package cmdargs

import (


const (
	// CosignersSeparator marks the start of cosigners cli args.
	CosignersSeparator = "--"
	// ArrayStartSeparator marks the start of array cli arg.
	ArrayStartSeparator = "["
	// ArrayEndSeparator marks the end of array cli arg.
	ArrayEndSeparator = "]"

const (
	// ParamsParsingDoc is a documentation for parameters parsing.
	ParamsParsingDoc = `   Arguments always do have regular Neo smart contract parameter types, either
   specified explicitly or being inferred from the value. To specify the type
   manually use "type:value" syntax where the type is one of the following:
   'signature', 'bool', 'int', 'hash160', 'hash256', 'bytes', 'key' or 'string'.
   Array types are also supported: use special space-separated '[' and ']'
   symbols around array values to denote array bounds. Nested arrays are also
   supported. Null parameter is supported via 'nil' keyword without additional
   type specification.

   There is ability to provide an argument of 'bytearray' type via file. Use a
   special 'filebytes' argument type for this with a filepath specified after
   the colon, e.g. 'filebytes:my_file.txt'.

   Given values are type-checked against given types with the following
   restrictions applied:
    * 'signature' type values should be hex-encoded and have a (decoded)
      length of 64 bytes.
    * 'bool' type values are 'true' and 'false'.
    * 'int' values are decimal integers that can be successfully converted
      from the string.
    * 'hash160' values are Neo addresses and hex-encoded 20-bytes long (after
      decoding) strings.
    * 'hash256' type values should be hex-encoded and have a (decoded)
      length of 32 bytes.
    * 'bytes' type values are any hex-encoded things.
    * 'filebytes' type values are filenames with the argument value inside.
    * 'key' type values are hex-encoded marshalled public keys.
    * 'string' type values are any valid UTF-8 strings. In the value's part of
      the string the colon looses it's special meaning as a separator between
      type and value and is taken literally.

   If no type is explicitly specified, it is inferred from the value using the
   following logic:
    - anything that can be interpreted as a decimal integer gets
      an 'int' type
    - 'nil' string gets 'Any' NEP-14 parameter type and nil value which corresponds
      to Null stackitem
    - 'true' and 'false' strings get 'bool' type
    - valid Neo addresses and 20 bytes long hex-encoded strings get 'hash160'
    - valid hex-encoded public keys get 'key' type
    - 32 bytes long hex-encoded values get 'hash256' type
    - 64 bytes long hex-encoded values get 'signature' type
    - any other valid hex-encoded values get 'bytes' type
    - anything else is a 'string'

   Backslash character is used as an escape character and allows to use colon in
   an implicitly typed string. For any other characters it has no special
   meaning, to get a literal backslash in the string use the '\\' sequence.

    * 'int:42' is an integer with a value of 42
    * '42' is an integer with a value of 42
    * 'nil' is a parameter with Any NEP-14 type and nil value (corresponds to Null stackitem)
    * 'bad' is a string with a value of 'bad'
    * 'dead' is a byte array with a value of 'dead'
    * 'string:dead' is a string with a value of 'dead'
    * 'filebytes:my_data.txt' is bytes decoded from a content of my_data.txt
    * 'AK2nJJpJr6o664CWJKi1QRXjqeic2zRp8y' is a hash160 with a value
      of '23ba2703c53263e8d6e522dc32203339dcd8eee9'
    * '\4\2' is an integer with a value of 42
    * '\\4\2' is a string with a value of '\42'
    * 'string:string' is a string with a value of 'string'
    * 'string\:string' is a string with a value of 'string:string'
    * '03b209fd4f53a7170ea4444e0cb0a6bb6a53c2bd016926989cf85f9b0fba17a70c' is a
      key with a value of '03b209fd4f53a7170ea4444e0cb0a6bb6a53c2bd016926989cf85f9b0fba17a70c'
    * '[ a b c ]' is an array with strings values 'a', 'b' and 'c'
    * '[ a b [ c d ] e ]' is an array with 4 values: string 'a', string 'b',
      array of two strings 'c' and 'd', string 'e'
    * '[ ]' is an empty array`

	// SignersParsingDoc is a documentation for signers parsing.
	SignersParsingDoc = `   Signers represent a set of Uint160 hashes with witness scopes and are used
   to verify hashes in System.Runtime.CheckWitness syscall. First signer is treated
   as a sender. To specify signers use signer[:scope] syntax where
    * 'signer' is a signer's address (as Neo address or hex-encoded 160 bit (20 byte)
               LE value with or without '0x' prefix).
    * 'scope' is a comma-separated set of cosigner's scopes, which could be:
        - 'None' - default witness scope which may be used for the sender
			       to only pay fee for the transaction.
        - 'Global' - allows this witness in all contexts. This cannot be combined
                     with other flags.
        - 'CalledByEntry' - means that this condition must hold: EntryScriptHash
                            == CallingScriptHash. The witness/permission/signature
                            given on first invocation will automatically expire if
                            entering deeper internal invokes. This can be default
                            safe choice for native NEO/GAS.
        - 'CustomContracts' - define valid custom contract hashes for witness check.
                              Hashes are be provided as hex-encoded LE value string.
                              At lest one hash must be provided. Multiple hashes
                              are separated by ':'.
        - 'CustomGroups' - define custom public keys for group members. Public keys are
                           provided as short-form (1-byte prefix + 32 bytes) hex-encoded
                           values. At least one key must be provided. Multiple keys
                           are separated by ':'.

   If no scopes were specified, 'CalledByEntry' used as default. If no signers were
   specified, no array is passed. Note that scopes are properly handled by
   neo-go RPC server only. C# implementation does not support scopes capability.

    * 'NNQk4QXsxvsrr3GSozoWBUxEmfag7B6hz5'
    * 'NVquyZHoPirw6zAEPvY1ZezxM493zMWQqs:Global'
    * '0x0000000009070e030d0f0e020d0c06050e030c02'
    * '0000000009070e030d0f0e020d0c06050e030c02:CalledByEntry,` +
    * '0000000009070e030d0f0e020d0c06050e030c02:CalledByEntry,` +

// GetSignersFromContext returns signers parsed from context args starting
// from the specified offset.
func GetSignersFromContext(ctx *cli.Context, offset int) ([]transaction.Signer, *cli.ExitError) {
	args := ctx.Args()
	var (
		signers []transaction.Signer
		err     error
	if args.Present() && len(args) > offset {
		signers, err = ParseSigners(args[offset:])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, cli.NewExitError(err, 1)
	return signers, nil

// ParseSigners returns array of signers parsed from their string representation.
func ParseSigners(args []string) ([]transaction.Signer, error) {
	var signers []transaction.Signer
	for i, c := range args {
		cosigner, err := parseCosigner(c)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse signer #%d: %w", i, err)
		signers = append(signers, cosigner)
	return signers, nil

func parseCosigner(c string) (transaction.Signer, error) {
	var (
		err error
		res = transaction.Signer{
			Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
	data := strings.SplitN(c, ":", 2)
	s := data[0]
	res.Account, err = flags.ParseAddress(s)
	if err != nil {
		return res, err

	if len(data) == 1 {
		return res, nil

	res.Scopes = 0
	scopes := strings.Split(data[1], ",")
	for _, s := range scopes {
		sub := strings.Split(s, ":")
		scope, err := transaction.ScopesFromString(sub[0])
		if err != nil {
			return transaction.Signer{}, err
		if scope == transaction.Global && res.Scopes&^transaction.Global != 0 ||
			scope != transaction.Global && res.Scopes&transaction.Global != 0 {
			return transaction.Signer{}, errors.New("Global scope can not be combined with other scopes")

		res.Scopes |= scope

		switch scope {
		case transaction.CustomContracts:
			if len(sub) == 1 {
				return transaction.Signer{}, errors.New("CustomContracts scope must refer to at least one contract")
			for _, s := range sub[1:] {
				addr, err := flags.ParseAddress(s)
				if err != nil {
					return transaction.Signer{}, err

				res.AllowedContracts = append(res.AllowedContracts, addr)
		case transaction.CustomGroups:
			if len(sub) == 1 {
				return transaction.Signer{}, errors.New("CustomGroups scope must refer to at least one group")
			for _, s := range sub[1:] {
				pub, err := keys.NewPublicKeyFromString(s)
				if err != nil {
					return transaction.Signer{}, err

				res.AllowedGroups = append(res.AllowedGroups, pub)
	return res, nil

// GetDataFromContext returns data parameter from context args.
func GetDataFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) (int, interface{}, *cli.ExitError) {
	var (
		data   interface{}
		offset int
		params []smartcontract.Parameter
		err    error
	args := ctx.Args()
	if args.Present() {
		offset, params, err = ParseParams(args, true)
		if err != nil {
			return offset, nil, cli.NewExitError(fmt.Errorf("unable to parse 'data' parameter: %w", err), 1)
		if len(params) > 1 {
			return offset, nil, cli.NewExitError("'data' should be represented as a single parameter", 1)
		if len(params) != 0 {
			data, err = smartcontract.ExpandParameterToEmitable(params[0])
			if err != nil {
				return offset, nil, cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to convert 'data' to emitable type: %s", err.Error()), 1)
	return offset, data, nil

// EnsureNone returns an error if there are any positional arguments present.
// It can be used to check for them in commands that don't accept arguments.
func EnsureNone(ctx *cli.Context) *cli.ExitError {
	if ctx.Args().Present() {
		return cli.NewExitError("additional arguments given while this command expects none", 1)
	return nil

// ParseParams extracts array of smartcontract.Parameter from the given args and
// returns the number of handled words, the array itself and an error.
// `calledFromMain` denotes whether the method was called from the outside or
// recursively and used to check if CosignersSeparator and ArrayEndSeparator are
// allowed to be in `args` sequence.
func ParseParams(args []string, calledFromMain bool) (int, []smartcontract.Parameter, error) {
	res := []smartcontract.Parameter{}
	for k := 0; k < len(args); {
		s := args[k]
		switch s {
		case CosignersSeparator:
			if calledFromMain {
				return k + 1, res, nil // `1` to convert index to numWordsRead
			return 0, []smartcontract.Parameter{}, errors.New("invalid array syntax: missing closing bracket")
		case ArrayStartSeparator:
			numWordsRead, array, err := ParseParams(args[k+1:], false)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse array: %w", err)
			res = append(res, smartcontract.Parameter{
				Type:  smartcontract.ArrayType,
				Value: array,
			k += 1 + numWordsRead // `1` for opening bracket
		case ArrayEndSeparator:
			if calledFromMain {
				return 0, nil, errors.New("invalid array syntax: missing opening bracket")
			return k + 1, res, nil // `1`to convert index to numWordsRead
			param, err := smartcontract.NewParameterFromString(s)
			if err != nil {
				// '--' argument is skipped by urfave/cli library, which leads
				// to [--, addr:scope] being transformed to [addr:scope] and
				// interpreted as a parameter if other positional arguments are not present.
				// Here we fallback to parsing cosigners in this specific case to
				// create a better user experience ('-- addr:scope' vs '-- -- addr:scope').
				if k == 0 {
					if _, err := parseCosigner(s); err == nil {
						return 0, nil, nil
				return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse argument #%d: %w", k+1, err)
			res = append(res, *param)
	if calledFromMain {
		return len(args), res, nil
	return 0, []smartcontract.Parameter{}, errors.New("invalid array syntax: missing closing bracket")

// GetSignersAccounts returns the list of signers combined with the corresponding
// accounts from the provided wallet.
func GetSignersAccounts(senderAcc *wallet.Account, wall *wallet.Wallet, signers []transaction.Signer, accScope transaction.WitnessScope) ([]actor.SignerAccount, error) {
	signersAccounts := make([]actor.SignerAccount, 0, len(signers)+1)
	sender := senderAcc.ScriptHash()
	signersAccounts = append(signersAccounts, actor.SignerAccount{
		Signer: transaction.Signer{
			Account: sender,
			Scopes:  accScope,
		Account: senderAcc,
	for i, s := range signers {
		if s.Account == sender {
			signersAccounts[0].Signer = s
		signerAcc := wall.GetAccount(s.Account)
		if signerAcc == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no account was found in the wallet for signer #%d (%s)", i, address.Uint160ToString(s.Account))
		signersAccounts = append(signersAccounts, actor.SignerAccount{
			Signer:  s,
			Account: signerAcc,
	return signersAccounts, nil