2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
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2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
package legacy
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
import (
2020-07-09 12:21:15 +03:00
2020-07-03 15:03:06 +03:00
// This file implements and supports ellipses pattern for
// `minio server` command line arguments.
// Endpoint set represents parsed ellipses values, also provides
// methods to get the sets of endpoints.
type endpointSet struct {
argPatterns [ ] ellipses . ArgPattern
endpoints [ ] string // Endpoints saved from previous GetEndpoints().
setIndexes [ ] [ ] uint64 // All the sets.
// Supported set sizes this is used to find the optimal
// single set size.
var setSizes = [ ] uint64 { 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 }
// getDivisibleSize - returns a greatest common divisor of
// all the ellipses sizes.
func getDivisibleSize ( totalSizes [ ] uint64 ) ( result uint64 ) {
gcd := func ( x , y uint64 ) uint64 {
for y != 0 {
x , y = y , x % y
return x
result = totalSizes [ 0 ]
for i := 1 ; i < len ( totalSizes ) ; i ++ {
result = gcd ( result , totalSizes [ i ] )
return result
// isValidSetSize - checks whether given count is a valid set size for erasure coding.
var isValidSetSize = func ( count uint64 ) bool {
return ( count >= setSizes [ 0 ] && count <= setSizes [ len ( setSizes ) - 1 ] )
func commonSetDriveCount ( divisibleSize uint64 , setCounts [ ] uint64 ) ( setSize uint64 ) {
// prefers setCounts to be sorted for optimal behavior.
if divisibleSize < setCounts [ len ( setCounts ) - 1 ] {
return divisibleSize
// Figure out largest value of total_drives_in_erasure_set which results
// in least number of total_drives/total_drives_erasure_set ratio.
prevD := divisibleSize / setCounts [ 0 ]
for _ , cnt := range setCounts {
if divisibleSize % cnt == 0 {
d := divisibleSize / cnt
if d <= prevD {
prevD = d
setSize = cnt
return setSize
// possibleSetCountsWithSymmetry returns symmetrical setCounts based on the
// input argument patterns, the symmetry calculation is to ensure that
// we also use uniform number of drives common across all ellipses patterns.
func possibleSetCountsWithSymmetry ( setCounts [ ] uint64 , argPatterns [ ] ellipses . ArgPattern ) [ ] uint64 {
var newSetCounts = make ( map [ uint64 ] struct { } )
for _ , ss := range setCounts {
var symmetry bool
for _ , argPattern := range argPatterns {
for _ , p := range argPattern {
if uint64 ( len ( p . Seq ) ) > ss {
symmetry = uint64 ( len ( p . Seq ) ) % ss == 0
} else {
symmetry = ss % uint64 ( len ( p . Seq ) ) == 0
// With no arg patterns, it is expected that user knows
// the right symmetry, so either ellipses patterns are
// provided (recommended) or no ellipses patterns.
if _ , ok := newSetCounts [ ss ] ; ! ok && ( symmetry || argPatterns == nil ) {
newSetCounts [ ss ] = struct { } { }
setCounts = [ ] uint64 { }
for setCount := range newSetCounts {
setCounts = append ( setCounts , setCount )
// Not necessarily needed but it ensures to the readers
// eyes that we prefer a sorted setCount slice for the
// subsequent function to figure out the right common
// divisor, it avoids loops.
sort . Slice ( setCounts , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return setCounts [ i ] < setCounts [ j ]
} )
return setCounts
// getSetIndexes returns list of indexes which provides the set size
// on each index, this function also determines the final set size
// The final set size has the affinity towards choosing smaller
// indexes (total sets)
func getSetIndexes ( args [ ] string , totalSizes [ ] uint64 , customSetDriveCount uint64 , argPatterns [ ] ellipses . ArgPattern ) ( setIndexes [ ] [ ] uint64 , err error ) {
if len ( totalSizes ) == 0 || len ( args ) == 0 {
return nil , errInvalidArgument
setIndexes = make ( [ ] [ ] uint64 , len ( totalSizes ) )
for _ , totalSize := range totalSizes {
// Check if totalSize has minimum range upto setSize
if totalSize < setSizes [ 0 ] || totalSize < customSetDriveCount {
msg := fmt . Sprintf ( "Incorrect number of endpoints provided %s" , args )
return nil , config . ErrInvalidNumberOfErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( msg )
commonSize := getDivisibleSize ( totalSizes )
possibleSetCounts := func ( setSize uint64 ) ( ss [ ] uint64 ) {
for _ , s := range setSizes {
if setSize % s == 0 {
ss = append ( ss , s )
return ss
setCounts := possibleSetCounts ( commonSize )
if len ( setCounts ) == 0 {
msg := fmt . Sprintf ( "Incorrect number of endpoints provided %s, number of disks %d is not divisible by any supported erasure set sizes %d" , args , commonSize , setSizes )
return nil , config . ErrInvalidNumberOfErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( msg )
var setSize uint64
// Custom set drive count allows to override automatic distribution.
// only meant if you want to further optimize drive distribution.
if customSetDriveCount > 0 {
msg := fmt . Sprintf ( "Invalid set drive count. Acceptable values for %d number drives are %d" , commonSize , setCounts )
var found bool
for _ , ss := range setCounts {
if ss == customSetDriveCount {
found = true
if ! found {
return nil , config . ErrInvalidErasureSetSize ( nil ) . Msg ( msg )
// No automatic symmetry calculation expected, user is on their own
setSize = customSetDriveCount
globalCustomErasureDriveCount = true
} else {
// Returns possible set counts with symmetry.
setCounts = possibleSetCountsWithSymmetry ( setCounts , argPatterns )
if len ( setCounts ) == 0 {
msg := fmt . Sprintf ( "No symmetric distribution detected with input endpoints provided %s, disks %d cannot be spread symmetrically by any supported erasure set sizes %d" , args , commonSize , setSizes )
return nil , config . ErrInvalidNumberOfErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( msg )
// Final set size with all the symmetry accounted for.
setSize = commonSetDriveCount ( commonSize , setCounts )
// Check whether setSize is with the supported range.
if ! isValidSetSize ( setSize ) {
msg := fmt . Sprintf ( "Incorrect number of endpoints provided %s, number of disks %d is not divisible by any supported erasure set sizes %d" , args , commonSize , setSizes )
return nil , config . ErrInvalidNumberOfErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( msg )
for i := range totalSizes {
for j := uint64 ( 0 ) ; j < totalSizes [ i ] / setSize ; j ++ {
setIndexes [ i ] = append ( setIndexes [ i ] , setSize )
return setIndexes , nil
// Returns all the expanded endpoints, each argument is expanded separately.
func ( s endpointSet ) getEndpoints ( ) ( endpoints [ ] string ) {
if len ( s . endpoints ) != 0 {
return s . endpoints
for _ , argPattern := range s . argPatterns {
for _ , lbls := range argPattern . Expand ( ) {
endpoints = append ( endpoints , strings . Join ( lbls , "" ) )
s . endpoints = endpoints
return endpoints
// Get returns the sets representation of the endpoints
// this function also intelligently decides on what will
// be the right set size etc.
func ( s endpointSet ) Get ( ) ( sets [ ] [ ] string ) {
var k = uint64 ( 0 )
endpoints := s . getEndpoints ( )
for i := range s . setIndexes {
for j := range s . setIndexes [ i ] {
sets = append ( sets , endpoints [ k : s . setIndexes [ i ] [ j ] + k ] )
k = s . setIndexes [ i ] [ j ] + k
return sets
// Return the total size for each argument patterns.
func getTotalSizes ( argPatterns [ ] ellipses . ArgPattern ) [ ] uint64 {
var totalSizes [ ] uint64
for _ , argPattern := range argPatterns {
var totalSize uint64 = 1
for _ , p := range argPattern {
totalSize = totalSize * uint64 ( len ( p . Seq ) )
totalSizes = append ( totalSizes , totalSize )
return totalSizes
// Parses all arguments and returns an endpointSet which is a collection
// of endpoints following the ellipses pattern, this is what is used
// by the object layer for initializing itself.
func parseEndpointSet ( customSetDriveCount uint64 , args ... string ) ( ep endpointSet , err error ) {
var argPatterns = make ( [ ] ellipses . ArgPattern , len ( args ) )
for i , arg := range args {
patterns , perr := ellipses . FindEllipsesPatterns ( arg )
if perr != nil {
return endpointSet { } , config . ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( perr . Error ( ) )
argPatterns [ i ] = patterns
ep . setIndexes , err = getSetIndexes ( args , getTotalSizes ( argPatterns ) , customSetDriveCount , argPatterns )
if err != nil {
return endpointSet { } , config . ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( err . Error ( ) )
ep . argPatterns = argPatterns
return ep , nil
// GetAllSets - parses all ellipses input arguments, expands them into
// corresponding list of endpoints chunked evenly in accordance with a
// specific set size.
// For example: {1...64} is divided into 4 sets each of size 16.
// This applies to even distributed setup syntax as well.
func GetAllSets ( customSetDriveCount uint64 , args ... string ) ( [ ] [ ] string , error ) {
var setArgs [ ] [ ] string
if ! ellipses . HasEllipses ( args ... ) {
var setIndexes [ ] [ ] uint64
// Check if we have more one args.
if len ( args ) > 1 {
var err error
setIndexes , err = getSetIndexes ( args , [ ] uint64 { uint64 ( len ( args ) ) } , customSetDriveCount , nil )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
} else {
// We are in FS setup, proceed forward.
setIndexes = [ ] [ ] uint64 { { uint64 ( len ( args ) ) } }
s := endpointSet {
endpoints : args ,
setIndexes : setIndexes ,
setArgs = s . Get ( )
} else {
s , err := parseEndpointSet ( customSetDriveCount , args ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
setArgs = s . Get ( )
uniqueArgs := set . NewStringSet ( )
for _ , sargs := range setArgs {
for _ , arg := range sargs {
if uniqueArgs . Contains ( arg ) {
return nil , config . ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints ( nil ) . Msg ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Input args (%s) has duplicate ellipses" , args ) )
uniqueArgs . Add ( arg )
return setArgs , nil
// Override set drive count for manual distribution.
const (
var (
globalCustomErasureDriveCount = false
// CreateServerEndpoints - validates and creates new endpoints from input args, supports
// both ellipses and without ellipses transparently.
func createServerEndpoints ( serverAddr string , args ... string ) (
endpointZones EndpointZones , setDriveCount int ,
setupType SetupType , err error ) {
if len ( args ) == 0 {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , errInvalidArgument
if v := env . Get ( EnvErasureSetDriveCount , "" ) ; v != "" {
setDriveCount , err = strconv . Atoi ( v )
if err != nil {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , config . ErrInvalidErasureSetSize ( err )
if ! ellipses . HasEllipses ( args ... ) {
setArgs , err := GetAllSets ( uint64 ( setDriveCount ) , args ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , err
endpointList , newSetupType , err := CreateEndpoints ( serverAddr , false , setArgs ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , err
endpointZones = append ( endpointZones , ZoneEndpoints {
SetCount : len ( setArgs ) ,
DrivesPerSet : len ( setArgs [ 0 ] ) ,
Endpoints : endpointList ,
} )
setupType = newSetupType
return endpointZones , len ( setArgs [ 0 ] ) , setupType , nil
var prevSetupType SetupType
var foundPrevLocal bool
for _ , arg := range args {
setArgs , err := GetAllSets ( uint64 ( setDriveCount ) , arg )
if err != nil {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , err
var endpointList Endpoints
endpointList , setupType , err = CreateEndpoints ( serverAddr , foundPrevLocal , setArgs ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , err
if setDriveCount != 0 && setDriveCount != len ( setArgs [ 0 ] ) {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , fmt . Errorf ( "All zones should have same drive per set ratio - expected %d, got %d" , setDriveCount , len ( setArgs [ 0 ] ) )
if prevSetupType != UnknownSetupType && prevSetupType != setupType {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , fmt . Errorf ( "All zones should be of the same setup-type to maintain the original SLA expectations - expected %s, got %s" , prevSetupType , setupType )
if err = endpointZones . Add ( ZoneEndpoints {
SetCount : len ( setArgs ) ,
DrivesPerSet : len ( setArgs [ 0 ] ) ,
Endpoints : endpointList ,
} ) ; err != nil {
return nil , - 1 , - 1 , err
foundPrevLocal = endpointList . atleastOneEndpointLocal ( )
if setDriveCount == 0 {
setDriveCount = len ( setArgs [ 0 ] )
prevSetupType = setupType
return endpointZones , setDriveCount , setupType , nil