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package vm
//go:generate stringer -type=Opcode
// Opcode is an single operational instruction for the GO NEO virtual machine.
type Opcode byte
// List of supported opcodes.
const (
// Constants
Opush0 Opcode = 0x00 // An empty array of bytes is pushed onto the stack.
Opushf Opcode = Opush0
Opushbytes1 Opcode = 0x01 // 0x01-0x4B The next opcode bytes is data to be pushed onto the stack
Opushbytes75 Opcode = 0x4B
Opushdata1 Opcode = 0x4C // The next byte contains the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack.
Opushdata2 Opcode = 0x4D // The next two bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack.
Opushdata4 Opcode = 0x4E // The next four bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack.
Opushm1 Opcode = 0x4F // The number -1 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush1 Opcode = 0x51
Opusht Opcode = Opush1
Opush2 Opcode = 0x52 // The number 2 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush3 Opcode = 0x53 // The number 3 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush4 Opcode = 0x54 // The number 4 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush5 Opcode = 0x55 // The number 5 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush6 Opcode = 0x56 // The number 6 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush7 Opcode = 0x57 // The number 7 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush8 Opcode = 0x58 // The number 8 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush9 Opcode = 0x59 // The number 9 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush10 Opcode = 0x5A // The number 10 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush11 Opcode = 0x5B // The number 11 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush12 Opcode = 0x5C // The number 12 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush13 Opcode = 0x5D // The number 13 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush14 Opcode = 0x5E // The number 14 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush15 Opcode = 0x5F // The number 15 is pushed onto the stack.
Opush16 Opcode = 0x60 // The number 16 is pushed onto the stack.
// Flow control
Onop Opcode = 0x61 // No operation.
Ojmp Opcode = 0x62
Ojmpif Opcode = 0x63
Ojmpifnot Opcode = 0x64
Ocall Opcode = 0x65
Oret Opcode = 0x66
Oappcall Opcode = 0x67
Osyscall Opcode = 0x68
Otailcall Opcode = 0x69
// The stack
Odupfromaltstack Opcode = 0x6A
Otoaltstack Opcode = 0x6B // Puts the input onto the top of the alt stack. Removes it from the main stack.
Ofromaltstack Opcode = 0x6C // Puts the input onto the top of the main stack. Removes it from the alt stack.
Oxdrop Opcode = 0x6D
Oxswap Opcode = 0x72
Oxtuck Opcode = 0x73
Odepth Opcode = 0x74 // Puts the number of stack items onto the stack.
Odrop Opcode = 0x75 // Removes the top stack item.
Odup Opcode = 0x76 // Duplicates the top stack item.
Onip Opcode = 0x77 // Removes the second-to-top stack item.
Oover Opcode = 0x78 // Copies the second-to-top stack item to the top.
Opick Opcode = 0x79 // The item n back in the stack is copied to the top.
Oroll Opcode = 0x7A // The item n back in the stack is moved to the top.
Orot Opcode = 0x7B // The top three items on the stack are rotated to the left.
Oswap Opcode = 0x7C // The top two items on the stack are swapped.
Otuck Opcode = 0x7D // The item at the top of the stack is copied and inserted before the second-to-top item.
// Splice
Ocat Opcode = 0x7E // Concatenates two strings.
Osubstr Opcode = 0x7F // Returns a section of a string.
Oleft Opcode = 0x80 // Keeps only characters left of the specified point in a string.
Oright Opcode = 0x81 // Keeps only characters right of the specified point in a string.
Osize Opcode = 0x82 // Returns the length of the input string.
// Bitwise logic
Oinvert Opcode = 0x83 // Flips all of the bits in the input.
Oand Opcode = 0x84 // Boolean and between each bit in the inputs.
Oor Opcode = 0x85 // Boolean or between each bit in the inputs.
Oxor Opcode = 0x86 // Boolean exclusive or between each bit in the inputs.
Oequal Opcode = 0x87 // Returns 1 if the inputs are exactly equal, 0 otherwise.
// Arithmetic
// Note: Arithmetic inputs are limited to signed 32-bit integers, but may overflow their output.
Oinc Opcode = 0x8B // 1 is added to the input.
Odec Opcode = 0x8C // 1 is subtracted from the input.
Osign Opcode = 0x8D
Onegate Opcode = 0x8F // The sign of the input is flipped.
Oabs Opcode = 0x90 // The input is made positive.
Onot Opcode = 0x91 // If the input is 0 or 1, it is flipped. Otherwise the output will be 0.
Onz Opcode = 0x92 // Returns 0 if the input is 0. 1 otherwise.
Oadd Opcode = 0x93 // a is added to b.
Osub Opcode = 0x94 // b is subtracted from a.
Omul Opcode = 0x95 // a is multiplied by b.
Odiv Opcode = 0x96 // a is divided by b.
Omod Opcode = 0x97 // Returns the remainder after dividing a by b.
Oshl Opcode = 0x98 // Shifts a left b bits, preserving sign.
Oshr Opcode = 0x99 // Shifts a right b bits, preserving sign.
Obooland Opcode = 0x9A // If both a and b are not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0.
Oboolor Opcode = 0x9B // If a or b is not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0.
Onumequal Opcode = 0x9C // Returns 1 if the numbers are equal, 0 otherwise.
Onumnotequal Opcode = 0x9E // Returns 1 if the numbers are not equal, 0 otherwise.
Olt Opcode = 0x9F // Returns 1 if a is less than b, 0 otherwise.
Ogt Opcode = 0xA0 // Returns 1 if a is greater than b, 0 otherwise.
Olte Opcode = 0xA1 // Returns 1 if a is less than or equal to b, 0 otherwise.
Ogte Opcode = 0xA2 // Returns 1 if a is greater than or equal to b, 0 otherwise.
Omin Opcode = 0xA3 // Returns the smaller of a and b.
Omax Opcode = 0xA4 // Returns the larger of a and b.
Owithin Opcode = 0xA5 // Returns 1 if x is within the specified range (left-inclusive), 0 otherwise.
// Crypto
Osha1 Opcode = 0xA7 // The input is hashed using SHA-1.
Osha256 Opcode = 0xA8 // The input is hashed using SHA-256.
Ohash160 Opcode = 0xA9
Ohash256 Opcode = 0xAA
Ochecksig Opcode = 0xAC
Ocheckmultisig Opcode = 0xAE
// array
Oarraysize Opcode = 0xC0
Opack Opcode = 0xC1
Ounpack Opcode = 0xC2
Opickitem Opcode = 0xC3
Osetitem Opcode = 0xC4
Onewarray Opcode = 0xC5 // Pops size from stack and creates a new array with that size, and pushes the array into the stack
Onewstruct Opcode = 0xC6
Oappend Opcode = 0xC8
Oreverse Opcode = 0xC9
Oremove Opcode = 0xCA
// exceptions
Othrow Opcode = 0xF0
Othrowifnot Opcode = 0xF1