2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
/ *
* MinIO Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2016 , 2017 , 2018 MinIO , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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* /
2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
package legacy
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
import (
// Wrapper for calling RemoveBucket HTTP handler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestRemoveBucketHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testRemoveBucketHandler , [ ] string { "RemoveBucket" } )
func testRemoveBucketHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials auth . Credentials , t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := obj . PutObject ( GlobalContext , bucketName , "test-object" , mustGetPutObjReader ( t , bytes . NewBuffer ( [ ] byte { } ) , int64 ( 0 ) , "" , "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ) , ObjectOptions { } )
// if object upload fails stop the test.
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Error uploading object: <ERROR> %v" , err )
// initialize httptest Recorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for DELETE bucket.
req , err := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "DELETE" , getBucketLocationURL ( "" , bucketName ) , 0 , nil , credentials . AccessKey , credentials . SecretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %s: Failed to create HTTP request for RemoveBucketHandler: <ERROR> %v" , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
switch rec . Code {
case http . StatusOK , http . StatusCreated , http . StatusAccepted , http . StatusNoContent :
t . Fatalf ( "Test %v: expected failure, but succeeded with %v" , instanceType , rec . Code )
// Verify response of the V2 signed HTTP request.
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
recV2 := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for DELETE bucket.
reqV2 , err := newTestSignedRequestV2 ( "DELETE" , getBucketLocationURL ( "" , bucketName ) , 0 , nil , credentials . AccessKey , credentials . SecretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %s: Failed to create HTTP request for RemoveBucketHandler: <ERROR> %v" , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( recV2 , reqV2 )
switch recV2 . Code {
case http . StatusOK , http . StatusCreated , http . StatusAccepted , http . StatusNoContent :
t . Fatalf ( "Test %v: expected failure, but succeeded with %v" , instanceType , recV2 . Code )
// Wrapper for calling GetBucketPolicy HTTP handler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestGetBucketLocationHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testGetBucketLocationHandler , [ ] string { "GetBucketLocation" } )
func testGetBucketLocationHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials auth . Credentials , t * testing . T ) {
// test cases with sample input and expected output.
testCases := [ ] struct {
bucketName string
accessKey string
secretKey string
// expected Response.
expectedRespStatus int
locationResponse [ ] byte
errorResponse APIErrorResponse
shouldPass bool
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Tests for authenticated request and proper response.
bucketName : bucketName ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
locationResponse : [ ] byte ( ` < ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ? >
< LocationConstraint xmlns = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/" > < / LocationConstraint > ` ) ,
errorResponse : APIErrorResponse { } ,
shouldPass : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Tests for signature mismatch error.
bucketName : bucketName ,
accessKey : "abcd" ,
secretKey : "abcd" ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusForbidden ,
locationResponse : [ ] byte ( "" ) ,
errorResponse : APIErrorResponse {
Resource : SlashSeparator + bucketName + SlashSeparator ,
Code : "InvalidAccessKeyId" ,
Message : "The Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records." ,
} ,
shouldPass : false ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
if i != 1 {
// initialize httptest Recorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for Get bucket location.
req , err := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "GET" , getBucketLocationURL ( "" , testCase . bucketName ) , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for GetBucketLocationHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )
if ! bytes . Equal ( testCase . locationResponse , rec . Body . Bytes ( ) ) && testCase . shouldPass {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , string ( testCase . locationResponse ) , rec . Body . String ( ) )
errorResponse := APIErrorResponse { }
err = xml . Unmarshal ( rec . Body . Bytes ( ) , & errorResponse )
if err != nil && ! testCase . shouldPass {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Unable to marshal response body %s" , i + 1 , instanceType , rec . Body . String ( ) )
if errorResponse . Resource != testCase . errorResponse . Resource {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the error resource to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . errorResponse . Resource , errorResponse . Resource )
if errorResponse . Message != testCase . errorResponse . Message {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the error message to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . errorResponse . Message , errorResponse . Message )
if errorResponse . Code != testCase . errorResponse . Code {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the error code to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . errorResponse . Code , errorResponse . Code )
// Verify response of the V2 signed HTTP request.
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
recV2 := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for PUT bucket policy endpoint.
reqV2 , err := newTestSignedRequestV2 ( "GET" , getBucketLocationURL ( "" , testCase . bucketName ) , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for PutBucketPolicyHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( recV2 , reqV2 )
if recV2 . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , recV2 . Code )
errorResponse = APIErrorResponse { }
err = xml . Unmarshal ( recV2 . Body . Bytes ( ) , & errorResponse )
if err != nil && ! testCase . shouldPass {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Unable to marshal response body %s" , i + 1 , instanceType , recV2 . Body . String ( ) )
if errorResponse . Resource != testCase . errorResponse . Resource {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the error resource to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . errorResponse . Resource , errorResponse . Resource )
if errorResponse . Message != testCase . errorResponse . Message {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the error message to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . errorResponse . Message , errorResponse . Message )
if errorResponse . Code != testCase . errorResponse . Code {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the error code to be `%s`, but instead found `%s`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . errorResponse . Code , errorResponse . Code )
// Test for Anonymous/unsigned http request.
// ListBucketsHandler doesn't support bucket policies, setting the policies shouldn't make any difference.
anonReq , err := newTestRequest ( "GET" , getBucketLocationURL ( "" , bucketName ) , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create an anonymous request." , instanceType )
// ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest - Calls the HTTP API handler using the anonymous request, validates the ErrAccessDeniedResponse,
// sets the bucket policy using the policy statement generated from `getReadOnlyBucketStatement` so that the
// unsigned request goes through and its validated again.
ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest ( t , obj , "TestGetBucketLocationHandler" , bucketName , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , anonReq , getAnonReadOnlyBucketPolicy ( bucketName ) )
// HTTP request for testing when `objectLayer` is set to `nil`.
// There is no need to use an existing bucket and valid input for creating the request
// since the `objectLayer==nil` check is performed before any other checks inside the handlers.
// The only aim is to generate an HTTP request in a way that the relevant/registered end point is evoked/called.
nilBucket := "dummy-bucket"
nilReq , err := newTestRequest ( "GET" , getBucketLocationURL ( "" , nilBucket ) , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create HTTP request for testing the response when object Layer is set to `nil`." , instanceType )
// Executes the object layer set to `nil` test.
// `ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest` manages the operation.
ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest ( t , nilBucket , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , nilReq )
// Wrapper for calling HeadBucket HTTP handler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestHeadBucketHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testHeadBucketHandler , [ ] string { "HeadBucket" } )
func testHeadBucketHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials auth . Credentials , t * testing . T ) {
// test cases with sample input and expected output.
testCases := [ ] struct {
bucketName string
accessKey string
secretKey string
// expected Response.
expectedRespStatus int
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Bucket exists.
bucketName : bucketName ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Non-existent bucket name.
bucketName : "2333" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNotFound ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Testing for signature mismatch error.
// setting invalid acess and secret key.
bucketName : bucketName ,
accessKey : "abcd" ,
secretKey : "abcd" ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusForbidden ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for HEAD bucket.
req , err := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "HEAD" , getHEADBucketURL ( "" , testCase . bucketName ) , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for HeadBucketHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )
// Verify response the V2 signed HTTP request.
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
recV2 := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for PUT bucket policy endpoint.
reqV2 , err := newTestSignedRequestV2 ( "HEAD" , getHEADBucketURL ( "" , testCase . bucketName ) , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for PutBucketPolicyHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( recV2 , reqV2 )
if recV2 . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , recV2 . Code )
// Test for Anonymous/unsigned http request.
anonReq , err := newTestRequest ( "HEAD" , getHEADBucketURL ( "" , bucketName ) , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create an anonymous request for bucket \"%s\": <ERROR> %v" ,
instanceType , bucketName , err )
// ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest - Calls the HTTP API handler using the anonymous request, validates the ErrAccessDeniedResponse,
// sets the bucket policy using the policy statement generated from `getReadOnlyBucketStatement` so that the
// unsigned request goes through and its validated again.
ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest ( t , obj , "TestHeadBucketHandler" , bucketName , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , anonReq , getAnonReadOnlyBucketPolicy ( bucketName ) )
// HTTP request for testing when `objectLayer` is set to `nil`.
// There is no need to use an existing bucket and valid input for creating the request
// since the `objectLayer==nil` check is performed before any other checks inside the handlers.
// The only aim is to generate an HTTP request in a way that the relevant/registered end point is evoked/called.
nilBucket := "dummy-bucket"
nilReq , err := newTestRequest ( "HEAD" , getHEADBucketURL ( "" , nilBucket ) , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create HTTP request for testing the response when object Layer is set to `nil`." , instanceType )
// execute the object layer set to `nil` test.
// `ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest` manages the operation.
ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest ( t , nilBucket , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , nilReq )
// Wrapper for calling TestListMultipartUploadsHandler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestListMultipartUploadsHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testListMultipartUploadsHandler , [ ] string { "ListMultipartUploads" } )
// testListMultipartUploadsHandler - Tests validate listing of multipart uploads.
func testListMultipartUploadsHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials auth . Credentials , t * testing . T ) {
// Collection of non-exhaustive ListMultipartUploads test cases, valid errors
// and success responses.
testCases := [ ] struct {
// Inputs to ListMultipartUploads.
bucket string
prefix string
keyMarker string
uploadIDMarker string
delimiter string
maxUploads string
accessKey string
secretKey string
expectedRespStatus int
shouldPass bool
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Setting invalid bucket name.
bucket : ".test" ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "0" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNotFound ,
shouldPass : false ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Setting a non-existent bucket.
bucket : "volatile-bucket-1" ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "0" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNotFound ,
shouldPass : false ,
} ,
// Test case -3.
// Delimiter unsupported, but response is empty.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "-" ,
maxUploads : "0" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
shouldPass : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// Setting Invalid prefix and marker combination.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "asia" ,
keyMarker : "europe-object" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "0" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNotImplemented ,
shouldPass : false ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// Invalid upload id and marker combination.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "asia" ,
keyMarker : "asia/europe/" ,
uploadIDMarker : "abc" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "0" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNotImplemented ,
shouldPass : false ,
} ,
// Test case - 6.
// Setting a negative value to max-uploads paramater, should result in http.StatusBadRequest.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "-1" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusBadRequest ,
shouldPass : false ,
} ,
// Test case - 7.
// Case with right set of parameters,
// should result in success 200OK.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : SlashSeparator ,
maxUploads : "100" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
shouldPass : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 8.
// Good case without delimiter.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "100" ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
shouldPass : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 9.
// Setting Invalid AccessKey and SecretKey to induce and verify Signature Mismatch error.
bucket : bucketName ,
prefix : "" ,
keyMarker : "" ,
uploadIDMarker : "" ,
delimiter : "" ,
maxUploads : "100" ,
accessKey : "abcd" ,
secretKey : "abcd" ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusForbidden ,
shouldPass : true ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for List multipart uploads endpoint.
u := getListMultipartUploadsURLWithParams ( "" , testCase . bucket , testCase . prefix , testCase . keyMarker , testCase . uploadIDMarker , testCase . delimiter , testCase . maxUploads )
req , gerr := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "GET" , u , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if gerr != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for ListMultipartUploadsHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , gerr )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )
// Verify response the V2 signed HTTP request.
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
recV2 := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for PUT bucket policy endpoint.
// verify response for V2 signed HTTP request.
reqV2 , err := newTestSignedRequestV2 ( "GET" , u , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for PutBucketPolicyHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( recV2 , reqV2 )
if recV2 . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , recV2 . Code )
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for List multipart uploads endpoint.
u := getListMultipartUploadsURLWithParams ( "" , bucketName , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" )
req , err := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "GET" , u , 0 , nil , "" , "" , nil ) // Generate an anonymous request.
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %s: Failed to create HTTP request for ListMultipartUploadsHandler: <ERROR> %v" , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
if rec . Code != http . StatusForbidden {
t . Errorf ( "Test %s: Expected the response status to be `http.StatusForbidden`, but instead found `%d`" , instanceType , rec . Code )
url := getListMultipartUploadsURLWithParams ( "" , testCases [ 6 ] . bucket , testCases [ 6 ] . prefix , testCases [ 6 ] . keyMarker ,
testCases [ 6 ] . uploadIDMarker , testCases [ 6 ] . delimiter , testCases [ 6 ] . maxUploads )
// Test for Anonymous/unsigned http request.
anonReq , err := newTestRequest ( "GET" , url , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create an anonymous request for bucket \"%s\": <ERROR> %v" ,
instanceType , bucketName , err )
// ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest - Calls the HTTP API handler using the anonymous request, validates the ErrAccessDeniedResponse,
// sets the bucket policy using the policy statement generated from `getWriteOnlyBucketStatement` so that the
// unsigned request goes through and its validated again.
ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest ( t , obj , "TestListMultipartUploadsHandler" , bucketName , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , anonReq , getAnonWriteOnlyBucketPolicy ( bucketName ) )
// HTTP request for testing when `objectLayer` is set to `nil`.
// There is no need to use an existing bucket and valid input for creating the request
// since the `objectLayer==nil` check is performed before any other checks inside the handlers.
// The only aim is to generate an HTTP request in a way that the relevant/registered end point is evoked/called.
nilBucket := "dummy-bucket"
url = getListMultipartUploadsURLWithParams ( "" , nilBucket , "dummy-prefix" , testCases [ 6 ] . keyMarker ,
testCases [ 6 ] . uploadIDMarker , testCases [ 6 ] . delimiter , testCases [ 6 ] . maxUploads )
nilReq , err := newTestRequest ( "GET" , url , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create HTTP request for testing the response when object Layer is set to `nil`." , instanceType )
// execute the object layer set to `nil` test.
// `ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest` manages the operation.
ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest ( t , nilBucket , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , nilReq )
// Wrapper for calling TestListBucketsHandler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestListBucketsHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testListBucketsHandler , [ ] string { "ListBuckets" } )
// testListBucketsHandler - Tests validate listing of buckets.
func testListBucketsHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials auth . Credentials , t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
bucketName string
accessKey string
secretKey string
expectedRespStatus int
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Validate a good case request succeeds.
bucketName : bucketName ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Test case with invalid accessKey to produce and validate Signature MisMatch error.
bucketName : bucketName ,
accessKey : "abcd" ,
secretKey : "abcd" ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusForbidden ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
req , lerr := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "GET" , getListBucketURL ( "" ) , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if lerr != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for ListBucketsHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , lerr )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )
// Verify response of the V2 signed HTTP request.
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
recV2 := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for PUT bucket policy endpoint.
// verify response for V2 signed HTTP request.
reqV2 , err := newTestSignedRequestV2 ( "GET" , getListBucketURL ( "" ) , 0 , nil , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for PutBucketPolicyHandler: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( recV2 , reqV2 )
if recV2 . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , recV2 . Code )
// Test for Anonymous/unsigned http request.
// ListBucketsHandler doesn't support bucket policies, setting the policies shouldn't make a difference.
anonReq , err := newTestRequest ( "GET" , getListBucketURL ( "" ) , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create an anonymous request." , instanceType )
// ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest - Calls the HTTP API handler using the anonymous request, validates the ErrAccessDeniedResponse,
// sets the bucket policy using the policy statement generated from `getWriteOnlyObjectStatement` so that the
// unsigned request goes through and its validated again.
ExecObjectLayerAPIAnonTest ( t , obj , "ListBucketsHandler" , "" , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , anonReq , getAnonWriteOnlyBucketPolicy ( "*" ) )
// HTTP request for testing when `objectLayer` is set to `nil`.
// There is no need to use an existing bucket and valid input for creating the request
// since the `objectLayer==nil` check is performed before any other checks inside the handlers.
// The only aim is to generate an HTTP request in a way that the relevant/registered end point is evoked/called.
nilReq , err := newTestRequest ( "GET" , getListBucketURL ( "" ) , 0 , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create HTTP request for testing the response when object Layer is set to `nil`." , instanceType )
// execute the object layer set to `nil` test.
// `ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest` manages the operation.
ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest ( t , "" , "" , instanceType , apiRouter , nilReq )
// Wrapper for calling DeleteMultipleObjects HTTP handler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestAPIDeleteMultipleObjectsHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testAPIDeleteMultipleObjectsHandler , [ ] string { "DeleteMultipleObjects" } )
func testAPIDeleteMultipleObjectsHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials auth . Credentials , t * testing . T ) {
var err error
contentBytes := [ ] byte ( "hello" )
sha256sum := ""
var objectNames [ ] string
for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
objectName := "test-object-" + strconv . Itoa ( i )
// uploading the object.
_ , err = obj . PutObject ( GlobalContext , bucketName , objectName , mustGetPutObjReader ( t , bytes . NewBuffer ( contentBytes ) , int64 ( len ( contentBytes ) ) , "" , sha256sum ) , ObjectOptions { } )
// if object upload fails stop the test.
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Put Object %d: Error uploading object: <ERROR> %v" , i , err )
// object used for the test.
objectNames = append ( objectNames , objectName )
getObjectIdentifierList := func ( objectNames [ ] string ) ( objectIdentifierList [ ] ObjectIdentifier ) {
for _ , objectName := range objectNames {
objectIdentifierList = append ( objectIdentifierList , ObjectIdentifier { objectName } )
return objectIdentifierList
getDeleteErrorList := func ( objects [ ] ObjectIdentifier ) ( deleteErrorList [ ] DeleteError ) {
for _ , obj := range objects {
deleteErrorList = append ( deleteErrorList , DeleteError {
Code : errorCodes [ ErrAccessDenied ] . Code ,
Message : errorCodes [ ErrAccessDenied ] . Description ,
Key : obj . ObjectName ,
} )
return deleteErrorList
requestList := [ ] DeleteObjectsRequest {
{ Quiet : false , Objects : getObjectIdentifierList ( objectNames [ : 5 ] ) } ,
{ Quiet : true , Objects : getObjectIdentifierList ( objectNames [ 5 : ] ) } ,
// generate multi objects delete response.
successRequest0 := encodeResponse ( requestList [ 0 ] )
successResponse0 := generateMultiDeleteResponse ( requestList [ 0 ] . Quiet , requestList [ 0 ] . Objects , nil )
encodedSuccessResponse0 := encodeResponse ( successResponse0 )
successRequest1 := encodeResponse ( requestList [ 1 ] )
successResponse1 := generateMultiDeleteResponse ( requestList [ 1 ] . Quiet , requestList [ 1 ] . Objects , nil )
encodedSuccessResponse1 := encodeResponse ( successResponse1 )
// generate multi objects delete response for errors.
// errorRequest := encodeResponse(requestList[1])
errorResponse := generateMultiDeleteResponse ( requestList [ 1 ] . Quiet , requestList [ 1 ] . Objects , nil )
encodedErrorResponse := encodeResponse ( errorResponse )
anonRequest := encodeResponse ( requestList [ 0 ] )
anonResponse := generateMultiDeleteResponse ( requestList [ 0 ] . Quiet , nil , getDeleteErrorList ( requestList [ 0 ] . Objects ) )
encodedAnonResponse := encodeResponse ( anonResponse )
testCases := [ ] struct {
bucket string
objects [ ] byte
accessKey string
secretKey string
expectedContent [ ] byte
expectedRespStatus int
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Delete objects with invalid access key.
bucket : bucketName ,
objects : successRequest0 ,
accessKey : "Invalid-AccessID" ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedContent : nil ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusForbidden ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Delete valid objects with quiet flag off.
bucket : bucketName ,
objects : successRequest0 ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedContent : encodedSuccessResponse0 ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Delete valid objects with quiet flag on.
bucket : bucketName ,
objects : successRequest1 ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedContent : encodedSuccessResponse1 ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// Delete previously deleted objects.
bucket : bucketName ,
objects : successRequest1 ,
accessKey : credentials . AccessKey ,
secretKey : credentials . SecretKey ,
expectedContent : encodedErrorResponse ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// Anonymous user access denied response
// Currently anonymous users cannot delete multiple objects in MinIO server
bucket : bucketName ,
objects : anonRequest ,
accessKey : "" ,
secretKey : "" ,
expectedContent : encodedAnonResponse ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
var req * http . Request
var actualContent [ ] byte
// Generate a signed or anonymous request based on the testCase
if testCase . accessKey != "" {
req , err = newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "POST" , getDeleteMultipleObjectsURL ( "" , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( testCase . objects ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( testCase . objects ) , testCase . accessKey , testCase . secretKey , nil )
} else {
req , err = newTestRequest ( "POST" , getDeleteMultipleObjectsURL ( "" , bucketName ) ,
int64 ( len ( testCase . objects ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( testCase . objects ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Failed to create HTTP request for DeleteMultipleObjects: <ERROR> %v" , err )
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
// Assert the response code with the expected status.
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: MinIO %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )
// read the response body.
actualContent , err = ioutil . ReadAll ( rec . Body )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d : MinIO %s: Failed parsing response body: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Verify whether the bucket obtained object is same as the one created.
if testCase . expectedContent != nil && ! bytes . Equal ( testCase . expectedContent , actualContent ) {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d : MinIO %s: Object content differs from expected value." , i + 1 , instanceType )
// HTTP request to test the case of `objectLayer` being set to `nil`.
// There is no need to use an existing bucket or valid input for creating the request,
// since the `objectLayer==nil` check is performed before any other checks inside the handlers.
// The only aim is to generate an HTTP request in a way that the relevant/registered end point is evoked/called.
// Indicating that all parts are uploaded and initiating completeMultipartUpload.
nilBucket := "dummy-bucket"
nilObject := ""
nilReq , err := newTestSignedRequestV4 ( "POST" , getDeleteMultipleObjectsURL ( "" , nilBucket ) , 0 , nil , "" , "" , nil )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "MinIO %s: Failed to create HTTP request for testing the response when object Layer is set to `nil`." , instanceType )
// execute the object layer set to `nil` test.
// `ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest` manages the operation.
ExecObjectLayerAPINilTest ( t , nilBucket , nilObject , instanceType , apiRouter , nilReq )