package core

import (


// multisig address which possess all NEO
var neoOwner = testchain.MultisigScriptHash()

// newTestChain should be called before newBlock invocation to properly setup
// global state.
func newTestChain(t *testing.T) *Blockchain {
	unitTestNetCfg, err := config.Load("../../config", config.ModeUnitTestNet)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	chain, err := NewBlockchain(storage.NewMemoryStore(), unitTestNetCfg.ProtocolConfiguration, zaptest.NewLogger(t))
	require.NoError(t, err)
	go chain.Run()
	return chain

func (bc *Blockchain) newBlock(txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block {
	lastBlock := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block)
	return newBlock(bc.config, lastBlock.Index+1, lastBlock.Hash(), txs...)

func newBlock(cfg config.ProtocolConfiguration, index uint32, prev util.Uint256, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block {
	validators, _ := getValidators(cfg)
	vlen := len(validators)
	valScript, _ := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(
	witness := transaction.Witness{
		VerificationScript: valScript,
	b := &block.Block{
		Base: block.Base{
			Version:       0,
			PrevHash:      prev,
			Timestamp:     uint64(time.Now().UTC().Unix()) + uint64(index),
			Index:         index,
			NextConsensus: witness.ScriptHash(),
			Script:        witness,
		ConsensusData: block.ConsensusData{
			PrimaryIndex: 0,
			Nonce:        1111,
		Transactions: txs,
	err := b.RebuildMerkleRoot()
	if err != nil {

	b.Script.InvocationScript = testchain.Sign(b.GetSignedPart())
	return b

func (bc *Blockchain) genBlocks(n int) ([]*block.Block, error) {
	blocks := make([]*block.Block, n)
	lastHash := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block).Hash()
	lastIndex := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block).Index
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		blocks[i] = newBlock(bc.config, uint32(i)+lastIndex+1, lastHash)
		if err := bc.AddBlock(blocks[i]); err != nil {
			return blocks, err
		lastHash = blocks[i].Hash()
	return blocks, nil

func getDecodedBlock(t *testing.T, i int) *block.Block {
	data, err := getBlockData(i)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	b, err := hex.DecodeString(data["raw"].(string))
	require.NoError(t, err)

	block := &block.Block{}
	require.NoError(t, testserdes.DecodeBinary(b, block))

	return block

func getBlockData(i int) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("test_data/block_%d.json", i))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var data map[string]interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &data); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return data, err

func newDumbBlock() *block.Block {
	return &block.Block{
		Base: block.Base{
			Version:       0,
			PrevHash:      hash.Sha256([]byte("a")),
			MerkleRoot:    hash.Sha256([]byte("b")),
			Timestamp:     100500,
			Index:         1,
			NextConsensus: hash.Hash160([]byte("a")),
			Script: transaction.Witness{
				VerificationScript: []byte{0x51}, // PUSH1
				InvocationScript:   []byte{0x61}, // NOP
		ConsensusData: block.ConsensusData{
			PrimaryIndex: 0,
			Nonce:        1111,
		Transactions: []*transaction.Transaction{
			{Type: transaction.IssueType},

// This function generates "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc" file which contains data
// for RPC unit tests. It also is a nice integration test.
// To generate new "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc", follow the steps:
// 		1. Set saveChain down below to true
// 		2. Run tests with `$ make test`
func TestCreateBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
	const saveChain = false
	const prefix = "../rpc/server/testdata/"
	// To make enough GAS.
	const numOfEmptyBlocks = 200
	// Increase in case if you need more blocks
	const validUntilBlock = numOfEmptyBlocks + 1000

	// To be incremented after each created transaction to keep chain constant.
	var testNonce uint32 = 1

	// Use as nonce when new transaction is created to avoid random data in tests.
	getNextNonce := func() uint32 {
		return testNonce

	var neoAmount = util.Fixed8FromInt64(99999000)
	var neoRemainder = util.Fixed8FromInt64(100000000) - neoAmount
	bc := newTestChain(t)
	defer bc.Close()

	gasHash := bc.contracts.GAS.Hash
	t.Logf("native GAS hash: %v", gasHash)

	priv0 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
	priv0ScriptHash := priv0.GetScriptHash()

	// Move almost all NEO and some nep5 GAS to one simple account.
	txMoveNeo := newNEP5Transfer(gasHash, neoOwner, priv0ScriptHash, 1000000000)
	txMoveNeo.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	txMoveNeo.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txMoveNeo.Sender = neoOwner
	txMoveNeo.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{{
		Account:          neoOwner,
		Scopes:           transaction.CalledByEntry,
		AllowedContracts: nil,
		AllowedGroups:    nil,

	// use output of issue tx from genesis block as an input
	genesisBlock, err := bc.GetBlock(bc.GetHeaderHash(0))
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, 4, len(genesisBlock.Transactions))
	h := genesisBlock.Transactions[2].Hash()
		PrevHash:  h,
		PrevIndex: 0,
		AssetID:    GoverningTokenID(),
		Amount:     neoAmount,
		ScriptHash: priv0ScriptHash,
		Position:   0,
		AssetID:    GoverningTokenID(),
		Amount:     neoRemainder,
		ScriptHash: neoOwner,
		Position:   1,
	require.NoError(t, signTx(bc, txMoveNeo))
	b := bc.newBlock(txMoveNeo)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("txMoveNeo: %s", txMoveNeo.Hash().StringLE())

	// info for getblockheader rpc tests
	t.Logf("header hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
	buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	t.Logf("header: %s", hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))

	// Generate some blocks to be able to claim GAS for them.
	_, err = bc.genBlocks(numOfEmptyBlocks)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	acc0, err := wallet.NewAccountFromWIF(priv0.WIF())
	require.NoError(t, err)

	// Make a NEO roundtrip (send to myself) and claim GAS.
	txNeoRound := transaction.NewContractTX()
	txNeoRound.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txNeoRound.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	txNeoRound.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
		PrevHash:  txMoveNeo.Hash(),
		PrevIndex: 0,
		AssetID:    GoverningTokenID(),
		Amount:     neoAmount,
		ScriptHash: priv0.GetScriptHash(),
		Position:   0,
	txNeoRound.Data = new(transaction.ContractTX)
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNeoRound, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txNeoRound))
	b = bc.newBlock(txNeoRound)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("txNeoRound: %s", txNeoRound.Hash().StringLE())

	claim := new(transaction.ClaimTX)
	claim.Claims = append(claim.Claims, transaction.Input{
		PrevHash:  txMoveNeo.Hash(),
		PrevIndex: 0,
	txClaim := transaction.NewClaimTX(claim)
	txClaim.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txClaim.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	txClaim.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	txClaim.Data = claim
	neoGas, sysGas, err := bc.CalculateClaimable(neoAmount, 1, bc.BlockHeight())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	gasOwned := neoGas + sysGas
		AssetID:    UtilityTokenID(),
		Amount:     gasOwned,
		ScriptHash: priv0.GetScriptHash(),
		Position:   0,
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txClaim, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txClaim))
	b = bc.newBlock(txClaim)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("txClaim: %s", txClaim.Hash().StringLE())

	// Push some contract into the chain.
	avm, err := ioutil.ReadFile(prefix + "test_contract.avm")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	t.Logf("contractHash: %s", hash.Hash160(avm).StringLE())

	var props smartcontract.PropertyState
	script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("Da contract dat hallos u"))
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte(""))
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("Random Guy"))
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("0.99"))
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, []byte("Helloer"))
	props |= smartcontract.HasStorage
	emit.Int(script.BinWriter, int64(props))
	emit.Int(script.BinWriter, int64(5))
	params := make([]byte, 1)
	params[0] = byte(7)
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, params)
	emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, avm)
	emit.Syscall(script.BinWriter, "Neo.Contract.Create")
	txScript := script.Bytes()

	invFee := util.Fixed8FromFloat(100)
	txDeploy := transaction.NewInvocationTX(txScript, invFee)
	txDeploy.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txDeploy.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	txDeploy.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
		PrevHash:  txClaim.Hash(),
		PrevIndex: 0,
		AssetID:    UtilityTokenID(),
		Amount:     gasOwned - invFee,
		ScriptHash: priv0.GetScriptHash(),
		Position:   0,
	gasOwned -= invFee
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txDeploy, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txDeploy))
	b = bc.newBlock(txDeploy)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("txDeploy: %s", txDeploy.Hash().StringLE())

	// Now invoke this contract.
	script = io.NewBufBinWriter()
	emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(script.BinWriter, hash.Hash160(avm), "Put", "testkey", "testvalue")

	txInv := transaction.NewInvocationTX(script.Bytes(), 0)
	txInv.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txInv.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	txInv.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txInv, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txInv))
	b = bc.newBlock(txInv)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("txInv: %s", txInv.Hash().StringLE())

	priv1 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(1)
	txNeo0to1 := transaction.NewContractTX()
	txNeo0to1.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txNeo0to1.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	txNeo0to1.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	txNeo0to1.Data = new(transaction.ContractTX)
		PrevHash:  txNeoRound.Hash(),
		PrevIndex: 0,
		AssetID:    GoverningTokenID(),
		Amount:     util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000),
		ScriptHash: priv1.GetScriptHash(),
		AssetID:    GoverningTokenID(),
		Amount:     neoAmount - util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000),
		ScriptHash: priv0.GetScriptHash(),

	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNeo0to1, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txNeo0to1))
	b = bc.newBlock(txNeo0to1)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))

	sh := hash.Hash160(avm)
	w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(w.BinWriter, sh, "init")
	initTx := transaction.NewInvocationTX(w.Bytes(), 0)
	initTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	initTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	initTx.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, initTx, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(initTx))
	transferTx := newNEP5Transfer(sh, sh, priv0.GetScriptHash(), 1000)
	transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	transferTx.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	transferTx.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{
			Account:          priv0ScriptHash,
			Scopes:           transaction.CalledByEntry,
			AllowedContracts: nil,
			AllowedGroups:    nil,
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(transferTx))

	b = bc.newBlock(initTx, transferTx)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("recieveRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringBE())

	transferTx = newNEP5Transfer(sh, priv0.GetScriptHash(), priv1.GetScriptHash(), 123)
	transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	transferTx.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
	transferTx.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{
			Account:          priv0ScriptHash,
			Scopes:           transaction.CalledByEntry,
			AllowedContracts: nil,
			AllowedGroups:    nil,
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(transferTx))

	b = bc.newBlock(transferTx)
	require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
	t.Logf("sendRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringBE())

	if saveChain {
		outStream, err := os.Create(prefix + "testblocks.acc")
		require.NoError(t, err)
		defer outStream.Close()

		writer := io.NewBinWriterFromIO(outStream)

		count := bc.BlockHeight() + 1
		writer.WriteU32LE(count - 1)

		for i := 1; i < int(count); i++ {
			bh := bc.GetHeaderHash(i)
			b, err := bc.GetBlock(bh)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			bytes, err := testserdes.EncodeBinary(b)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			require.NoError(t, writer.Err)

	// Make a NEO roundtrip (send to myself) and claim GAS.
	txNeoRound = transaction.NewContractTX()
	txNeoRound.Nonce = getNextNonce()
	txNeoRound.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
	txNeoRound.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
		PrevHash:  txNeo0to1.Hash(),
		PrevIndex: 1,
		AssetID:    GoverningTokenID(),
		Amount:     neoAmount - util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000),
		ScriptHash: priv0.GetScriptHash(),
		Position:   0,
	txNeoRound.Data = new(transaction.ContractTX)
	require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNeoRound, acc0))
	require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txNeoRound))
	bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	t.Logf("sendrawtransaction: %s", hex.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))

func newNEP5Transfer(sc, from, to util.Uint160, amount int64) *transaction.Transaction {
	w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
	emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(w.BinWriter, sc, "transfer", from, to, amount)
	emit.Opcode(w.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)

	script := w.Bytes()
	return transaction.NewInvocationTX(script, 0)

func addSender(txs ...*transaction.Transaction) error {
	for _, tx := range txs {
		tx.Sender = neoOwner
	return nil

func signTx(bc *Blockchain, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) error {
	validators, err := getValidators(bc.config)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to sign tx")
	rawScript, err := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(len(bc.config.StandbyValidators)/2+1, validators)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to sign tx")
	for _, tx := range txs {
		size := io.GetVarSize(tx)
		netFee, sizeDelta := CalculateNetworkFee(rawScript)
		tx.NetworkFee = tx.NetworkFee.Add(netFee)
		size += sizeDelta
		tx.NetworkFee = tx.NetworkFee.Add(util.Fixed8(int64(size) * int64(bc.FeePerByte())))
		data := tx.GetSignedPart()
		tx.Scripts = []transaction.Witness{{
			InvocationScript:   testchain.Sign(data),
			VerificationScript: rawScript,
	return nil

func addNetworkFee(bc *Blockchain, tx *transaction.Transaction, sender *wallet.Account) error {
	size := io.GetVarSize(tx)
	netFee, sizeDelta := CalculateNetworkFee(sender.Contract.Script)
	tx.NetworkFee += netFee
	size += sizeDelta
	for _, cosigner := range tx.Cosigners {
		contract := bc.GetContractState(cosigner.Account)
		if contract != nil {
			netFee, sizeDelta = CalculateNetworkFee(contract.Script)
			tx.NetworkFee += netFee
			size += sizeDelta
	tx.NetworkFee += util.Fixed8(int64(size) * int64(bc.FeePerByte()))
	return nil