[green::b]SEARCHING[-::-] [green::b]Hotkeys[-::-] [yellow::b]/[-::-] Initiate the search prompt. - The prompt follows this syntax: [yellow::b]tag:value [+ tag:value]...[-::-] - Multiple filter can be combined with [yellow::b]+[-::-], the result is an intersection of those filters' result sets. - Any leading and trailing whitespace will be ignored. - An empty prompt will return all results with no filters applied. - Refer to the [green::b]Available Search Filters[-::-] section below for a list of valid filter tags. [yellow::b]Enter[-::-] Execute the search based on the entered prompt. - If the prompt is invalid, an error message will be displayed. [yellow::b]Escape[-::-] Exit the search prompt without performing a search. [yellow::b]Down Arrow[-::-], [yellow::b]Up Arrow[-::-] Scroll through the search history. [green::b]Available Search Filters[-::-] %s