disable:false# Disable synchronization of sidechain committee and mainchain role management contract; ignore if mainchain is disabled
path:.neofs-ir-state# Path to application state file
path:/path/to/locode.db# Path to UN/LOCODE database file
main_chain:50000000# Fixed8 value of extra GAS fee for mainchain contract invocation; ignore if notary is enabled in mainchain
side_chain:200000000# Fixed8 value of extra GAS fee for sidechain contract invocation; ignore if notary is enabled in sidechain
named_container_register:2500000000# Fixed8 value of extra GAS fee for named conatiner registration in container contract; ignore if notary is enabled in sidechain
emit:240# Number of sidechain blocks between GAS emission cycles; disabled by default
mul:1# Multiplier in x/y relation of when to stop basic income estimation within the epoch
div:4# Divider in x/y relation of when to stop basic income estimation within the epoch
mul:1# Multiplier in x/y relation of when to start basic income asset collection within the epoch
div:2# Divider in x/y relation of when to start basic income asset collecting within the epoch
mul:3# Multiplier in x/y relation of when to start basic income asset distribution within the epoch
div:4# Divider in x/y relation of when to start basic income asset distribution within the epoch
amount:800000000# Fixed8 value of sidechain GAS emitted to all storage nodes once per GAS emission cycle; disabled by default
value:20000000# Fixed8 value of sidechain GAS transferred to account that received a deposit from mainchain
cache_size:1000# LRU cache size of all deposit receivers to avoid double GAS emission
threshold:1# Lifetime of records in LRU cache of all deposit receivers in NeoFS epochs
balance_threshold:100000000000# Fixed8 value of inner ring wallet balance threshold when GAS emission for deposit receivers is disabled; disabled by default
alphabet:10# Number of workers to process events from alphabet contract in parallel
balance:10# Number of workers to process events from balance contract in parallel
container:10# Number of workers to process events from container contract in parallel
neofs:10# Number of workers to process events from neofs contracts in parallel
netmap:10# Number of workers to process events from netmap contract in parallel
reputation:10# Number of workers to process events from reputation contract in parallel
subnet:10# Number of workers to process events from subnet contract in parallel
get:5s # Timeout for object.Get operation during data audit
head:5s # Timeout for object.Head operation during data audit
rangehash:5s# Timeout for object.RangeHash operation during data audit
search:10s # Timeout for object.Search operation during data audit
exec_pool_size:10# Number of workers to process audit routine in parallel
queue_capacity:100# Maximum amount of simultaneous audit jobs
pairs_pool_size:10# Number of workers to process PDP part of data audit in parallel
max_sleep_interval:5s# Maximum timeout between object.RangeHash requests to the storage node
pool_size:10# Number of workers to process PoR part of data audit in parallel
cache_timeout:15s# Duration between internal state update about current list of inner ring nodes
enabled:true# Enable voting for removing stale storage nodes from network map
threshold:3# Number of NeoFS epoch without bootstrap request from storage node before it considered stale
neofs:ee3dee6d05dc79c24a5b8f6985e10d68b7cacc62 # Address of NeoFS contract in mainchain; ignore if mainchain is disabled
processing:597f5894867113a41e192801709c02497f611de8# Address of processing contract in mainchain; ignore if mainchain is disabled or notary is disabled in mainchain
audit: 219e37aed2180b87e7fe945dbf97d67125e8d73f # Optional:override address of audit contract in sidechain
balance: d2aa48d14b17b11bc4c68205027884a96706dd16 # Optional:override address of balance contract in sidechain
container: ed4a7a66fe3f9bfe50f214b49be8f215a3c886b6 # Optional:override address of container contract in sidechain
neofsid: 9f5866decbc751a099e74c7c7bc89f609201755a # Optional:override address of neofsid contract in sidechain
netmap: 83c600c81d47a1b1b7cf58eb49ae7ee7240dc742 # Optional:override address of netmap contract in sidechain
proxy: abc8794bb40a21f2db5f21ae62741eb46c8cad1c # Optional:override address of proxy contract in sidechain; ignore if notary is disabled in sidechain
reputation: d793b842ff0c103fe89e385069e82a27602135ff # Optional:override address of reputation contract in sidechain
subnet: e9266864d3c562c6e17f2bb9cb1392aaa293d93a # Optional:override address of subnet contract in sidechain
amount: 7 # Optional:override amount of alphabet contracts
az: c1d211fceeb4b1dc76b8e4054d11fdf887e418ea # Optional:override address of az alphabet contract in sidechain
buky: e2ba789320899658b100f331bdebb74474757920 # Optional:override address of buky alphabet contract in sidechain
vedi: 9623c11fd49aa18220458fbaae0396749c669e19 # Optional:override address of vedi alphabet contract in sidechain
glagoli: 39617441b8e06c55e4fc3ce660be9101b6c1f866 # Optional:override address of glagoli alphabet contract in sidechain
dobro: e6122b65d45c8feeb04455d67814394c147ed4d1 # Optional:override address of dobro alphabet contract in sidechain
yest: cdbca5cb5d48a4472923844d0e3ee6328cf86d38 # Optional:override address of yest contract in sidechain
zhivete: f584699bc2ff457d339fb09f16217042c1a42101 # Optional:override address of zhivete contract in sidechain