package core

import (

	gherr ""

const (
	// MaxContractDescriptionLen is the maximum length for contract description.
	MaxContractDescriptionLen = 65536
	// MaxContractScriptSize is the maximum script size for a contract.
	MaxContractScriptSize = 1024 * 1024
	// MaxContractParametersNum is the maximum number of parameters for a contract.
	MaxContractParametersNum = 252
	// MaxContractStringLen is the maximum length for contract metadata strings.
	MaxContractStringLen = 252
	// MaxAssetNameLen is the maximum length of asset name.
	MaxAssetNameLen = 1024
	// MaxAssetPrecision is the maximum precision of asset.
	MaxAssetPrecision = 8
	// BlocksPerYear is a multiplier for asset renewal.
	BlocksPerYear = 2000000
	// DefaultAssetLifetime is the default lifetime of an asset (which differs
	// from assets created by register tx).
	DefaultAssetLifetime = 1 + BlocksPerYear

// headerGetVersion returns version from the header.
func (ic *interopContext) headerGetVersion(v *vm.VM) error {
	header, err := popHeaderFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// headerGetConsensusData returns consensus data from the header.
func (ic *interopContext) headerGetConsensusData(v *vm.VM) error {
	header, err := popHeaderFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// headerGetMerkleRoot returns version from the header.
func (ic *interopContext) headerGetMerkleRoot(v *vm.VM) error {
	header, err := popHeaderFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// headerGetNextConsensus returns version from the header.
func (ic *interopContext) headerGetNextConsensus(v *vm.VM) error {
	header, err := popHeaderFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// txGetAttributes returns current transaction attributes.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetAttributes(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	if len(tx.Attributes) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many attributes")
	attrs := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(tx.Attributes))
	for i := range tx.Attributes {
		attrs = append(attrs, vm.NewInteropItem(&tx.Attributes[i]))
	return nil

// txGetInputs returns current transaction inputs.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetInputs(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	if len(tx.Inputs) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many inputs")
	inputs := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(tx.Inputs))
	for i := range tx.Inputs {
		inputs = append(inputs, vm.NewInteropItem(&tx.Inputs[i]))
	return nil

// txGetOutputs returns current transaction outputs.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetOutputs(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	if len(tx.Outputs) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many outputs")
	outputs := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(tx.Outputs))
	for i := range tx.Outputs {
		outputs = append(outputs, vm.NewInteropItem(&tx.Outputs[i]))
	return nil

// txGetReferences returns current transaction references.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetReferences(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("type mismatch: %T is not a Transaction", txInterface)
	refs, err := ic.bc.References(tx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(refs) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many references")

	stackrefs := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(refs))
	for i := range tx.Inputs {
		for j := range refs {
			if refs[j].In == tx.Inputs[i] {
				stackrefs = append(stackrefs, vm.NewInteropItem(refs[j]))
	return nil

// txGetType returns current transaction type.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetType(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	return nil

// txGetUnspentCoins returns current transaction unspent coins.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetUnspentCoins(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	ucs, err := ic.dao.GetUnspentCoinState(tx.Hash())
	if err == storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return errors.New("no unspent coin state found")

	items := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(ucs.States))
	for i := range ucs.States {
		if ucs.States[i].State&state.CoinSpent == 0 {
			items = append(items, vm.NewInteropItem(&ucs.States[i].Output))
	return nil

// txGetWitnesses returns current transaction witnesses.
func (ic *interopContext) txGetWitnesses(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	if len(tx.Scripts) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many outputs")
	scripts := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(tx.Scripts))
	for i := range tx.Scripts {
		scripts = append(scripts, vm.NewInteropItem(&tx.Scripts[i]))
	return nil

// invocationTx_GetScript returns invocation script from the current transaction.
func (ic *interopContext) invocationTxGetScript(v *vm.VM) error {
	txInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	tx, ok := txInterface.(*transaction.Transaction)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a transaction")
	inv, ok := tx.Data.(*transaction.InvocationTX)
	if tx.Type != transaction.InvocationType || !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not an invocation transaction")
	// It's important not to share inv.Script slice with the code running in VM.
	script := make([]byte, len(inv.Script))
	copy(script, inv.Script)
	return nil

// witnessGetVerificationScript returns current witness' script.
func (ic *interopContext) witnessGetVerificationScript(v *vm.VM) error {
	witInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	wit, ok := witInterface.(*transaction.Witness)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("value is not a witness")
	// It's important not to share wit.VerificationScript slice with the code running in VM.
	script := make([]byte, len(wit.VerificationScript))
	copy(script, wit.VerificationScript)
	return nil

// bcGetValidators returns validators.
func (ic *interopContext) bcGetValidators(v *vm.VM) error {
	valStates := ic.dao.GetValidators()
	if len(valStates) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many validators")
	validators := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(valStates))
	for _, val := range valStates {
		validators = append(validators, vm.NewByteArrayItem(val.PublicKey.Bytes()))
	return nil

// popInputFromVM returns transaction.Input from the first estack element.
func popInputFromVM(v *vm.VM) (*transaction.Input, error) {
	inInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	input, ok := inInterface.(*transaction.Input)
	if !ok {
		txio, ok := inInterface.(transaction.InOut)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("type mismatch: %T is not an Input or InOut", inInterface)
		input = &txio.In
	return input, nil

// inputGetHash returns hash from the given input.
func (ic *interopContext) inputGetHash(v *vm.VM) error {
	input, err := popInputFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// inputGetIndex returns index from the given input.
func (ic *interopContext) inputGetIndex(v *vm.VM) error {
	input, err := popInputFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// popOutputFromVM returns transaction.Input from the first estack element.
func popOutputFromVM(v *vm.VM) (*transaction.Output, error) {
	outInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	output, ok := outInterface.(*transaction.Output)
	if !ok {
		txio, ok := outInterface.(transaction.InOut)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("type mismatch: %T is not an Output or InOut", outInterface)
		output = &txio.Out
	return output, nil

// outputGetAssetId returns asset ID from the given output.
func (ic *interopContext) outputGetAssetID(v *vm.VM) error {
	output, err := popOutputFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// outputGetScriptHash returns scripthash from the given output.
func (ic *interopContext) outputGetScriptHash(v *vm.VM) error {
	output, err := popOutputFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// outputGetValue returns value (amount) from the given output.
func (ic *interopContext) outputGetValue(v *vm.VM) error {
	output, err := popOutputFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// attrGetData returns tx attribute data.
func (ic *interopContext) attrGetData(v *vm.VM) error {
	attrInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	attr, ok := attrInterface.(*transaction.Attribute)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an attribute", attr)
	return nil

// attrGetData returns tx attribute usage field.
func (ic *interopContext) attrGetUsage(v *vm.VM) error {
	attrInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	attr, ok := attrInterface.(*transaction.Attribute)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an attribute", attr)
	return nil

// bcGetAccount returns or creates an account.
func (ic *interopContext) bcGetAccount(v *vm.VM) error {
	accbytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	acchash, err := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(accbytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	acc, err := ic.dao.GetAccountStateOrNew(acchash)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// bcGetAsset returns an asset.
func (ic *interopContext) bcGetAsset(v *vm.VM) error {
	asbytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	ashash, err := util.Uint256DecodeBytesBE(asbytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	as, err := ic.dao.GetAssetState(ashash)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("asset not found")
	return nil

// accountGetBalance returns balance for a given account.
func (ic *interopContext) accountGetBalance(v *vm.VM) error {
	accInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	acc, ok := accInterface.(*state.Account)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an account state", acc)
	asbytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	ashash, err := util.Uint256DecodeBytesBE(asbytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	balance, ok := acc.GetBalanceValues()[ashash]
	if !ok {
		balance = util.Fixed8(0)
	return nil

// accountGetScriptHash returns script hash of a given account.
func (ic *interopContext) accountGetScriptHash(v *vm.VM) error {
	accInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	acc, ok := accInterface.(*state.Account)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an account state", acc)
	return nil

// accountGetVotes returns votes of a given account.
func (ic *interopContext) accountGetVotes(v *vm.VM) error {
	accInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	acc, ok := accInterface.(*state.Account)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an account state", acc)
	if len(acc.Votes) > vm.MaxArraySize {
		return errors.New("too many votes")
	votes := make([]vm.StackItem, 0, len(acc.Votes))
	for _, key := range acc.Votes {
		votes = append(votes, vm.NewByteArrayItem(key.Bytes()))
	return nil

// accountIsStandard checks whether given account is standard.
func (ic *interopContext) accountIsStandard(v *vm.VM) error {
	accbytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	acchash, err := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(accbytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	contract, err := ic.dao.GetContractState(acchash)
	res := err != nil || vm.IsStandardContract(contract.Script)
	return nil

// storageFind finds stored key-value pair.
func (ic *interopContext) storageFind(v *vm.VM) error {
	stcInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	stc, ok := stcInterface.(*StorageContext)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not a StorageContext", stcInterface)
	err := ic.checkStorageContext(stc)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pref := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	next, err := ic.dao.GetStorageItemsIterator(stc.ScriptHash, pref)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	item := newStorageIterator(next)

	return nil

// createContractStateFromVM pops all contract state elements from the VM
// evaluation stack, does a lot of checks and returns Contract if it
// succeeds.
func (ic *interopContext) createContractStateFromVM(v *vm.VM) (*state.Contract, error) {
	if ic.trigger != trigger.Application {
		return nil, errors.New("can't create contract when not triggered by an application")
	script := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(script) > MaxContractScriptSize {
		return nil, errors.New("the script is too big")
	paramBytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(paramBytes) > MaxContractParametersNum {
		return nil, errors.New("too many parameters for a script")
	paramList := make([]smartcontract.ParamType, len(paramBytes))
	for k, v := range paramBytes {
		paramList[k] = smartcontract.ParamType(v)
	retType := smartcontract.ParamType(v.Estack().Pop().BigInt().Int64())
	properties := smartcontract.PropertyState(v.Estack().Pop().BigInt().Int64())
	name := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(name) > MaxContractStringLen {
		return nil, errors.New("too big name")
	version := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(version) > MaxContractStringLen {
		return nil, errors.New("too big version")
	author := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(author) > MaxContractStringLen {
		return nil, errors.New("too big author")
	email := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(email) > MaxContractStringLen {
		return nil, errors.New("too big email")
	desc := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	if len(desc) > MaxContractDescriptionLen {
		return nil, errors.New("too big description")
	contract := &state.Contract{
		Script:      script,
		ParamList:   paramList,
		ReturnType:  retType,
		Properties:  properties,
		Name:        string(name),
		CodeVersion: string(version),
		Author:      string(author),
		Email:       string(email),
		Description: string(desc),
	return contract, nil

// contractCreate creates a contract.
func (ic *interopContext) contractCreate(v *vm.VM) error {
	newcontract, err := ic.createContractStateFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	contract, err := ic.dao.GetContractState(newcontract.ScriptHash())
	if err != nil {
		contract = newcontract
		err := ic.dao.PutContractState(contract)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// contractGetScript returns a script associated with a contract.
func (ic *interopContext) contractGetScript(v *vm.VM) error {
	csInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	cs, ok := csInterface.(*state.Contract)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not a contract state", cs)
	return nil

// contractIsPayable returns whether contract is payable.
func (ic *interopContext) contractIsPayable(v *vm.VM) error {
	csInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	cs, ok := csInterface.(*state.Contract)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not a contract state", cs)
	return nil

// contractMigrate migrates a contract.
func (ic *interopContext) contractMigrate(v *vm.VM) error {
	newcontract, err := ic.createContractStateFromVM(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	contract, err := ic.dao.GetContractState(newcontract.ScriptHash())
	if err != nil {
		contract = newcontract
		err := ic.dao.PutContractState(contract)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		hash := getContextScriptHash(v, 0)
		if contract.HasStorage() {
			siMap, err := ic.dao.GetStorageItems(hash, nil)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			for i := range siMap {
				v := siMap[i].StorageItem
				siMap[i].IsConst = false
				err = ic.dao.PutStorageItem(contract.ScriptHash(), siMap[i].Key, &v)
				if err != nil {
					return err
			ic.dao.MigrateNEP5Balances(hash, contract.ScriptHash())

			// save NEP5 metadata if any
			v := ic.bc.GetTestVM(nil)
			w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
			emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(w.BinWriter, hash, "decimals")
			conf := ic.bc.GetConfig()
			v.SetGasLimit(conf.GetFreeGas(ic.bc.BlockHeight() + 1)) // BlockHeight() is already persisted, so it's either a new block or test invocation.
			if err := v.Run(); err == nil && v.Estack().Len() == 1 {
				res := v.Estack().Pop().Item().ToContractParameter(map[vm.StackItem]bool{})
				d := int64(-1)
				switch res.Type {
				case smartcontract.IntegerType:
					d = res.Value.(int64)
				case smartcontract.ByteArrayType:
					d = emit.BytesToInt(res.Value.([]byte)).Int64()
				if d >= 0 {
					ic.dao.PutNEP5Metadata(hash, &state.NEP5Metadata{Decimals: d})
	return ic.contractDestroy(v)

// secp256k1Recover recovers speck256k1 public key.
func (ic *interopContext) secp256k1Recover(v *vm.VM) error {
	return ic.eccRecover(btcec.S256(), v)

// secp256r1Recover recovers speck256r1 public key.
func (ic *interopContext) secp256r1Recover(v *vm.VM) error {
	return ic.eccRecover(elliptic.P256(), v)

// eccRecover recovers public key using ECCurve set
func (ic *interopContext) eccRecover(curve elliptic.Curve, v *vm.VM) error {
	rBytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	sBytes := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	r := new(big.Int).SetBytes(rBytes)
	s := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sBytes)
	isEven := v.Estack().Pop().Bool()
	messageHash := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()
	pKey, err := keys.KeyRecover(curve, r, s, messageHash, isEven)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	return nil

// assetCreate creates an asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetCreate(v *vm.VM) error {
	if ic.trigger != trigger.Application {
		return errors.New("can't create asset when not triggered by an application")
	atype := transaction.AssetType(v.Estack().Pop().BigInt().Int64())
	switch atype {
	case transaction.Currency, transaction.Share, transaction.Invoice, transaction.Token:
		// ok
		return fmt.Errorf("wrong asset type: %x", atype)
	name := string(v.Estack().Pop().Bytes())
	if len(name) > MaxAssetNameLen {
		return errors.New("too big name")
	amount := util.Fixed8(v.Estack().Pop().BigInt().Int64())
	if amount == util.Fixed8(0) {
		return errors.New("asset amount can't be zero")
	if amount < -util.Satoshi() {
		return errors.New("asset amount can't be negative (except special -Satoshi value")
	if atype == transaction.Invoice && amount != -util.Satoshi() {
		return errors.New("invoice assets can only have -Satoshi amount")
	precision := byte(v.Estack().Pop().BigInt().Int64())
	if precision > MaxAssetPrecision {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't have asset precision of more than %d", MaxAssetPrecision)
	if atype == transaction.Share && precision != 0 {
		return errors.New("share assets can only have zero precision")
	if amount != -util.Satoshi() && (int64(amount)%int64(math.Pow10(int(MaxAssetPrecision-precision))) != 0) {
		return errors.New("given asset amount has fractional component")
	owner := &keys.PublicKey{}
	err := owner.DecodeBytes(v.Estack().Pop().Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return gherr.Wrap(err, "failed to get owner key")
	if owner.IsInfinity() {
		return errors.New("can't have infinity as an owner key")
	witnessOk, err := ic.checkKeyedWitness(owner)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !witnessOk {
		return errors.New("witness check didn't succeed")
	admin, err := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(v.Estack().Pop().Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return gherr.Wrap(err, "failed to get admin")
	issuer, err := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(v.Estack().Pop().Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return gherr.Wrap(err, "failed to get issuer")
	asset := &state.Asset{
		ID:         ic.tx.Hash(),
		AssetType:  atype,
		Name:       name,
		Amount:     amount,
		Precision:  precision,
		Owner:      *owner,
		Admin:      admin,
		Issuer:     issuer,
		Expiration: ic.bc.BlockHeight() + DefaultAssetLifetime,
	err = ic.dao.PutAssetState(asset)
	if err != nil {
		return gherr.Wrap(err, "failed to Store asset")
	return nil

// assetGetAdmin returns asset admin.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetAdmin(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetAmount returns the overall amount of asset available.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetAmount(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetAssetId returns the id of an asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetAssetID(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetAssetType returns type of an asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetAssetType(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetAvailable returns available (not yet issued) amount of asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetAvailable(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetIssuer returns issuer of an asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetIssuer(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetOwner returns owner of an asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetOwner(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetGetPrecision returns precision used to measure this asset.
func (ic *interopContext) assetGetPrecision(v *vm.VM) error {
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	return nil

// assetRenew updates asset expiration date.
func (ic *interopContext) assetRenew(v *vm.VM) error {
	if ic.trigger != trigger.Application {
		return errors.New("can't create asset when not triggered by an application")
	asInterface := v.Estack().Pop().Value()
	as, ok := asInterface.(*state.Asset)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("%T is not an asset state", as)
	years := byte(v.Estack().Pop().BigInt().Int64())
	// Not sure why C# code regets an asset from the Store, but we also do it.
	asset, err := ic.dao.GetAssetState(as.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("can't renew non-existent asset")
	if asset.Expiration < ic.bc.BlockHeight()+1 {
		asset.Expiration = ic.bc.BlockHeight() + 1
	expiration := uint64(asset.Expiration) + uint64(years)*BlocksPerYear
	if expiration > math.MaxUint32 {
		expiration = math.MaxUint32
	asset.Expiration = uint32(expiration)
	err = ic.dao.PutAssetState(asset)
	if err != nil {
		return gherr.Wrap(err, "failed to Store asset")
	return nil

// runtimeSerialize serializes top stack item into a ByteArray.
func (ic *interopContext) runtimeSerialize(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.RuntimeSerialize(v)

// runtimeDeserialize deserializes ByteArray from a stack into an item.
func (ic *interopContext) runtimeDeserialize(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.RuntimeDeserialize(v)

// enumeratorConcat concatenates 2 enumerators into a single one.
func (ic *interopContext) enumeratorConcat(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.EnumeratorConcat(v)

// enumeratorCreate creates an enumerator from an array-like stack item.
func (ic *interopContext) enumeratorCreate(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.EnumeratorCreate(v)

// enumeratorNext advances the enumerator, pushes true if is it was successful
// and false otherwise.
func (ic *interopContext) enumeratorNext(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.EnumeratorNext(v)

// enumeratorValue returns the current value of the enumerator.
func (ic *interopContext) enumeratorValue(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.EnumeratorValue(v)

// iteratorConcat concatenates 2 iterators into a single one.
func (ic *interopContext) iteratorConcat(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.IteratorConcat(v)

// iteratorCreate creates an iterator from array-like or map stack item.
func (ic *interopContext) iteratorCreate(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.IteratorCreate(v)

// iteratorKey returns current iterator key.
func (ic *interopContext) iteratorKey(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.IteratorKey(v)

// iteratorKeys returns keys of the iterator.
func (ic *interopContext) iteratorKeys(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.IteratorKeys(v)

// iteratorValues returns values of the iterator.
func (ic *interopContext) iteratorValues(v *vm.VM) error {
	return vm.IteratorValues(v)