# MinIO Contribution Guide [](https://slack.min.io) [](https://hub.docker.com/r/minio/minio/) ``MinIO`` community welcomes your contribution. To make the process as seamless as possible, we recommend you read this contribution guide. ## Development Workflow Start by forking the MinIO GitHub repository, make changes in a branch and then send a pull request. We encourage pull requests to discuss code changes. Here are the steps in details: ### Setup your MinIO GitHub Repository Fork [MinIO upstream](https://github.com/minio/minio/fork) source repository to your own personal repository. Copy the URL of your MinIO fork (you will need it for the `git clone` command below). ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/minio/minio $ go install -v $ ls /go/bin/minio ``` ### Set up git remote as ``upstream`` ```sh $ cd minio $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/minio/minio $ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/master ... ``` ### Create your feature branch Before making code changes, make sure you create a separate branch for these changes ``` $ git checkout -b my-new-feature ``` ### Test MinIO server changes After your code changes, make sure - To add test cases for the new code. If you have questions about how to do it, please ask on our [Slack](https://slack.min.io) channel. - To run `make verifiers` - To squash your commits into a single commit. `git rebase -i`. It's okay to force update your pull request. - To run `make test` and `make build` completes. ### Commit changes After verification, commit your changes. This is a [great post](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) on how to write useful commit messages ``` $ git commit -am 'Add some feature' ``` ### Push to the branch Push your locally committed changes to the remote origin (your fork) ``` $ git push origin my-new-feature ``` ### Create a Pull Request Pull requests can be created via GitHub. Refer to [this document](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/) for detailed steps on how to create a pull request. After a Pull Request gets peer reviewed and approved, it will be merged. ## FAQs ### How does ``MinIO`` manages dependencies? ``MinIO`` uses `go mod` to manage its dependencies. - Run `go get foo/bar` in the source folder to add the dependency to `go.mod` file. To remove a dependency - Edit your code and remove the import reference. - Run `go mod tidy` in the source folder to remove dependency from `go.mod` file. ### What are the coding guidelines for MinIO? ``MinIO`` is fully conformant with Golang style. Refer: [Effective Go](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments) article from Golang project. If you observe offending code, please feel free to send a pull request or ping us on [Slack](https://slack.min.io).