tests/container_test.go
+++ b/tests/container_test.go
@@ -282,6 +282,32 @@ func TestContainerDelete(t *testing.T) {
 		c.InvokeFail(t, container.NotFoundError, "deletionInfo", id[:])
+	t.Run("gas costs are the same for different epochs", func(t *testing.T) {
+		t.Skip()
+		_, cnt2 := addContainer(t, c, cBal)
+		args := []interface{}{cnt2.id[:], cnt2.sig, cnt2.pub, cnt2.token}
+		tx := c.PrepareInvoke(t, "delete", args...)
+		for _, e := range []int{126, 127, 128, 129, 65536} {
+			cNm.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "newEpoch", e)
+			// Sanity check.
+			s, err := cNm.TestInvoke(t, "epoch")
+			require.NoError(t, err)
+			require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(int64(e)), s.Top().BigInt())
+			tx2 := c.PrepareInvoke(t, "delete", args...)
+			require.Equal(t, tx.Size(), tx2.Size())
+			require.Equal(t, tx.SystemFee, tx2.SystemFee)
+			require.Equal(t, tx.NetworkFee, tx2.NetworkFee)
+		}
+		// Another sanity check: we want to test successful invocations,
+		// bad ones can trivially be equal.
+		c.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "delete", args...)
+	})
 	c.InvokeFail(t, container.NotFoundError, "get", cnt.id[:])