2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
import logging
import os
2020-12-11 14:35:02 +03:00
import re
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
import requests
2020-12-04 15:28:59 +03:00
import shutil
2020-12-11 14:35:02 +03:00
import subprocess
import boto3
import uuid
import io
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
from robot.api.deco import keyword
from robot.api import logger
import robot.errors
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
if os.getenv('ROBOT_PROFILE') == 'selectel_smoke':
from selectelcdn_smoke_vars import (NEOGO_CLI_PREFIX, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT,
2020-12-11 14:35:02 +03:00
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
from neofs_int_vars import (NEOGO_CLI_PREFIX, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT,
2020-12-11 14:35:02 +03:00
@keyword('Init S3 Credentials')
def init_s3_credentials(private_key: str, s3_key):
bucket = str(uuid.uuid4())
Cmd = f'cdn-authmate --debug --with-log issue-secret --neofs-key {private_key} --gate-public-key={s3_key} --peer {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --container-friendly-name {bucket}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
m = re.search(r'"cid":\s+"(\w+)"', output)
cid = m.group(1)
logger.info("cid: %s" % cid)
m = re.search(r'"access_key_id":\s+"([\w\/]+)"', output)
access_key_id = m.group(1)
logger.info("access_key_id: %s" % access_key_id)
m = re.search(r'"secret_access_key":\s+"(\w+)"', output)
secret_access_key = m.group(1)
logger.info("secret_access_key: %s" % secret_access_key)
m = re.search(r'"owner_private_key":\s+"(\w+)"', output)
owner_private_key = m.group(1)
logger.info("owner_private_key: %s" % owner_private_key)
return cid, bucket, access_key_id, secret_access_key, owner_private_key
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Config S3 client')
def config_s3_client(access_key_id, secret_access_key):
session = boto3.session.Session()
s3_client = session.client(
endpoint_url=S3_GATE, verify=False
return s3_client
@keyword('List objects S3 v2')
def list_objects_s3_v2(s3_client, bucket):
response = s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket)
logger.info("S3 v2 List objects result: %s" % response['Contents'])
obj_list = []
for obj in response['Contents']:
logger.info("Found s3 objects: %s" % obj_list)
return obj_list
@keyword('List objects S3')
def list_objects_s3(s3_client, bucket):
response = s3_client.list_objects(Bucket=bucket)
logger.info("S3 List objects result: %s" % response['Contents'])
obj_list = []
for obj in response['Contents']:
logger.info("Found s3 objects: %s" % obj_list)
return obj_list
@keyword('List buckets S3')
def list_buckets_s3(s3_client):
found_buckets = []
response = s3_client.list_buckets()
logger.info("S3 List buckets result: %s" % response)
for bucket in response['Buckets']:
return found_buckets
@keyword('Put object S3')
def put_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, filepath):
filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
fileContent = f.read()
response = s3_client.put_object(Body=fileContent, Bucket=bucket, Key=filename)
logger.info("S3 Put object result: %s" % response)
return response
@keyword('Head object S3')
def head_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, object_key):
response = s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=object_key)
logger.info("S3 Head object result: %s" % response)
return response
@keyword('Delete object S3')
def delete_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, object_key):
response = s3_client.delete_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=object_key)
logger.info("S3 Put object result: %s" % response)
return response
@keyword('Copy object S3')
def copy_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, object_key, new_object):
response = s3_client.copy_object(Bucket=bucket, CopySource=bucket+"/"+object_key, Key=new_object)
logger.info("S3 Copy object result: %s" % response)
return response
@keyword('Get object S3')
def get_object_s3(s3_client, bucket, object_key, target_file):
response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=object_key)
with open(f"{target_file}", 'wb') as f:
chunk = response['Body'].read(1024)
while chunk:
chunk = response['Body'].read(1024)
return target_file
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
@keyword('Get via HTTP Gate')
def get_via_http_gate(cid: str, oid: str):
This function gets given object from HTTP gate
:param cid: CID to get object from
:param oid: object OID
2020-12-04 15:28:59 +03:00
request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/get/{cid}/{oid}'
resp = requests.get(request, stream=True)
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
if not resp.ok:
2020-12-04 15:28:59 +03:00
raise Exception(f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate:
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
request: {resp.request.path_url},
response: {resp.text},
status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}""")
2020-12-04 15:28:59 +03:00
logger.info(f'Request: {request}')
2020-11-30 13:33:05 +03:00
filename = os.path.curdir + f"/{cid}_{oid}"
2020-12-04 15:28:59 +03:00
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, f)
del resp
2020-12-04 15:34:06 +03:00
return filename