1027 lines
34 KiB
1027 lines
34 KiB
import subprocess
import os
import re
import binascii
import uuid
import hashlib
from robot.api.deco import keyword
from robot.api import logger
import random
if os.getenv('ROBOT_PROFILE') == 'selectel_smoke':
from selectelcdn_smoke_vars import (NEOGO_CLI_PREFIX, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT,
from neofs_int_vars import (NEOGO_CLI_PREFIX, NEO_MAINNET_ENDPOINT,
@keyword('Form WIF from String')
def form_wif_from_string(private_key: str):
wif = ""
Cmd = f'neofs-cli util keyer {private_key}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
m = re.search(r'WIF\s+(\w+)', output)
if m.start() != m.end():
wif = m.group(1)
raise Exception("Can not get WIF.")
return wif
@keyword('Get ScripHash')
def get_scripthash(privkey: str):
scripthash = ""
Cmd = f'neofs-cli util keyer -u {privkey}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
m = re.search(r'ScriptHash3.0 (\w+)', output)
if m.start() != m.end():
scripthash = m.group(1)
raise Exception("Can not get ScriptHash.")
return scripthash
@keyword('Stop nodes')
def stop_nodes(down_num: int, *nodes_list):
# select nodes to stop from list
stop_nodes = random.sample(nodes_list, down_num)
for node in stop_nodes:
m = re.search(r'(s\d+).', node)
node = m.group(1)
Cmd = f'docker stop {node}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
return stop_nodes
@keyword('Start nodes')
def start_nodes(*nodes_list):
for node in nodes_list:
m = re.search(r'(s\d+).', node)
node = m.group(1)
Cmd = f'docker start {node}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Get nodes with object')
def get_nodes_with_object(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str):
storage_nodes = _get_storage_nodes(private_key)
copies = 0
nodes_list = []
for node in storage_nodes:
search_res = _search_object(node, private_key, cid, oid)
if search_res:
if re.search(r'(%s)' % (oid), search_res):
logger.info("Nodes with object: %s" % nodes_list)
return nodes_list
@keyword('Get nodes without object')
def get_nodes_without_object(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str):
storage_nodes = _get_storage_nodes(private_key)
copies = 0
nodes_list = []
for node in storage_nodes:
search_res = _search_object(node, private_key, cid, oid)
if search_res:
if not re.search(r'(%s)' % (oid), search_res):
logger.info("Nodes without object: %s" % nodes_list)
return nodes_list
@keyword('Validate storage policy for object')
def validate_storage_policy_for_object(private_key: str, expected_copies: int, cid, oid, *expected_node_list):
storage_nodes = _get_storage_nodes(private_key)
copies = 0
found_nodes = []
for node in storage_nodes:
search_res = _search_object(node, private_key, cid, oid)
if search_res:
if re.search(r'(%s)' % (oid), search_res):
copies += 1
if copies != expected_copies:
raise Exception("Object copies is not match storage policy. Found: %s, expexted: %s." % (copies, expected_copies))
logger.info("Found copies: %s, expected: %s" % (copies, expected_copies))
logger.info("Found nodes: %s" % found_nodes)
if expected_node_list:
if sorted(found_nodes) == sorted(expected_node_list):
logger.info("Found node list '{}' is equal for expected list '{}'".format(found_nodes, expected_node_list))
raise Exception("Found node list '{}' is not equal to expected list '{}'".format(found_nodes, expected_node_list))
@keyword('Get eACL')
def get_eacl(private_key: str, cid: str):
Cmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} container get-eacl --cid {cid}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
return output
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if re.search(r'extended ACL table is not set for this container', e.output):
logger.info("Server is not presented in container.")
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Set eACL')
def set_eacl(private_key: str, cid: str, eacl: str, add_keys: str = ""):
Cmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} container set-eacl --cid {cid} --table {eacl} {add_keys}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
@keyword('Form BearerToken file for all ops')
def form_bearertoken_file_for_all_ops(file_name: str, private_key: str, cid: str, action: str, target_role: str, lifetime_exp: str ):
eacl = get_eacl(private_key, cid)
input_records = ""
if eacl:
res_json = re.split(r'[\s\n]+\][\s\n]+\}[\s\n]+Signature:', eacl)
records = re.split(r'"records": \[', res_json[0])
input_records = ",\n" + records[1]
myjson = """
"body": {
"eaclTable": {
"containerID": {
"value": \"""" + cid + """"
"records": [
"operation": "GET",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "PUT",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "HEAD",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "DELETE",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "SEARCH",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "GETRANGE",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "GETRANGEHASH",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
}""" + input_records + """
"lifetime": {
"exp": \"""" + lifetime_exp + """",
"nbf": "1",
"iat": "0"
with open(file_name,'w') as out:
logger.info("Output: %s" % myjson)
# Sign bearer token
Cmd = f'neofs-cli util sign bearer-token --from {file_name} --to {file_name} --key {private_key} --json'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % str(output))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
return file_name
@keyword('Form BearerToken file filter for all ops')
def form_bearertoken_file_filter_for_all_ops(file_name: str, private_key: str, cid: str, action: str, target_role: str, lifetime_exp: str, matchType: str, key: str, value: str):
# SEARCH should be allowed without filters to use GET, HEAD, DELETE, and SEARCH? Need to clarify.
eacl = get_eacl(private_key, cid)
input_records = ""
if eacl:
res_json = re.split(r'[\s\n]+\][\s\n]+\}[\s\n]+Signature:', eacl)
records = re.split(r'"records": \[', res_json[0])
input_records = ",\n" + records[1]
myjson = """
"body": {
"eaclTable": {
"containerID": {
"value": \"""" + cid + """"
"records": [
"operation": "GET",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "PUT",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "HEAD",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "DELETE",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "SEARCH",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "GETRANGE",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
"operation": "GETRANGEHASH",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
}""" + input_records + """
"lifetime": {
"exp": \"""" + lifetime_exp + """",
"nbf": "1",
"iat": "0"
with open(file_name,'w') as out:
logger.info("Output: %s" % myjson)
# Sign bearer token
Cmd = f'neofs-cli util sign bearer-token --from {file_name} --to {file_name} --key {private_key} --json'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % str(output))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
return file_name
@keyword('Form eACL json file')
def form_eacl_json_file(file_name: str, operation: str, action: str, matchType: str, key: str, value: str, target_role: str):
myjson = """
"records": [
"operation": \"""" + operation + """",
"action": \"""" + action + """",
"filters": [
"headerType": "OBJECT",
"matchType": \"""" + matchType + """",
"key": \"""" + key + """",
"value": \"""" + value + """"
"targets": [
"role": \"""" + target_role + """"
with open(file_name,'w') as out:
logger.info("Output: %s" % myjson)
return file_name
@keyword('Get Range')
def get_range(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str, range_file: str, bearer: str, range_cut: str):
bearer_token = ""
if bearer:
bearer_token = f"--bearer {bearer}"
Cmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} object range --cid {cid} --oid {oid} {bearer_token} --range {range_cut} --file {range_file} '
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % str(output))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Create container')
def create_container(private_key: str, basic_acl:str="", rule:str="REP 2 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X"):
if basic_acl != "":
basic_acl = "--basic-acl " + basic_acl
createContainerCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} container create --policy "{rule}" {basic_acl} --await'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % createContainerCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(createContainerCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=150, shell=True)
output = complProc.stdout
logger.info("Output: %s" % output)
cid = _parse_cid(output)
logger.info("Created container %s with rule '%s'" % (cid, rule))
return cid
@keyword('Container Existing')
def container_existing(private_key: str, cid: str):
Cmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} container list'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % Cmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
_find_cid(complProc.stdout, cid)
@keyword('Generate file of bytes')
def generate_file_of_bytes(size):
generate big binary file with the specified size in bytes
:param size: the size in bytes, can be declared as 6e+6 for example
:return:string filename
size = int(float(size))
filename = str(uuid.uuid4())
with open('%s'%filename, 'wb') as fout:
logger.info("Random binary file with size %s bytes has been generated." % str(size))
return os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + '/' + filename
@keyword('Search object')
def search_object(private_key: str, cid: str, keys: str, bearer: str, filters: str, *expected_objects_list ):
bearer_token = ""
if bearer:
bearer_token = f"--bearer {bearer}"
if filters:
filters = f"--filters {filters}"
ObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} object search {keys} --cid {cid} {bearer_token} {filters}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % ObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
if expected_objects_list:
found_objects = re.findall(r'(\w{43,44})', complProc.stdout)
if sorted(found_objects) == sorted(expected_objects_list):
logger.info("Found objects list '{}' is equal for expected list '{}'".format(found_objects, expected_objects_list))
raise Exception("Found object list '{}' is not equal to expected list '{}'".format(found_objects, expected_objects_list))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Verify Head Tombstone')
def verify_head_tombstone(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str):
ObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} object head --cid {cid} --oid {oid} --full-headers'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % ObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
if re.search(r'Type=Tombstone\s+Value=MARKED', complProc.stdout):
logger.info("Tombstone header 'Type=Tombstone Value=MARKED' was parsed from command output")
raise Exception("Tombstone header 'Type=Tombstone Value=MARKED' was not found in the command output: \t%s" % (complProc.stdout))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Verify linked objects')
def verify_linked_objects(private_key: bytes, cid: str, oid: str, payload_size: float):
payload_size = int(float(payload_size))
# Get linked objects from first
postfix = f'object head --cid {cid} --oid {oid} --full-headers'
output = _exec_cli_cmd(private_key, postfix)
child_obj_list = []
for m in re.finditer(r'Type=Child ID=([\w-]+)', output):
if not re.search(r'PayloadLength=0', output):
raise Exception("Payload is not equal to zero in the parent object %s." % obj)
if not child_obj_list:
raise Exception("Child objects was not found.")
logger.info("Child objects: %s" % child_obj_list)
# HEAD and validate each child object:
payload = 0
parent_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
first_obj = None
child_obj_list_headers = {}
for obj in child_obj_list:
postfix = f'object head --cid {cid} --oid {obj} --full-headers'
output = _exec_cli_cmd(private_key, postfix)
child_obj_list_headers[obj] = output
if re.search(r'Type=Previous ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', output):
first_obj = obj
logger.info("First child object %s has been found" % first_obj)
if not first_obj:
raise Exception("Can not find first object with zero Parent ID.")
_check_linked_object(first_obj, child_obj_list_headers, payload_size, payload, parent_id)
return child_obj_list_headers.keys()
def _check_linked_object(obj:str, child_obj_list_headers:dict, payload_size:int, payload:int, parent_id:str):
output = child_obj_list_headers[obj]
logger.info("Verify headers of the child object %s" % obj)
if not re.search(r'Type=Previous ID=%s' % parent_id, output):
raise Exception("Incorrect previos ID %s in the child object %s." % parent_id, obj)
logger.info("Previous ID is equal for expected: %s" % parent_id)
m = re.search(r'PayloadLength=(\d+)', output)
if m.start() != m.end():
payload += int(m.group(1))
raise Exception("Can not get payload for the object %s." % obj)
if payload > payload_size:
raise Exception("Payload exceeds expected total payload %s." % payload_size)
elif payload == payload_size:
if not re.search(r'Type=Next ID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', output):
raise Exception("Incorrect previos ID in the last child object %s." % obj)
logger.info("Next ID is correct for the final child object: %s" % obj)
m = re.search(r'Type=Next ID=([\w-]+)', output)
if m:
# next object should be in the expected list
if m.group(1) not in child_obj_list_headers.keys():
raise Exception(f'Next object {m.group(1)} is not in the expected list: {child_obj_list_headers.keys()}.')
logger.info(f'Next object {m.group(1)} is in the expected list: {child_obj_list_headers.keys()}.')
_check_linked_object(m.group(1), child_obj_list_headers, payload_size, payload, obj)
raise Exception("Can not get Next object ID for the object %s." % obj)
@keyword('Head object')
def head_object(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str, bearer: str, user_headers:str=""):
options = ""
bearer_token = ""
if bearer:
bearer_token = f"--bearer {bearer}"
ObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} object head --cid {cid} --oid {oid} {bearer_token} {options}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % ObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
for key in user_headers.split(","):
# user_header = f'Key={key} Val={user_headers_dict[key]}'
if re.search(r'(%s)' % key, complProc.stdout):
logger.info("User header %s was parsed from command output" % key)
raise Exception("User header %s was not found in the command output: \t%s" % (key, complProc.stdout))
return complProc.stdout
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Parse Object System Header')
def parse_object_system_header(header: str):
result_header = dict()
logger.info("Input: %s" % header)
# ID
m = re.search(r'ID: (\w+)', header)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
result_header['ID'] = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no ID was parsed from object header: \t%s" % output)
m = re.search(r'CID: (\w+)', header)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
result_header['CID'] = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no CID was parsed from object header: \t%s" % output)
# Owner
m = re.search(r'Owner: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', header)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
result_header['OwnerID'] = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no OwnerID was parsed from object header: \t%s" % output)
# PayloadLength
m = re.search(r'Size: (\d+)', header)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
result_header['PayloadLength'] = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no PayloadLength was parsed from object header: \t%s" % output)
# CreatedAtUnixTime
m = re.search(r'Timestamp=(\d+)', header)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
result_header['CreatedAtUnixTime'] = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no CreatedAtUnixTime was parsed from object header: \t%s" % output)
# CreatedAtEpoch
m = re.search(r'CreatedAt: (\d+)', header)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
result_header['CreatedAtEpoch'] = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no CreatedAtEpoch was parsed from object header: \t%s" % output)
logger.info("Result: %s" % result_header)
return result_header
@keyword('Delete object')
def delete_object(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str, bearer: str):
bearer_token = ""
if bearer:
bearer_token = f"--bearer {bearer}"
ObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} object delete --cid {cid} --oid {oid} {bearer_token}'
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Get file hash')
def get_file_hash(filename):
file_hash = _get_file_hash(filename)
return file_hash
@keyword('Verify file hash')
def verify_file_hash(filename, expected_hash):
file_hash = _get_file_hash(filename)
if file_hash == expected_hash:
logger.info("Hash is equal to expected: %s" % file_hash)
raise Exception("File hash '{}' is not equal to {}".format(file_hash, expected_hash))
@keyword('Cleanup Files')
def cleanup_file(*filename_list):
for filename in filename_list:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
except OSError as e:
raise Exception("Error: '%s' - %s." % (e.filename, e.strerror))
logger.warn("Error: '%s' file not found" % filename)
logger.info("File '%s' has been deleted." % filename)
@keyword('Put object to NeoFS')
def put_object(private_key: str, path: str, cid: str, bearer: str, user_headers: str, endpoint: str="" ):
logger.info("Going to put the object")
if not endpoint:
endpoint = random.sample(_get_storage_nodes(private_key), 1)[0]
if user_headers:
user_headers = f"--attributes {user_headers}"
if bearer:
bearer = f"--bearer {bearer}"
putObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {endpoint} --key {private_key} object put --file {path} --cid {cid} {bearer} {user_headers}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % putObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(putObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=60, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
oid = _parse_oid(complProc.stdout)
return oid
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Get Range Hash')
def get_range_hash(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str, bearer_token: str, range_cut: str):
if bearer_token:
bearer_token = f"--bearer {bearer}"
ObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {private_key} object hash --cid {cid} --oid {oid} --range {range_cut} {bearer_token}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % ObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=60, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
@keyword('Get object from NeoFS')
def get_object(private_key: str, cid: str, oid: str, bearer_token: str, read_object: str, endpoint: str="" ):
# TODO: add object return instead of read_object (uuid)
logger.info("Going to put the object")
if not endpoint:
endpoint = random.sample(_get_storage_nodes(private_key), 1)[0]
if bearer_token:
bearer_token = f"--bearer {bearer_token}"
ObjectCmd = f'neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {endpoint} --key {private_key} object get --cid {cid} --oid {oid} --file {read_object} {bearer_token}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % ObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=60, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
def _exec_cli_cmd(private_key: bytes, postfix: str):
# Get linked objects from first
ObjectCmd = f'{CLI_PREFIX}neofs-cli --raw --host {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {binascii.hexlify(private_key).decode()} {postfix}'
logger.info("Cmd: %s" % ObjectCmd)
complProc = subprocess.run(ObjectCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
return complProc.stdout
def _get_file_hash(filename):
blocksize = 65536
hash = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
for block in iter(lambda: f.read(blocksize), b""):
logger.info("Hash: %s" % hash.hexdigest())
return hash.hexdigest()
def _find_cid(output: str, cid: str):
This function parses CID from given CLI output.
- output: a string with command run output
if re.search(r'(%s)' % cid, output):
logger.info("CID %s was parsed from command output: \t%s" % (cid, output))
raise Exception("no CID %s was parsed from command output: \t%s" % (cid, output))
return cid
def _parse_oid(output: str):
This function parses OID from given CLI output.
- output: a string with command run output
m = re.search(r'ID: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', output)
if m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
oid = m.group(1)
raise Exception("no OID was parsed from command output: \t%s" % output)
return oid
def _parse_cid(output: str):
This function parses CID from given CLI output.
- output: a string with command run output
m = re.search(r'container ID: (\w+)', output)
if not m.start() != m.end(): # e.g., if match found something
raise Exception("no CID was parsed from command output: \t%s" % (output))
cid = m.group(1)
return cid
def _get_storage_nodes(private_key: bytes):
storage_nodes = ['s01.neofs.devenv:8080', 's02.neofs.devenv:8080','s03.neofs.devenv:8080','s04.neofs.devenv:8080']
#NetmapCmd = f'{CLI_PREFIX}neofs-cli --host {NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --key {binascii.hexlify(private_key).decode()} status netmap'
#complProc = subprocess.run(NetmapCmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
# stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=15, shell=True)
#output = complProc.stdout
#logger.info("Netmap: %s" % output)
#for m in re.finditer(r'"address":"/ip4/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/tcp/(\d+)"', output):
# storage_nodes.append(m.group(1)+":"+m.group(2))
#if not storage_nodes:
# raise Exception("Storage nodes was not found.")
# Will be fixed when netmap will be added to cli
logger.info("Storage nodes: %s" % storage_nodes)
return storage_nodes
def _search_object(node:str, private_key: str, cid:str, oid: str):
# --filters objectID={oid}
if oid:
oid_cmd = "--oid %s" % oid
Cmd = f'{CLI_PREFIX}neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint {node} --key {private_key} --ttl 1 object search --root --cid {cid} {oid_cmd}'
complProc = subprocess.run(Cmd, check=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=30, shell=True)
logger.info("Output: %s" % complProc.stdout)
if re.search(r'%s' % oid, complProc.stdout):
return oid
logger.info("Object is not found.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if re.search(r'local node is outside of object placement', e.output):
logger.info("Server is not presented in container.")
elif ( re.search(r'timed out after 30 seconds', e.output) or re.search(r'no route to host', e.output) ):
logger.warn("Node is unavailable")
raise Exception("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))