VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^v//')" BUILD_VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags | sed 's/^v//')" .PHONY: help format deps # Show this help prompt help: @echo ' Usage:' @echo '' @echo ' make <target>' @echo '' @echo ' Targets:' @echo '' @awk '/^#/{ comment = substr($$0,3) } comment && /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ ?:/{ print " ", $$1, comment }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -t -s ':' | grep -v 'IGNORE' | sort | uniq # Reformat code format: @[ ! -z `which goimports` ] || (echo "install goimports" && exit 2) @for f in `find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path './vendor/*' -not -name '*.pb.go' -prune`; do \ echo "⇒ Processing $$f"; \ goimports -w $$f; \ done # Make sure that all files added to commit deps: @printf "⇒ Ensure vendor: " @go mod tidy -v && echo OK || (echo fail && exit 2) @printf "⇒ Download requirements: " @go mod download && echo OK || (echo fail && exit 2) @printf "⇒ Store vendor localy: " @go mod vendor && echo OK || (echo fail && exit 2) # Build current docker image image-build: @echo "⇒ Build docker-image" @docker build \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ -f Dockerfile \ -t nspccdev/neofs-s3-gate:$(VERSION) .