package stack

import (

// Boolean represents a boolean value on the stack
type Boolean struct {
	val bool

//NewBoolean returns a new boolean stack item
func NewBoolean(val bool) *Boolean {
	return &Boolean{

// Boolean overrides the default implementation
// by the abstractItem, returning a Boolean struct
func (b *Boolean) Boolean() (*Boolean, error) {
	return b, nil

// Value returns the underlying boolean value
func (b *Boolean) Value() bool {
	return b.val

// Not returns a Boolean whose underlying value is flipped.
// If the value is True, it is flipped to False and viceversa
func (b *Boolean) Not() *Boolean {
	return NewBoolean(!b.Value())

// And returns a Boolean whose underlying value is obtained
// by applying the && operator to two Booleans' values.
func (b *Boolean) And(a *Boolean) *Boolean {
	c := b.Value() && a.Value()
	return NewBoolean(c)

// Or returns a Boolean whose underlying value is obtained
// by applying the || operator to two Booleans' values.
func (b *Boolean) Or(a *Boolean) *Boolean {
	c := b.Value() || a.Value()
	return NewBoolean(c)

// Hash overrides the default abstract hash method.
func (b *Boolean) Hash() (string, error) {
	data := fmt.Sprintf("%T %v", b, b.Value())
	return KeyGenerator([]byte(data))