go vet is not happy about them:
pkg/io/binaryReader.go:92:21: method ReadByte() byte should have signature ReadByte() (byte, error)
pkg/io/binaryWriter.go:75:21: method WriteByte(u8 byte) should have signature WriteByte(byte) error
This seriously improves the serialization/deserialization performance for
several reasons:
* no time spent in `binary` reflection
* no memory allocations being made on every read/write
* uses fast ReadBytes everywhere it's appropriate
It also makes Fixed8 Serializable just for convenience.
This allows easier reuse of opcodes and in some cases allows to eliminate
dependencies on the whole vm package, like in compiler that only needs opcodes
and doesn't care about VM for any other purpose.
And yes, they're opcodes because an instruction is a whole thing with
operands, that's what context.Next() returns.
The logic here is that we'll have all binary encoding/decoding done via our io
package, which simplifies error handling. This functionality doesn't belong to
util, so it's moved.
This also expands BufBinWriter with Reset() method to fit the needs of core
And drop associated _pkg.dev remnants (refs. #307).
Original `dev` branch had two separate packages for public and private keys,
but those are so intertwined (`TestHelper` subpackage is a proof) that it's
better unite them and all associated code (like WIF and NEP-2) in one
package. This patch also:
* creates internal `keytestcases` package to share things with wallet (maybe
it'll be changed in some future)
* ports some tests from `dev`
* ports Verify() method for public key from `dev`
* expands TestPrivateKey() with public key check