package dao

import (
	iocore "io"


// HasTransaction errors
var (
	// ErrAlreadyExists is returned when transaction exists in dao.
	ErrAlreadyExists = errors.New("transaction already exists")
	// ErrHasConflicts is returned when transaction is in the list of conflicting
	// transactions which are already in dao.
	ErrHasConflicts = errors.New("transaction has conflicts")

// DAO is a data access object.
type DAO interface {
	AppendAppExecResult(aer *state.AppExecResult, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error
	AppendNEP17Transfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.NEP17Transfer) (bool, error)
	DeleteBlock(h util.Uint256, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error
	DeleteContractID(id int32) error
	DeleteStorageItem(id int32, key []byte) error
	GetAndDecode(entity io.Serializable, key []byte) error
	GetAppExecResults(hash util.Uint256, trig trigger.Type) ([]state.AppExecResult, error)
	GetBatch() *storage.MemBatch
	GetBlock(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Block, error)
	GetContractScriptHash(id int32) (util.Uint160, error)
	GetCurrentBlockHeight() (uint32, error)
	GetCurrentHeaderHeight() (i uint32, h util.Uint256, err error)
	GetCurrentStateRootHeight() (uint32, error)
	GetHeaderHashes() ([]util.Uint256, error)
	GetNEP17Balances(acc util.Uint160) (*state.NEP17Balances, error)
	GetNEP17TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.NEP17TransferLog, error)
	GetStateRoot(height uint32) (*state.MPTRootState, error)
	PutStateRoot(root *state.MPTRootState) error
	GetStorageItem(id int32, key []byte) *state.StorageItem
	GetStorageItems(id int32) (map[string]*state.StorageItem, error)
	GetStorageItemsWithPrefix(id int32, prefix []byte) (map[string]*state.StorageItem, error)
	GetTransaction(hash util.Uint256) (*transaction.Transaction, uint32, error)
	GetVersion() (string, error)
	GetWrapped() DAO
	HasTransaction(hash util.Uint256) error
	Persist() (int, error)
	PutAppExecResult(aer *state.AppExecResult, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error
	PutContractID(id int32, hash util.Uint160) error
	PutCurrentHeader(hashAndIndex []byte) error
	PutNEP17Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP17Balances) error
	PutNEP17TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, lg *state.NEP17TransferLog) error
	PutStorageItem(id int32, key []byte, si *state.StorageItem) error
	PutVersion(v string) error
	Seek(id int32, prefix []byte, f func(k, v []byte))
	StoreAsBlock(block *block.Block, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error
	StoreAsCurrentBlock(block *block.Block, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error
	StoreAsTransaction(tx *transaction.Transaction, index uint32, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error
	putNEP17Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP17Balances, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error

// Simple is memCached wrapper around DB, simple DAO implementation.
type Simple struct {
	MPT     *mpt.Trie
	Store   *storage.MemCachedStore
	network netmode.Magic
	// stateRootInHeader specifies if block header contains state root.
	stateRootInHeader bool

// NewSimple creates new simple dao using provided backend store.
func NewSimple(backend storage.Store, network netmode.Magic, stateRootInHeader bool) *Simple {
	st := storage.NewMemCachedStore(backend)
	return &Simple{Store: st, network: network, stateRootInHeader: stateRootInHeader}

// GetBatch returns currently accumulated DB changeset.
func (dao *Simple) GetBatch() *storage.MemBatch {
	return dao.Store.GetBatch()

// GetWrapped returns new DAO instance with another layer of wrapped
// MemCachedStore around the current DAO Store.
func (dao *Simple) GetWrapped() DAO {
	d := NewSimple(dao.Store,, dao.stateRootInHeader)
	d.MPT = dao.MPT
	return d

// GetAndDecode performs get operation and decoding with serializable structures.
func (dao *Simple) GetAndDecode(entity io.Serializable, key []byte) error {
	entityBytes, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	reader := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(entityBytes)
	return reader.Err

// Put performs put operation with serializable structures.
func (dao *Simple) Put(entity io.Serializable, key []byte) error {
	return dao.putWithBuffer(entity, key, io.NewBufBinWriter())

// putWithBuffer performs put operation using buf as a pre-allocated buffer for serialization.
func (dao *Simple) putWithBuffer(entity io.Serializable, key []byte, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	if buf.Err != nil {
		return buf.Err
	return dao.Store.Put(key, buf.Bytes())

func makeContractIDKey(id int32) []byte {
	key := make([]byte, 5)
	key[0] = byte(storage.STContractID)
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], uint32(id))
	return key

// DeleteContractID deletes contract's id to hash mapping.
func (dao *Simple) DeleteContractID(id int32) error {
	return dao.Store.Delete(makeContractIDKey(id))

// PutContractID adds a mapping from contract's ID to its hash.
func (dao *Simple) PutContractID(id int32, hash util.Uint160) error {
	return dao.Store.Put(makeContractIDKey(id), hash.BytesBE())

// GetContractScriptHash retrieves contract's hash given its ID.
func (dao *Simple) GetContractScriptHash(id int32) (util.Uint160, error) {
	var data = new(util.Uint160)
	if err := dao.GetAndDecode(data, makeContractIDKey(id)); err != nil {
		return *data, err
	return *data, nil

// -- start nep17 balances.

// GetNEP17Balances retrieves nep17 balances from the cache.
func (dao *Simple) GetNEP17Balances(acc util.Uint160) (*state.NEP17Balances, error) {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STNEP17Balances, acc.BytesBE())
	bs := state.NewNEP17Balances()
	err := dao.GetAndDecode(bs, key)
	if err != nil && err != storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
		return nil, err
	return bs, nil

// PutNEP17Balances saves nep17 balances from the cache.
func (dao *Simple) PutNEP17Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP17Balances) error {
	return dao.putNEP17Balances(acc, bs, io.NewBufBinWriter())

func (dao *Simple) putNEP17Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP17Balances, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STNEP17Balances, acc.BytesBE())
	return dao.putWithBuffer(bs, key, buf)

// -- end nep17 balances.

// -- start transfer log.

func getNEP17TransferLogKey(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) []byte {
	key := make([]byte, 1+util.Uint160Size+4)
	key[0] = byte(storage.STNEP17Transfers)
	copy(key[1:], acc.BytesBE())
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[util.Uint160Size:], index)
	return key

// GetNEP17TransferLog retrieves transfer log from the cache.
func (dao *Simple) GetNEP17TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.NEP17TransferLog, error) {
	key := getNEP17TransferLogKey(acc, index)
	value, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		if err == storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
			return new(state.NEP17TransferLog), nil
		return nil, err
	return &state.NEP17TransferLog{Raw: value}, nil

// PutNEP17TransferLog saves given transfer log in the cache.
func (dao *Simple) PutNEP17TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, lg *state.NEP17TransferLog) error {
	key := getNEP17TransferLogKey(acc, index)
	return dao.Store.Put(key, lg.Raw)

// AppendNEP17Transfer appends a single NEP17 transfer to a log.
// First return value signalizes that log size has exceeded batch size.
func (dao *Simple) AppendNEP17Transfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.NEP17Transfer) (bool, error) {
	lg, err := dao.GetNEP17TransferLog(acc, index)
	if err != nil {
		if err != storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
			return false, err
		lg = new(state.NEP17TransferLog)
	if err := lg.Append(tr); err != nil {
		return false, err
	return lg.Size() >= state.NEP17TransferBatchSize, dao.PutNEP17TransferLog(acc, index, lg)

// -- end transfer log.

// -- start notification event.

// GetAppExecResults gets application execution results with the specified trigger from the
// given store.
func (dao *Simple) GetAppExecResults(hash util.Uint256, trig trigger.Type) ([]state.AppExecResult, error) {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STNotification, hash.BytesBE())
	aers, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(aers)
	result := make([]state.AppExecResult, 0, 2)
	for {
		aer := new(state.AppExecResult)
		if r.Err != nil {
			if r.Err == iocore.EOF {
			return nil, r.Err
		if aer.Trigger&trig != 0 {
			result = append(result, *aer)
	return result, nil

// AppendAppExecResult appends given application execution result to the existing
// set of execution results for the corresponding hash. It can reuse given buffer
// for the purpose of value serialization.
func (dao *Simple) AppendAppExecResult(aer *state.AppExecResult, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STNotification, aer.Container.BytesBE())
	aers, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil && err != storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
		return err
	if len(aers) == 0 {
		return dao.PutAppExecResult(aer, buf)
	if buf == nil {
		buf = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	if buf.Err != nil {
		return buf.Err
	aers = append(aers, buf.Bytes()...)
	return dao.Store.Put(key, aers)

// PutAppExecResult puts given application execution result into the
// given store. It can reuse given buffer for the purpose of value serialization.
func (dao *Simple) PutAppExecResult(aer *state.AppExecResult, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STNotification, aer.Container.BytesBE())
	if buf == nil {
		return dao.Put(aer, key)
	return dao.putWithBuffer(aer, key, buf)

// -- end notification event.

// -- start storage item.

func makeStateRootKey(height uint32) []byte {
	key := make([]byte, 5)
	key[0] = byte(storage.DataMPT)
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[1:], height)
	return key

// InitMPT initializes MPT at the given height.
func (dao *Simple) InitMPT(height uint32, enableRefCount bool) error {
	var gcKey = []byte{byte(storage.DataMPT), 1}
	if height == 0 {
		dao.MPT = mpt.NewTrie(nil, enableRefCount, dao.Store)
		var val byte
		if enableRefCount {
			val = 1
		return dao.Store.Put(gcKey, []byte{val})
	var hasRefCount bool
	if v, err := dao.Store.Get(gcKey); err == nil {
		hasRefCount = v[0] != 0
	if hasRefCount != enableRefCount {
		return fmt.Errorf("KeepOnlyLatestState setting mismatch: old=%v, new=%v", hasRefCount, enableRefCount)
	r, err := dao.GetStateRoot(height)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	dao.MPT = mpt.NewTrie(mpt.NewHashNode(r.Root), enableRefCount, dao.Store)
	return nil

// GetCurrentStateRootHeight returns current state root height.
func (dao *Simple) GetCurrentStateRootHeight() (uint32, error) {
	key := []byte{byte(storage.DataMPT)}
	val, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		if err == storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
			err = nil
		return 0, err
	return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val), nil

// PutCurrentStateRootHeight updates current state root height.
func (dao *Simple) PutCurrentStateRootHeight(height uint32) error {
	key := []byte{byte(storage.DataMPT)}
	val := make([]byte, 4)
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(val, height)
	return dao.Store.Put(key, val)

// GetStateRoot returns state root of a given height.
func (dao *Simple) GetStateRoot(height uint32) (*state.MPTRootState, error) {
	r := new(state.MPTRootState)
	err := dao.GetAndDecode(r, makeStateRootKey(height))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return r, nil

// PutStateRoot puts state root of a given height into the store.
func (dao *Simple) PutStateRoot(r *state.MPTRootState) error {
	return dao.Put(r, makeStateRootKey(r.Index))

// GetStorageItem returns StorageItem if it exists in the given store.
func (dao *Simple) GetStorageItem(id int32, key []byte) *state.StorageItem {
	b, err := dao.Store.Get(makeStorageItemKey(id, key))
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(b)

	si := &state.StorageItem{}
	if r.Err != nil {
		return nil

	return si

// PutStorageItem puts given StorageItem for given id with given
// key into the given store.
func (dao *Simple) PutStorageItem(id int32, key []byte, si *state.StorageItem) error {
	stKey := makeStorageItemKey(id, key)
	buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	if buf.Err != nil {
		return buf.Err
	v := buf.Bytes()
	return dao.Store.Put(stKey, v)

// DeleteStorageItem drops storage item for the given id with the
// given key from the store.
func (dao *Simple) DeleteStorageItem(id int32, key []byte) error {
	stKey := makeStorageItemKey(id, key)
	return dao.Store.Delete(stKey)

// GetStorageItems returns all storage items for a given id.
func (dao *Simple) GetStorageItems(id int32) (map[string]*state.StorageItem, error) {
	return dao.GetStorageItemsWithPrefix(id, nil)

// GetStorageItemsWithPrefix returns all storage items with given id for a
// given scripthash.
func (dao *Simple) GetStorageItemsWithPrefix(id int32, prefix []byte) (map[string]*state.StorageItem, error) {
	var siMap = make(map[string]*state.StorageItem)
	var err error

	saveToMap := func(k, v []byte) {
		if err != nil {
		r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(v)
		si := &state.StorageItem{}
		if r.Err != nil {
			err = r.Err
		// Cut prefix and hash.
		// Must copy here, #1468.
		key := make([]byte, len(k))
		copy(key, k)
		siMap[string(key)] = si
	dao.Seek(id, prefix, saveToMap)
	return siMap, nil

// Seek executes f for all items with a given prefix.
// If key is to be used outside of f, they must be copied.
func (dao *Simple) Seek(id int32, prefix []byte, f func(k, v []byte)) {
	lookupKey := makeStorageItemKey(id, nil)
	if prefix != nil {
		lookupKey = append(lookupKey, prefix...)
	dao.Store.Seek(lookupKey, func(k, v []byte) {
		f(k[len(lookupKey):], v)

// makeStorageItemKey returns a key used to store StorageItem in the DB.
func makeStorageItemKey(id int32, key []byte) []byte {
	// 1 for prefix + 4 for Uint32 + len(key) for key
	buf := make([]byte, 5+len(key))
	buf[0] = byte(storage.STStorage)
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:], uint32(id))
	copy(buf[5:], key)
	return buf

// -- end storage item.

// -- other.

// GetBlock returns Block by the given hash if it exists in the store.
func (dao *Simple) GetBlock(hash util.Uint256) (*block.Block, error) {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.DataBlock, hash.BytesBE())
	b, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	block, err := block.NewBlockFromTrimmedBytes(, dao.stateRootInHeader, b)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return block, nil

// GetVersion attempts to get the current version stored in the
// underlying store.
func (dao *Simple) GetVersion() (string, error) {
	version, err := dao.Store.Get(storage.SYSVersion.Bytes())
	return string(version), err

// GetCurrentBlockHeight returns the current block height found in the
// underlying store.
func (dao *Simple) GetCurrentBlockHeight() (uint32, error) {
	b, err := dao.Store.Get(storage.SYSCurrentBlock.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[32:36]), nil

// GetCurrentHeaderHeight returns the current header height and hash from
// the underlying store.
func (dao *Simple) GetCurrentHeaderHeight() (i uint32, h util.Uint256, err error) {
	var b []byte
	b, err = dao.Store.Get(storage.SYSCurrentHeader.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
	i = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[32:36])
	h, err = util.Uint256DecodeBytesLE(b[:32])

// GetHeaderHashes returns a sorted list of header hashes retrieved from
// the given underlying store.
func (dao *Simple) GetHeaderHashes() ([]util.Uint256, error) {
	hashMap := make(map[uint32][]util.Uint256)
	dao.Store.Seek(storage.IXHeaderHashList.Bytes(), func(k, v []byte) {
		storedCount := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(k[1:])
		hashes, err := read2000Uint256Hashes(v)
		if err != nil {
		hashMap[storedCount] = hashes

	var (
		hashes     = make([]util.Uint256, 0, len(hashMap))
		sortedKeys = make([]uint32, 0, len(hashMap))

	for k := range hashMap {
		sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, k)
	sort.Slice(sortedKeys, func(i, j int) bool { return sortedKeys[i] < sortedKeys[j] })

	for _, key := range sortedKeys {
		hashes = append(hashes[:key], hashMap[key]...)

	return hashes, nil

// GetTransaction returns Transaction and its height by the given hash
// if it exists in the store. It does not return dummy transactions.
func (dao *Simple) GetTransaction(hash util.Uint256) (*transaction.Transaction, uint32, error) {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.DataTransaction, hash.BytesBE())
	b, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	if len(b) < 5 {
		return nil, 0, errors.New("bad transaction bytes")
	if b[4] == transaction.DummyVersion {
		return nil, 0, storage.ErrKeyNotFound
	r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(b)

	var height = r.ReadU32LE()

	tx := &transaction.Transaction{Network:}
	if r.Err != nil {
		return nil, 0, r.Err

	return tx, height, nil

// PutVersion stores the given version in the underlying store.
func (dao *Simple) PutVersion(v string) error {
	return dao.Store.Put(storage.SYSVersion.Bytes(), []byte(v))

// PutCurrentHeader stores current header.
func (dao *Simple) PutCurrentHeader(hashAndIndex []byte) error {
	return dao.Store.Put(storage.SYSCurrentHeader.Bytes(), hashAndIndex)

// read2000Uint256Hashes attempts to read 2000 Uint256 hashes from
// the given byte array.
func read2000Uint256Hashes(b []byte) ([]util.Uint256, error) {
	r := bytes.NewReader(b)
	br := io.NewBinReaderFromIO(r)
	hashes := make([]util.Uint256, 0)
	if br.Err != nil {
		return nil, br.Err
	return hashes, nil

// HasTransaction returns nil if the given store does not contain the given
// Transaction hash. It returns an error in case if transaction is in chain
// or in the list of conflicting transactions.
func (dao *Simple) HasTransaction(hash util.Uint256) error {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.DataTransaction, hash.BytesBE())
	bytes, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	if len(bytes) < 5 {
		return nil
	if bytes[4] == transaction.DummyVersion {
		return ErrHasConflicts
	return ErrAlreadyExists

// StoreAsBlock stores given block as DataBlock. It can reuse given buffer for
// the purpose of value serialization.
func (dao *Simple) StoreAsBlock(block *block.Block, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	var (
		key = storage.AppendPrefix(storage.DataBlock, block.Hash().BytesBE())
	if buf == nil {
		buf = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	b, err := block.Trim()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if buf.Err != nil {
		return buf.Err
	return dao.Store.Put(key, buf.Bytes())

// DeleteBlock removes block from dao.
func (dao *Simple) DeleteBlock(h util.Uint256, w *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	batch := dao.Store.Batch()
	key := make([]byte, util.Uint256Size+1)
	key[0] = byte(storage.DataBlock)
	copy(key[1:], h.BytesBE())
	bs, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	b, err := block.NewBlockFromTrimmedBytes(, dao.stateRootInHeader, bs)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if w == nil {
		w = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	if w.Err != nil {
		return w.Err
	batch.Put(key, w.Bytes())

	key[0] = byte(storage.DataTransaction)
	for _, tx := range b.Transactions {
		copy(key[1:], tx.Hash().BytesBE())
		key[0] = byte(storage.STNotification)

	key[0] = byte(storage.STNotification)
	copy(key[1:], h.BytesBE())

	return dao.Store.PutBatch(batch)

// StoreAsCurrentBlock stores a hash of the given block with prefix
// SYSCurrentBlock. It can reuse given buffer for the purpose of value
// serialization.
func (dao *Simple) StoreAsCurrentBlock(block *block.Block, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	if buf == nil {
		buf = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	h := block.Hash()
	return dao.Store.Put(storage.SYSCurrentBlock.Bytes(), buf.Bytes())

// StoreAsTransaction stores given TX as DataTransaction. It can reuse given
// buffer for the purpose of value serialization.
func (dao *Simple) StoreAsTransaction(tx *transaction.Transaction, index uint32, buf *io.BufBinWriter) error {
	key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.DataTransaction, tx.Hash().BytesBE())
	if buf == nil {
		buf = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	if tx.Version == transaction.DummyVersion {
	} else {
	if buf.Err != nil {
		return buf.Err
	return dao.Store.Put(key, buf.Bytes())

// Persist flushes all the changes made into the (supposedly) persistent
// underlying store.
func (dao *Simple) Persist() (int, error) {
	return dao.Store.Persist()

// UpdateMPT updates MPT using storage items from the underlying memcached store.
func (dao *Simple) UpdateMPT() error {
	var err error
	dao.Store.MemoryStore.SeekAll([]byte{byte(storage.STStorage)}, func(k, v []byte) {
		if err != nil {
		} else if v != nil {
			err = dao.MPT.Put(k[1:], v)
		} else {
			err = dao.MPT.Delete(k[1:])
	return err