47 lines
2.3 KiB
47 lines
2.3 KiB
*** Settings ***
Variables ../../../variables/common.py
*** Variables ***
${FILE_USR_HEADER} = key1=1,key2=abc
${FILE_USR_HEADER_DEL} = key1=del,key2=del
${FILE_OTH_HEADER} = key1=oth,key2=oth
*** Keywords ***
Create Container Public
Log Create Public Container
[Return] ${PUBLIC_CID_GEN}
Create Container Inaccessible
Log Create Inaccessible Container
${PUBLIC_CID_GEN} = Create container ${USER_KEY} 0x40000000 ${COMMON_PLACEMENT_RULE}
[Return] ${PUBLIC_CID_GEN}
Generate file
[Arguments] ${SIZE}
${FILE_S_GEN} = Generate file of bytes ${SIZE}
Set Global Variable ${FILE_S} ${FILE_S_GEN}
Prepare eACL Role rules
Log Set eACL for different Role cases
# eACL rules for all operations and similar permissions
@{Roles} = Create List OTHERS USER SYSTEM
FOR ${role} IN @{Roles}
${rule1} = Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule2} = Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule3} = Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule4} = Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule5} = Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule6} = Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule7} = Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=DENY Role=${role}
${eACL_gen} = Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4} ${rule5} ${rule6} ${rule7}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_deny_all_${role} ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_DENY_ALL_${role}} gen_eacl_deny_all_${role}