package tokencontract

import (

const (
	decimals   = 8
	multiplier = 100000000

var (
	owner = util.FromAddress("NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB")
	token nep17.Token
	ctx   storage.Context

// init initializes Token Interface and storage context for the Smart
// Contract to operate with
func init() {
	token = nep17.Token{
		Name:           "Awesome NEO Token",
		Symbol:         "ANT",
		Decimals:       decimals,
		Owner:          owner,
		TotalSupply:    11000000 * multiplier,
		CirculationKey: "TokenCirculation",
	ctx = storage.GetContext()

// Symbol returns the token symbol
func Symbol() string {
	return token.Symbol

// Decimals returns the token decimals
func Decimals() int {
	return token.Decimals

// TotalSupply returns the token total supply value
func TotalSupply() int {
	return token.GetSupply(ctx)

// BalanceOf returns the amount of token on the specified address
func BalanceOf(holder interop.Hash160) int {
	return token.BalanceOf(ctx, holder)

// Transfer token from one user to another
func Transfer(from interop.Hash160, to interop.Hash160, amount int, data interface{}) bool {
	return token.Transfer(ctx, from, to, amount, data)

// Mint initial supply of tokens
func Mint(to interop.Hash160) bool {
	return token.Mint(ctx, to)